Keep calm and trust oppa

'We Got Married' separated us



Electroboyz ft. Hyorin - Ma Boy 2


On today’s We Got Married shoot, two cameramen followed ________ as she watched Eunhyuk’s musical, Fame. The other cameramen were with Eunhyuk and focus on him backstage and on stage, until he and _______ would get together in the end.

________ cheered for her boyfriend…or well husband, as he appeared on stage. He looked cooler than usual, his acting, charm and smooth moves captivated the audience.

“I’m not being biased but I really thought that the musical was very interesting and entertaining. It’s definitely something that you would want to watch so I urge everyone to see it while they can.” That was ________’s response when an interviewer asked her about her thoughts on the show.

________ went to the backstage dressing rooms when the show ended. She was able to find Eunhyuk’s room quickly and immediately congratulated him for a job well done.

“You enjoyed it?” Eunhyuk asked as he sat ________ next to him on the mini couch.

“Yeah, I really did oppa.” _______ replied with a bright smile. She proved to him that she really paid attention as she recalled her favorite moments of the show.

“Well so I’m happy that you’re here and that you liked it.” Eunhyuk said and then got ________’s hand and pulled her up. “I want to introduce you to my costars.” Eunhyuk urged and brought _______ out of his room.

Eunhyuk proudly showed ________ off while she politely talked to everyone that she met.

“Wow you two look really cute together.” SNSD’s Tiffany complimented the couple and even told them that she watches the show often.

________ was also able to see one of her ‘Chocoball’ friends, which was Jungmo.

“Now which scenes did you enjoy more, the ones I was in or Eunhyuk’s parts?” Jungmo asked like a kid.

“Do you even have to ask?” Eunhyuk answered back teasingly as he placed his arm around _______’s waist.

“Oh right, ________’s kind so she’ll tell us that she loved your performance more even though it’ll be the opposite of her true feelings.” Jungmo joked making _________ laugh.

“No. My oppa is the best.” Eunhyuk looked at her suspiciously after she said that. “It’s true! I only had my eyes on you…and well Tiffany too cause she is so pretty.”

“She may be pretty but you, my girl, are beautiful.” Eunhyuk then sneaked a quick kiss on her lips. His words and actions made _______ blush.

“That’s so corny…but sweet. You’re the best.” She said and clutched her hands tighter around Eunhyuk’s arm.

“Yah, what about me? You still haven’t told me your reaction.” Jungmo asked as he raised a brow at his ‘supposedly close’ friend.

“Fine, you looked cool too. But Eunhyuk oppa is still number one.”

Eunhyuk asked _______ if she wanted to accompany him to the after-show dinner party but she had to decline since she still had her radio program to go to afterwards.  



The We Got Married crew still followed the couple the next night wherein ________ went to KBS for Eunhyuk’s last night at as a DJ in SUKIRA.

“Awww…oppa.” _______ hugged her crying boyfriend and rubbed his back. Eunhyuk couldn’t help but shed tears because he and Leeteuk would be leaving their radio program and pass the job to Sungmin and Ryeowook.

They had to leave because the two already had jam-packed schedules.

Eunhyuk tried hard not to show his tears, his weak side in front of ________ but of course that’s impossible, besides she loves every side of Eunhyuk, except when he’s jealous.

Donghae was also there to show support, he was comforting Leeteuk while ________ took care of Eunhyuk.

“I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye to this one.” Eunhyuk sniffled as he wiped his tears away. It was understandable that Leeteuk and Eunhyuk grew attach to the show, they had the program for five years, through their ups and downs.

“I know, me too. But I have no doubt with Ryeowook and Sungmin’s capabilities.” Leeteuk said as he wore shades to cover up his puffy red eyes.

The guys said their thank you’s and goodbyes to the staff who took care of them throughout the years.


________ and Eunhyuk brought the guys over to their apartment to eat and have coffee at so they could at least unwind some more.

Instead of letting _______ cook, they just ordered food.

In the middle of eating, Eunhyuk told _________ about the music video that he was offered to star in a long with an actress.

“We’ll be acting as a couple.” He informed her about the details that he knew about the storyline of the music video.

“You have a kissing scene?” She asked calmly.

“Uhm…not really…there’s a scene that leads to a kiss but we don’t actually get to kiss.” Eunhyuk explained.

“No physical lip contact?” _______ asked and Eunhyuk quickly shook his head.

“My lips are only for you.” He added, his cheesiness made the guys make a face.

“What will I do if you get nervous around her though? That would mean you like her, right?” She asked again.

“No. that would just mean that I’m thinking about you, scared of what your reaction will be once you see the finished video.”

“Maybe I should take over and film We Got Married with ________ while you film your music video.” Donghae teased and then winked at ________.

“Maybe you two should just film a We Got Married episode, I’m sure everyone would love that. What do you think PD-nim?” _______ looked at the staff and cameramen as if she was really serious with her suggestion.


So so sorry for the long delay! Writers block T_T

I originally wrote a chapter filled with drama for but changed my mind because I thought it would be too soon to have another fight.

I know this is a bit short, but I still hope you enjoyed this update ^_^

Oh and the 'sequence of events' may get a bit confusing, won't really follow the real life events / date and might get them mixed


~Comment Replies~

tiffclaire: Thanks ^_^ Glad you're liking it.

Hope you enjoy this update :)

aniyha: awww...well I hope you liked this problem-free chapter ;)

yesungie: It's okay unnie :) At least you've made your presence felt now.

Yeah, there will be a lot of drama in this story *_* Mean Eunhyuk will make you kind of hate him from time to time.haha

Hope you like this 'still happy' phase.hihi ;)

Alina1225: Yeah they were able to fix their problem so YAY! ^_~

True, it's just a preview of the things to come.

Hope you like this one:)

ColaSmackles: That's good :) I don't like you crying (too ;)

Are you on your Christmas break already?

citedFriedRice: LOL Shisus!! Good thing they didn't break up...for now ;)

Yamasau: They shouldn't, right? But it all depends on their future actions and problems *_*

Yurikax3: Me? *_* but...but I have to, in the future ;) haha we'll see.

I'm happy you 'ship' them already! ^_^

Eunhyuk has his 'bad' moments

cupidzangel: YAY for them being mature enough to fix their problem ^_^

I know, right? Eunhyuk just might push her towards Kikwang if he continues to act like a jealous jerk.

We should just keep ourselves in our 'happy place'.haha Weird thing is that I didn't really pay attention to Jjong and Junhyung too but then I found myself having a crush on them just weeks before they had girlfriends.

superhyukkie: True, you'll be blaming Eunhyuk in the future!haha ;)

Yeah, Eunhyuk should spend all the time he can get with her :)

gaemnis: awww...thank you! ^_^ That's really sweet of you :)

suju26kamz: Yeah, there will probably be a lot of times where in they'll be on the verge of breaking up *_*

Eunhyuk needs to control himself, right? ;)

ShiningStar13: awww...komawo dongsaeng :)

I'm happy to know that you're enjoying this story ^_~ Will try to keep things interesting ;)

redshuz: YAY! I'm so glad you loved the last chapter! ^_^

Yeah, Eunhyuk  should control himself and not judge into conclusions.

True, he should get some advice to keep things cool.

anj_yesung: He was at the beginning, but good thing he was able to get over it and they were able to work it out :)

Yeah, more fights to come *_* That big fight that will 'separate' them won't be happening tooo soon...maybe ;)

celine_neji: You seem to defend our main SJ characters. hihi Here and in LL ;)  But still, Eunhyuk should have trusted his girlfriend, right? And what you said was true, he should be a better boyfriend.

Good thing they were able to fix it :)

stephyjung: Me too!  I hate it when someone wakes me up for no good reason or if someone orders me around right after I wake up. ugh x_x

Yeah it is a preview of more problems in the future.


Haha an encyclopedia is pretty thick.

ILuvSuJu15: More intense scenes coming your way ;)

Hope you like this update :)

starcraft_runner: Yup, their fights are still manageable and short.

True, he should be a better boyfriend if he wants her to stay with him ;)

gabie_16: He should trust her, right? ;)

You (and your fangirl mind) guessed right. That will happen in the future ^_~

yumi_96: haha I'm glad the emoticon is just for Eunhyuk this time. I'm sure this chapter will make you have a different emotion, right? :)

awww...thank you!! ^_^ That's sweet of you :) I appreciate it. Hope you enjoy this one.

Maxx713: I actually didn't think it through, like how Eunhyuk found Let's just say a common friend saw them? haha

Eunhyuk needs to control himself if he wants his girl to stay with him.

Me too! Like that would make me so mad! I don't want my sleep to get cut short and then start my day with drama? Such a bad combo.

Good for Eunhyuk that he has a girl like her who is mature.

Me too! haha ^_~

gabriellathecat: Yay for them working things out! ^_^ Hope you like this update

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!