Running away... Again... With PANDA! CHYEAH!

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

Faaaaah OUT! Can today get any worse? Seriously man! Woman! CHILD? Whatever. Whoever.

Just a recap of the situation i'm in now? Sure. Well, to pretty much sum it all up. I'm about 500m from home, I got BEAST in front, SHINee behind and Infinite to the right. On my left? A wall. Good work Kyemi! NOTE TO SELF: WALK ON THE ROAD. That way!!! I'll have at least ONE direction to escape through!!!

Back to the present, they were all still staring at me after that PABO, yet ADORABLE, wait! NO KYEMI! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO ADMIRE TAEMIN'S GOOD LOOKS!! Though if there were a time....;D

This scene was so intense that a little boy was riding by on his bike on the road, all the while looking at us non-stop AND his little bike bell thing was ringing. HAHA Cute kid. He was fat. JKS. He was plump. But really, what got my attention was his eyes. They didn't show any fear or curiosity. No, they showed determination and game. Wae?

Oh I get it...

"YO FAGGOTS!" Yeahp. You got it right. That little boy stopped riding his bike and jumped off. He was a little over 1m tall and was around the age of 10. He was in an elementary uniform from Seoul. As previously mentioned... he was plump.

*silence* *crickets**car crash*

"...PFTTTTT BWAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHA" One by one, all three gangs eventually burst out in mock laughter but then as earily as they started, they all abrubtly stopped and said the exact same word.


Poor kid, he dug himself a hole... 

"Wanna say that again? ... Gaylord?" Sunggyu spoke aloud. He turned to s and smirked altogether. They were the closest to the kid since they were by the road side. All together, they started advancing towards the little boy who had held his ground and stared up at them defiantly.

"YEAH! I SAAAAID!!! YO.  FAGGOTS." Oh god. This Kid... I LIKE HIM!!!! *Mentally clapping on for him*

The kid I shall now name PANDA, cos you know.. he's fat... Anyways! At each word, PANDA pushed his face into Sungjongs face who happened to be the closest.

PWAHAHA Oh Sungjong! His face was priceless! Panda had some serious spitting problems so when he was done with SungJong... Welll... His face had become quite... Shiny.... Yeah...

"PWAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! LOOK AT YOUR FACE!!!!" Key had inadvertantly yelled and pointed at SungJong.

"YAAAAAAAAH!!! WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN?! COME HERE YOU SHINING FAGS!!!" Which caused SHINee to walk towards the crowd around Panda and ignite a fight with Infinite. I FEEL WIND ON MY BACK!!!! THE BACK PATH IS FREE!!!!~~~~ But where am I going to go if I went there. I'd just end up back in the city... I'll have to wait and see if BEAST will budge... Speaking of...

"YO KID! Who do you think you are?... Got SHINee AND Infinite fighting... pretty much because of you. I hope you don't intend to include BEAST in your brawl fest... Leggo!" Dongwoon spoke aloud catching everyone's attention and turned to leave. I think they forgot me but then, Junhyung turned around and grabbed my wrist before setting off again. 

"Ya... Yah.... YAH!! LET GO!!! I WANNA WATCH!!!" My protests were pretty weak against Junhyungs strength.. WHERE DOES HE KEEP HIS MUSCLES HIDDEN!!! He kinda looks chubby more than muscular!!!

"Where do you think you're going with that ?" The kid yelled out over the commotion he was in the middle of. Wait... ? ... ?! HE CALLED ME A ?!

This kid has this strange strange ability to want me to punch his face into his balls. The whole area was silent and all eyes had turned to me and Panda... Oh IT IS ON!!!! *SNAP SNAP!* 

I was making my way forward when L had finally made an appearance..

"Just who do you think you're calling... s...l...u..t?" He had started to trail his finger down the kids fat chest as an intimidating gesture. It worked.

"N-n-n-o one...."

*SLAM!* L pushed the kids bike over onto the road in a clang. "BULL You meant no one! You were talking about that beautiful lady over there weren't you?! WEREN'T YOU?!" Okay... Okay... L IS FREAKING SCARING ME.

Thinking now is the time to stop him before the kid really DID get his face implanted into his balls, I had slowly and silently made my way to the front line and placed my hand on L's bulging arm. 

"Calm down Myungsoo. He didn't mean it. Didn't you?" I spoke to Panda with an intimidating glare that could probably burn if they could and in an instant the kid had apologized.

But that didn't mean the others were finished with him.

Junhyung spoke up, "YAH! ? !??! WHO ARE YOU CALLING A ?!" BEAST had now joined the front line and were pushing Panda around until he fell. Me with the good heart helped him up then turned to the three gangs.

"Yah.... he's only 10. He probably doesn't even know what it means... Just let him go...." I said softly, gazing into each and every gang members eyes... then pushed Panda towards his bike. In turn, he gratefully bowed to me and ran off to his bike. But then I took them all by surprise and I yelled the one thing i knew best...

"RUN FAT KID RUN!!!!" And with that, I ran my skinny all the way home with Panda trailing behind going his own way on his puny bike with 3 gangs running after him.

Sigh, poor kid. WELP! He started it!! I gave him a head start anyway! He should be thankful!!



Hey guys!!! So sorry for the mini hiatus!! But i just didn't feel like writing, i'm not going to lie. LOL!

WELP! This was sort of a filler chapter for the next one which will beee~~~ TA DA!!!! THE DAY HER PARENTS COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!

ADIOS UNTIL THEN!!! I'm not going to do personal comments today! Cos i'm in a rush!! I have to go out for dinner in like 5 minutes!!!



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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!