Chapter 21

Revenge!/Our Love story.

-,Can you please explane to me what is this?!' Taemin was drinking his coffee when his father threw the newspaper on the table.

-,Nice picture,I look pretty cool in it.' There was a photo of him and Kyungsoo kissing at that party and a title saying how he is gay.

-,Is not funny anymore Taemin,we had a deal and you come up with this?! You really wanna see me angry?' Taemin just smirked at his father.

-,You know what? I'm tired always doing what you want,what you say,I am gay dad and I won't marry any girl you think is perfect for me when in fact she is perfect for the company,if you really wanna marry her you should do it yourself and leave me alone!' Mr Lee didn't expect his son to fight back,Taemin likes that guy?

-,This won't stay like this,if you like that guy and you still wanna keep the company you need to marry him or I will take everything from you and I mean it.' Mr.Lee turned leaving Taemin with his mouth open.

Him and Kyungsoo married but the shorther doesn't even love him like that,what did he got himself into this time?



Kyungsoo was looking at Jongin not knowing how to replay because this time the taller was angry and frustrated to know the truth.

-,I-I told you J-Jongin we were in the s-same class nothing more.' He should tell him the thruth now but why? Jongin won't remember him.

-,STOP LIENG TO ME!'Kyungsoo flinched when he heard Jongin yelling at him.

-,W-why are you acting like this?' Kyungsoo started to get scared.

-,Then explane this!' Jongin pulled out his phone showing Kyungsoo the photo.

-,I don't think this is what normal people do when they are in the same class,please tell me who you are.' Kyungsoo took the phone seeing the same photo he has with him and Jongin so he was thinking about his all this years.

-,Is just a photo Jongin,nothing more this mean nothing.' He can't tell him now,he wants Jongin to remember himself what happened ,to remember his one mistake .

-,I told you to spot!' Jongin grabbed his arms in anger.

-,J-Jongin...' The taller wanted to know everything and Kyungsoo was the only person who can tell him and we won't leave from here until he gets an answear.

-,I dream about you!You were telling me that you love me,are those memories?What did I do to you?! Who is the father of your kids! Tell me please I beg you this time who are you Do Kyungsoo? Why are you in my life?' Jongin was getting more and more angry.

-,P-please you're h-hurting me.' Tears started to run on Kyungsoo's cheeks but Jongin was too angry to see them.

-,Tell me why do I care about you so much! Who are you? Who am I?!' Tell me!!' 

-,Hey stop you're hurting him! Let him go!' When Jongin heard a strange voice he gazed at Kyungsoo that was sobbing in his arms,what did he do?

-,Let him go!' Xiumin came to see how's Kyungsoo but he didn't expect this.Xiumin came to Kyungsoo making Jongin to realease him.

Kyungsoo grabbed Xiumin's shirt crying scared,he never saw Jongin like this and he didn't like it,he wants his Jongin back not this one.

-,You better leave.' Xiumin told him angry,Jongin wanted to apologize but seeing what he did it was better to leave for now.


Jongin turned angry leaving the shorter still crying,he can't belive that he made Kyungsoo cry but he needs to know why!


-,Stop crying Kyungsoo I don't like seeing you like this.Shh stop now.' Xiumin came to see how his friend was doing and he sees this,Kyungsoo and Jongin having a fight and more he never saw Kyungsoo so weak.

-,I'm s-sorry about that.' Kyungsoo said with a broke voice.

-,Let's eat something and you can tell me what happened.' The shorter nodded slowly feeling Min move like crazy in his belly.


-,Kyungsoo you know is not my business but what you do or think but I didn't like what I saw today.' Kyungsoo and Xiumin were in their favorite place eating cake,cake always makes Kyungsoo feel better.

Kyungsoo put his fork down looking at his cake.

-,He dream about me about what happened.'  Xiumin didn't replay,he waited for him to go one.

-,I wanted to tell him that everything he dream is real that I love him and he loves me but I can't say it,I just can't,I don't know why,I miss him so much,his hugs and kisses and just to hold me like before but I still can't tell him about us,I just want for him to remember by his one.I really want him to remember.' 

-,I don't know what to tell you but don't give up Kyungsoo,he will remember in the end you just have to belive it.' Kyungsoo wants to belive it but how much do he has to wait,until he will get married? Hyoseong will make Jongin marry her,he just knows that,and then what? He will stay alone forever.

-,Thank you for everything.' Xiumin patted his back slowly feeling bad for him because he knows that Kyungsoo is a good person and he wants to see him smile,really smile.

After he and Xiumin finish their cake,he went back to the flower shop trying to forget about what happened ,he smile everytime a new customer left,when it was time to go after Sehun he forget what happened in the morning.

His son always made him feel better and smile,even if he was falf Jongin he was happy that he can have Jongin like this.Sehun came running to him showing him what he did that day in kindergarden,he just smiled like always.

-,Omma something happened?' Sehun looked innocently at Kyungsoo feeling that something is wrong.

-,No sweetei nothing's wrong ,omma just wants a hug.' They were both in Kyungsoo'd bed looking at Tv.

Sehun hugged his mother tight with his little hands ,Kyungsoo was really happy knowing that he will have Sehun and Min forever next to him.

-,Sehunnie loves omma.' Kyungsoo started kissing his face making Sehun to giggle and laugh.

-,Omma loves Sehun more and more.' 

-,No! Sehun moreeeee!' Sehun jumped on Kyungsoo kissing him back .

-,Awww sweetei thank you.' Sehun cuddled to his chest feeling more and more sleepy,Kyungsoo caress his hair still looking at Tv and thinking if he didn't had Sehun now his life was so lonely but having his baby makes every day better and makes him forget.

Sehun and Min are the best things that happened in his life after Jongin because the taller gave him this wonders.Kyungsoo smiled looking down at his boy that was fast asleep.

-,I love you more and more Sehunnie and thank you for making my days better.' Kyungsoo snuggled next to him closing his eyes.



-,! You stupid !' Jongin came home angry after he drink something strong,he can't belive he furt his hyung like that,he made him cry something that he never wante to do.

He just wanted to take a shower and think again about what he dream and why,maybe he will have a new dream tonight and he will understand in the end why.

-,Finally you're home.' Jongin close his eyes when he heard Hyoseong voice,he was not in the mood now.

-,Is my house I can come when I want.' She glared back at him surprised about Jongin's attitude.

-,I won't accept that talk Jongin,I think I accept too much from you.' She stood up angry,she loves Jongin because why not? He is perfect,every girls dream guy.

-,Then maybe you should leave.' Hyoseong looked at him with big eyes.

-,Why because you are in love with Kyungsoo oppa?' Now was Jongin's turn to look at her.

-,What?! Where did you come up with that?' 

-,Do you think I'm stupid Jongin? I saw the way you look at him,you're always with him,you always think about what he would say,I'm just a game for you? I won't accept that Jongin even if I love you like crazy.' Jongin didn't know how to replay because he himself doesn't know what to think or feel now.

-,I will wait an answear from you tomorrow what you want from me because I can't fight alone.' Hyoseong was about to pass by Jongin but he grabbed her hand pulling her back.

-,I love you.' He said in a low voice looking down.

Hyoseong smiled under her angry face because she wanted to hear that.

-,Then please show me that.' Jongin nodded slowly pulling her into a hug.

-,I will,I promise and you don't have to worry about hyung anymore.' She hugged him back happy hearing that.

-,I'm glad and I better go now is late and you should sleep.' Hyoseong kissed his lips leaving home after she said goodbye.


Jongin was scard to see Kyungsoo again after what he did but maybe it was better,he loves Hyoseong,that is what he tell himself over and over again everytime he sees the shorter but he can't deny that his heart beats more faster when he sees him and is wrong,the kiss was wrong but right at the same time.Jongin let out a heavy sight thinking about the kiss again.

-,Why did I like kissing you so much?' His fingers run over his lips feeling Kyungsoo's lips again.

With eyes closed in the dark he saw Kyungsoo smile in their classroom,he was so happy.

-,Jongin let's have lunch now,I'm so hungry!' Kyungsoo took his hand pulling him up the rooftop.

-,What did you made today Soo?' 

-,Something you like!Here!' Kyungsoo gave him a cute lunch box filled with food.

-,Oaa Soo this looks so yummy thank you!' Jongin started to eat making Kyungsoo to giggle.

-,What?!' Jongin stop eating when he felt his head on his shoulder.

-,Nothing Jongin I'm just happy,I still can't belive that I'm here with you.' 

-,I can't belive it as well Soo but I'm happy,really happy.' Kyungsoo looked up smiling.

-,Thank you Jongin.' Jongin smiled back leaning over kissing those red lips that makes him go so crazy.

-,I love you Soo.' 


Jongin opened his eyes looking lost in the dark room,was that a dream again or a memory? Was he and Kyungsoo together in school? But if that is true why won't Kyungsoo say something? Because he has someone else and has two kids with him?That is the reason?



Kyungsoo forget what happened yesterday being him again,he left Sehun at kindergarden and he went to work,he knew that he will love the flower shop and he was right,seeing others happy made him happy as well.Is been two weeks since he last saw Jongin and he was happy not seeing the taller,every day was better for him and with every day his term was near,his doctor told him to take it easy and stay in bed this last weeks because Min is about to come but he can't just stay home and do nothing.

One day made him really smile when an old lady came to the flower shop buying some flowers for her daughter that just gave birth and she told Kyungsoo that he better stay home and take care because the baby will be angry with him,he didn't expect the lady to buy a flower for him as well,that made him smile.

Kyungsoo talked with his mother and she will come here to help him with the baby.Baekyun and Luhan are excited to see little Min finally here,they came and eat dinner with Kyungsoo but never talk about Jongin and it was better he was better not knowing anything about him,he has a life now with Hyoseong and he has a life here in this flower shop.

He was about to go and eat lunch when he hear the door opening.

-,We're close for falf an houre.'He was with his back looking for his bag.

-,Awwe oppa but what about an old friend?' Kyungsoo turned seeing Jessica grinning at him.

-,You you you you.....' 

-,Yes oppa me ,did you miss me?' Kyungsoo rushed to her hugging her tight.

-,Yes I missed you so much,what are you doing here? You will pop soon just like me and you said you will give birth in America.'

-,Easy oppa or you will fainth and I just came for one week back and I had to see you and this place is wow,beautiful.' 

-,Thank you,let's have some lunch I was going to eat now.' 

-,Sure I'm always in for food since my baby girl loves food.' 

-,A girl?' 

-,Yes I will have a girl and I'm so happy.' Kyungsoo and Jessica left the flower shop walking slowly to Kyungsoo's favorite place.

-,I bet you're happy and she will be beautiful like you and Jongin.' 

-,Oh I just hope she won't be that tanned like him.' Jessica and Kyungsoo sat down at the table ordering something to drink.

-,Why not? Tanned is y.' Jessica started to laugh like crazy.

-,Oppa is now,by the way how are you guys? Back together?' Kyungsoo looked down letting out a sigh.

-,Nop he's still with that girl and we had a fight,I didn't see him in a long time and is better,he's happy,I'm happy.' 

-,Are you oppa?' Jessica had a feeling that Kyungsoo wasn't good even if he was smiling,under that smile she was sadness and she didn't like that,she was hoping by now that they will be together but it seems that no.

-,I am Jessica,belive me,Min will be here soon and he will make me forget just like when Sehun came,is better belive me,I won't tell Jongin anything until he will remember.' 

-,I don't understand you oppa but you know better and I will respect that.' 

-,Thank you Jess and I missed you.' She smilled because she missed him as well.

-,I would like to stay more and chat but I need to meet up with Suho,we are going to buy some clothes for our angel.'

-,Ahh have fun and don't go crazy.' She chuckled knowing that she will buy everything.

-,I wanna buy something for Min as well before leaving and you need to come and have dinner with me and Suho.'

-,Sure now go.' Jessica sit up kissing Kyungsoo's cheek.

-,Bye bye oppa!' The pregnant girl left the restaurant and Kyungsoo to think how him and she got to be so good friends knowing that the baby is Jongin's but he stop hating her.She is happy next to a guy that loves her and they will be a happy family.

Kyungsoo left the restaurant as well walking back to the flower shop,today he will stay a little longer becauee he has an order so Baekhyun will take Sehun from the kindergarden and take him to his place.

As soon he got back to the shop he started to work on the order,the girl wanted white roses,Kyungsoo took one rose looking at the pure flower,he always loved this color and Jongin knew it,back then he did everything for him,even buy him one white rose every day after school and he knew it that is too beautiful to be true but it was true,Jongin was in love with him.Some tears made way down on the flower,he was crying again because he was stupid,he always was stupid and why? He was nothing in school just a smart guy nothing more so why did he think so much about hurting the only person that really loved him back that really loved him,so why is he crying now?Maybe because he misses Jongin?

-,Stop Kyungsoo you're strong,you need to be strong.' He his belly gently knowing that this is his life now,just him Sehun and Min.

-,I love you my sweet angel.' Kyungsoo wipped his tears fast going back to work.He finish more fast that he expected.

-,Well that's all done for today.' Kyungsoo close the shop going to take Sehun home,when he got to his brother's place he found Sehun and Baekhyun sleeping on the sofa.

-,Look at them hyung,they were playing all day.' 

-,I can see that,Baekhyun always does what Sehun wants.'

-,True but is cute to see them play,this makes me think to adopt.' Kyungsoo looked surprised at Luhan.

-,What did Baek say about this?' Luhan looked at him scratching his hair.

-,Well I didn't tell him,I'm scared in a way,I just want for us to get married and we will see after.' 

-,Hm I think you two should marry soon since omma is coming to Korea and you can ask your parents to come as well and you can have a small wedding,I'm sure you and Baek will have fun and be happy.' 

-,That is a good idea hyung and I was thinking if you wanna leave Sehun here for tonight and we can take him tomorrow to kidergarden,look at them ,so cute.' Kyungsoo started to chuckle seeing how cute his brother and Sehun were sleeping.

-,Okay Lu I need a day off just for me,thank you.' 

-,Sure hyung go home and take a long and good nap.' Kyungsoo went to Sehun kissing his forehead.

-,Goodnight sweetei.'Kyungsoo thanked Luhan again going home,he took a long bath forgeting about Jongin,he needs to,this was it,him and Jongin have nothing to talk about,Min will be here soon and the taller has his one life.



It was a rainy day and Jongin wasn't in the mood to work,he was looking out the window lost,he had a bad feeling,something inside him was yelling to run and do something but why?Is Kyungsoo sick or did Min came? But he knows from Baekhyun that his due is in two weeks from now.Jongin wanted to leave work when a smiling face made way to his office.

-,Jessica?' He smiled back seeing the pregnant girl,even if he doesn't remember her that good they still have a good relationship.

-,Oppa I missed you!' She hugged Jongin tight happy to see him.

-,Me too,what are you doing here?' 

-,Just visiting,I will leave this weekend back to America and I had to see you,how are you?!' Jongin just let out a sigh.

-,The same I can say,nothing change with me and I don't think it will happen too soon.' 

-,Don't say that,I'm sure if you belive enough your memory will come back.' 

-,For what good?'

-,For you,for your friends and family.' 

-,Belive it or not,I'm always here,no friends.' 

-,What about Kyungsoo oppa? Did you guys had a fight?' Jongin looked down nodding.

-,I made him cry and I still can't face him,I just can't.'

-,I don't know what you did but is not nice to make a pregnant person cry,you should buy him cake and say sorry,I bet he misses you as well.'

-,You think so?' Jessica nodded knowing that Kyungsoo will die to see Jongin now.They keep on talking until Jongin was alone again,he turned facing the grey city again,that bad feeling was still there and he didn't like it.He should see Kyungsoo,he misses the shorter too much.


Kyungsoo didn't like the rain,he likes to stay inside and play with Sehun but here he is just him and his flowers.He was humming by himself when the door opened,he was about to smile and ask the new costumer what he wants but he just looked puzzled when his face came across some roses.

-,I know you like those roses no?' Kyungsoo took the flowers seeing Taemin grinning at him.

-,What are you doing here?!' 

-,I can't come and visit my friend?'Taemin made a hurt face.

-,Oh yes sorry I just didn't expect to see you here.' 

-,Well Soo I came here to ask you something and I hope you will say yes.' Kyungsoo titles him head.


-,You know how much I love you and I want to make you happy even if I'm not him,I'm crazy about you and I know you don't love me like that but I need your help with my father,I beg you Kyungsoo say yes because you're the only one that can help me now to show him who I am.' Kyungsoo knew where this was going and he should say yes,to help Taemin with anything because he helped him as well with so much more.

-,How can I help you Taemin?' The younger bit his lower lip sitting down on one knee.

-,W-what are you doing?!' Taemin took his hand smiling 

-,I always wanted to do this and I wanna do it the right way.So Do Kyungsoo.' Taemin pulled out a little red box from his pocket.

-,Do you wanna marry me?' 

-,No.' Kyungsoo and Taemin looked at the door where a soaking wet Jongin was sitting there looking at the two of them.He knew that today was a bad day.





Hey ho^.^ enjoy the u all^.^<3


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 13: Wtf she have kai baby too?! Kai need too start wearing when have =_=
Chapter 25: may kaisoo has many many many child afterwards Xd
Chapter 24: ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و its the end alreadyuyyu
Chapter 16: erghhhh that hyoseong (* ಠ_ಠ) i think tht the new kai is so much nicer than the old kai...
Chapter 10: The amount o heteronormativity in disguise of "gay" is hurting my brain. Thank you for trying and congratulations on getting featured. But please even if it's mpreg it's still a HE and still a uncle not auntie. It doesn't change their gender.
Chapter 6: Why is luhan "auntie?"
Chapter 24: I felt I was going to die! >n<
Really... A beautiful ending :'3
Chapter 19: I hate her so much! >m<
cool story!!!!