Best friend makes her smile more than her boyfriend does

'We Got Married' separated us


T-Ara with Davichi - We were in love


Eunhyuk left the We Got Married shoot right after the director yelled cut. Eunhyuk didn’t even have the time to bring _______ home, just a kiss on the cheek and he was out the door since he said that he was already running late for his ‘salon’ schedule to recolor his hair. In the past, he would bring _______ with him just so they could spend time together. He even about how they should have ‘couple hair’.

______ didn’t feel like going straight back home alone since she didn’t want to mope around and again, re-think about her relationship with Eunhyuk. She scrolled down her contacts list until she saw the name of the person who she’d want to hang out with first.

“Kikwang-ah~” _______ didn’t know why she greeted him with such aegyo. Maybe she somehow missed doing that for her boyfriend.

“Oh wow. Is it my birthday or is the world ending already?” Kikwang replied after chuckling.

“Are you busy now?”

“I’m currently shooting something. Why?” Kikwang was curious about her sudden call.

“Oh…I was hoping you were free so we can have dinner or something.”

“Hmmm…well we’ll be having a break in twenty minutes, how about we meet up then?”

The two then decided to meet up in ________’s apartment rather than spend a night out.


Kikwang arrived exactly on time and his visit really made _______ feel better.

“So what did you do today? Where’s Eunhyuk hyung?” Kikwang asked as he removed his scarf, shades and jacket upon entering _______’s place.

“Don’t ask about him because even I don’t really know what’s happening with him when we’re not filming. I feel like he tweets more than he texts me.” She muttered, obviously showing how irritated she is at him.

“Sorry Kikwang, let’s not talk about him, okay? I don’t want to continue being frustrated. I just want to be happy with you today.” Oh how Kikwang wished that she really meant that last sentence. He would have smiled and danced extraordinarily if she really said that she wanted to be happy with him…but she did say that it’s only for today…so his happiness is slightly short-lived.  

The two started catching up while they drank the milk tea that Kikwang bought for _______.

“So, what time do you have to get back?” ________ asked knowing that Kikwang just took a break from work and would eventually have to go back within a few hours.

“Hmmm…hold on…” Kikwang got his phone out and started calling someone.

“Hello, hyung…yeah I’m eating out right now but I’m suddenly starting to feel sick.” _______ raised her eyebrow at Kikwang, was he pretending to be sick over the phone? Well that could fool her if he sounded like that earlier.

“No, I’ll try to go back to continue the shoot...but…are you sure? Thank you, I’m sure all I need is a good rest and medicines and I’ll be back to my normal self. Okay, thank you hyungnim. Yes, I’ll get well right away. I’ll see you when we resume shooting.” Kikwang ended the call with a contented expression plastered on his face.

“Uhm…what did you just do?”

“Now you have me for the day.” Kikwang said as his eye-smile stayed on to bring more positive vibe in the room.

“What?! You’re skipping work for me?!” _______’s eyes widened and it was obvious that she was surprised.

“Well I don’t want you to feel like two guys deserted you today.”

“You didn’t have to…”

“I wanted to. I want to be here so you can forget your worries.” Kikwang’s such a sweetheart, he almost melted _______ with those words of his.

“That’s so sweet of you Kikwang.”

“I didn’t do this for free woman. As a person who’s feeling ill, I want to be fed, taken care of, watch a movie on your couch and you must, I repeat, you must tell me what’s going on in your head, the good and the sad.”

_______ was so touched that Kikwang’s determined to be her confidant for the day. He was obviously offering his ears to listen to everything she’s been keeping, and his shoulder for her to lean on.

She couldn’t help but hug him after everything...she needed that right now.


_______ shared to Kikwang what has been recently happening between her and Eunhyuk. He seriously listened to her but didn’t give too much advice since he didn’t want to say anything that could really harm the relationship of the two, he didn’t want to be labeled as the guy who took advantage of a bad incident so he can steal someone’s heart. Even though he really liked _______, he didn’t want to ruin her happiness, even if it means that her happiness depends with someone else.

_______ felt good that she was able to vent out. She was thankful that Kikwang’s there with her.

After that slightly tearful conversation, she started cooking one of Kikwang’s favorite food. The two enjoyed their dinner before moving on to the couch to watch a feel-good movie.

The two looked like they were cuddling with each other because of the closeness of their bodies, one would wonder how close their relationship really is.

_______ sighed and hearing that made Kikwang look at her. The movie wasn’t doing its job in distracting her but he didn’t probe more.

After a while, Kikwang felt _______’s head land on his shoulder. Her eyes were closed as he checked up on her and he came to the conclusion that she already fell asleep.

“I hate feeling this way.” She suddenly mumbled when Kikwang moved her head to lie comfortably on his lap.

“I hate seeing you this way.” Kikwang answered back as he used his fingers to gently ________’s hair. “What would have happened if I acted on my feelings sooner? Would you have accepted me? Would I be your boyfriend? Would you have been happier with me?” Kikwang wondered as he looked down on the troubled girl.

Kikwang carefully got his phone from the front pocket of his jeans and texted his hyungs about his true whereabouts and the situation that he is in, he knew that they would understand him.


“You stayed?” ________ asked as if she found it unbelievable that Kikwang was still at her place even though it was already morning. Now that answered her question regarding how she ended up on the bed.

“Not for long though…I have to go back to the dorm before noon. Good thing you’re up already, I made you something healthy.”

“But of course, my best guy friend is such a health buff. I won’t be surprised if you ask me out on a date to the gym.”

“Why? Would you go out on a date with me if I asked you to?” Kikwang took his chance in asking.

“Well…sure, why not? Friendly dates are not bad, right?” She said and smiled before eating a spoonful of their breakfast food.

Kikwang could only show a faint smile as he heard her reiterate their ‘friendship’ status.

_______ hopped down from her stool to rush to her room since she heard her phone ringing, more importantly because it’s the sound of the ringtone she set for her special someone.

“Let’s have a date in Hongdae today.” Kikwang heard a man’s voice say over the phone. ________ mouthed Eunhyuk’s name, letting Kikwang know who she’s talking with.

“But it’s crowded there. Don’t you want to meet up in a more quiet space?” _______ answered back as she sat back in her stool and continued eating.

‘Oh. So that’s why he’s on loudspeaker.’ Kikwang realized since _______ wanted to continue her meal. He wondered if she told her boyfriend about his presence.

“But your favorite café is there.” Eunhyuk replied and that made ________ brighten up.

“Awww…your remembered.” Her sweet voice came out, obviously forgiving and forgetting about Eunhyuk’s earlier mistakes…Kikwang wasn’t sure if he should be happy about what he’s witnessing or not.

He continued to listen to the couple as they arranged what time they’ll be meeting up.

“I think you’re my lucky charm.” _______ immediately returned her focus to Kikwang after ending her call with her boyfriend.


Later that day, Eunhyuk fetched his girlfriend from her apartment.

“I’m happy you finally had the time for me.” _______ told Eunhyuk after she opened the door when he rang the bell.

“You know I try hard to see you. It may not be too obvious, but I do put a lot of effort.” Eunhyuk kissed _______ to try to cheer her up.

_______ couldn’t stay mad too long at him and again, just pushed aside the previous issues she had with him.

They got on the road after having a short make-out session inside her apartment, knowing that they won’t be able to publicly display their affection later.

The two entered the coffee shop easily and they were glad that it wasn’t crowded. Eunhyuk chose that place since he knows that it’s one of ________’s favorite cafés and because he knows that place makes her feel chill and calm.

“Anyway, I was surprised that you called me earlier oppa. I didn’t know that you had your schedule free for today. Usually you’d tell me in advance in which days you have off.” _______ brought up after the two ordered their drinks.

“Yeah. The fans want to see us out together.” Eunhyuk said and waved outside the window since he could see his fans crowding in front. He wasn’t surprised that they were there since he did, kind of left a hint on Twitter on where he and ________ would be.

“First your friends, now your fans? You’re bringing me out like we’re doing a publicity stunt.” And again, _______ became irritated with Eunhyuk. It seems like all he does with her has another, hidden meaning. Can’t they just simply go out because they want to be together?

“_______, why are you making things such a big issue now? Isn’t what’s important is that we’re together?” Eunhyuk was blunt with his words as he defended himself.

“Wow. So I’m the one at fault now? I just want some quiet, quality time with you, is that selfish of me? You can’t seem to understand what I’ve been trying to tell you. At least my friends, especially Kikwang understands me….he makes time for me.” _______ shook her head and looked away from him.

“Oh so you’re bring Kikwang up now? Fine then make him your boyfriend. He’s much more handsome and he has more time for you. He’s better than me, right?” Eunhyuk didn’t back down, yes _______ did hit a nerve.

Now it’s ________’s turn to feel bad. She shouldn’t have compared Eunhyuk with someone else, right?

“I’m sorry that I can’t easily block off my schedule even though I really want to. You know how the industry goes ______, you know what I have to do for work. I do want to spend time with you_______, contrary to what you think. I’m sorry if you feel like I don’t prioritize you but that really isn’t the case. If you could just take a glimpse of my heart and my mind, you’d know how much you fill it up.” Although Eunhyuk knew deep inside that ________ was right, he also has his pride and that’s why he talked back like that.

“Sorry.” _______ apologized as she was looking down on her hands on the table.

Eunhyuk sighed and extended his hand to hold ________’s hand.

“I’m sorry too. Let’s just forget about this and just enjoy our day. I promise after this, we’ll go somewhere only we know.” _______ nodded as she looked at Eunhyuk. He showed her a small smile in which she returned with the same expression as well.

“So….If Kikwang has more time than me, then that means I’m more popular right?” Eunhyuk joked to lighten up the atmosphere and it worked seeing that _______ laughed.


Hmmm…so what do you guys think? Is Eunhyuk saying the truth or is he also using a bit of reverse psychology?


Hope you all enjoyed this update :) Slightly longer chapter than the usual, right? 



~Comment Replies~

ChoKyu: Hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

ColaSmackles: Yes there's 'hidden' drama in this one but it's still slightly happy cause of Kikwang, right? ;)


Hope you feel good about your exam results :)

Love ya <3

suju26kamz: I think you'll be saying the same thing in this ;)

mari_038: haha not...yet ^_~


haha it's okay, Eunhyuk deserves it naman ;)

gabie_16: True :( Now Kikwang's giving her that attention she needs

Maxx713: haha it's okay ;)


LOL. Hold his hand, stare into his eyes and never let go.haha We should try not to creppily smile at him.


Eunhyuk is still not realizing his wrongdoings :(

Should she really break up now and leave him already?

stephyjung: Yeah their date started good but then it sorta got ruined :|

hmmm...we'll see if they'll eventually have their happy ending ;)

Alina1225: I hope so because I've read / seen Eunhyuk mention Junsu in SUKIRA before and I think he's open to talking about him so let's just hope they are in good terms :)

He should realize that / his mistakes before it's too late :|

anj_yesung: True, trouble trouble.haha

She's lucky when Eunhyuk is sweet but when he's not, he does a lot of insensitive things :|

citedFriedRice: Haha you have my permission, I think there are a lot who are also annoyed with him because of his recent 'insensitive' actions x_x

Yamasau: well this chapter kinda has 'lovey' moments...but with Kikwang *_*

Oohh, you're one of the few who are still siding with Eunhyuk.hihi ;)

cupidzangel: Yeah, it's like one positive thing / two negatives.haha The boyfriend's fault?lol

superhyukkie: tsk tsk tsk...bad anchovy eunhyukkie. He's making her feel that way -_-

QieYue19: hmmm...I'm thinking if I should put the 'break up' chapter after a few chapters that's why I'm building the drama now but will it be / is it too soon?

Eunhyuk is insensitive to her feelings *_* ugh. tsk tsk

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!