Reality Bites

Reality Bites {Complete}
Fan Fiction

Reality Bites


As Selina is in Jiro's arms and melting in his kisses,the cell phone rang.Jiro tried to ignore it but the noise it creates certainly puts anybody out of the mood.Jiro slowly pulled away trying to catch his breathe,he barely utter a word as he open his phone.

"Hello Jiro where have you been?"the voice in the other end said,speaking in Chinese

"Yes,yes,I'm here"Jiro responded sounding annoyed.He got out of the room as he point to Selina.Selina just smiled back.

"Are you here in Taiwan already?"she said."They are asking when are you really coming?You have not called.So what is your plan?"

"I'm going home two days from now,don't tell anybody,I'm here in Taipei now.I was about to call you today.We are still on tomorrow for dinner but nobody should know alright".

Yes,yes,what are you up to now.I don't understand this.They are talking to them already and they are setting up the date
of your meeting sometime next week.Are you still going to your plan,there is no way they will agree ,I am just reminding you,if you fight it,b e ready for the long haul.

"I know,I know"Jiro said"Thanks for the vote of confidence"

"I am just warning you.I'm feeling so guilty now,it could have been me,or better if is me,at least I am not in love with anybody.Sorry bro"She said

"No it is not your fault,we'll work this one out"Jiro said but somehow his voice is faltering as he said that.

"Tomorrow,I'll call you" as he closed his cell phone.Jiro put his hands on his head as he tried to pull his hair back as a sign of desperation.

Selina went out of the room and Jiro forced a smile.She came to him and put her arms on his neck as she look at him.She put her lips to him trying to continue what was interrupted,but Jiro is already distracted.

"Uhm and who was that?"Selina said"My boyfriend is hiding something from me"teasing him.

"My sister,we are going to see her tomorrow but for now let me show you Taipei,our capital city.ready for the tour?"

"Sure,as long as you are my tourist guide" as they clasped their hands and walk out.

They tried the city's Metro Railway Transit as they went around the city.They went to national palace Museum where they trace back China's history through their artifact.It contain one of the biggest collection of Chinese artifacts that they have to rotate the collections every three months.
The whole day is not enough to see the whole collections.

They went to the shopping district in the afternoon and when it was dark they went to Taipei 101 in the observatory to view Taipei at night.It was beautiful and Selina have a good time.

Later that night,Jiro brought her to the temple overlooking the city.There they prayed to the deities and Gods.Jiro and Selina prayed for their relationship and vowed to love and take care of each other as they lighted incensed in the temple.

They went back to the hotel exhausted.They barely made it to their suite.They slumped themselves in the sofa hugging each other.

"Thank you for this day"Selina said as she kissed him on the cheeks.,and was about to get up to go to her room but Jiro pulled her down in the sofa.

"You can do better than that"as he kissed her on lips this time more passionate than before.His lips seeking deeper and found her tongue and it tasted sweet and he cannot seem to let it go.His embrace tighter and he knows he is losing control.He wants her now,he wants her to be her in his arms forever,and suddenly he remembers the unresolved problem they have to face.Slowly he loosen his embrace and she let her go.Selina was in a dizzy spell,she was unable to stand up after that.

"You better go,before I changed my mind"Jiro said and he still have that longing look in his eyes.Selina went but somehow she was feeling disappointed.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
you got my attention...good :3
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
I love Jiro's role here.^^
Hainexazien #8
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Hey Anne,

I'm glad you decided to used this poster. Just ask me anytime when you need another one. good luck with the stories.
Thanks for the poster...I already put it on...I really appreciate it.I like it a bunch.I choose this for this is a Jirlina and Bebu story...