Over or not?

'We Got Married' separated us


LeeSsang - The girl who can't break up, the boy who can't leave


- Two days after -

_________ had a very aggressive wakeup call…well more like an agitated visitor woke her up early in the morning.

“Uhm…good morning?” _______ mumbled as her boyfriend went past her when he walked into her apartment.

“What’s so good in the morning now?” Eunhyuk answered back, his tone of voice definitely not pleasant.

“Can you tell me why you’re suddenly barging in here?” ______ asked after closing the door. She didn’t know why Eunhyuk was in her place at that hour and why he was such in a sour mood.

“Ya, why didn’t you tell me you went out with Kikwang and Junhyung the other night?! You didn’t even ask or tell me that you would go drinking with them. What do you think people will say when they see one girl drinking with guys? Have you forgotten that you’re not single anymore _______? You just can’t do what you please, especially doing something like that may affect your image, our image. You didn’t even think of people who’d recognize you as my girlfriend, now that will get netizens talking.” Eunhyuk ranted from the start and didn’t even ask to hear ________’s side.

“Wait a minute, how can you just go and talk down like that to me? That was the night I asked you to go out but you didn’t want to. My friends called me up and I went to meet them instead since I didn’t find anything wrong with that. And for your information, I wasn’t the only girl drinking with them, Hara was there with Junhyung.” _______ defended herself. She hasn’t even been up for thirty minutes yet she was already fuming inside. This was not how she wanted to start her day.

Eunhyuk scoffed before answering back. “Oh wow, so you and Kikwang went on a double with them. That’s just so convenient and fortunate for him. Should I congratulate you two?”

“What?! Why do you sound like you’re so mad with Kikwang?? You know how we usually are.” _______ couldn’t understand where Eunhyuk was coming from.

“So did Kikwang get drunk and asked you to take care of him because you’re such a good friend? Or maybe you got drunk and you depended on that ‘friend’ of yours.” Eunhyuk’s sarcasm was getting on _______’s nerves.

“Don’t look at me like I cheated on you! Do you not trust me with Kikwang? Are you jealous of him?” ________ raised her eyebrow at Eunhyuk, confused as to where all that rage is coming from.

“Because you don’t know what his intentions are!” Eunhyuk snapped.

“What?!” Both of them were already raising their voices at each other.

“You don’t even see that the guy has feelings for you.”

“I can’t believe this. You’re being paranoid.” _______ shook her head at Eunhyuk. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from him.

“And you’re turning a blind eye.”

“Oh my God oppa, will you stop over-reacting. What has gotten into you?”

Eunhyuk just glared at ________ after hearing her words. In his mind he was not over-reaction, he was just saying the truth.

He suddenly turned around and walked towards the door, ready to leave her apartment.

“Hold on, you’re just leaving like this?” _______ asked as she stepped closer to him. “You have to stay so we can fix things.” she continued as she held him back by the shirt.

“Is there still any sense in talking? Do you think we’ll be able to resolve this issue when you have your own opinion and I know what I know is right.”

“Let’s just…let’s just sit down on the couch first. Let’s both shut up and think before we really lose it.” ________ suggested as she ran her hand over her hair. Good thing Eunhyuk followed her when she made her way towards the couch.

The two sat far away from each other and both tried to calm themselves down. Hostility won’t get them anywhere.


“I’m not going to say sorry because I really don’t think I did anything wrong.” ________ spoke first after she and Eunhyuk got quiet for what seemed like forever.

“Neither am I.” Eunhyuk replied quickly.

“Then let’s talk it out. That’s how relationships work. You’re my boyfriend, Kikwang is just my friend. How would you feel if I suspect you cheating on me every time you hang out with girls? Tell me oppa, would it be fair that I cut ties with him just because we’re together and you don’t like him?” _______ turned her body to the side, where Eunhyuk was.

Eunhyuk sighed and mumbled a “No.” He took in a deep breath before saying “But…I don’t want you to be alone with him again. You don’t know, you might not understand…It’s a guy thing –”

“Then don’t be one of those jerks who tie their girlfriends down because they’re insecure, egotistic, and unreasonable.” _______ interrupted Eunhyuk. “I know you’re not that kind of guy, that’s why I’m with you. You’re more than that, much better.” ________ moved closer to Eunhyuk and looked into his eyes. She wanted to meet him halfway, compromise so things won’t get to this level again.

“No drinking with him or with other guys without having girl companions and without letting me know. I’m not telling you to ask permission, I’m just asking you to inform me. You’re an independent woman, I get that, but now that we’re together, it can’t be always like that. Understand?” _______ nodded in acknowledgement before she felt Eunhyuk’s arms encircle around her and he pulled her in a hug.

“I don’t like having big fights with you. I’m sorry.” Eunhyuk apologized since he did feel bad. He knows ________ is the loyal type. Maybe he’s just a bit afraid that Kikwang will outsmart him and influence ________’s feelings…maybe she’ll find something better in Kikwang and leave him in a second.

“Me too. I don’t like fighting with you.” _______ snuggled her head against Eunhyuk’s chest. For a moment there she thought that they would really break up and that scared her a lot.


Is this fight just another sign of what’s more to come?


~Comment Replies~

chalx-: hmmm...busy with work? Slowly falling out? *_*

superhyukkie: Yeah, he chooses to just sleep than to meet up with her, even though all she wants is just to try to make him feel better.

Yay for Kikwang being there for her ;)

redshuz: I bet he'll have some expressions that will be priceless.haha

Eunhyuk doesn't realize what he's doing is damaging their relationship >.<

I saw a fancam Donghae & Eunhyuk's special stage and that was such a mixture of cuteness + iness ;)

cupidzangel: Yeah, Kikwang is such a darling!! My heart would stop beating if a guy comforts me like that.

Yeah, for me I'm indifferent. At first I did feel a bit bad since I like Junhyung but I don't find anything wrong with Hara so good for them if they're happy :)

citedFriedRice: LOL Hit him until he regains back his old self / sense. ;)

ElizabethNG: Well he did explode in this chapter but fixed things in the end ;)

Alina1225: What is happening to Eunhyuk? What can that 'something else' be? hmmm.. ;)

Team JuHara? haha

Grace22: He is being a bad guy, isn't he? tsk tsk tsk.

anj_yesung: Yeah maybe Hyukjae needs to be hit so he can go back to reality ;)

Yup, you're right :) if Eunhyuk continues to act like this then Kikwang will get more chances to comfort their girl.

suju26kamz: I bet you'll hate him more in this chapter, right? haha ;)

Cheering for Team Kikwang when Eunhyuk's being a jerk

stephyjung: aww...well did you need tissues for this chapter? I bet you're mad at Eunhyuk.haha You have that sledgehammer ready? ;)

Same here, indifferent although I have a crush on Junhyung.

lol Team Donghae ^_~

yumi_96: hmmm...I wonder if you have the same emoticon / expression for this chapter *_*

ColaSmackles: Here's your drama!! haha I know your heart can take it well :p


Hope you had a good weekend sweetie ;) <3

gabie_16: Ohmygosh, I sang the chorus as soon as I read the title of the song. haha ;)


Me too! I really want the guy to chase after the girl and make it up to her.

Maxx713: I agree! Korean babies are toooo adorable.haha ;)

Oh i like peanuts / walnuts or almonds in my chocolates better.

Well at least we know now that we won't fight over chocolate.lol :)


YAY for Kikwang being her knight in shining armor for the day ^_^

Eunhyuk definitely figured out. What can you say about his reaction?

Hope you liked this update

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Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!