I still love you.

Revenge!/Our Love story.


-,Hyung ,Jessica what are you guys doing here?'Kyungsoo's heart started to bead faster seeing Jongin again,he missed the younger but he wasn't alone.Jongin was on a date like Jessica told him.

-,Oh Jongin me and Kyungsoo meet up and chat about babies,I got scared about the pain and all so I asked him to help me so here we are,but why are you here Jongin?' Jessica was an evil woman she knew why Jongin was here.

-,Actually I'm on a date,dad made me go out and I'm having fun.'Kyungsoo's heart was crying with every smile Jongin was showing him.

-,Oh go back to her Jongin don't make her wait come Jessica let's go.' Kyungsoo wanted to leave he was jealous on that girl.

-,No hyung I want her to know the best two persones in my life.' Jongin took his hand pulling him to his table.

-,Hyoseong I want you to meet my hyung Do Kyungsoo and Jung Jessica they are my close friends.' Kyungsoo bowed his head seeing how beautiful was the girl,she looked really young, much younger than him or Jessica.

-,Nice meeting you I'm Hyoseong,oppa was telling me about you guys.' She bowed as well seeing Kyungsoo's big belly but she saw that Jessica was pregnant as well.

-,You two are pregnant?So it was true that a guy can be pregnant wow this is daeback! I never saw something like this,can I touch it?' Kyungsoo was about to slap her for thinking about her touching his belly,his baby,Jongin's baby.He was about to speak when Jessica beat him faster.

-,Oh sweetei Kyungsoo doesn't like people to touch him,he's more sensitiv and we should go no Kyungsoo?' Jessica nugged him nodding his head.

-,Yes Sehun's home with the nanny so I better go but nice knowing you.' Kyunsgoo fake a smile bowing his head again.

-,Oh okay hyung be careful and are you staying in Seoul now?'

-,Yes I moved back here.'

-,Then we should meet I miss Sehun.' Jessica saw how the girl was looking at Jongin and Kyungsoo she had to do something but not now.

-,Kyungsoo will call you now we really need to go,by oppa and I will chat with you tomorrow now enjoy your date,nice meeting you sweetei.' Jessica took Kyungsoo's hand leaving.

-,Why did you called her sweetei?' Kyungsoo asked puzzled.

-,Why? You wanted me to call her ?' The later start laughing.

-,Good point.' He looked one more time at Jongin's table leaving with a heavy heart.


-,They look nice oppa but it's really strange to see a guy pregnant and Jessica is really beautiful.'Jongin smiled sitting back down.

-,Yes she is and I'm happy that at last someone is next to me now.' Hyoseong smiled but she didn't like the way Kyungsoo was looking at Jongin but what does she know?



After his date was over Jongin took Hyoseong home,he liked the young lady,she was nice good looking and she made him smile.Maybe this date wasn't that bad but the idea that his hyung was back here made him more happy.



Days passed and Kyungsoo decided that he really needs to do something because sitting all day long home with Sehun was getting boring,yes he was happy to play with his son but he needs to go out and enjoy, he was thinking more and more about the flower shop,he was sure that Sehun will love to help his omma.Baekhyun and Luhan were at his place almost every day,he never knew that his brother works for Jongin it was a shock but soon he got it all.

That's why Lugan is so good friends with Jongin,he was his boss and they always go out when he and Baekhyun were still America.Kyungsoo found out as well that Jongin has this big project coming and he's even sleeping in the office trying to do everything,so that's why he never called,Jongin was busy with work.

Kyungsoo woke up that morning feeling energetic and happy for some reason and he decided to call Jessica.


-,So why did you called me?' Him and Jessica were in a cute coffee shop,drinking a lemonade.

-,I wanted to ask you if it's a good idea to open a flowe shop.I got this idea in my head but I don't know,is that a good idea?' 

-,Wow you really are bored Soo oppa but I really think is a good idea and I know a place I can give you the adress.' 

-,Yes I'm bored doing nothing, thank you Jessica and I found a nursery for Sehun,he really likes it there.' Kyungsoo was smiling because he really wanna do this, do something with his life and this was a good idea.

-,Soo oppa I'm sorry but I need to run now,Suho is waiting for me.' 

-,Suho?' Jessica blushed looking down.

-,The baby father,I know I'm lieng to him but when he looks at my belly his face is so happy and I want him to stay that happy.' Kyungsoo knew what Jessica means so he nodded.

-,I hope the same Jessica.' Jessica kissed his cheek leaving.

-,I will text you the adress later.' Kyungsoo waved to her after he drink his lemonade he left as well.


People were still looking at him strange ,a petite guy walking the street with a big belly,but like in America he learn to ignore them.He was happy because Kyungsoo loves kids he never expected to have one this young is true but now when he sees Sehun everything is more happier for him but his life would be much easier if Jongin was here now next to him.

Maybe everything will be okay in the end,maybe God loves him only a litle and Jongin will get his memory back and he will come running back to him but that was only a maybe.

Kyungsoo took a big breath going to pick his son from the nursery,his boy was glummy when his mother told him about nursery but when he got here in the morning Sehun's face got so happy seeing so many kids.

The latter was waiting for his son to come when he saw Sehun with a girl the same age as him holding her hand tight smiling.

-,Omma!ISehunnie wanna marry!' Kyungsoo start laughing seeing his son so happy but the girl was really beautiful with big eyes and long hair dressed in her pink uniform smiling at him.

-,Okay sweetei when you will be big enough you can marry her,what's your name honey?' The girl blushed playing with the end of her dress.

-,Kim Suzzy.' Kyungsoo smiled at them amused in a way,his son was such a playboy he was sure his fathers son making girls fall for him at his young age.

-,Suzzy!' The girl turned her head smiling more bright.

-,Omma!' She waved to a man but still not letting go of Sehun's hand.

-,Ommo what do we have here?' The man came next to Kyungsoo smiling at his daughter and Sehun.

-,Omma I will marry Sehunnie!'The man chuckled hearing that.

-,It seems that our kids decided what to do when they will be older.'' Kyungsoo nodded laughing.

-,It seems so.'

-,Oh where are my maners,My name is Kim Minseok but you can call me Xiumin.' 

-,I'm Do Kyungsoo ,Sehun's omma nice meeting you Xiumin.'Kyungsoo bowed his head.

-,It seems that your kids don't wanna break up so what do you say about a coffee?' The guy was petite like him with a cute smile and he was really nice so Kyungsoo nodded.


-,She called you omma how is that?' Kyungsoo and Xiumin were in a restaurant where they had a play ground for kids so Sehun and Suzxy were playing together.

-,Well me and my hustband adopted her when she was a baby girl and my stupid Chen thought her to call me omma and now is hard to make her call me appa but is okay as long she's happy.' Kyungsoo felt a little jealous.

-,What about you Kyungsoo?' Xiumin took a ship from his coffee looking over where the kids were.

-,I can say that my life is more complicated and is a long story but for Sehun I'm his mother and father,is strange that you still didn't stare at my belly but like now I gave birth to Sehun and soon he will be a hyung.'Xiumin blinked his eyes looking at Kyungsoo's big belly.

-,Wow I didn't even saw that,how is that even possible?'Kyungsoo blushed laughing awkward.

-,I don't know is just me I think after one night of I got pregnant,nobody can say how but I'm happy I won't change anything on me.' 

-,Don't get me wrong but I think that this is a miracle,I hope that Chen will be pregnant as well but we're happy that we have Suzzy we love her but to have your one baby as a gay couple is something wonderful.'Kyungsoo knew that but what was more wonderful was to have Jongin next to him to be a real family.

-,Thank you for thinking like that,I'm happy as well to have the chance to get pregnant.'

-,What about the father if I can ask.' But Xiumin saw that it was a bad idea because the latter got sad.

-,The father is gone ,he doesn't know about this,like I said is a long story and you will get bored hearing it.'Xiumin placed his hand over his smiling.

-,Don't lose hope,from my life experience I learned never to give up,Chen's family never liked me but I love Chen more than anything well now is Suzzy but I had hope in my love,call me cheesey but I belive in true love and you should as well.' Kyungsoo bit his lip holding back his sobs because Xiumin was right,he just needs to belive that everything will be okay that him and Jongin will be together in the end.

-,Thank you for helping me,you're right I should fight for him no?'

-,Yes I think you should and you're welcome that's what family are for.' Kyungsoo looked puzzled at Xiumin making the other to laugh.

-,Didn't your son propose to my daughter?' Kyungsoo start laughing when he heard that.

-,You're right but thank you again.' Xiumin smiled,he was about to start talking more when he got a text.

-,Oh I need to go my sweet wife is asking why I'm not home by now but I will see you tomorrow at the nursery,nice meeting you Do Kyungsoo.'Xiumin bowed sitting up.

-,Nice meeting you as well Xiumin.' Xiumin went to his daughter that was still playing with Sehun.

-,Sweetei say by we need to go home now,Chen omma made dinner.' The girl pouted a little but she kissed Sehun's cheek taking Xiumin's hand going home.

-,Omma Sehunnie hungry.' Kyungsoo smiled ruffing his hair.

-,Let's go home then you're baby brother is hungry as well.' Sehun took Kyungsoo's hand pouting again.

-,When is my dongsaeng coming omma?I wanna see him and make him call me hyung.' 

-, Oh sweetei don't worry he will be here soon now what do you want omma to cook for you?' Sehun placed a finger over his lips thinking.

-, Sehunnie wants dumplings omma.' Kyungsoo nodded walking home with his son.




Jongin was in his office ruffing his hair,this project was killing him but everything will be over soon,this past week even Luhan was sleeping in his office trying to help him,he was about to fall asleep when the door opened.

-, Oppa what are you doing?' Jongin opened his eyes seeing Jessica's amused face.

-, Sleeping maybe like that I will get a good idea because my mind is blank and today is the deadline.' Jongin let out a heavy sight rubbing his eyes.

-, Why don't you get a break?You look awful.' Jessica sat down giving Jongin a cup of fresh coffee.

-, After today I will get a break and do something because I don't even know how's the word outside,I feel old Jessica.'' 

-, You are old oppa.'' The pregnant girl laughed when she saw Jongin's pouting face.

-, I'm not old just more older than you?''  Jessica saw that Jogin got a text making him smile,she looked with a raised eyesbrow but ignored it.

-,Oppa you're not even in your thirties yet so you're not old.'' 

-, Aha if you way so.'Jongin replay the text receiving another one making him smile again.

-, Who are you texting Jongin?' She didn't like his face.

-, Oh Hyoseong,she is really nice and she helped me this weeks with my project.' Jessica didn't like that,Jongin can't fall for her.

-, But oppa she is much younger than you.''

-, You just said now that I'm young as well.' Jongin smirked to her replaying Hyoseong again.

-, I take that back.'' She said in a small voice getting angry.

-, Did you say something Jessica?' 

-, Nop but I need to go now,I should meet with Soo oppa.' When Jongin herd Kyungsoo's name his head snapped up.

-, Soo hyung? I miss him and Sehun.' 

-, Then maybe you should text him as well not just that girl,Kyungsoo knows more about you than anyone else don't forget that.'Jessica opened the door walking away leaving Jongin to look at his phone.

-, But I don't have his number.' Jongin start looking through his pictures seeing one photo that made his heart beat faster.

It was with him and Kyungsoo,it was from their school days from the way he looked,he was hugging Kyungsoo from behind smiling at the camera,was he and Kyungsoo that close to take those kind of pictures?Maybe Jessica was right,he should see the short one,only if this stupid project will be over faster.Jongin sing going back to his work,yes he needs to finish this today.




Kyungsoo was in the kitchen when he got a text from Jessica to met up with her at the coffee shop where they were last time,to go visit the place she was talking about.The latter finish making breakfast for him and Sehun,the boy was really hyper jumping in his chair.

-, Omma faster I wanna see Suzzy!' Kyungsoo laugh seeing Sehun so in love.

-, Calm down Sehun,eat first and then we will leave,Suzzy is eating as well so hurry up.' Sehun eat his breakfast fast even putting his plate in the sink.

-, Done omma let's go!' Sehun start pulling Kyungsoo's hand to the car.

-, Ommo my boy is so silly.' Kyungsoo start laughing,it was good that Sehun found nice friends at the nursery,even if he was still a kid,Sehun has a big heart like him and a playboy face just like Jongin.

-, Sehunnie loves omma bye!' Sehun was about to leave when Kyungsoo made a pouting face.

-, I don't even got a kiss now?' Sehun kissed his cheek running where Suzzy was waving at him,Kyungsoo saw Xiumin again laughing as well seeing his one daugher so happy.

-, I think our babies will get married soon.'' Xiumin saw the petite guy next to him.

-, I think you're right,I never saw Suzzy so excited to wake up in the morning and see Sehun.'' Kyungsoo laugh hearing that.

-, True,I need to go now Xiumin have a good day.' 

-,Oh Kyungsoo I was talking with Chen yesterday If you're free this weekend and if you want come have dinenr at our place,Suzzy will be happy to see Sehun more.' For Kyungsoo was a good idea he didn't do anything this days and meeting Chen was nice.

-, Sure this weekend I'm free and Sehun will love it.'

-, Cool then,I will tell Chen bye now Kyungsoo have a good day.' Kyungsoo bowed his head leaving as well,he had to meet with Jessica.



Kyungsoo was waiting drinking a new glass of lemonade and reading a magazing getting new ideas about the shop.

-, I'm so late sorry hyung.' Kyungsoo moved his gaze from the magazin seeing Jongin sitting down on the chair.

-, Why are you here Jongin?' He was puzzled because he was sure that Jessica texted him.

-, I missed you and I asked Jessica if I can help you,I hope you won't get upset.' Jongin smiled at him making his heart to beat more faster.

-, N-no is okay you can help.'

-, Wonderful! Jessica told me the adress so let's go hyung.' Jongin stood up pulling his hand to his car.

-, I'm sorry hyung if I didn't call but I guess Baekhyun told you about the project and all.'' Kyungsoo was in Jongin's car smiling.

-, Yes Baek told me and is okay you don't need to be sorry.'Jongin smiled nodding.

-, So how are you hyung?How is Sehun?'

-, Well me,I'm okay still worry about the birth and Sehun will get married soon.' Jongin throw him a look.

-, What?' Kyungsoo laughed seeing his puzzled face.

-, Well since I wanna start this business I had to make Sehun go to a nursery,there he found this cute girl named Suzzy and they kinda like each other and is fun to see them holding hands.' 

-, Sehun is a playboy? Wow I never thought about that.'

-, Well he does look like his father.' Jongin gazed at Kyungsoo stop smiling.

-, The father didn't come back yet?' Kyungsoo was taken aback but he smiled.

-, Nop and he never will but is okay I think I got over it.' That was a lie because every time he sees Jongin his heart beats more faster.

-, I hope he comes back in the end because Sehun and the new baby needs a father.' Yes Jongin they need you the same way I need you.

They both stop talking,Jongin was thinking what kind of father leaves his kids and Kyungsoo was thinking if Jongin will even going to get his memory back.


-, We're here hyung.'' Kyungsoo looked out the window seeing the beautiful place.

-, Wow this is really beautiful and I think is perfect.' Jongin nodded getting out the car.

-, Hello you most be Kyungsoo,Jessica told me you're interested in opening a flower shop.' An old man welcomed them smiling.

-, Yes and I like it I think is perfect.' Kyungsoo was smiling because he really liked the place and it wasn't that far from Sehun's nursery.

-, Let's get in.' Kyungsoo and Jongin followed the old man inside,Kyungsoo has so many ideas,he was so happy.

-,I'll take it!' The old man and Kyungsoo shook hands getting  the place for himself.




-, Oa hyung I'm so happy for you,if you need help please call me,I'm free this weeks and I can help.' Him and Jongin were now in a coffee shop enjoing the nice weather.

-, Is okay Jongin,Baek will help me we talked about this and I don't wanna bother you.'

-, Hyung is okay I can help and I'm sure that Hyoseong will be happy as well.' Kyungsoo heart stop,that was the girl he meet that night.

-, Hyoseong?' Jongin smiled nodding.

-, Yes me and her ar dating.' His heart broke into milion pieces.

-, Oh I didn't knew that.'

-, Yah well we take everything slow I'm still scared that I miss something or someone and I don't wanna hurt that persone.' 

-, I know you Jongin and you don't miss anything be happy with her.' If you're with her I can move on as well.

-,About that hyung,I saw this picture with us on my phone,were we that close in hight school?'

-, Yes we were good friends then but we lost contact when I left to America.' 

-, Oh well now we can be good friends again no?' Kyungsoo only smiled to that,yah good friends seeing you with someone else.

-, Well hyung I need to leave now,I promise Hyoseong that I will take lunch with her but I will see you on Monday to help.' Jongin stod up leaving after he waved to the older guy.



Kyungsoo knew that he doesn't need to be angry or upset because he wanted this,but something made his heart stop every time he imagine Jongin and that girl,yes she was beautiful and nice but Jongin was his then why isn't he doing something about that?The weekend came and here he was in front of Xiumin's door like he promise.

Sehun was smiling and singing all the way here,the younger really likes Suzzy and this week he made two new friends ,a chinese kid named Tao and Lay,they were so cute and clingy with Sehun.Kyungsoo ring the bell waiting.

-, Welcome Kyungsoo.' Xiumin opened the door smiling,Kyungsoo smelled the cooking and he was so hungry now.

-, Come in.'' Sehun came in first seeing Suzzy,Kyungsoo saw the beautiful house,the place was not small or big just perfect for a family,the furniture was in style and everything was clean,you woun't ever guess that here lives two mans.

-, Thank you again for inviting me.' Kyungsoo took his shoes off with difficulty making Xiumin to chuckle.

-, You look like a little duck Kyungsoo.' 

-, I do not! And I really wanna see you or Chen pregnant!' Kyungsoo pouted because Xiumin was always making fun of him but in a good way.

-, Chen?Someone called my name?!' A smiling guy popped his head from the kitchen.

-, Yes Chen he's Kyungsoo.' Kyungso bowed his head.

-, Oh hello Kyungsoo,I'm Chen nice meeting you and dinner is done now.' The guy was funny and a trol ,now he knows why Xiumin was a trol as well,they were perfect always teasing each other,he got sad thinking about what Jongin told him some days ago.

-,Kyungsoo something happened?You look upset.' Kyungsoo didn't wanna bother them with his problems but in the end he broke down crying and telling them his love story,Chen was crying with him as well hugging the petite guy tight.

-,You're life is more hard than ours I guess we just had luck in the end but you remember what I told you back then at the coffee place,don't give up.' Kyungsoo thanked them,even if they knew each other for a couple of weeks now,the couple was realy nice with him.

-, Thank you for helping me but I better go home now,Sehun is sleeping on your couch.' Sehun and Suzzy were sleeping hugging each other on the couch.

-, Ahh look honey how cute they are,quiqe take a picture.' Xiumin took his camera photographing them.

-,Ommo my baby girl is so in love.' Chen went to his girl picking the girl up.

-,I'm going to put her to bed.'



-, See you on monday and thank you again.' Xiumin helped Kyungsoo with Sehun putting the sleeping boy in the back seat.

-, Don't worry Kyungsoo,just belive in him like I belived in my love story.'Kyungsoo bowed waving at the couple wondering if everything will end like in a fairy tale?



Hey ho!Well the story will.come to an end soon ^.^really thank u for liking this story even if my gramar is soooo bad>.< well enjoy until next time

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 13: Wtf she have kai baby too?! Kai need too start wearing when have =_=
Chapter 25: may kaisoo has many many many child afterwards Xd
Chapter 24: ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و its the end alreadyuyyu
Chapter 16: erghhhh that hyoseong (* ಠ_ಠ) i think tht the new kai is so much nicer than the old kai...
Chapter 10: The amount o heteronormativity in disguise of "gay" is hurting my brain. Thank you for trying and congratulations on getting featured. But please even if it's mpreg it's still a HE and still a uncle not auntie. It doesn't change their gender.
Chapter 6: Why is luhan "auntie?"
Chapter 24: I felt I was going to die! >n<
Really... A beautiful ending :'3
Chapter 19: I hate her so much! >m<
cool story!!!!