The Gardens?! WHO IS THIS GUY?!

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

Mmm, this is comfortable. So damn comfortable. So.. So... SO comfortable..... mmMMMmmm....

! WHAT HAPPENED?! I sat up abruptly to find myself in the middle of the school garden.

How in the HECK did I get here?

Did something happen? Was I knocked out and then carried here by Junhyung's fangirls? Or was I abducted by aliens and then returned to Earth in the school gardens with my memory wiped?

The garden looks normal enough! The same fish pond with fresh running water in the corner, a little stone bridge going over it where students like to think about things in general, cherry blossoms lining the pathway to the gardens, green, fresh grass that gave off that spring smell and flowers strategically placed. Okaaay... Since the garden looks fine... what happened to me?

I still looked the same. I patted myself down frantically not sure whether I was hoping for an extra arm or not. All safe. So what happened?

I looked around the garden again and concluded that I was somehow brought to the big oak tree in the far corner of the garden. Scanning Scanning Scanning Scanning.... WAIT! WHAT'S THAT?!

I directed my gaze towards the area behind me and lowered it....


Some guy was leaning against the oak tree as well! And he was sleeping!!! WAIT! WHAT'S THE TIME?! The garden was empty... So it's either after school or... during class... O.O nooOOoOOooOooOooOOoo MR HAN IS GOING TO CUT ME TO BITS! AGAIN! I swear.

Last time I was late, he told me to wait after class. And then when I approached him, he had this silvery evil glint in his eyes and opened his draw. Than he pulled out his scissors. LIKE WHO THE HECK PULLS OUT SCISSORS!? And he placed them in the middle of the table. Do you know what he said to me?

"When I was a kid... anyone who was late to class... Had one finger cut off..."

And in between each pause, he twirled the scissors on the desk that was the only barrier between us.





So there I was ting bricks and THANK THE LORD that some guy from class walked in and announced that he had left a book behind. I took that opportunity of distraction to run my out of that class.

And that ladies and gents, is why I was never late to class again...

ANYHOW! Back to present...

I am now late. And my finger will be cut off. Like no joke. Okay, I know he was just joking... But really. REALLY?! What teacher threatens a student by cutting off their fingers!?

Scarred for life.

But really... Who is this guy?!

His bangs were covering his eyes.. So I can't really identify him. I have really good memory with faces. Like photogenic! Yeah! I kinda am... I was told this by a doctor when I was 8. That's why I'm actually really smart... But I don't like showing off my brain capacity... But that's another story for another time!!!!~~~ (A/N This is actually pretty important for later!!! Remember this!!! )

I bent down to examine his features. He was wearing the school uniform, so he was obviously from my school. He wasn't just tresspassing.. Like that stupid Cube High. Last time that happened.... *SHIVERS* I was nearly caught out. Not to mention, that Junhyung goes to that school...  But he still has fangirls from my school! How is it that he is THAT popular. I don't get it. He's not even hot. :/


...Huh? Wait a second... Wasn't I just lying there before? Before I woke up... I swear I was lying right where he was... LIKE RIGHT THERE.... That could only mean one thing... I was sleeping on his lap. WHAT DUH?!

WHO IS THIS KID?! Only one way to find out...

Should I push his fringe up? To look at his face? Or should I leave him be? NO! I need to find out if he me or something!!! That's stupid Kyemi. You're clothes are still on. Pabo.

For some unknown reason, I am now currently spazzing and talking to myself a few feet away from him. Wasn't I just sqautting down in front of him?

Okay. I've lost it. BUT WHO CARES!!!~~ My parents left me, and until then, I'm allowed to be crazzzy!!! :D

I'mma do it!! Imma do it noowww!!! Step one. Squat in front of the boy. *squatting*

Step two. Raise your hand towards the guy's forehead. *Raising.... AND BACK DOWN!!!!*

"Am I that pretty?" The guy suddenly said.

He opened one eye and eyed me amused. Next thing we both knew, he stretched his arms and moaned out of satisfaction for his nap. Then he stood up and lowered a hand to me while I was still squatting.

God, I'm such an idiot! Reply already !

"Who are you?!" Really? Is that the best you can come up with?! Who are you? REALLY?! *Sigh* Kyemi... You've officially lost it. What happened to the calm and collected Kyemi?! Oh yeah, she left as soon as her parents did....

"You don't know me?" He said disbelievingly.

"Ani!! I do know you! It's just, why was I sleeping on you L?"

"Please, call me Myungsoo, Kyemi-ah!" He said with the most blinding smile. God, he's cute. It's no wonder why the girls of Seoul High love him.

"And to answer your question, this morning, you bumped into me and dropped your phone! So when I came to give it back, you sort of... blanked out on me. So I had no choice but to take you to the sick bay to get you treated. But when I got there, the nurse was actually off. So I COULD have let you rest in the sick bay beds, but the garden was so much nicer!! So I brought you here! And ta-da!! We're both awake and well now! I hope. Are you okay Kyemi-ah?" Wow. I know remember. EVERYTHING. KWON KYEMI! SINCE WHEN DID YOU EVER FAINT! You need to start working out again ><

"Ah, I see, Kahsamnida Myungsoo-shi!" I thanked him and bowed. Then I realised....

"But where's my bike?!"



How is this chapter!? Bit longer than the others. And basically a bit of a filler.

But still!

I'm so happy I have so many subscribers already!!! Thankyou all!!!

Hopefully you like it!

Oh and I decided to put all the three gangs in different schools. So I will now be editing the other chapters where I say Junhyung goes to Seoul High!! He now goes to Cube high!!!

Sorry for the confusion but it seems more fitting!! :)


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!