Meeting you again.

Revenge!/Our Love story.

I was thinking to make Sehun this cute little baby even if he looks more like Luhan :P Still love him<3

Jongin was in office looking out the window,everything looked so boring,when he finished school,his dad made him work for the company,since Kyungsoo left he stop dancing,he didn’t wanna remember anything about what happened back then,his life stopped back then when Kyunsgoo told him that he hates him.He dreams about him every night,the shorter haunts his drems,he wanted to tell him how much he loved him but Luhan sopped because is better for both to stop,Luhan is his close friend now but he never asked him about Kyungsoo,he was afraid to know that maybe the guy got another boyfriend or girlfriend,he knows that Luhan still chats with Baekhyun,after all their love was more beautiful and real than his one.

His father always tell him to get married,but he can’t, he did try to find a new boyfriend even a girlfriend but in the morning they weren't Kyungsoo,so he’s all alone even now,Jongin knows that is all his fault,that stupid bet made him lost the first and only person he truly loved.Jongin let out a heavy sight looking at his phone,there was still Kyungsoo's and his picture since they were in hight school,that was his only memory about the shorter.

Knock Kncok!

-,Come in!’ He saw his dad coming in with a stupid grin on his face.

-,What are you doing son?Still busy?’His dad took a sit before him still smiling.

-, Dad just tell me what you want,I know you want something.’ Jongin looked at his dad waiting.

-, You know me so well son,yes I want you to do something for me.’ Jongin knew what his dad wants.

-, Dad I know you so well and the answer is still no,I wont meat up with a stupid girl that you think is suitable for me.’ He glared at his dad,but the older just looked at him.

-, Jongin,you need to marry one day and I’m sure you’ll love her,she is not like the other girls you meet,just trust me on this one.’

-, Okay dad,I’ll meet with her,but I tell you from now that I won’t marry her.’ On his dad face appeared a huge smile.

-, Sure son,just have fun,here's the restaurant,don’t be late!’ Hid dad stood up leaving but before opening the door he looked back at Jongin.

-, Jongin you know that he won’t come back to you so still loving him is useless.’ Jongin didn’t say anything he just looked down with a sad face.

His dad knows everything about Kyungsoo,he didn’t wanna tell anyone that he’s gay or that he loved the shorter but one day he just broke down in front of his dad telling him everything that happened.Hid dad slapped him that time so hard that his cheek got bruised the next day,but he didn’t slap him because he was gay he slapped him because he did a stupid thing,he didn’t raise him to be a player,but in the end his dad decided to huck him up with different girls or guys just to forget him but for nothing.Jongin took the adress in his hand crumpling the paper in his hand,another boring date.He turned around looking at the city again.

-, Soo where are you?I need you here with me.’ He closed his eyes thinking at nothing and everything.





-, Soo hyung are you sure you don’t wanna stay with me and Baekhyun?My house is big so is not a problem for me.’ Luhan told him when they left the airport.

-, No thanks,I don’t want Sehun to catch you too doing something that will shock him.’

-, Yah hyung,you’re mean now.’ Baekhyun pouted and Luhan started to laugh.

-, But omma,me wanna stay with Baek appa and Luhan auntie.’ Sehun pulled Kyungsoo sleave,making his big puppy eyes at him.

-, Sehunnie sweetei,we’ll go visit them but we can’t stay there,from today you’ll stay just with omma,do you understand?’Sehun pouted hard.

-, I’ll miss Baek appa.’ He said slowly looking out the window.Sehun was the smatest kid ever,he knows how to talk at his age ,he still doesn’t understand stuff,but he was always listening to others talk and he will understand what they wanna say.He was just like Kyungsoo,smart like him but when it comes to his looks you could say that he’s Jongin’s kid,he has the same attitude like his dad ,the same eyes that made him fall in love.When he go to America,the first month he was always throwing up everything,he thought that is because he was crying in his room,but after the second month his mother took him to the hospital there he find out that he was pregnand,he thought that everything was just a stupid joke but it wasn’t,when he saw his belly slowly growing every month he knew that is real,he’ll have a baby with Jongin.

His mother and Baekhyun helped him when he gave birth,he didn’t even knew how to hold the little baby,he was crying every night with Sehun in his arms thinking about Jongin,he wanted to let Sehun go,but when the little baby looked in his eyes and told him omma that made him so proud,so he started to raice Sehun on his one,he didn’t ask for help but Baekhyun was always there looking after him.He was happy now because Sehun will always remember him about Jongin and about what he did,he will get his revenge,he needs to,he needs to make him suffer like he did.

Kyungsoo looked at Sehun his hair gently.

-, Omma will buy you Ice cream sweetei so don’t sulk neh?’ Sehun smiled jumping in his mother lap.

-, Neh omma,Sehunnie will be good.’ He shuggled to Kyungsoo chest closing his eyes.Luhan looked in the rearview mirror hoping that he and Jongin will be together again,he knows how much Jongin suffered when they left,maybe he suffered more than him,yes they’re still friends even now,Jongin is different,he stop smiling like before,he stop doing anything just work.Luhan works at the same company so he sees him every day,Jongin is the first in the office and the last to leave,he even sleeps there.Luhan told Baekhyung what happened and he tried to make his brother listen but only when he hears he name Jongin,Kyungsoo gets angry so he stopped,he knows that what Jongin did was wrong but now he can’t change anything just wach as Sehun grows.

One night when Kyungsoo left Sehun in his care the younger asked him about his dad,he calls him appa but he knows that Baekhyun is not his real dad.Sehun is an innocent kid that wants love,he’s always curious to know everything,just like Kyungsoo,Baekhyun just hopes that Kyungsoo well stop when he’ll see Jongin again.Luhan looked at his lover squeezing his hand,Baekhyun looked at Luhan winking at him.He knows that Baekhyun was thinking the same thing as him so he didn’t say anything he just drowe to Kyungsoo's new apartament.

-, Hyung we’re here.’ Kyungsoo saw his bulding where him and Sehun will live from now on,the little boy left asleep in his arms,he slowly got out the car,Luhan and Baekhyun took his luggage going up.The apartament was on the third floor,it was not big or small,it was a nice suit with two rooms and a big living room,he took Sehun in his new room putting him in the bed kissing his forehed.Kyungsoo closed the door letting the boy to sleep,when he got in the living room,Luhan and Baekhyun were sitting down looking at him.

-, What?!Why are you looking at me like that?’ He said sitting down as well.

-, Hyung,you still don’t wanna chat about Jongin?’ Baekhyun saw the frowing face of his brother.

-, I told you a million times that no! I don’t wanna even think at him,I just want to take care of Sehun and be happy for once,I want to meet someone to be Sehun’s dad,but not HIM!I hate him!’ Luhan looked with pity at the elder,he knows that deep down he still loves Jongin just like before but his ego won’t allow him to admit.

-, Soo hyung,let’s go to a restaurant tonight,I know the perfect one that Sehun will love as well.’ Luhan told him hopping to make him feel better.

-, I better not,I don’t know Luhan,we just got here and I better sleep as well.’

-, Oh but come one hyung ,please.’ Luhan started to look at him just like Sehun when he wants something.

-, Okay okay! But you buy the dinner!’ Luhan hugged Kyungsoo kissing his cheek.

-, Thank you hyung,I’ll come at seven to take you and Sehun,we’ll have so much fun!’ Baekhyun was smiling as well,he really missed Luhan,last time he went visiting was one year a go,since then they only chat on Skipe or phone,but now he was here with Luhan,he never thought that they’ll stay together after he left but they did.

-, Let’s go home Lu,hyung try to get some rest okay?’ Kyungsoo nooded leading out the couple.

Kyungsoo opened Sehun’s door going in,he saw him still sleeping,he slowly sat down stocking his cheek,he lied to Baekhyun and Luhan,he hates Jongin for what he did but a part of his still loves him just like back then,but he refuze to accept that.His tears started to fall down slowly on the pillow,Kyungsoo pulled Sehun to his chest closing his eyes sobbing quietly until he felt asleep as well.



Jongin finished his work at six pm ,his head was hurting from so much work,he stood up from his chair when he remembered what his dad said about the date,he singed putting a hand over his face,he really needs to go again at a stupid date?But he needs too,so when he got home,Jongin took a shower,dreesing in a pair of black jeans and a blue shirt with a black vest on top,he was looking good like always,Jongin took his car keys leaving to meet his date.All they way he didn’t think at anything,if he likes the girl he can take her home, her like the others and make her go away the next day,it will be like always.When Jongin got there,his date was at the table,smoking a cigarette,he started to hate her just from that.He slowly when to her table.Jongin pulled the chair sitting down looking at her smirking.But she smirked back at him.

-, Hello Jongin,I’m Jessinca,nice to meet you.’ She pulled out a hand but Jongin ignored her.

-, I’ll tell you from the start that I don’t wanna be her in this place with you,I accepted this only to you,you want that okay if not you can leave.’ He always says the same thing to get out of this mess,some of the girls accept but other just leave.

-, Auch! I think I should leave no?But what if I want you to me Kim Jongin?’ He looked at her raising a eyesbrow.She was different that the others,and Jessica was more beautiful,his dad was right,she was smirking just like him,this will be interesting in the end.

-,So should we order or just leave now?’ She asked him putting down her cigarette.

-, Let’s eat something,what do you say?’ He smirked so did she.





Kyungsoo woke up when he felt someone poking his cheek,he slowly opened his eyes seeing Sehun poking him,the boy was visible bored.

-, Omma cry?’ He put his little hands on Kyungsoo cheek making him smile.

-,No sweetei,omma is fine let’s change you because Baek appa and Luhan will take us out to eat.’ Sehun started to smile and giggle happy.Kyungsoo finished dressing Sehun when Luhan called him telling that they’re down.He put Sehun’s shoes on going down.Luhan and Baekhyun smiled at him when he got in the car.

-, Are you ready to have some fun hyung?This place is daeback,I always eat here with J…hmm friends.’ He was about to say a stupid thing but lucky for him Kyungsoo didn’t say anything,the shorter just nodded looking out the window,Sehun was playin on his lap smiling and gigglig like the innocent kid that he is,Kyungsoo has so many memories here,memories that hurt him.

Kyungsoo got out the car when Luhan parked the car,Baekhyun took Sehun in his arms poking him making the little to laugh.The waiter took them too they table,Kyungsoo liked this place,it was fancy but cool at the same time,he saw at a table far away a lady smoking and he didn’t like that,after all Sehun was little to smell her smoke,but he didn’t say anything.Luhan told them about his boring job and what he missed here,nothing much it seems.But he was glad to be in Korea again after three years,he missed talking his one language and he missed the food here,finely he was starting to have a good time and so did Sehun.

-,Omma,pee!’ Sehun pulled his sleave making a strange face. Kyungsoo smiled ruffing his hair.

-, Let’s go to the bathroom.’ He was about to stand up.

-,No I wanna Baek appa to take me!!!’ He little guy started to whine.

-,Sure Sehunnie,appa will take you.’ Sehun threw his hands up in the air happy.Baekhyun laughed taking Sehun to the bathroom.







Jongin splashed some water on his face,he didn’t like this date at all,sure Jessica was y and all but he still hated this.He wiped his face leaving the bathroom,but when he got out he certainly didn’t expect to face Baekhyun.His eyes got biger just like Baekhyun’s eyes.

-, B-Baekhyun?What are you doing here!?’ Baekhyun was lost,he didn’t knew what to say or do or ever think.

-, J-Jongin,hey!’That was the only thing that he could say now.

-,Baek appa,pee pee.’ Just then Jongin saw the little boy in Baekhyun’s hand.The by had the same eyes as him,he looks like him as well,but he just called Baekhyun appa,he got married but Luhan was still with him,he knows because Luhan told him that.

-, Excuse me Jongin,he really needs to pee.’Baekhyun got inside but Jongin went back in as well.He needs to know,he needs to know if Kyungsoo's here as well.

-, Baek.’ The younger glared at him.

-, Don’t call me that,I know Luhan is your friend but I can’t be,so stop.’ Jongin froze.The youger was right,he just didn’t think that he’ll be his friend after he hurt his brother.

-, Is,Is he here as well?’ Jongin looked down biting his lip.Baekhyun felt pity for him,he didn’t knew what to say.

-, Yes he’s here but don’t.’ Jongin knew what Baekhyun wants to say.

-,Baek appa?’ Sehun took his hand not knowing what happened with them.The little boy looked at the new man in front of him and he slowly left Baekhyun hand going to Jongin pulling his pants.Jongin looked at the boy that was smiling at him.

-, Hey little guy what’s your name?’ Jongin sat down at the same level as the boy ruffing his hair.

-, Do Sehun!’ He replay happy,Jongin heard right?He said Do? So he was Kyungoo’s kid?He got married and made a baby?Or he was Baekhyun’s kid?

-,Nice to meet you Sehun,I’m Jongin.’ The boy hugged his neck making Baekhyun to get there and take Sehun in his arms,leaving the bathroom.



Kyungsoo started to get worried when he didn’t saw Baekhyun and Sehun coming back,they left some time ago,something happened?

-,Luhan I’m going after Baekhyun,I’m sure Sehun made him do something stupid.’ Luhan nodded eating his food.Kyungsoo singed because he was sure that Sehun did something to Baekhyun like always,he just need to look at him and you will buy him everything like everything.He saw Baekhyun with Sehun in his arms but he saw something else,he saw him.

Kyungsoo stood frozen,he didn’t wanna see him but here he was,Kim Jongin was looking at him with the same shocked face like him.







Hey ho I came back with this story^^ enjoy and so so sorry for any mistakes^^

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 13: Wtf she have kai baby too?! Kai need too start wearing when have =_=
Chapter 25: may kaisoo has many many many child afterwards Xd
Chapter 24: ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و its the end alreadyuyyu
Chapter 16: erghhhh that hyoseong (* ಠ_ಠ) i think tht the new kai is so much nicer than the old kai...
Chapter 10: The amount o heteronormativity in disguise of "gay" is hurting my brain. Thank you for trying and congratulations on getting featured. But please even if it's mpreg it's still a HE and still a uncle not auntie. It doesn't change their gender.
Chapter 6: Why is luhan "auntie?"
Chapter 24: I felt I was going to die! >n<
Really... A beautiful ending :'3
Chapter 19: I hate her so much! >m<
cool story!!!!