BEAST is the B2ST!

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Junhyung's POV:

That same day!~

*SHOCK! EVERYDAY I SHOCK!* (A/N Heheh Junhyung should have a Beast song for their ringtone shouldn't they? HEHE)

"WHO DER!?" I sat bolt upright in my comfy bed in my average apartment. Eyes wide open and hand grasping a metal pipe that I hid under my bed. Classy yeah? It was only a few seconds later after eyeing every single angle of my room, that I realised I was alone and that it was my bloody phone going off. 

My next realisation? WHO THE HECK CALLS AT 6:50 IN THE MORNING?! Oh this better be good. I chucked my metal pipe on the floor with a clang and picked up my phone off my bedside table that was covered in magazines. Yeah you know what type, don't bother asking. I am a MAN. with NEEDS WANTS.

"Yoboseyo?" I had a pretty harsh voice but that's what you get for waking me up! AT 6:50 IN THE MORNING! Oh wait.. It's a Monday. A school day. Oh well, i'll let this slide. They saved me from another late day. Not that I care...

"HYUNG!" A squeaky voice called out to me. Oh so it was this kid aye?

"Yeah what?"

"H-H-HYUNG!! *Heavy breathing*" Oh this kid. I was getting impatient! He called me so hurry up and say what he wanted to say!

"YOSEOB! STOP BEING A AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ALREADY?!" I was over my limit. Mianhe Yoseob. I still love you. But you pissed me off.

"Oh Yeah! Um, We need you by the hangout now. Like now now. We're having a meeting okay?! ADIOSS!!!!!!~~" 


AISH! This kid! Hangs up on me before I can ask him why. Welp! Got nothing else to do! Off to the hang out it is! 

Our hangout? It's just an alleyway in the middle of the complex streets of Seoul. Hey! It is a good location! i mean, you got the chicks walking past in hot clothes, dukbokki stands by the side streets, shops and everything else you'll need. So no judging capishe!?

After my shower I changed into my school uniform... with some ammendments. I ed the top 2 buttons of the white blouse which had Cube High's logo embroidered on the pocket and navy blue piping on the edges (A/N HEHE I take textiles and design at school so I sort of know the clothing techniques. Basically piping is the outlined edges of the blouse. So just imagine a white blouse with navy blue outlines on the collar and the cuff of the short sleeves yeah? ^^ ) It was still chilly so I wore the greyish pants. I wore my own nike's, heck! if the school thinks I'll be wearing ugly school shoes, they've officially gone insane. I finished the look with my favourite Dr Dre Beats around my neck. And Ta Da! Finished and ready for school! Oh wait! I forgot my necklace. It was given to me by my mother, it was a strange contraption actually. It had a hollow ball dangling from the silver chain. Eh, whatever, it was from my mum and I love her so I am wearing it. Problem? Didn't think so!

Walking out my door I started walking towards the hangout. To be honest, I was feeling like a pimp. Headphones on, ignoring the stares of the Ahjummas opening their stores and the high school girls ing at me, Yeah that's right, I got my own fan club? Jealous? Don't be. It's creepy having a fan club. Seriously, they stalk you. EVERYWHERE!! O.O

So here i was, ignoring the world just strutting my stuff to the hangout when all of a sudden... SOME CHICK RAN INTO ME! At first glance, she was pretty cute. But then you know what? SHE RAN AWAY?! No "Ah! Mianhe!" or  "You're so hot, what's your name?" No NOTHING! Oh this chicka. She better watch it. If I see her again. I mean... she hurt my Pride! A man has Pride!! SADFACE4LIFE!

Oh well, I'll find her again later. She had her hair in a ponytail! That's all I remember... Wait a second. THAT'S A LOT OF PEOPLE WITH A PONY TAIL!!! 

Eh, i'll let her pass. I'll never see her again anyway. Plus, it was just ONE girl.

It's all good! Once I got to the hangout I was welcomed by Kikwang, Doojoon, Dongwoon, Yoseob and Hyunseng. Then I just sat down on a crate I always sat on by the wall. The meeting was the normal briefing on our gang. You know, rivals and business and all that. Apparently SHINee wants a little somethin' somethin'! Eh, not of my top priority at the moment. That girl was still on my mind. I wonder what her name is.... AISH! JUNHYUNG! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! It's been like 10 minutes since you've met her! Man, that's pathetic. You're like basically whipped. In ten minutes... Man you're screwed. 

My name is Yong Junhyung and I am 18 years old. I attend Cube High as a senior and I am a member of Seouls Gang BEAST. Yes, be SCARED!! OOHHH~~~~ Danger is my middle name ;)



WEE!! I'm happy! I have a few subscribers already! but it would be nice if you commented! :) 

SO! Here is the introduction to Junhyung! I was trying to make him an enjoyable character to read about so tell me what you think? Should I have made him less cocky? :/


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!