Seoul High's Innocent Girl

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Hey everyone! Just saying that I'm going to adjust my writing a little so that I get less dialogue and less thinking and more ACTION!!~~

Hope you don't mind!!


Kyemi's POV

No. No. No. This cannot be happening. Everywhere I looked, students, girls and boys alike were looking at me with jealousy and pure hate in their eyes. Scaaarry~~ But I don't blame them. I understand that the Kingka of Seoul High, being the kid dragging me across the whole entire school to the cafeteria by holding my hand, has "left his innocence" and started "dating the random chick no one has ever seen before". That random chick no one has ever seen before would be me...

Let me explain the social life of Kim Myungsoo.


Myungsoo was a Kingka at my school, Seoul High. Him and his gang called Infinite. Infinite has seven members: Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong. Each with a cold personality, the only exception being Myungsoo. Myungsoo also goes by the alias L. THAT'S when he adopts the cold personality that seems to seep out of the body of the rest of his gang. This is also when everyone should back the HECK away from him. He is scary as when he turns into L. Okay, 's not scary, but I was going to use another bad word... Don't think you'd want to hear that one so I stuck with .

As I was saying!! Infinite is a gang that represents Seoul High. There are other gangs across Seoul but that's not the topic today. Strictly Infinite.

Infinite can be considered one of the most threatening gangs across the High schools, simply because they are fierce and violent. I've never seen a member crack a smile. Never. Except that kid. He's an exception.

At school, Infinite is like ROYALTY! Literally! That's where KINGka came from!? Yeah? No? Okay, whatever, just accept the fact that they are Seoul High Royalty. Girls all throw themselves on them... Only to get thrown back.... If it's not Myungsoo. Myungsoo would have felt guilty. I don't take Physchology for nothing! It's all on his face. Wide eyes, faltering smile, cringing body posture. Yeap, I've seen it countless times, Myungsoo is really too nice to be in a gang. However... There was that one time, when Myungsoo turned into L... And girls threw themselves at him... Didn't turn out so well.

[A/N To avoid confusion. Myungsoo and L is the same person. Just different personalities. When he is happy, he is simply Myungsoo. But if anything ever happens to make him pissed off, his mood will go a complete 180 and change into L. That is what I mean!!~~ ]

Myungsoo goes out with his gang at night to clubs and places like that. There were rumours that they work for a major "Mafia" in Seoul. Weird. I know. Don't even know WHERE that rumour sprang from.

His gang also takes care of other students who offend the school or just get in their way. And by take care of.... I mean... A one way admittance to hospital.

AND TA - DA! That would be a basic summary of the social life of Myungsoo!

How do I know all this? NO! I am NOT a fangirl! Even though he is dreamy and cute... NO! I am NOT! ARRASSO?!

As I was saying, I know all this because a few days after my parents disappearance, a huge white envelope came in the mail. It had information on the major students to "know" in the high schools in a 100km radius from Seoul High. It mainly consisted of the gangs of each high school and the Queenka's. I like to call them the es. Me having photographic memory... I guess all that information just stayed in my head because after reading, the last page had one simple instruction:

Burn this.

And so I did. I still remember everything in it, so there really was no loss of information.

Back to reality, Myungsoo had managed to drag me all the way from the garden to the cafeteria! I kept my head down the whole time avoiding the glares of the other students. But then suddenly, I was pulled into Myungsoo so that his muscular arm was around my shoulders. Then he turned towards me and buried his head into my neck and whispered in my ear, "Ignore them, They're all es anyway."

Oh Myungsoo. How I wish I could. But I can't help but have this feeling of anxiety. You basically are the sole reason to the breaking of the third rule.


By now, all the students had some how acquired my name. I don't see how, no one has ever spoken to me since I started here. During the first few weeks, I would always hide from the students so that they never had the chance to talk to me. My parents must have had some influence over this, but the teachers never mentioned my name during class role. They would always look around the room and say "Her? .... Hmmm.... She's here!" Then as the weeks passed by, students forgot about the new girl and ignored me. Just the way I liked it.

Once inside the cafeteria, Myungsoo had my hand firmly inside the palm of his huge, calloused yet soft hands. I couldn't help but notice, they were also scarred. By this simple gesture, I was led through the cafeteria though there was barely a crowd. Everyone had rushed towards the edges of the room leaving the line empty and the table in the middle completely exposed. *Sigh* I hate cafeteria's.

"What would you like to eat Kyemi-ah?!" Myungsoo, not so quietly. Especially in a quiet room where all you could hear was the chattering of undoubtedly new rumours sparking.

Great, just great. As I was dragged hear, I heard snippets of the rumours regarding my name. Kyemi, was not a candidate. And now, thanks to this little bastard, he just confirmed my name putting an end to the name conspiracies. Thanks a lot. Myungsoo. *Note Sarcasm

I couldn't do anything to him because all his fan girls were watching our every move. One wrong move, and I would be slaughtered by crazy, jealous fan girls.

So instead, I acted neutral.

"Don't worry about me Myungsoo, go get your own food. I'll get my own yeah?" I gave him my most pleading eyes. Please Myungsoo. If you choose my food for me, more rumours will spark that we are dating. But at least, this way, we can be known as friends. Myungsoo was about to shake his head when my eyes started to glare at him and nodded for him.

Defeated Myungsoo gave a confused face in my direction then grabbed two trays.

"Sure, here, take a tray and I'll pay at the end together! That's what FRIENDS are for right?" THANK YOU MYUNGSOO! YOU UNDERSTOOD MY GLARES!!!

With that, I took the tray from him with two hands and bowed to him 45 degrees. In that instant, I knew what image I had to keep up to the rest of the schoo.

"Seoul High's Innocent Girl"

"KASAHMNIDA MYUNGSOO-SHI!!" And with that I flashed him my most dazzling smile.

Hopefully, like this, I'll gain friends rather than enemies...


Xin chào!!~~

How are you readers?! I decided to change the writing style just a bit. I kind of got more information in rather than dialogue! I think I did anyway :/


Until the next update!!


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!