Housewarming party

'We Got Married' separated us

“Oppa. They’re here!” _______ called out to Eunhyuk as the doorbell kept being repeatedly rung. The two fixed themselves right before Eunhyuk opened the door.

In front of them were the guests that they invited for their housewarming party.


“Congratulations Eunhyuk-ah!!” The boys shouted while the girls immediately swarm around ________ to see the ring that her hubby gave her.The production staff of We Got Married already gifted the couple with a beautiful starter apartment for their married life.

Everyone had plastic bags if not paper bags filled with Tupperwares and lunch boxes filled with food since the couple requested for their visitors to bring food so they could have a potluck party, and if they’re generous enough they’d have something else to give the couple for their new home.

Everybody suggested to eat first since they didn’t eat before going to the couple’s place.

“Aww…Thanks Kikwang!” _______ squealed when she opened up what Kikwang brought over. He bought one of her favorite food and of course that made her happy. The two hugged and that everyone to look at them.

“Can anyone remind me which guy _______ is partnered up with in this show, Eunhyuk or Kikwang?” Heechul took the chance to tease and hinted that there’s a love triangle.

‘I wish I stood a chance.’ Kikwang thought. On the inside he was so happy that _______ was showing her ‘friendly’ affection towards him, on the outside he coolly just laughed at the looks their friends were giving them.

_______ rolled her eyes at her visitors and walked back to Eunhyuk’s arms, he immediately got a hold of her hand and squeezed it a bit as he eyed Kikwang.

Eunhyuk couldn’t help but still feel threatened and insecure every time Kikwang is around ________. He knows that _______ can’t see through Kikwangs more-than-friends feelings for her. His gestures are nothing but normal for her and sometimes he gets frustrated that she can’t see that aspect.


Eunhyuk and ______ then took turns in giving everyone a tour of their simple starter humble abode.

Some of the guys tested out how comfortable the bed is by bouncing on it and rolling around.

Eunhyuk’s dog, Choco, kept running around the house as well, excited with the new environment that he’s in.

“Will you treat Choco as your baby for now?” Hongki asked as he got the dog from the floor and placed him on his lap.

"Of course. It'll be a good practice for us, right wifey?" Eunhyuk did a cute expression as he looked at ________.

"It's so obvious that Choco loves me now more than the original owner." ________ jokingly showed a smug expression.

Kikwang shook his head when he heard the question and just looked somewhere else.

“Be careful with your gaze Kikwang. Don’t keep staring, looking at her as if she’s your wife.” Junhyung whispered to him when the two went out

“Hyung…” Kikwang didn’t know how to respond to Junhyung’s words.

“I know it’s hard but keep your feelings at bay.” Junhyung patted his dongsaengs back before the others joined them in the couch.


“Let’s have a game.” Eunhyuk suggested as the staff handed them a fish bowl filled with folded papers.

_______ chose first and was happy with the game that she got.

‘Decorate the rooms’

“Oh this is good! We haven’t had the time to sort out some of the stuff yet so a lot of our things are still in the boxes. How about one group decorate the kitchen and the other group get to organize our toiletries in the bathroom.” _______ spoke as she pointed to the boxes with the proper labels for the rooms she just mentioned.

“Is this really a game are you two taking advantage of us?” Simon D asked suspiciously.

“It was their idea!” _______ pointed to the writers. “Although I must say it’s a very good one.” She laughed in the end.

“Yeah and you all can’t mess it up because the winning group will of course get a prize.” Eunhyuk told everyone, knowing how the guys can be playful.

Everyone went to work after splitting into two groups.

“Ya you two, you even have matching toothbrushes.” Jungmo commented as he took out the ‘couple’ toothbrush.

“You should just use one and share.” One of their friends added.

“Eunhyuk-ah don’t forget to put the toilet seat down when you’re living here with _______.” Sangchu made everyone laugh and nod in agreement with his statement.

Since the two couldn’t decide on the winning group they just chose to let both groups win and gave their prize which were gift certificates for different establishments, plus a privilege to appear on the show again in the future.


“WAIT! Is there something you two are not telling us?!” Lady Jane’s eyes widened when the second game was announced.

“Nothing! We should let the staff explain since they’re the ones who thought of the games.” Eunhyuk made everyone look at the writers, the cameramen also changed their attention to them.

Now what is this ‘scandalous’ game that got everyone talking? Well it’s no wonder that they all got curious and speculated when a game that is usually only done at baby showers is part of today’s games.

There were 3 diapers that were smeared with melted chocolate and that made it look like a baby’s dirty job.

“It’s related to a mission they’ll have to do soon. ________-shi is not pregnant…at least that’s what we know.” One of the girl writers spoke up.

_______ firmly shook her head and cleared the air before proceeding with the game.

Even though they knew that it was only chocolate, everyone didn’t want to touch the diaper.

“Is this really just chocolate?” Jia asked as she looked at the poo-looking melted dessert.

The couple laughed at their friend’s expressions while they sat beside each other.

They dared one another to try and taste the chocolate to see what kind it is.

*sobs* so so sorry!! I know I haven’t updated for so long and yet this chapter is boring :|

Talk about having a serious case of writer’s block -_- Sorry again and I promise to try to update soon with a more exciting chapter.


~Comment Replies~

redshuz: I want to have that kind of moment too! haha ^_^

Heechul's not gonna enlist in this story ;)

yumi_96: Yay for romantic Eunhyuk! :)

gaemins: So glad you loved it :)

Hope you enjoy this late update.haha ;)

YouAreTheOne: Go Team Eunhyuk ;)

aniyha: Happily back together...but for how long? hmmm...^_~

glinkkiehyukkie: He keeps taking your heart and continues to keep it with him, making you fall for him more ;)

Maxx713: That is the question ;) For how long will he stay like that?

Happy you liked the last update :)

mari_038: Yay for sweet moments! ^_^

 Me too! I want someone to go through that effort for me *dreamy sigh*

LOL Eunhyuk definitely made your stomach and heart happy ;)

Grace22: He did a goood job ;)

citedFriedRice: LOL, monkey anchovy satisfied one's appetite for love and food ;)

suju26kamz: Will mix in the sweet moments and drama in a lot of future chapters ;)

Haha Kikwang and Eunhyuk will have an

cupidzangel: I know, right? He has a spell on us.haha ;)

LOL Your mom makes a GREAT point! haha

Druhyuk_: YAY new reader!! HIII!! ^_^ I'm guessing you'll be loyal with Team Eunhyuk ;)

I'm glad you loved that part ^_~

superhyukkie: You'll be having lots of love-hate moments with Eunhyuk.haha ;)

Food solves almost everything, right? lol

Yurikax3: Yes will write a lot more soon! ;)

stephyjung: I think a lot of us have food as our It makes things better ;)

kyumee68: YAY! I'm so glad you feel that way ^_^ <3

Alina1225: YAY for sweet Eunhyuk ^_^

I solves a lot of things for us girls.haha ;)

anj_yesung: Me too! :)

Yup, finally 'married'.haha ;)

rukinamoto_26: Yay for sweet and cute moments! ^_^

Yamasau: Glad you enjoyed the cute moment ;)

Yay for Team Eunhyuk

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!