
'We Got Married' separated us

Brave Girls - Do You Know

“Hi oppa. What are you doing today?” _______ called up Eunhyuk after Heechul gave her a heads up and informed her that they were back in their dorms.

“We had a fansigning event earlier but now I’m just home.” Eunhyuk answered back sounding a bit bored.

“Heechul oppa told me that you guys are free tonight. Want to have dinner?” ________ sounded hopeful as she asked.

“Didn’t we just see each other the other day?” Eunhyuk sounded like he was uninterested with ________, however she tried to ignore that.
“That was for work though.” ______ replied. It was obvious that there was a hint of disappointment in ________’s voice. Yes, the two did film for We Got Married earlier that week but still, shouldn’t Eunhyuk try to spend time with his girl while he can? Meeting up with her as her boyfriend is still different from ‘working’ with her.

“Uhm…do you want me to come over then?” _______ asked as she looked over her shoulder, looking at the table that had food she cooked for Eunhyuk. She thought that she can just simply pack it up and give it to him and they could share with the others.

“Can’t I just see you again for our next ‘We Got Married’ shoot? I don’t feel like going out or doing anything tonight.”

“Oh okay. Well…I hope you can have a good rest tonight--”

“Okay. Bye” _______ wasn’t even finished with what she was going to say nor was she able to say a proper  goodbye on the phone when Eunhyuk hung up on her.

‘He’s just too tired. I understand.’ _________ thought to herself before puffing out a breath.

_______ couldn’t help but think back, in the past she remembered that he never declined for her to visit the dorm or he’d ask if he could drop by her place. He’d ask for her to make him tea and massage him a bit to get him to relax.

Not a minute later, ________’s phone rang and she picked it up right away after seeing it was Kikwang who was calling her.

“Hey ________. Are you busy now?” Kikwang asked, hoping that ________ isn’t busy with her guy.

“Not really. Eunhyuk oppa’s busy and I’m just stuck here at home. Why? What are you up to?” _______ placed her phone in between her shoulder and head as she started cleaning up what she prepared earlier.

“Well Hara’s over here and Junhyung’s asking if you want to go out with us. We’ll be eating out and drinking if you’re up for it.”

“Sure. I haven’t seen Hara for quite some time. Where do we meet up?”________ really didn’t have anything else to do. She might as well go with her friends that mope around her place.

“Great! At our usual place. We’ll be leaving in ten minutes or so.” Kikwang couldn’t hide sounding enthusiastic.

“Alright. See you.”


_______ arrived at the place that she and the rest of her friends frequently visit. Chocoball meetings often happen here thus the staff always reserves a private room for their VIP guests. The guards don’t even check her bag anymore and just greet her before leading her to where the others would be.

“Unnie!” Hara immediately got up from her seat and hugged ________ as soon as she entered.

“Hey, long time no see.” The two girls squealed and immediately took a photo together before _______ could even say hello to Kikwang or Junhyung.

_______ sat in between Hara and Kikwang while Junhyung sat on the other side of Hara. All of them sat on one side of the couch since Hara urged them to take a group photo since meet-ups like these don’t happen that often now because of each other’s busy schedules.

The waiter then came in and brought in more drinks and food for them.

Junhyung was the one in-charge of pouring in the Soju into shot glasses while his girlfriend and _______ caught up with each-other and Kikwang distributed the food.

Hara wanted to know all about We Got Married and what happens in between filming, how Eunhyuk and _______ are together on-set and other stuff like that.

 “Where are the others?” _______ asked Kikwang as she got curious about the other members of Beast.

“Hyeunsung is doing some recording for his project with Hyuna, Yoseob and Doojoon have individual filming schedules while Dongwoon opted to meet up with some of his friends that he hasn’t seen.” Kikwang answered back in detail.

“We actually just came back from an out of town event but we were able to get some sleep on the way home so we’re not feeling too tired now. Good thing you and Hara aren’t busy as well.” Junhyung joined in the conversation.

“How about Eunhyuk hyung? Busy tonight?” Kikwang asked curiously.

“Not really, but he’s resting at home because they also had an activity earlier. He wasn’t really in the mood to do anything or go anywhere. Although I remember him asking me out on a date right after he landed from a trip overseas before.” _______ couldn’t hide that she felt slightly disappointed at how Eunhyuk rejected her earlier.

“Awww…don’t feel bad unnie. I’m sure Eunhyuk oppa will make it up to you.” Hara quickly tried to cheer ______ up.

“Yeah, I know it’s not his fault. I’m just not used to it. I do see him almost every two weeks to film for our show, but it’s still not the same knowing that cameras are around us compared to dates that…well you know, just us.”

After some time Kikwang and ______ moved to the seats across Hara and Junhyung because their necks were starting to get hurt from shifting it from side to side when one talks. Facing each other is definitely more comfortable and easier.


“Are you okay?” Kikwang asked as he looked at _______ after she leaned her head against Kikwang’s shoulder. She nodded meekly in response.

“Do you want to talk to me about anything?” He asked again as he placed his hand gently on top of _______’s head, caressing her hair a bit before resting his hand down on her shoulder. The action made them look like a couple.

“People…love, they don’t change that quickly right?” ________’s question caught Kikwang off guard.

“What are you talking about ________? Are you and hyung okay?” He asked, worried why _______ was suddenly talking and acting like that.

“It’s nothing big really. I guess it’s just me being such a girl, sensitive and over-thinking and emo and all.”

“Stop that, don’t talk like your feelings aren’t important.” Kikwang sternly told _______. He didn’t ask more  about what was in her mind because he wanted her to be the one to open-up and confide in him.

_______ sighed after hearing Kikwang’s words. Maybe it was just the alcohol affecting her senses?


After a while, Junhyung drove Hara home while Kikwang took a cab with _______ so he could bring her home.

“You sure you’re okay?” Kikwang asked after walking _______ to her door.

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Kikwang. You should rest as soon as you get home.”  ________ hugged Kikwang one last time before going inside her place. 

I know that there are some of you out there who are not really in favor of the couple: Junhyung - Hara. But I hope that doesn't hinder you guys from enjoying this chapter. 


~Comment Replies~


redshuz: Maybe that's why Hello Baby only got Leeteuk and not all of Super Junior because that would mean they'd be taking care of lots of grown-up ^_~


Yes! I think he looked adorable singing! :)

kyuyul: Haha glad that name made a lot of you laugh ;)

No not yet! >.< I've only seen a few performances / fancams.


Hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

Oh there's no picture actually. She just referred that scene ;)

aniyha: Hope the dramatic scenes are still fun to read.haha ;)

Hope you enjoy this update :)

citedFriedRice: Haha glad you enjoyed that part ;)

cupidzangel: Yup, I think so too. Lots of challenges but I guess that's what makes couples closer (hopefully.haha) ;)

ColaSmackles: Haha I think a lot of us would feel like that too.


Here's the start of the drama ;)  Hope you like this update.

Much love to you sweetie <3

superhyukkie: Haha I'm happy you liked it :) Happy I was able to make you laugh ^_^

suju26kamz: I know, He was so cute in his cameo appearances in We Got Married and Hello Baby before...actually of them looked great when holding / taking care of a baby.

His son will learn Super Junior as his first

anj_yesung: I've only seen a few fancams, Donghae & Eunhyuk's stage plus the video for Storm (I think? Where Donghae cries).

Haha and then his baby won't simply take a walk but dance to Super Junior's choreo.

Hope you like this update chingu ^_~

Maxx713: Oh why? What's with Hae's dog?


Haha creative imagination ;)

Hmmm...I don't know but let's just say he's really really cute and adorable :)

Ooohh nutella. Good thing I'm not having anything similar to that, sticking to those with almonds / peanuts first.haha

Hope you like this update :)

ShiningStar13: Me too, I loved watching them take care of babies-kids and pets.haha :)

I'm happy you loved the update ^_~

Alina1225: Yeah, hopefully that made them imagine more about their future (together) ^_^

Hope you enjoy this update ;)

rashiwon: haha those two who keep speaking English on twitter now ;)

stephyjung: YAY! I'm happy you felt that way ^_^

The name just randomly came in to my mind.haha The parents are 'normal' people ;)

Yeah, I just interchanged their 'couple name' to start with W since I have heard of WonHae a few times before :)

Yamasau: awww..I'm glad you loved that part ;)

Yay for lovable Eunhyuk! :)

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!