My Valentine

'We Got Married' separated us

Hyorin - I Choose To Love You

“Don’t tell us you’re still tangled up with that girlfriend of yours?? You don’t even hang out with us guys anymore. The last time we did you had to bring your girl. Not that we’re complaining but there’s a reason why it’s called a boys night out.” One of Eunhyuk’s friends brought up the topic when Eunhyuk rejected their plans to have a short getaway.

“Well I just wanted to let you guys meet each other so that she’ll know who I’ll hang out with. Now that she knows you, and she did tell me that she likes you all…I can hang with you guys easily without her doubting me.”

“You sound like you’re on a leash dude.”

“Aish! I’m not!” Yes, Eunhyuk got defensive. He didn’t want to seem like he’s under his girlfriend’s power. “We just need to get over this Valentine’s Day event and things will be more relaxed between us.”


On Valentine’s Day, It’s a common practice that only the girls are the ones who give their boyfriends chocolates or other sweets. The men aren’t really entitled to give anything back until White Day but it isn’t also unusual for the guys to do something special for their ladies.


The couple met up on the morning of the February fourteen and they were both surprised to see that they had a ‘couple look’ since they didn’t talk about what they were going to wear. Eunhyuk wore a red plaid polo while _______ wore a maroon sweater dress…so people could see the subtle matching outfits.

________ carried a small basket of chocolates and a box of red velvet cookies that she personally made for her boyfriend.

“Oppa, happy valentine’s day!” _______ greeted Eunhyuk as she handed over the sweets that she made for him.

“Awww…komawo my love.” Eunhyuk smiled sweetly at _______ and kissed her on the cheek. He then tried one of the cookies that she baked for him. He showed a bright expression, a face that would seem like he’s filming a commercial, advertising how delicious the pastry is.

“The yummiest cookie ever! Daebak yeobo!” Eunhyuk complimented ______’s creation which made her feel proud and smile with glee.

“So…where are we heading now? Any plans?” _______ curiously asked since the two of them were still in their apartment. She wondered if Eunhyuk had planned any secret special event for her.

But before Eunhyuk could reply, one of the writers handed over an envelope to them.


 ‘Since you’ve already passed your 200th day as a real couple and 100th day as a ‘married’ couple…we’re going to give you both a chance now to have a wedding pictorial.

Please go to the studio where Music Core is held weekly.’


The director instructed Eunhyuk to go on stage while _______ sat alone in the audience section.

The concept for their first, sudden photo shoot would make it look like Eunhyuk only performs to shine in _______’s eyes. The lights were on and the staff even played Super Junior’s music in the background. The photographer told Eunhyuk to just dance, as if he’s impressing and enticing ______...while the girl would seem like his number one fan, admiring him truly. The two didn’t even change their clothes and just went with the flow, being candid with their expressions. The camera captured _______ and Eunhyuk laughing out of embarrassment at times since they weren’t fully sure of what to do. Although that directed scene started out a bit awkward, it wasn’t really far from how the couple is. Eunhyuk remembered how he’d do his best to show off his skills in the hopes that _______ would have more reasons to like him and his plan worked. _______ would blush when he’d do heart signs or wink or point at her to let her know that his eyes are only on her.

The start of their unexpected shoot turned out great.

After that time in the MBC stage, the couple was driven to go to their next destination which is a studio that has been set up for them earlier.

Since the studio that the two were going to shoot in was close to Super Junior’s dorm, Eunhyuk asked his manager to fetch his dog so that they could use him for some of the photos. He knew that ________ loves Choco, he liked it when she treated the puppy as their baby before.

True enough, ______ squealed and got excited when Choco came into the studio.

_______ and Eunhyuk had such a cute photo of the two of them kissing the dog.


The shoot wouldn’t be complete if the couple wouldn’t be seen in proper wedding attires, would it?

“Wow yeobo. You look the best right now.” Eunhyuk couldn’t take his eyes away from _______ as he saw her come out the dressing room. _______ looked elegant as she wore a white flowy wedding gown while Eunhyuk looked dashing in a black and white tuxedo on.

“Well I think you look like the most handsome guy in the whole world right now.” _______ repaid the compliment.

It was true though, the two really looked together.

_______’s stylist added an elastic headband with small flowers on her hair to make her look more enchanting.

Just when the photographer was about to take the first photo of them in their wedding outfits, Eunhyuk asked him to give them a minute.

“Why?” _______ asked curiously.

“I think there’s still something missing.” Eunhyuk seemed to be thinking hard as he studied _______’s look one more time “Ah! I know what will complete your look.”  He acted as if a light bulb popped out of his head.

Eunhyuk then got something from the pocket of his pants and then reached out to get ________’s hand.

He slipped on a sapphire silver ring on her ring finger before showing her his own matching…well a manlier version of the sapphire ring.

_______ gasped and was in awe when she realized what Eunhyuk gave her. Although she hid it well, _______ actually felt a bit disappointed because Eunhyuk didn’t look like he prepared something for her for today’s ‘love’ holiday. But now that Eunhyuk gave her that oh so pretty ring as his valentine gift, she has no right to complain.

_______ couldn’t help but get a bit teary eyed before giving Eunhyuk a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug.

“Saranghae, my forever valentine.” Eunhyuk whispered sweetly making _______’s heart turn into mush.

“I love you too.” She whispered in reply.  It looked like they forgot that they had the staff of the studio and the crew of the show surrounding them.

“Now we’re perfect?” ________ asked and Eunhyuk nodded his head. The two finally resumed their shoot and the atmosphere seemed to be much livelier.

Everyone felt the love coming from the two young lovers making them feel like they’re watching a TV show. They couldn’t even stop themselves from shouting at the couple to kiss. Eunhyuk was more than happy to oblige with their requests, everybody cheered when they kissed.

For their last set of photos, the couple was given a fondant cake with sparklers. They held each other’s hand as they cut the cake together and fed each other as if they were already in the reception after the wedding ceremony.

________ couldn’t help but imagine their future together, she felt excited to go through this pre-wedding period again, hopefully still with Eunhyuk and next time it would be for real.


(Advance) Valentines day chapter ^_^ 


~Comment Replies~

suju26kamz: is it a big surprise or just so-so but sweet?haha ;)

Hope you like it :)

superhyukkie: Well he really didn't plan an event but he did give her a gift ^_~

Maxx713: Live far from you? Where do you live? :)


Me too, Kikwang is a softie lovey person here and I just want to hug him as well.haha

She just can't see through him now 3

I actually sang NS Yoonji's 'The reason I became witch' after reading your comment.haha ;)

Hope you enjoy this since Eunhyuk isn't a jerk here :)

ILuvSuJu15: hmm...I think you'll still feel something strange about Eunhyuk here, right? ;)

stephyjung: Well fortunately nothing bad happened on Valentine's day ;)

ColaSmackles: Haha Poor Kikwang, you like him but you love Eunhyuk still ;)


Yeah that's good!! ^_^ Keep up the good work ;)

I hope you're not feeling scared about the earthquake anymore :) *hug* Loveya

Yamasau: He did well for this 'episode', right? ;)

anj_yesung: Well he did suprise her with a gift so yay for that ;)

You're welcome :) Hope you enjoy this update.

citedFriedRice: Aww...but he behaved well here ;)

cupidzangel: True, I really hate feeling torn between two great leading men.haha ^_^

Kikwang <3

Alina1225: Yeah, she still can't see through his 'good - friendly' actions.

He didn't forget and he gave her a gift so he did a good job, right? ^_~

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!