Will Jeju change things?

'We Got Married' separated us


_________ went backstage as the first girl group started to do a medley of their recent popular songs. She was chatting with one of the dj’s when someone’s pair of hands suddenly covered her eyes.

“Guess who?” The guy leaned down so that he could whisper near _______’s ear.

“You…how…why are you here?” _______ asked after she recognized who the voice belonged to. She held the hands that were covering her eyes and put it down as she turned around to face him. She definitely didn’t expect him to be there.


“Ya! Have you forgotten that I worked as a DJ in this company too? We even worked together, remember?” Heechul flicked ______’s forehead after that.

“Aish, I know that oppa but I didn’t know you were going to be here. You didn’t tell me.”

“Well it was a last minute thing. You do know I’m a big deal, right? And besides, I’m here for another reason too…for you to tell me what’s going on between Eunhyuk and you.” Yes, Heechul is actually worried about the two. He feels somewhat responsible since he is the reason why Eunhyuk and ______ met.

“Can we not talk about that, or well at least not now. I still am processing what happened.” _______ spoke seriously, hoping Heechul would understand her.

“Fine I’m not going to annoy you about it now but we’re not leaving this island until you tell me what happened.”

_______ just nodded before having another guy steal her attention. He made eye contact with her, and again she got surprised because of someone’s unannounced presence.

The guy happily called out her name as he approached her and Heechul.

“You’re here too?!” _______ exclaimed. Did she really not read through the list of performers and guests?

“Of course, Beast is here for the fans and it’s a big plus since I’m here for you as well.” Kikwang smiled, happy to have finally seen ________ after landing in Jeju.

“Beast, you’re up in ten minutes.” One of the producers announced cutting Kikwang and _______’s talk.

“Do you have plans after this event?” Kikwang asked quickly before someone may impatiently pull him to the side.

“Hmm…none. Why?”

“Let’s have dinner later then.” Was this Kikwang’s way of indirectly asking _______ out on a date?

“Don’t you have to be with the other guys tonight?” She asked curiously.

“Not really. Come on, if you reject me now I might make a mistake on stage later.” Kikwang seemed like he was threatening _______, of course his aegyo helped a bit.

“Okay fine, but you’re paying.” _______ did a mehrong in the end before pushing Kikwang to go back to his group mates. 


After Kikwang walked away, Heechul looked back at ________ and shook his head as if in disapproval yet he was clearly amused.

“Oh that kid definitely has it bad.” He stated making _______ face him again.


“Seriously _______, you don’t see it? Kikwang’s fallen hard.”

“What do you mean? On who?” She was honestly not on the same page as Heechul is in. Sensing that ________ didn’t really see through Kikwang made Heechul roll his eyes.

“Wow, we really do have a lot to talk about.” Heechul said before hearing his name being called out on stage.

Well it seems like that serious talk will still have to wait until the next day.


After the show ended, everyone went back to the hotel and took some time to rest and freshen themselves up.

Kikwang knocked on ________’s hotel door, personally picking her up so that she had no excuse to give to bail out on their ‘dinner date’. Even with his make-up off, hair un-styled and sporting more casual clothes, Kikwang still looked charismatic.

“What do you want to eat?” Kikwang asked as he and ________ made their way out of the lobby.

“I want seafood.” She beamed happily.

“Okay. Let’s go have that and try the other special food that Jeju is known for.”


After finding and settling inside a good grill restaurant, the two continued to catch-up with each other’s lives.

“So how are you and Eunhyuk hyung?” Kikwang asked after noticing that _______ hasn’t brought his name up nor did he see her getting calls or messages from him.

“We already broke up…I think?” _______ tried to sound as cool as possible. She didn’t want to show any bitterness nor sadness.

“You what?! Why?! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Kikwang did not see that coming. He was caught off guard by the news that ________ and Eunhyuk are no longer a couple.

“Well I guess his priorities have changed and I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been a part of that. The issues and problems just kept piling up and maybe we really did drifted apart despite being ‘married’ on the show. We ended things a day before I came here.” ________ shrugged her shoulders after speaking.

“Wait, is this just like a result of one of your fights? A temporary time-apart thing and not an official break-up?” Kikwang curiously asked back.

________ sighed before replying. “I honestly don’t know yet. The last time we talked, things didn’t go smoothly and I walked away from him. There’s no closure yet and it’s still a pretty fresh wound.”

Kikwang moved to the seat beside her and gave a comforting hug. He could see how broken up she is even though she tries hard to conceal it.

A few tears dropped from _______’s eyes as she hugged Kikwang back. She didn’t allow herself to sob and just it up. She took a deep breath and wiped away the tears that escaped before pulling herself away from the hug.

“We should be eating right now and not having this conversation.” ________ tried to laugh it off and gulped down the shot of soju that Kikwang poured for her earlier. She then started to eat what was on her plate, making Kikwang go back to his original seat which was across the table.

“How about you and your crush that you’ve been so secretive about?” ________ changed the topic not knowing that that would still lead back to her.

“What about her?” Kikwang asked before doing a samgyupsal-lettuce wrap for _________.

“Have you made your move?” She asked before Kikwang gently fed her.

“Hmmm…not yet.” He answered back casually and took a bite of his own food.

“Are you even going to tell me who she is now?” ________’s been seriously curious as to who this special girl is.

“Well…I can give you a hint and if you ask the right questions, you might even figure it out.” Kikwang answered back and gave a wink.

“Really?! Okay!” ________ enthusiastically started to think of questions that may expose the identity of Kikwang’s crush.

“Yes, but I want you to promise me something.”


“That things will not change between us for the worse when you find out who I like.” Kikwang seriously said.

“Why? Are you afraid I won’t like her?”

“Maybe. Maybe you won’t like her to be with me.” The last thing that Kikwang wanted was _______ to avoid or ignore him when she finds out about his true feelings.

“Well I do only want you to be happy so I have to make sure that she’s someone who’ll treat you right. I want to think that you have great taste in women, right?” ________’s words made Kikwang chuckle and think hard.

Will he confess? Should he even consider confessing tonight? If he does, will that take make her problems with Eunhyuk go away? Will he accept to be her rebound?


So what will happen now when Eunhyuk is still out of the picture as he stays in Seoul and Kikwang’s at Jeju readying himself to confess?

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Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!