Past past life

The after life

Luhan is already worried. Why on earth did he do this? Why calling Baekhyun? From the very begining he didnt want to have anything to do with Park Chanyeol, yet there he was trying to take him out of his crazyness. Sigh.

Lumin crawls her way to her father as he arrives. The house is full of noices, of life. Xiumin seems to be making Sehans homework. He picks up the baby from the floor and thats when everyone notice that he is at home.

"Hi papa", Sehan looks bored.

"Hi baby", he goes to kiss them both.

"Hello to you too", Xiumin sais as he recieves a peck on the lips and a pat on his belly.

He doesnt say anything but he looks distracted, Xiumin notices but he doesnt say anything. He could be tire after all.

Luhan gives Lumin a bath and puts her to bed. Then helps Sehan to arrange his school things and puts him to bed too. He wouldnt change this for anything in the world, that is why he cant understan Yifan.

He goes to the living room where Xiumin is watching tv. He open his arms to him.

"Are you gonna tell me whats going on?", he asks as Luhan sits beside him and puts his arm around him. Luhans takes such a deep breath that Xiumin starts to think that something really bad happend. He looks at him with big eyes.

"Aww bunny you are so cute", he cant not kiss him. He hugs him tighter and rubs his belly.

"You are scaring me"

"To tell you the truth Im a little scare too"


Yixing comes out of the shower in a hurry. He calls for Fanxing. He doesnt hear him around.

"Baby?", he crawled his way out of the bathroom. Damn this child. Theres not much to worry really, he knows where he is, is like this at this hour. He goes towards the door and sits in front of it, Yifan tought himn this. "You sit here and papa comes", he told him as he poked his head from behind the door. This is the hour that Yifan use to come home from work.

"Come here baby", he lifts him up. He complains a little. Its hearbreaking because Fanxing cant insult, he cant even put his feelings in words. Yixing already talked to him, he knows that he doesnt understand completly, maybe at all, but he still tries. "Papa had to leave but he will be back...just not yet". "Do you remember the video of papa in that city? He is there now. Later he will be back". Yeah, maybe. "For now is Yixing and Fanxing, the best baby and the best papa in the world".

He hates Yifan at times like this, he can handle his own heartbreak, but Fanxing? What an Yifan is...Arrgg.


The day is like any other at the comic book store, clients and people. Yixing is starting to get a hold of it. Its times.

The little bell of the door sounds across the place forcing Yixing to look.

"Hey welcome"

"Hi. How are you?", Dayhyun sais softly, he is very polite, Yixing thinks. They bow to eachother.

"Im fine, thank you"

"I brought the papers Xiumin hyung asked", he said opening his brief case. "Here"

"Thank you. He told me you would come", Yixing smiled.

"Oh, you are here too", the lawyer talks to the baby playing behind the counter.

"Xingie say hi", Yixing goes to lift the baby up and sits him on the counter. Dayhyun coos at him.

"Hello baby...look at you so cute...", he pokes Fanxings cheeks, he giggles and lifts his arms to him. "Awww...come here", he takes him in his arms and the boy hangs his little arms around the others neck and hides his face there. "Are you shy?", he teases.

"Im sorry he will drool on your suit", Yixing tries to take his son back, but cant.

"Is ok I dont mind....I dont mind you...", he tells the baby and spins him a little. Fanxing burst into a laughing fit, the cutest thing ever heard. Dayhyun lets himself hug the boy tighter. Yixing watches them.


The day goes by with not much to do. At the end Yixing can see why: its about to rain. By the time he actually has to exit the store it seems like the sky is about to fall. The thunders made Fanxing really uncomfortable.

"Calm down, we are leaving already", he bounces the baby as he gets his bag. The door bell interupts his leave. "Im sorry sir we are clos...Oh is you. Oh my God come on in", he tells Dayhyun who enters wet to the bone. "What happend? Did you forget something here?"

"No...hehe...I was around with some clients and well the storm broke through and I thought I could...uhm...offer you a ride...". Right, Yixing was about to call Luhan, so he cant really refuse. A thunder rawrs through the sky only to make his baby scream in fear.

"Yes, thank much Dayhyun ssi", they run out of the store, the lawyer carries the bags and Yixing tries to protect his baby from the water. "We are gonna wet your car", he tells Dayhyun whe he is inside in the back sit.

"Dont worry Im wet myself", he smiles. "Is he ok?", Fanxing is sniffing, to much noise.

"Yeah he is a little scare I guess"

"Dont worry little man, Ill get you and your appa home, safe, in no time"


"I really wanted this to be good ews, but...Anyway Ill tell you the whole story", Xiumin noded. "After Chanyeol showed up again, I...really didnt want you close to him, so I tried to do something to solve his ...situation and when Dayhyun showed me some photos of the trial and Baekhyun I thought Ive seen that face and..."

"You looked for him too?", he sounded happy.

"Yes, but dont get ahead...I found out the he was actually a very important blogger for the anti slavery movement, back then and now, he represents a movement that is kind of radical. Anyway Kim Boixan, thats his name now. I wrote him on his blog board but never got an answer, later a friend got his email, I wrote him again. I tried to explain, my idea was that Chanyeol could see him and stop thinking that you killed him or whatever is in his mind. So I kept trying to contact him. Well he showed up tis morning at the office..."

"Really?!", Xiumin beamed.

"Yeah, but here is the thing. Bunny, the guy is an ", confussion came across the koreans face. "He, he sais Chanyeol knows more things about the trade than what he tells and wants him to declare to comoplete his own first police statement..."

"What? Nobody knoiws where Chanyeol has been in this past years, the doctor thinks that he is been wondering across China...He cant make him..."

"I dont know Bunny, the thing is that he said that and he also said...", he looked into Xiumins eyes and took his hand. "Xiumin, you are the love of my life and I would believe everything that you say, so it doesnt matter what this nutjob thinks ok?", Bunny noded. "He said that there were always things that the masters did, that the slaves didnt know. He said that maybe there are still things that you know but..."

"What? Do you think I havent say everything I know? I already gave all the trade documents that save from my family. What are you talking about?!"

"No, dont get nervous. I know that you are telling the truth..."

"Then what?"

"He wants to go after you Xiumin, after Minseok. He told me to 'give' him Chanyeol and he be off your back. And what I wanted to tell you is that I will give him what he wants".

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Lurkerderp #1
Chapter 29: Can't believe this is over!
So many ups and downs but just loveee

Was is ever mentioned why yifan left yixing or no?
I cant remember if it was written!
a-xiuhan-h #2
Chapter 29: It was such an amazing story , thank you for writting this, i hope you keep your amazing jub in your future xiuhan stories ^.^
tanishi2992 #3
Chapter 28: :( please make more Lumin/xiuhan scence T_T
Whatie #4
Chapter 23: Omg you need to update I really want tao to work for chens love and trust back
Chapter 24: I hope XiuMin , The Baby and The Doctor will be alright............
tanishi2992 #6
Chapter 23: aaaa, long time no see with a short chapter T_T please update soon. I worry about Minsoek and his baby
Chapter 23: lost ad..gonna have re-read this again later..but who shot who?? how did chanyeol escape?? n why is baekhyun there?? i thought that he is still in the wind avoiding chanyeol n the others?? aigu..never mind..working..ltr will re-read this again
Gaembell #8
Chapter 23: /screams into the darkness/
alicemusic666 #9
Chapter 21: Tao. You need to try harder. Doctor no!
Gaembell #10
Chapter 19: What do you want baekhyeoooooon? -_-
and what's wrong with kyungsoo and joonmyeon? Whutwhutwhht