Accepted into Infinite

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

O...kaaay?.... What was that? One minute Myungsoo was stopping me from sitting down with my friends for lunch, the next SHINee walks in the cafteria causing a scene, I get into a little predicament involving staring competitions and punching the leader of SHINee and then Infinite walks in telling them off in a nice and subtle way and then SHINee walks out giving us a warning....

Well I don't know about you but that spells w.e.i.r.d all oooovveeer~~~

Eh, back to the present, Myungsoo had dragged me away when I was cradling my poor poor fist. Not that it hurt, I was just seeing if there was any scratches or anything that ugly bastard had caused upon me when I punched his ugly face. Come to think of it, I should have punched that Jonghyun kid. Would have been nice to punch that thing out.... Buuuut!! I already won against him in that staring competition, so I'll give the man some pride. Jks, man? What man?

Well, now here I am... Standing in front of Infinite.... Who are in a line...





Don't you like crowd around each other or something, not give a full body view of yourself for the person you're greeting. Plus it was a bit intimidating. Blegh, whatever, my image was totally ruined. From Seoul High's Innocent Princess to Seoul High's Unpredictable Chicka Babe. No seriously. As Myungsoo was walking me towards Infinite, I heard some girl murmur those exact. words. Mind. Blown. WHO COMES UP WITH TITLES LIKE THAT?!

Whatever, Now I can just be whoever the heck I wanna be, because the titles will just change as I change. No problemo for me. But that just means that I have officially been picked up and thrown onto the limelight in school... Thanks to Myungsoo. That bastard.

"Who's she L?" Some guy from Infinite said. I wasn't really paying attention, I was using my super good hearing to sensor Infinite out and the crowd in. Apparently, I was becoming something like a Queenka. I DON'T WANT TO BE A QUEENKA!!! I WANT TO BE ME. WAIT FOR MY MUM AND DAD. AND STILL NOT BE A QUEENKA! One can live without being a Queenka you know. One can also live without contact with the Kingka's. Little did I know that, the last line was not true. Well on my case that is (A/N HINT!!! ;D )

..... Wait a second... Did that guy who I later distinguished as Sunggyu, call Myungsoo.... L?

OOOHHHHH MYYYYYYY DUKKBOKKII!!!!!! .... L is like the alter-ego of Myungsoo. It's when he gets mad and like changes into some uncontrollable guy who is like really Violent and like ... like.... like... Violent!! O.o. Okay. That last bit was a direct quote from some girl who happened to be within some hearing distance from me. It's not like my notes said any different but I just thought it was some sort of exxagerration to get me to stay away... Apparently not.

I looked down at our entwined hands that he was some what crushing and followed it up from his nice and toned arms, past his strong shoulders and neck with a bulging vein sticking out of it, and up to his clenched jaw and staring straight into his firece eyes. As soon as our eyes came into contact, I realised the seriousness of my situation and tried to back away. By back away I meant discreetly pulling my hand free of his. But that didn't work.

Then the weirdest thing happened. It wasn't just weird. It was like how you would describe having a nuclear bomb drop over a country but nothing was damaged. It was like how you would describe seeing some guy you've never seen before come up to you saying you were best friends in pre-school. It was just soo. soo. sooooooo..... Bizarre... 

That.. That THING just suddenly transformed from L... into Myungsoo. In like 3 seconds flat. And this was no normal thing. Usually calming L down to his normal Myungsoo phase took about 5 hours with some intense kicking on unsuspecting high school boys who got in his way. But... after he looked into my eyes... he instantly transformed... Hey! I'm not giving myself any credit or anything but really! That's what happened! The whole cafeteria was in shock. Everyone knew what L was like. I could see it in their eyes before, they thought he was going to rip my arm out of my sockets when he was holding onto my hand. But now that I looked, his hand relaxed on mine and he was just... holding it!

Even Infinite was a little confused. If anything, they were bewildered. They kept looking at me and then looking at him and then me and him and me and him and yeah. You get my drift. Like Tokyooooo~~ ;D

"So Hyung.... Who's this cutie?" Sungjong said walking up to me disordering the line Infinite had formed. Sungjong ran a finger along my jaw line. Right then and there, I right hooked him. The second guy and third attempt within 20 minutes. Oh they just kept on coming didn't they?

"AH! Mianhe! Mianhe! Just ... Please don't touch me like that. I don't appreciate that sort of behaviour from a stranger." I still felt bad for the guy. Like I heard he was a cutie.. Maybe he was just playing around. Please forgive me? Don't hurt me.

For a minute, Sungjong stood there rubbing his jaw looking at me with curiosity. Then all of a sudden, he embraced me!

He hugged me!

I felt Myungsoo's hand being disconnected from mine and Sungjongs arms around my neck in a friendly hug.

"I like you! I approve!" Sungjong said once he pulled away and held me at arms length. Then he pulled me in again and hugged me for the second time. Now this was the Sungjong I had observed, The little cutie pie who turns aggressive at the turn of offence.

Next thing I knew, he had grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the centre table. Strictly reserved for the Kingka's. The rest of Infinite gave me discreet smiles and nods so as to not damage their image of being careless. But I knew better. Most people in the spotlight have an image and a real personality hiding behind it.

Sungjong who had yanked a chair from under the of some freshman who didn't do anything. Even though there was an empty chair right next to him, Sungjong just had to take the chair that was occupied causing the person sitting on it to fall on his . But there was nothing that the guy could do except get up and move to the chair beside him and ignore the stares he was getting to avoid further humiliation. That was how the minds of the rest of the student body behaved. Do what your told, stay out of the way and don't talk back. But I just HAD to go against nearly a majority of those rules just then. And now, here I am. Sitting between Myungsoo and Sungjong, being introduced to the rest of the boys.

It was only half way through lunch and halfway through an interesting conversation about what the boys did and liked that I heard the crowd who had resumed talking about us, around us. That I was the first outsider to sit on that table. I was also the first girl to talk to them. I was the first to make them all laugh.

I was the first girl accepted into Infinite.

Oh what fun awaits me? But I couldn't help but also notice... I was actually having fun! And I think, for a long time, the boys actually enjoyed the company of a girl other than their family and odd friends.

But what I failed to notice was the seething that was coming from two sisters from which I would have called best friends. What I failed to notice was the hatred in their eyes. What I failed to notice was how I was pretty much being used. Fun life.



How are you readers!? Seriously, not expecting so many readers! Anyways! Next chapter will be after school where maybe, just maybe another appearance of a gang or a member will appear. Just maybe ;)

So what do you think? The two girls are pretty damn obvious. But next two chapters that will be revealed. I'm guessing.

So tell me!!!~~~ Which gang do you want more of? Obviously, I'll be putting more of each but because Infinite is in her school, it's only natural to include them a bit more. BUT! Doesn't mean she'll end up with Myungsooooo ;D


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!