Swept Off My Feet (Chunji)

Perfect Harmony One Shot Request Shop Archives
Writer:  CheshireXOXO
Genre:  romance, comedy
Requestor:  AkariChan
Pairing:  Chunji x OC
Credit:  < a tori creation >
Swept Off My Feet

It was early morning. The sun's rays weren't harsh at this time of day. It was the perfect time to go to the beach. A small group of girls were crossing the wide expanse of sand leading up to the water.

"Wasn't this such a great idea, Eunmi?" a girl asked.

The girl known as Eunmi shrugged. "I don't see why you brought me along, Jangmi. You know I can't swim well. It would have been a lot more fun if it were just you guys."

"No way!" Jangmi said adamantly. "You're our friend so it's right that you be here with us." 

The other two girls with Jangmi and Eunmi nodded.

"Besides," Jangmi clapped a hand on Eunmi's shoulder, "take a look."

Jangmi nodded at the tall, white lifeguard chair. Seated in the chair was a young man wearing sunglasses, red shorts, and a white wife beater. The wind played with his platinum blonde hair  His jawline was so sharp, you could grate cheese on it. His lips were just perfect and his adams apple though... 



He just his lips.

"Cute, huh," Jangmi nudged Eunmi's side gently. "We knew you would like him."

"He's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen," Eunmi said with a lovesick sigh.

"Then let's go for a swim." Jangmi sent her a playful wink as she and the other girls began to take off their coverups and shorts. Eunmi rolled her eyes as she watched her friends run towards the cold water and running back to shore when the waves lapped at their feet.

Instead of swimming, Eunmi decided to roll out the beach blanket, setting up the beach umbrella at just the right angle to give the little area some protection from the sun.

The beach wasn't exactly empty. There were athletic people out for a run and athletic people lifting weights.

Darn those athletic people.

Being in shape.

Eunmi became a bit self conscious of her body. She looked towards the lifeguard chair where the handsome lifeguard was much too busy watching out for the early morning surfers and swimmers. Too busy to pay attention to those on shore anyways.

Well, Eunmi wasn't going to catch his attention by staying out of the water. She took off her coverup to reveal a modest tankini and ran towards where her friends were.

"Cold!" Eunmi exclaimed.

Her friends laughed. Jangmi splashed her gently sending shivers up Eunmi's spine.

"Jangmi, stop that!" Eunmi exclaimed. "The water's too cold!"

"Well, it won't get any warmer unless you get used to it."

Jangmi made a good point.

"Come on!" Jangmi pulled Eunmi's arm and she and the other girls ran deeper into the water where a wave was beginning to form.

"One.. Two.. Three.. Run!"

The girls ran towards the shore as the wave began to crash. Eunmi however was still getting used to the water and was a bit more sluggish than the other girls.

The wave came up behind Eunmi and pulled her down. She let out a shriek underneath the water as she felt its icy cold grip.

Eunmi's friend laughed as they walked towards the shore.

"That was really funny," One said as she wrung out her hair.

"Wait," Jangmi looked around. "Where's Eunmi?"

The girls turned back looking for their friend. When they saw an arm poke out of the water, they started to run towards it.


Before they could reach her, the lifeguard zoomed past them, immediately diving into the water.

Eunmi thrashed about as the water kept pulling her down. Water had gotten into and nose and it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe. Suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her to the surface.

As soon as the fresh air hit her, she started to cough.

"It's okay. I've got you."

Eunmi looked up to see the face of the person that saved her. The light from the sun highlighted his handsome features and his wet hair framed his gorgeous face.

If she weren't so cold, Eunmi might have felt her face heat up.

The handsome lifeguard brought her to shore where her friends were waiting by the beach blanket. 

"Thank you so much for saving her," Jangmi said thankfully.

"Well, it is my job." He set her down gently and wrapped her with a towel. "Are you cold?" He asked Eunmi.

She nodded and he wrapped her in another towel.

"We'll let you catch your breath," Jangmi said, flashing Eunmi a wink before pulling the other girls away.

"Thank you..." she said quietly, rubbing her arms to warm herself up.

"No problem. I'm Chunji by the way," he held out his hand and she shook it.

"I'm Eunmi."

He gave her a soft smile. "Wow, that wave must have really swept you off your feet."

"Yeah, just a bit... Good thing you were there to rescue me." Eunmi turned her head to the side and coughed up some sea water still lodged in

Chunji sat next to her and rubbed her back gently. Eunmi's cheeks flushed. "Shouldn't you get back on the lifeguard chair?"

He shrugged. "My shift is over," he said pointed to the new person sitting in the lifeguard chair. "Besides, I'd rather sit here with you."

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Chapter 9: hahahaa this one is really funny! i'm like jinhee. thought they were going to steal drugs, it was cheesecakes after all.