Trying to escape the friendzone

'We Got Married' separated us




Both Kikwang and _______ were starting to feel the effect of the alcohol in their system. For _______, it made her mellow, drinking after a break-up is pretty common, right? For Kikwang, the alcohol was slowly giving him confidence, the push to finally confess. But even after they left the restaurant, Kikwang still didn’t divulge his secret love.

He and _______ went back to the hotel, his mind still deep in thought making ________ notice.

“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been quiet. Are you drunk?” ________ teased in the end.

Kikwang was already sending her back to her hotel room, the two of them were walking down her floor’s hallway when Kikwang finally made up his mind.

“You still want to know who the person in my heart is?” Kikwang suddenly brought up when they were in front of her door.

“Why? Will you really tell me now?” _______ asked as she leaned back at the door.

“It's you________. It has always been you from the moment I got to know you. I don’t know if I stand a chance now but I don’t want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of your break up with Eunhyuk hyung. I just want you to know how I truly feel so if you consider my feelings or not, it’s up to you. Just please…don’t avoid me after this. I just wanted you to know that…I’ve been hiding it and pretending for so long. I admit, I kind of am hoping you’ll let me escape the ‘friendzone’ after hearing this.” Kikwang finally confessed. Although he knows that ________ is a bit tipsy, he hopes that she’ll still acknowledge and understand his feelings.

A bit dazed, _______ replies with “Let me think about it. Just give me some time.”

Kikwang nodded before lifting his hand. “Don’t forget about this talk we had, alright?”

He then folded his fingers except for his pinky. They did a pinky swear and as they locked their pinkies together, Kikwang leaned in slowly and kissed ________.

“Jeju kiss.” _______ giggled a bit, still not comprehending how serious the situation would lead to.

“Good night _______.” Kikwang said with a soft smile as he helped her inside the room before proceeding to go his way.



_______ woke up in the morning feeling dehydrated and with a headache. She went towards the mini-fridge and got herself a bottle of water.

Do you know the saying that ‘You make some of the mose important decisions while taking a shower’? Well for _______, she had some deep realizations while in the bath.

Eunhyuk…break-up…Kikwang…his confession…the kiss.

_______’s eyes widened as she remembered how things ended last night between her and Kikwang.

‘He confessed that he has feelings for me. He kissed me and I…kissed him back.’ _______’s thoughts wrapped around the recent event.

She set him up on a date when she didn’t know that he didn’t want any other girl but her. She poured her emotions about Eunhyuk towards him not knowing how hurt he must feel hearing her fond words about another guy.

Immediately after fixing herself up, _______ texted Heechul and asked him about his room number, along with a message that she needed to talk to him as soon as possible.


“Oppa, Kikwang and I kissed.” ________ told Heechul right after he opened his door.

“It’s just one thing after another for you huh.” Heechul replied before stepping to the side to let _______ in. He didn’t even sound nor look surprised with her news.

Within minutes _______ started her story-telling session with him, starting from the events that led to her break-up with Eunhyuk up to the kiss with Kikwang that happened the night before. Heechul didn’t throw any sarcastic remarks, he comforted her like he would do to any of his close dongsaengs. Heartache is not a light subject and Heechul made sure to let ________ know that he was there for her.

“There were signs all a long but I didn't see it...or well maybe it was just me, I didn't want to believe it.”_______ said as she looked down on the flood.
“Which guy are you talking about? Kikwang or Eunhyuk?” Heechul asked for her to clarify.
“Both. Eunhyuk gradually changed, our relationship started to become difficult but I was in denial. He told me in one of our fights before that I was naïve about Kikwang’s feelings for me, while I told him that we were just in a platonic relationship. I guess I put Kikwang in the ‘friendzone’.” _______ explained herself more.

“Well you have two things to carefully consider now. First, do you think your relationship with Eunhyuk can be saved? The second thing is, do you think you can accept Kikwang as a boyfriend or as a friend only? And if not, can you go back to being friends with him?”

“Honestly, I still have a lot to think about Kikwang. I mean he’s a great guy and all, and yes maybe he would have stood a great chance if he tried to court me earlier than Eunhyuk. But right now, it’s just too fast…I’m not yet ready to move on. As for Eunhyuk oppa and I…I don’t know if our issue is avoidable since it was his feelings that wavered. There’s no use of being in a romantic relationship if the love and romance isn’t there anymore. I think I’ve had enough of only me doing all the work, if he wants us to be back together then he has to fight for it. I hate how easy he gave up on us. I admit I became stubborn, e I challenged him to break up with me over a problem that we could probably have talked over about…but still, he just accepted it with no fuss, as if he didn’t care anymore.” _______ let her tears freely fall, knowing that with Heechul she could let her guard down. “Funny, isn’t it? We got married led us to break up. The more time we spent with each other made him lose interest.” 


Hey everyone, since the comments got erased and I'm not too sure where I last left off, I will just resume replying to comments after this update (comments about this chapter)

Hope you all have a great weekend ahead ^_^ 

OH and any Myungsoo / Infinite fans here? If you are or if you're just interested to read a new story then please do check out my new story:

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet. 

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Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!