
'We Got Married' separated us


“Hey! The girls are here!” Heechul informed the rest of his ‘Chocoball’ guys.  Miss A’s Jia, ______ and Lady Jane (Simon D’s girlfriend) arrived all at the same time.

_______ was the newest addition to the ‘Chocoball’ crew. She and Heechul instantly clicked after working together as DJ’s in SBS’ radio program Youngstreet.

“________, Eunhyuk still keeps bugging me about you. He said that you don’t reply enough to his messages.” Heechul complained about his love-struck groupmate.

“What? We just exchanged messages the other night. He asked if I ate, I replied and said ‘Yes’.” ________ told Heechul as she sat next to him.

“See that’s the problem. You didn’t reply enough. You should have asked him if he also ate and he would have replied with something corny about thinking about you or whatever.” Heechul answered back.

Eunhyuk met ________ through his hyung a few months back and instantly grew fond of her. He couldn't stop asking Heechul about her, at first Heechul tolerated his dongsaeng but he soon got annoyed. Without ________'s consent, he passed on her cellphone number to Eunhyuk. 

Junhyung arrived last and greeted everyone as well. Junhyung’s groupmate, Kikwang, also has a crush on_______ but he was still shy to show his romantic interest in her so instead of confessing, he just maintaned a friendly relationship with her.


Eunhyuk certainly didn’t have it easy. It took him months before he was able to convince _________ to go out with him.

________ wasn’t a ‘high-maintenance’ girl but she really was hard to get. She guarded herself well and had Heechul’s snobby characteristics at times.

Eunhyuk even asked for advice from his friends and group members, especially from the known romanticist in Super Junior which was Donghae.

Remember that episode of ‘Oh My School’ where in Heechul hinted that Eunhyuk may have had punched something hard and injured his fist? Yeah, that was because of ________.


He became jealous of Kikwang who seemed close to ________, he confronted her and she told him off cause she felt that he was a bit too much, they weren’t even together. She then rejected his offer to have dinner with him that night because of that.

Eunhyuk got so mad and irritated that he went to a bar and drank to his heart’s content while verbally bashing ________ and Kikwang. He kept pestering the bartender about his ‘unsuccessful’ love life.

“Why am I suffering? Going through so much trouble for her yet she doesn’t even appreciate my existence.” Eunhyuk vented out after his nth shot of soju.

“You know what they say, the best things in life don’t come easy. You’re trying your best to get her because you know she would be worth it.” The bartended replied as he opened another bottle for the sad idol.

“Kikwang & I both have abs. We’re the dancing machines in our groups. I think I only lack they eye smile but still! _______ sees how much I really really like her yet…” Eunhyuk continued to drink and babble until he passed out. The bartender chuckled at him before finding and getting Eunhyuk’s cellphone from his pants.

He looked for the name that Eunhyuk has been repeatedly cursing and calling out for. The bartender smirked and called the girl. ‘I’m going to be helping you out buddy.’ He happily thought in his head.

“Miss. I’m using the phone of your friend, just to inform you that he has been in an accident.” The bartender told ________ after she picked up the phone.

“WHAT?! What happened to Eunhyuk, is he okay?!” Panic and concern could be heard from the tone of _______’s voice.

“Please…just pick him up here at Ho Bar.”

_______ quickly moved on her feet and drove to Hongdae where the bar is. Worry best described her feelings, she could only pray and wish that Eunhyuk would be okay.

“I’m here. I’m Eunhyuk’s friend!” ________ rushed inside the bar. She went straight to where the bartender was and looked at him before looking at Eunhyuk.

“Wait…you said he has been in an accident? He looks unharmed to me.” ________ said as she saw Eunhyuk with his face slumped down on the table and his back hunched off the chair.

“Well he did fall from the chair earlier and had people stumble on him…so technically that’s still an accident. Please take him home now and drive safely.” The conniving bartender hoped he was able to help the two progress…somehow.

________ called Heechul when she and Eunhyuk got settled in her car. She asked him what she would do to his drunk group mate.

“ for you we’re all out of town except for him, Shindong and Leeteuk because they had to shoot Strong Heart. Just take him back to the dorm.” Heechul advised before hanging up.


“Evil girl…playing with me.” ________ heard Eunhyuk mumble when they arrived in the dorm. She found it too hard to let Eunhyuk lean on her while she guides their bodies to the apartment so she just pushed or pulled him around on the floor.

She had no more energy to bring Eunhyuk to his room so she just let him sleep on the floor on the living room. ‘That’s what you get for getting too drunk.’

_______ then went around to look for Shindong or Leeteuk but they weren’t in the dorm. She passed by the kitchen and saw two untouched plates of pasta dishes, flowers, plus an unlit candle on the kitchen table.

‘Do not… I REPEAT DO NOT even think about tasting or touching the food here. This is for ________ & Eunhyuk only’ _______ tilted her head to the side, confused as to why her name was on that note. Then she remembered that Eunhyuk asked her to dinner earlier that day, but she declined cause she didn’t really feel like it plus she was talking to Kikwang that time.

“So you really planned something?” ________ looked back at a sleeping Eunhyuk. “But it isn’t my fault you asked me out on such short notice. Besides you had such an ugly mood and attitude earlier.”

_______ smiled as she looked at what the romantic arrangement should have been. It was then that realized that maybe he really was dead serious about her.

Before leaving, _______ patted Eunhyuk’s head after she placed a pillow behind his head plus covered half of his body with a blanket.


Morning came and Eunhyuk woke up with a terrible headache plus his back hurt. He then asked s about what happened the night before or who took care of him. Heechul told Eunhyuk about _______’s good deed and Eunhyuk forgot all the bitterness he had.

“She just left you on the cold floor. She didn’t even mind moving you even when your face was positioned next to our shoes.” Leeteuk couldn’t understand why Eunhyuk was so happy. Eunhyuk seemed like he drank a happy pill after he learned and realized that _______ treated him well.

“But she still brought me home, gave me a pillow and blanket. I have to be considerate of her too since she must have been so tired bringing me back here. Not only is she really pretty on the outside, but her heart is the same as well. See I knew there’s a reason why I have strong feelings for her! I really want to be in her heart too! Operation ‘make _______ fall for Eunhyuk’ is still a go!!!” A hyper Eunhyuk answered back. He was back in his infatuated state and started planning again in his head.

OMG!! I can't believe this story already has 102 subscribers! Sorry for making you guys wait too long. I got stuck in writing the intro, and I still am not satisfied with the first chapter so sorry T_T

Will do my best to make the succeeding chapters better and more interesting.

Still hope you like it though ;)


'REAL' comment replies will start in the next chapter since the  comments + my responses to them would be very similar to each other.

All I can say to my subbies + to those who commented:

Thank you!! I hope you guys liked the first chapter!

Yay for Team Eunhyuk & Team Kikwang (Don't worry he'll show up more in the future)!

Your questions will be answered soon ;)

Hope you enjoy!

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!