The Scouting Progress

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

"Is this really necessary?"

"HUSH CHILD. I SAY HUSH!!" Immediately a stick with a brush on the end of it attacked my eye balls as SOMEONE's firm hands held my chin to keep my face in position.

"Y-Yah!!! CHINCHA!!! Key!!! Keep calm and..." I was going to say something far more crude but when I looked into his eyes, I saw this evil glint. One that said "-i-will-put-a-fat--layer-of-bb-cream-next-if-you-don't-keep-calm"

"Carry on... Heh..."

"Look Kyemi, If you're going to represent US, SM&YG, you're going have to LOOK like SM&YG. Which is.." Jonghyun piped in a few seconds later.

"y. Elegant. Mannered. Hot. I got it the last 500 times DinoJjong."

"YAH!" Stiffling a laugh behind my calm composure, my lips twitched just the slightest.

"Exactly why Key Umma is fixing you up." Taemin quipped.

"I know I'm not exactly a y face.."

"You're right. You're not y, you're too cute. tch, no-no. This can't do. I need a bucket of bb cream."

I drew the line. As if mascara didn't do the trick!? I thought eye liner made you look instantly ier!!!

"Yah, yah, yah. Out. Now, Palli. Chop chop. Out. I got this." I stood up and pushed everyone out of the room including the forever persistant Key. When I turned around Minho was still on the couch sleeping, one hand on his phone and the other behind his head. I decided to just leave him be.

Looking in the mirror, I observed my face done up by Key previously, he had just applied some eye liner and mascarra... By eyes look bolder, but not striking. It didn't blend well. My skin tone could stay, it's not like my skin was bad. It was just my eyes were too cute. I needed to fix that.

There was eye shadow by the desk which I gladly grabbed. I saw the outfit they had picked for tonight. We were going to the rookie gangs hangout, the SM&YG Club. It was where all the rookie gangs went to try and get scouted by bigger gangs. Which doesn't happen all too often. So instead, it turned into just a regular club where the gangs had an agreement. No fights within the vicinity. Although that didn't stop them once they were outside the doors. I hated going there before a few days ago. All the teeny bopper gangs would act all top and that. I once was friends with one of the guys. His name was Gongchan. Before he was such a sweet kid, but then after he entered the "gang" scene, he started texting me "lyke d1s". and I declared our friendship over.

Tonight, SHINee and I are going to scout out the most potential gangs to rise up. If anywhere were to be appropriate to start, it would be here. Key and Jonghyun had a little hissy fit over what I was going to wear. Eventually, they settled on a white dress that rose to my mid-thighs and a light denim jacket with studs on the shoulders. SM&YG right there. Now just for the face to match the clothes

After 20 minutes I was ready. Actually, I was ready 5 minutes ago but I was too scared to go out.

"You look lovely Kyemi." Wha-Who?!

"Oh, It's you.. You really think so?"

"I do." Minho breathed. He then gave me the tightest hug I've ever had.

"It's okay you know that? Everything is going to be okay." And with that, he left the room. I was left there thinking, is it really?

I stepped out of the guest/my room and stepped down the 3 steps into the open living room where the rest of the boys were and Minho was getting settled onto the couch.

I coughed a bit to rid the atmosphere of the unwanted attention on me. Which seemed to work on all but 1.

"Yah! DINOJONG! Stop staring!!" I murmured the last part while looking down. I couldn't meet his eyes. But when I looked up, It seems he had shaken out of his reverie.

"Well! We all good? We good, and we're off!!" Onew announced and grabbed me in a side hug as he walked past me towards the foyer door.

I was strapping on my black Chanel heels the boys got for the outfit. Just as I was about to grab the second shoe, another hand whipped out and grabbed it before I could. Next thing I knew, smooth and soft but worn hands held my ankle and eased my foot into the shoe. Looking into the eyes of my "prince" I saw Jonghyun's strong and gazing eyes stare back into mine. We held each others gaze until Taemin bounded in and tapped Jjong on his back.

"Hurry Hyung, everyone is waiting." and like that, the moment passed. Jonghyun coughed a bit and then held out a hand to which i took hesitantly. But then as he pulled me up, I was pulled into his moulding body and I felt his fit form through his thin V-neck gray shirt.

"Be careful tonight Kwon. Kye. Mi. Wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face." And like that, he left me at the door holding the elevator open for me to catch up to the rest of the boys.


Well, I can safely say this is the first party I've been too. 1) I was too young before my parents left 2) When I was old enough, my parents had left

It was exactly how I thought it was, like the movies. Guys pretending like they had swag, girls thinking they could get the guys with "swag" through dressing like es, dance floor packed with teenagers grinding all over each other, walls plastered with guysxguys guysxgirls girlsxgirls having a go at eating each others faces, the strobe lights making use by temporarily blinding everyone making everyone look good, bar packed with people and drinks illuminated by neon blue lights. Yep, this is exactly how I thought a club would be, I couldn't help but feel just a tad disappointed at human nature.

But this club was a little on the upscale side, it had multiple levels, the bottom as the dance floor, the second as a drinking area with tables and chairs, you could look down into the dance floor, the third level was completely dark, but I knew it was there, you could see the bar railings from the bottom floor. There was an extravagant crystal chandelier hanging from the centre that stretched from the top of the third floor ceiling down to just above the second floor so that it wouldn't obstruct the view of the pulsating club main floor.

As soon as SHINee pulled up in their luxury cars, they had one each, but we decided to just take two cars tonight, I shared with Onew and Minho, So I had a good quiet thinking time.

Me and the boys had to push past all the clambering girls trying to get a piece of them. It was quite frightening really, but it seems as if they were used to it as they simply smiled and pushed their way through. They positioned themselves so that I was in the centre and no one could really see me. We took the glass elevator up to the second floor where we claimed a secluded table to ourselves. Of course, being in a club which SHINee practically owned gave us special privilidges such as skipping the 500m line out front, gaining access to this table and most exclusively a tablet with views of all security cameras in the club.

"So this is B1A4. Newly formed, one guy is good with some guns but that's about it. Nothing much special. Just a bunch of posers. (A/N I love B1A4, don't kill me.)" Minho informed as he zoomed in on 5 guys sitting in a booth together with girls in between them.

"Noted, Not impressed. Next." I murmured. I was getting a headache from all the thumping from the wall behind me. Onew leaned into my ear and said, "THOSE rooms are behind you. Just try to ignore the noise. They'll stop. Eventually." And he gave me a wink before calling a waitress over to get drinks.

When the waitress left all smiles as the boys all charmed her, Minho continued.

"Here's 2PM. I hear they're scaling the ladder, but a lot of them have the same weakness. Girls. They can't act normally around them. Too much of a liability."


"Oh, Here's Teen Top-"

"What kind of name is that?! We all know you're teens. *sigh* next."

As you can imagine, I got sick of this game pretty fast..

"Miss A-"

"Does one have an attitude problem? Can't hold in their temper? Oh wait, is one of them in love? and that's her weakness? OH! Better yet! Is another foreign and can't speak this language properly?" I took a guess in the bag of "these-are-common-weaknesses" that i've been hearing all night.

Everyone had remained in this table but the empty glasses had started to show on the table tops and everyone was getting impatient. It seems as if Day 1 was a flop.

"Oh wait, here's a good one. BEAST."

"BEAST? You mean those guys you were facing off like a few days ago?" I muttered absent mindedly leaning back on my chair, arm draped across my face.

"Yeah, them. They're all decent fighters, close and afar, and they each specialise in something. One even hacked into the National Guard database." Minho continued.

"You know... They're not completely a bad idea.." Onew noted.

"The last time we met, they didn't know who we really were. Let's see how they'll behave when they realise exactly who we are." Jonghyun input with a twinkle of his eyes.

"WAITER!!!! Place a message to the DJ. Get BEAST up here. Now." Key ordered the smiling girl. Vulnerable. That's what she is.

"Now we'll just sit and wait for them to come up. Watch their every move guys. Watch for potential. It's not completely hopeless afterall" I murmured at the end.

And so we did. We sat and waited, beyond the DJ pausing the music and giving BEAST our shoutout. Few minutes later the ping to the elevators were heard and the 6 boys appeared, anxious and nervous as ever. And so we waited, for thier reaction when they saw us sitting in the furthest corner of the club in the dark. The only light was from our glinting eyes. *Let's scare them a bit. This night was uneventful as it was* we all thought.



Enjoy this new chapter! Trying to get straight to the point from this chapter and onwards!!!

--iluvreading-- : Updated!! :D

rizac91: Am I feeding your addiction?! I feel like a bad guy selling drugs :3

chrlnleong: Yep! Pretty much!!! LOL But they don't want to be in this business anymore. They realised that there is other things in life than shooting and selling drugs etc.

MYFOURKs: Welcome new reader!!! :)


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!