Not so Fast

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

So like, here I am, running my petite away from the back of the school, when.....

I ran into SHINee.


Kay, it's not so bad! You want to know why? Because they were laughing. They weren't just 'laughing' either. They were HYSTERICALLY laughing. Onew was on the floor sprawled out pointing at Jonghyun on the floor in pain, while Minho had started to laugh more like AHA! HA! HAAAA!! HAHA!!! If you get my drift. Taemin had errupted into a fit of giggles, which to be honest, was kinda cute and Key. Well. Key.....

"HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH OMG! JJONG!! YOU LOSER! WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?! HAHAHHAA" All the while laughing between each word, pointing and bending slightly forward holding onto his stomach as if it would fall out.

I was just about to run past them when one held onto my wrist as I tried to evade them. It was Onew. Yeaaaah... That would be the one I punched... In the face... And most probably caused that bruise on the side of his face.... Yeaaauhhh.... so like... My funerals next week! :/

"And where do you think you're going pretty girl?" Onew said. Huh? Pretty Girl? Who wants the death wish here?

"Yah, who are you going around calling pretty? Why can't you call me by my last name or something or even my first name with respect? Huh? Who gives a damn if you're older, you should treat everyone with respect. And you don't even know me, why should you call me pretty? Huh? HUH?!" Breeeeeeathe!!! BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT! ;D

The grip on my wrist relaxed and I turned my gaze towards Onew's eyes. He looked... scared? What's this? Leader of SHINee, suposedly one the greatest 'gangs' in Seoul, is scared? Of a puny little girl. The said girl being me?

HA! Oh how things have turned.

'Relax Kyemi-sshi, We just wanted to take you for some fun today!' Taemin, the one with red hair in a side swept fringe, spoke aloud.

I turned to give him a questioning look.

'You can't be serious.'

'Oh but we are Kyemi-sshi. You see, you... intrigue us. You seem like a fun person to hang out with as well!' THe one called Minho said. Jeez, way to make me sound like an object. I mean, 'Intrique'. Come on boy, what era are you in?

'You don't even know me.' I directed towards him.

'You're right, we don't know you. That's why we're going to the park!! :D' The one who is self-named Key. Like what is that? Key?! Key to what? My ?

But I didn't have time for a comeback because he boldly stepped forward and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards the exit of the back school.

'Let's GOOOO!!~~~' He cheered.

'Ah! Wait. Wait a second! Wait!!' My pleas were unheard and drowned over by the enthusiasm of the boys.

'Oh! Jjoooong!~~~~ COME ON!!! GET UP YOU FAT DINO!!' Key yelled behind us to where Jong was STILL clutching onto himself for his dear life. Surprisingly, I had caught a glimpse of himself getting up and limping towards us.

'Wait! Wait for me!' He called out to us.

'Ha! Look at that boy!' Key whispered in my ear. We were now side by side, him still holding onto my wrist and guiding me, but it was a gentle touch, not a dominating or demanding touch, but a friendly and caring gesture. 'You know he wouldn't stop talking about you since the last incidence?'

'You must be mistaken. What have I done to deserve this!?' I cried out to no one in particular.

'Oh, You've done plenty Kyemi-sshi.' Key piped in quite cheerfully in my ear.

Damn, he has a y voice...

'FIRST STOP! SHINEE'S HANGOUT!!' Taemin exclaimed from my other side. Next thing you know, anyone from the outside would see a poor innocent girl being dragged along by two guys, one with blonde hair and one with red flanking her sides. This was followed by two boys, both seeming to be the older and more mature of the lot, just chatting in the background animatedly. And then there was some creeper in the back, limping while holding onto his inappropriate area with a hand in the air gesturing for the previously said to wait for him.

Anyone looking in from the outside would feel sorry for that guy. But they would also feel envious for that girl.

Who wouldn't want to be in her shoes?



Another update so soon! Trying to make up for not updating in like a week and a bit!

So like, now does this mean she's friends with SHINee AND Infinite? Eh, Who knows. But I know one thing... 3 DAYS TIL HER PARENTS COME BACK!

Or not.

But yeah.


@Pinkypn: Wellllll, HAHA She didn't INTENTIONALLY get herself involved, but I wonder, if she's like this, how the heck had she avoided all of them for like 10 months already!? :o And would you mind if there was like more action? Or adventure in this story? :) Opinions opinions! :)

@Lilmissy: HAHA Thanks to your suggestion! I'm trying to be sidetracked less. It's probably because I get sidetracked a lot in realife. Kyemi is kinda like a reflection to myself. We're a lot alike. HAHA What Kyemi says is what I would say in that situation. Pretty weird huh? AND JJONG! HAHA Poor guy lost his balls. and Update! JA! :)


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!