Chapter 27 - That's All That Matters

We Got Married : DaraHae

Weeks passed and our relationship blossomed even more. I told the others about us but just them, also did Donghae  to s who seemed estatic about the news. I didn't bother telling the guys since I don't want to hurt Jiyong but why do they always have ways??


"Noona?? Is it true your dating that Donghae guy???" Seungri asked as he continuedly shaked the hell outta me.


"Stop that Seungrat, you're hurting noona." Jiyong said, taking his hands off me.


"I'm happy for you Dar, since you've found the person who can make you smile this way. " He said, trying his best to smile. I could see in his eyes that he's hurt.


"Sorry Ji... You're hurting because of me..-" I said, before I could continue with my sentence he already cutted me off.


"Don't be sorry,  it's this hearts fault not yours." he said as he caressed my cheeks, his gaze full of love and affection.


"You're a good person Ji, I'm sure you'll find the perfect girl for you." I said as I held his hands.


*Cough* *Cough*


We all looked back at the person who is coughing loudly, distrupting this moment of ours.


"Donghae? What are you doing here?" I asked as I recognized the person who's now standing by the doorframe of our training room.


"Waeyo?? You don't want me here?? Okay, I'll just go. " He said as he acted hurt and dramatically went out, wiping the said tears from his eyes.


"What a Drama King..." Seungri murmured but loud enough for us to hear. I saw how the members hissed at him.


I looked back at Donghae as he just smiled, the smile that made me falling for him. He seemed unfazed at the comment of the rat.


Why is he in such a good mood?? I remembered Teasing him and he stormed off, one of his tantrum attacks. Believe me, he's like a kid! He is pretty sensitive on stuffs. I'm like taking care of a child rather than a boyfriend. He's way worse than Cheondoong when having tantrum attacks!!


"What are you doing here?"  I asked him again as he came closer to us, particularly to me.


"Waeyo?? Can't I visit you??" he asked, masking those innocent eyes.. Too INNOCENT. He's obviously up to something.  


" Just tell me so we can stop this games of charades. " I begged him to spill the beans.The tension is killing me! I pouted to act effect. He told me once that he can't resist me when I'm pouting. Hahahaha.


"I'll tell you later but first.. Annyeong to you all."  He said, leaving me dissapointed since he still didn't tell me. He greeted the others and they had a small gathering. Knowing each other and all.


I always wanted them to meet and since these people are also very dear to me. There important to  me and I want them to know who the special person in my heart and get along with them.


"Donghae, take care of her, arasso??" Jiyong said as he went to him.


"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Donghae answered back, returning the same stare Jiyong save him.


Before their staring battle would continue on, I made a move to stop it. I don't want to be scolded that these guys fought inside our studio. That would be bad!


"So, Donghae, why are you here??" I asked him, nudging him to look at me and tear his gaze away from Jiyong. Great, I got him distracted!


"Well.. I was called here by your president." He said as he rubbed his nape.


 Oh no!! That spells Trouble!!


Don't tell me Sajangnim knows!!!!!!!!!! 




















"Well I called you here because I want everything to be cleared out." Sajangnim said with full authority and seriousness. It means Business people!! I can feel that I could pee in my pants any moment from now!


I looked at Donghae and he doesn't seem fazed and intimidated by him. I never knew this guy could be  brave or is this just one of his facades??


"As you can see, many articles about you two dating is surfing the net. Many pictures of you both seen eating out are buzzing the net. So tell me, what's the real deal?" Sajangnim asked, looking at both of us like we are criminals guilty of a crime.


Before I could speak out, Donghae beated me to it.


"Neh, we are dating. " He said as he looked back at me lovingly, as I sat there my mouth agape. I never knew he could tell our president that straightforwardly.


"Please allow me to date her. I love her dearly and my intentions are pure." He told Sajangnim  pleadingly, his eyes getting teary.


"Aigoo.. You ask me that now?? You guys are already dating!!" Sajangnim said merrily, making us two shocked by his sudden change of attitude. Is this for real??


"It's time for you to find a boyfriend Dara, you're not getting younger. You might blame me if you won't get married. "  He joked making me blush in embarassment.


"But, what are you going to do about your fans?? You can't keep on lying and hiding the fact that you guys are already dating." Sajangnim returned back to his usual cold voice.


"We'll tell them as soon as possible." He said as he held my hands tightly. I nodded in agreement.


"But what if they won't accept your relationship?" Sajangnim said. Thinking about it, what will happen to me?? Donghae has lots of fangirls. They might hate me for stealing Donghae for them and find me unworthy for him.


"I'll take care of her. I'll protect her."  He told Sajangnim, his gaze serious and willed as he looked back at me, his eyes filled with love and passion.


"Very well then.. I had a talk with Lee Soo Man and he agreed that the two of you will be in a show together." He said as he sat back and placed his arms behid his head.


"Be prepared." He said as he leaned infront of us. Making me gulp in shock and fear.


"Ottoke????" I panicked once we are out of Sajangnim's office. Donghae held my hands and told me comforting words, making me ease from the tension and pressure about the news Sajangnim said.


"It's going to be okay, trust me okay." He said as he enveloped me in  a hug., erasing all the doubt inside my system. His scent lingering in my nose, making me calm down and relaxed.


I don't have to worry about a thing since Donghae's with me.  


That's all that matters. 












We are now at the set of Strong Heart. So the show Sajangnim was pertaining about is Star King. I should have known. With Kang Ho Dong as a MC, we'll be grilled with questions for sure!


Donghae and I already agreed that he'd be the one to reveal the situation since as he said, he's the guy and it's the man's responsibility to take.


Booyah!! I have such a responsible boyfriend, not to mention that he's also utterly handsome, talented, Hot and has lots of girls  drooling over him.


Too bad he's taken, by MEEEEE!! Bwahahahaha


Please don't mind my spazzing state. Let's now carry on with the situation at hand.


The show is about to start and I'm sitting beside Donghae. He's with the other members namely: Siwon, Eunhyuk, Shindong and Leetuek as for me, I'm here with Bom, the ever so trustable Park Bom.


I hope they won't spill our secrets and all.


The show went on smoothly. The other artists sharing there stories. We couldn't help but laugh at their outrageous stories and be touched by their stories. It was a mix of both.


It was finally Donghae's turn. He looked back at me and I smiled at him, cheering him up and ensuring that everything will go on smoothly. Even though I was smiling, I'm indeed nervous. What if they won't accept us??


Many what ifs and reactions flooded my mind but everything vanished when I saw his smile. A smile that erases my doubts and worries, the same smile that comforts me when I'm down. I just nodded at him and smiled in return, feeling safe and secured for Donghae is with me.


As I said, that's all that matters.  


"Donghae-shii, what's your bubble entitled?? "My Beautiful??" Kang Ho Dong teased, earning roars of giggles from the audience and from us. Leaving Donghae and I blushing like mad. Why of all tittles did he choose That??


"Well.. I" he said as he rubbed his nape. The studio became silent as we all awaited for Donghae's story and revelation. I just looked at him, giving him my support just by merely smiling at him for him to go on. He smiled in return and continued on.


"There's this person who can make me smile. That person is really dear to me. I couldn't imagine my life without that person. It would be incomplete if that person wasn't in it." He said as he once again gazed at me.


I smiled as I heard his compliments. It felt good to hear that a person dear to you treats you like that. That you are important to him. He then continued.


" Seeing her smile, erases all the doubts and stress I had in me. Just being by her side, completes my day. Her being her dorky self is truly adorable." He paused as he looked back at me again. He then continued, smiling.


"I've been admiring this girl since I first met her.


She was pure and innocent. She wasn't a snob, she's friendly and energetic. She's really beautiful, Inside and out. I've been admiring her from afar.


 I told my friend about it which is close to her and he gladly helped me in meeting her. At first, I didn't believe him but when I saw her enter the cafe, all my doubts about that friend of mine vanished. As I saw a goddess enter and greeted both of us. I was shocked, seeing her up close for the first time and all my intuitions about her is true. She's kind, generous and funny.


I never thought I'd meet her again but it seems that luck is just with me because I got to spend more time with her in We Got Married. And because of that, I have fallen for her even more as I got to know her better.


And now, what I'm trying to say that, I'm proud that I got her, the girl of my dreams is finally what I can call mine. My Beautiful, Sandara Park. " He ended as he looked at me, extending his hand out. I gladly accepted his hand and finished.


"What we are tryin to say is that we are dating.  You're really full of drama." I said, whispering the last sentence as he wiped away the tears on my face.


I admit, I was touched by what he said. Who would think that Lee Donghae loved me way back and hearing those words come out from his mouth is like heaven to my ears.


"Congratulations!!" the giddy audience shouted with Kang Ho Dong.


"So all those articles are true right??" He asked feeling all giddy.


"Neh.." we both said, bowing our head in embarrasment.  


"Mianhe, if we just told you about it now." Donghae said to the audience.


"Look, there holding hands!!" Lee Seungi pointed at our entertwined hands.  As I was about to break free, he just tightenedhis hold and grinned. Aigoo, he's totally childish.


And that's one of the traits I love about him. I don't mind the effects of this revelation, if the citizens and especially the fans would accept our relationship.


If we would go through trials and problems. As long as he's by my side, I'll keep this smile on my face.


As long as he's there, loving me as I love him. I'll survive.  


As long as he's there. That's all that matters.



And that's all Folks!! (; 

I hope you all enjoyed this last andd final chapter! (; 

Thank you for supporting me till now! I wouldn't have done it without your support. 

Annyeong yeorobun! (;


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Shygirl927 #1
Chapter 17: I feel bad for G dragon but compare to g dragon i like donghae
enelrahc_marie #2
Chapter 15: why is my name here?? hahahaha.. '' I didn't have any other choice but to draw my last card. Hope it works... Wish me luck enelrahc_marie !! "
Chapter 28: DARAHAE HAPPY ENDING !!! (but what happen to GD???just curios hehe~)
darahae~!!!!! all the way:)
Chapter 30: Kyaaaaaa congratulation DaraHae aahh finally... and how feeling jiyong's heart? Lol i'm so confused.. i'm daragon shipper hhaha but i like darahae also.. both of them so cute.. hhii dara so tiny and more comfort if she's pairing w/ donghae.. hahaha chukkae~
Chapter 29: Kyahh~ It's over?! Well. These past 28 chapters were worth the read! Quite honestly, I thought it was getting a bit immature for my liking, but towards the end, I quite enjoyed it! Keep writing! Even through this story you've improved! I'll see for what you have in store[;
love the bg pic! :)
msdeathstalker #8
Chapter 29: love it thanks for sharing!
pepden #9
Chapter 30: Ilove this one..even though i just read a die hard daragon fan but as of now im loving darahe and im quite possessive about their team.. its hard for me that their being in a love triangle..but i enjoyed reading this..hope to read more from you.
yatkit15 #10
Chapter 29: Spazzzing...hehehe...