CHAPTER 22 - A Sweet Memory and A Cheesy Dragon

We Got Married : DaraHae


    We kissed!! Omona! It was just like a peck on the lips but I don't give a damn!! That doesn't change the fact THAT WE KISSED!! 


   Articles about the unsuspected kissing scene are now surfacing the web. Picture and screen-shots of the 'Kiss', scattered everywhere!! It's such a hot topic! YG even said that the phones in the office won't stop ringing! 


    I still can remember vividly everything that happened. Can you imagine? It all seemed like I was in a movie set-on slow-motion. It seemed like time stopped and it was just me and Donghae. Everyone vanished in my line of sight. 


    I remember quite well how he rubbed his nape and glanced at me, his eyes full of curiosity and doubt.


   I blushed seeing him looking at me with those eyes and especially for the fact that he’s biting his lower lip! Can you imagine how seductive and cute he looks??


  He smiled seeing my state. This guy!! I never knew he’s that type of person who laughs at other’s misfortune!! I should’ve pounded him right now if he wasn’t cute!

  His signature genuine yet teasing smile not ever leaving his face, he grabbed a stick of Perroro without tearing his gaze away from me. I could feel my face burning again. I’m sure I look like a huge tomato right now!!


 Curse you for being cute and adorable and most especially HOT!


  He bit the tip of the stick and held it with his hand. He’s looking at me questioningly, probably waiting for my next move. I was about to decline and voice out my thoughts but got interrupted by someone pushing me.

  I looked behind me and found out who the culprit is, none other than Park Bom. She was giggling like a teenager and continued pushing me, HARD!


  “Yah!! Stop pushing!” I glared at her but she just ignored my wrath. Do I look not scary enough?? Well I’m the cute and adorable Ssantoki, not the violent and scary Bominator.


  “Aigoo!! Just bite it already so we can start! You drama queen!!” she then pushed me repeatedly. I feel violated...


  This is it!! No more backing out!! I bit the other tip of the stick and looked at Donghae. The same gaze he had before intensified even more.


  I can’t do this!! I never knew his eyes can draw a person deeply. He’s even better than TOP! His eyes can really drag you, hypnotize you. The innocent yet y look he gives can make my ovaries explode!


  I tasted the chocolate flavour of the Perroro. This is why I like Perroro, it has a distinct and delicious taste!! My favourite chocolate! But, aside from that, I must concentrate and think about the pressing matters ahead.


  I’m trying to concentrate on what the game is all about. Leetuek explained the mechanics again. I tried my best, seriously to focus on what he was talking about for I didn’t want to look at him. But his stares never left, I could feel his gaze, burning my soul.


  I looked at him but that was probably the gravest mistake that I’ve done so far. As I looked at him, his eyes full of I don’t know what made me look at him. His charms hit hard on me. I just can’t fight it, I get weak when it’s him.


  I’ve only saw this type of things in dramas and whatnots. I never really thought I’d actually do these stuffs, especially with Donghae, LEE DONGHAE of the famous group SUPER JUNIOR people!!


  This is a dream come true!! Hahaha, I sound soo pathetic but heck! This is every fangirls dream! First to be married with their bias and also kiss them, ON THE LIPS!!


  Am I dreaming?? If I am, please, I beg you!! Please don’t ever wake me up, because if you will.. You’re D-E-A-D.


  Hahaha, I’m getting weirder by the moment right?? It’s official, Lee Donghae is bad for your health my dear.


  “So, I’ve already told you about what will happen so now, let’s start. 3,2, 1” As Leeteuk finished counting, I saw Donghae biting his part slowly, his gaze never leaving mine as if teasing me.


   Calm down, Dara... Calm down.. Act like a lady and don’t munch on this Perroro. That would seem like your eager to get kissed by him.


  Heck I am!! It’s Lee Donghae for crying out loud!! This may never happen again or will it?? Hehehehe...


  You’re Hopeless..


  Shut up you Conscience that’s good for nothing.. Ciao!


  I’m really crazy right?? Please bear with me.. I promise I’ll go to the hospital later to get checked! Prooomise!!

   I was brought back to reality when I saw his face only an inch apart from mine. And please, don’t get started with his lips!! Like gosh!! His lips, plump and naturally pink. It can beat a girl’s one. If you take a snapshot of it, you’d really think it belongs to a woman, gorgeous woman.


  “Kyaaahhh!!!! Just a bit more!! And Perroro say goodbye and Hello Kiss!” Bom squeeled in delight. I was about to spank her to bring her back to reality but I think I’m the one who needs spanking!


  I can’t move. I’m immobile to my spot. Who wouldn’t when just like one wrong move and you’d say Hello to a guy’s lips, not just any guy right there but Lee Donghae!!


  He’s getting nearer and nearer. My eyes stuck to his face. His gaze never leaving mine also. My heartbeat tripled it’s phase, asking to be set free. It seemed like time stopped. Everything totally went into slow-mo phase.


  Bom’s wiggling, the girls squeal, the guy’s woots.. I never heard them. I felt like I was deaf. Like I’m lifeless and my only life support is Donghae’s kiss.


  I sound like a crazed fangirl. But heck.


  I saw him close his eyes and I did the same. I felt something soft touched my lips. A gentle kiss but worth to die for. The kiss lasted for seconds but I don’t give a damn. The other members started chatting and capturing this precious moment and kept on whispering on why we won’t split apart.


  It was magical. I can say. I forgot about my worries immediately just by his kiss. It was like magic and poof.. Bye bye.


  He’s like a drug. Amoral. Can be good or bad for me.


Note to self : Must keep on dosage of Donghae. Do not overdose.



  I snapped from my dream and prepared to go to YG for we still have a practice. Feeling giddy about the memory of what happened yesterday.



















   I saw the curious stares of the staffs and trainees as I walked my way to our practice room. I greeted them all, feeling all good.


  I could hear there giggles as I passed by. Happy for the fact that they like me for Donghae.


  “Have you watched WGM yesterday?? It was the bomb!! DaraHae had there first kiss!! “ they both squealed in delight. I smiled at them, remembering the happenings yesterday.


   This is gonna be great!!















    Practice is finally done! It was exhausting but I don’t know. I still feel light-hearted and giddy for no apparent reason.


  “Yah!! Thinking about Donghae again?” Bom sat beside me and kept teasing me about what happened yesterday.

    “Stop it! Yah... “ My face is already flushed with embarrassment.


   “Bom noona, stop teasing Dara. “ Jiyong said as he arrived inside the studio and sat beside me.


  “Where’s the noona Jiyong?? You’re getting disrespectful you brat!” she raised her brows at him, trying to intimidate him.


  “Ohh.. Yeah.. I asked her permission to just call her Dara. Even Donghae Sunbae calls her Dara. “ He shrugged his shoulders not minding the curious stares of Bom.


  “But Donghae is her husband.” Bom interjected. I saw Jiyong flinch with what Bom said.  She can be really a scatter-brain at times. I nudged Bom to stop her but failed for they were already having a staring battle.


  “It’s fine Bom, and besides, Jiyong also acts like an oppa towards me.” Jiyong puffed out his chest and placed his hands on his hips, just like how Superman does it.


  “Whatever Superman. “ Bom rolled her eyes at the sight of Jiyong being proud of his win.


  “Dara, you done with practice right?” Jiyong turned to me, his eyes full of wonder.


  “yep.” I simply said and earned a grin from this idiot beside me.


  “Where are you taking her you rascal?” Bom looked at Jiyong suspiciously.


  “None of your business.” He then dragged me with him to escape from the raging Bom- soon to be Bominator.













  He dragged me to his car and opened the door for me. I looked at him questioningly. He has never done that before..


  “Ji, are you sick or something?” I asked him as soon as he got in the driver’s seat.


   He just chuckled with my question.


  “ nothing. Fasten your seatbelt . We are going for a ride.” He said and grabbed the buckle and fastened it for me. His face is soo close to  mine. I can smell his cologne.  


   Stop this Dara!! You’re just gonna get hurt in the end. Besides you already have Donghae.

    I saw him smirk and it irked me even more.


   “Yah!! Where are you taking me??” I exploded, earning a chuckle from him.


  “Relax. I’ll take you somewhere nice.” He said and went on with our escapade. 


  Where will this guy take me to?? And what's with that smile?? 


  He is surely up to something and I must find out what it is. 




Yello!! Since I didn't like explain what happened during the kiss, here it is.

Hope you'll like it.

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Shygirl927 #1
Chapter 17: I feel bad for G dragon but compare to g dragon i like donghae
enelrahc_marie #2
Chapter 15: why is my name here?? hahahaha.. '' I didn't have any other choice but to draw my last card. Hope it works... Wish me luck enelrahc_marie !! "
Chapter 28: DARAHAE HAPPY ENDING !!! (but what happen to GD???just curios hehe~)
darahae~!!!!! all the way:)
Chapter 30: Kyaaaaaa congratulation DaraHae aahh finally... and how feeling jiyong's heart? Lol i'm so confused.. i'm daragon shipper hhaha but i like darahae also.. both of them so cute.. hhii dara so tiny and more comfort if she's pairing w/ donghae.. hahaha chukkae~
Chapter 29: Kyahh~ It's over?! Well. These past 28 chapters were worth the read! Quite honestly, I thought it was getting a bit immature for my liking, but towards the end, I quite enjoyed it! Keep writing! Even through this story you've improved! I'll see for what you have in store[;
love the bg pic! :)
msdeathstalker #8
Chapter 29: love it thanks for sharing!
pepden #9
Chapter 30: Ilove this one..even though i just read a die hard daragon fan but as of now im loving darahe and im quite possessive about their team.. its hard for me that their being in a love triangle..but i enjoyed reading this..hope to read more from you.
yatkit15 #10
Chapter 29: Spazzzing...hehehe...