Take a chance on me again?

'We Got Married' separated us

Heaven by Ailee



Even when she walked towards the car, ________ still stared at the papers in her hands.  Even if it’s bad for her eyes to read inside a moving vehicle, ________ read the contract in front of her over and over again.

The papers inside the envelope that Kikwang gave her were actually official documents...an offer for her to do a spin off-show of We Got Married called ‘We are dating…again.’


“Eunhyuk hyung personally requested to have a meeting with the director and producers of ‘We Got Married’ to pitch in this idea of his.” Kikwang informed ________ as soon as she checked what was inside the envelope

“Why?? He didn’t even want to be on ‘We Got Married’ in the first place.” ________ asked, obviously bewildered.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”  


_________ eventually fell asleep in the middle of the drive and so she was not aware that her manager started driving towards a different direction.

“_________, wake up. We’re here.” Her manager shook her slightly.

“Huh? Where are we?” She asked looking around before stepping out of the car.

_________’s manager drove all the way to Namsan so she could meet with someone special. They had special access for tonight so that the car can go up, parking as close to the tower as possible.

She looked up at the Namsan Tower and got distracted when the tower started to light up.  ________ then noticed someone approaching her and gasped when she realized it was Eunhyuk.

“Hi…” Eunhyuk said with a small smile, his hands clasped together behind his back

“I thought you gave me time to think about your proposition?” ________ asked with a subtle happy expression on her face.

“I couldn’t wait any longer. We’ve been apart too long. I was scared you might change your mind about wanting to be with me again.” Eunhyuk admitted bashfully.

“I almost did when Kikwang showed up instead of you. You almost broke my heart again you know.” ________ answered back and moved closer to Eunhyuk to lightly punch him on the arm but then he caught her hand. He slid his fingers softly down until he was able to interlace their fingers together.

“Let’s walk…” Eunhyuk suggested and started walking towards the entrance of N Seoul tower.

“Why did you bring me here?” She asked with pure curiosity.

“You’ll find out later. Do you want to know why I came up with the idea of us being on a tv show again?” Eunhyuk asked ________ in which she responded with an eager nod.

The two stepped inside the elevator before Eunhyuk started his explanation.

“I want to replace the old, unpleasant memories with more precious ones. I want the entire world to see how I try to get you back and how we’ll get through our problems. Hopefully that would give others the determination to try to catch the ones that got away from them. I’m not going to act in front of the cameras, I’m not going to change how I am once the cameras turn on or off, everything will be candid, everything will be genuine. I don’t want a scripted show, I want something like a documentary, to present our reality…that’s if you want it. Show or no show, I still plan to do my best for you. I know that one of the reasons you wanted for us to be in We Got Married was because you wanted to show me off, but this time I want to show you off, how lucky I am to have you. This time, I won’t be pressured, I won’t let my nerves or my emotions get the best of me. I’ll do what I can to be the best for you. I also prepared another offer if you’re not keen in being in a show like that.” By this time they were already out of the elevator and on their designated level.

“Another offer?” _______ asked as Eunhyuk faced her.

Eunhyuk then brought out something from inside his jacket, it was another envelope, but this time it contained something heavier.

________ reluctantly let go of Eunhyuk’s hand so she could properly open the envelope, it contained a cute heart padlock and another folded paper.

With agape, ________’s eyes widened as she looked back up from the paper to Eunhyuk. He kind of expected her reaction since no one really just hands out personalized marriage certificate to someone.

“I’m that determined to have you in my life forever. I do want to get married with you ________, if you’re not ready now then I completely understand that. I just want you to know that this isn’t just some ploy to get you back, this is a legitimate promise. I want to grow old with you. I know I’m not the easiest one to love, but I will clean up my act, I don’t want to mess up again. I can’t make it alone so please…please be my angel again. I’m going crazy because I know I can’t live without you. Give me one more chance to show you I’m worth it.”

“And the padlock?” ________ asked, slightly deviating on Eunhyuk’s marriage proposal.

Eunhyuk felt his heart sink a bit when _______ didn’t respond to the way he would have hoped for after his speech, nevertheless he tried not to show his anxiousness. He held in a sigh he wanted to let out and just answered ________ back.

“Look around ________, we’re surrounded by locks of love. Just like most couples, we get to write and put out padlock in place here to seal our love once again…that’s only if you would like. It all depends on you ________.” Eunhyuk got _________’s hands again and looked at her eyes with sincerity.

“So…what do you say? Will you take a chance on me again?”



I hope this update answered your questions from the previous chapter.

One-two more chapters probably?


Did you all spazz with the new / 6jib songs + music video teaser.

I really appreciate them taking the time to really practice the pronunciation for y, free and single...no 'sh' sound for the S words although I think it must have been hard for them


~Comment Replies~

yumi_96: Now you know ;)

pandagirl753: I think your reaction will be more positive in this one? ;)

Alina1225: Eunhyuk and Kikwang really acted mature for her .


I'm doing good. I missed you too! I hope you're not too stressed with work :)

ColaSmackles: Now you know Eunhyuk showed up afterwards and what the letter was about ;)


Yes it is :( Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be very happy once I post a new Donghae fic after this one ends :)

Love you! <3

anj_yesung: Me too, it's one of my favorites! :)

Another cliffhanger here?haha ;)

Their photos + music video teaser!!!! <3 So excited

meowchie09:  I hope this ends your confusion :)

annyeoooong:  Now you know what was inside the envelope :) Eunhyuk is really doing everything to make things right.


No it's okay, you made sense ;) Glad reading this update was one of your first activities after waking up.haha

cupidzangel: Oh I see.haha

I'm happy Eunhyuk is melting a lot of hearts now again. Enough for him to be forgiven?

Awww...well I'm glad I make you feel emotions for / from my stories :)

gaemnis: I love it when you guys get curious ;) Hopefully this answers your curiosity :)

starcraft_runner: LOL used him in a good way? ;)

Now you know what the letter was about :)

Norinsaeunri: I would love to have a boyfriend like him, minus the break-up.haha

I'm glad you think that they're really a match ;)

leeteukbaby: Another cliffhanger here?hehe Hope you enjoyed it :)

citedFriedRice: No he isn't, I hope this clarifies that confusion

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!