One of those (fight & make up) days

'We Got Married' separated us

Heart to Heart - 4 Minute

It’s been almost two hours since the supposedly call time for the We Got Married shoot passed.

________ has apologized numerous times to the staff as she repeatedly tried to call Eunhyuk who was very late for their schedule.

Eunhyuk wasn’t answering her call and when _______ tried to ask the other guys, they were no help because some of them were already out minding their own schedules and she also couldn’t get through to the numbers of the other members who were still in the dorm.


“Where were you?! I’ve been trying to call you. Did you have a schedule that overlapped or something?” ________ asked in a hushed tone as she rushed to the door when Eunhyuk finally walked in.

“Sorry, but I’m here now. Don’t turn this into bigger issue.” Eunhyuk answered back and then apologized to the staff.

“I was scared out of my mind here thinking that you may have gotten into a car accident while on the way here.” _______ said as she still didn’t let the current issue slide.

“I overslept and lost track of time and I really just rushed here without eating anything. Can you please get over it and make me something to eat first?”

_______ seriously got irritated with Eunhyuk’s attitude, he just added fuel to the fire.

“Cook for yourself.” She replied before turning her back on Eunhyuk. The crew looked flustered and the cameramen didn’t know if they should start recording or not.

“Should we…uhm…should we just reschedule?” The director asked, even he was feeling intimated with the couple’s argument.

“No pd-nim. I’m sure Eunhyuk oppa can make things interesting, he already has started it.”

“________ can you not make a scene. We have to keep things professional here.” Eunhyuk muttered under his breath.

“Oh…that’s easy for you to say. That is really so funny coming from you.” ________ said with a sarcastic tone after she scoffed when she heard what Eunhyuk said.

________ then went inside the bedroom and locked it.


“I’m sorry. I was wrong.” She didn’t go out even though Eunhyuk was trying to talk to her over the door. He kept apologizing and even asked her of what he could do to make her forgive him.

After twenty minutes, ________ finally opened the door, making Eunhyuk fall on the floor since he was leaning against it. He got on his knees as he asked if he was already forgiven.

________ handed him a paper written with things that she would like him to do before she could accept his apology.

Eunhyuk didn’t even read everything and was just so delighted that there would be a big chance of ________ forgiving him if only he follows her demands.

“Let’s go to a pizza place right now!” Eunhyuk had that determination in his voice as he eagerly stood up and held ________ by the wrist, he helped her wear her shoes before he wore his.


He drove towards the nearest pizza restaurant before reading in detail on what he would have to do there.

‘Order pizza with anchovies. Pick out the anchovies with chopsticks and use those to write ‘I’m sorry / mianhe’ on a plate. If the anchovies aren’t enough, then it won’t be accepted.’

Eunhyuk knew very well that ________ isn’t a fan of anchovies that’s why she takes it out when that ingredient is on her slice. He is also aware that anchovies may be hard to take off using just chopsticks since they can crumble…but he didn’t question her anymore.

“One large pija with lots and lots of anchovies please! My relationship depends on it.” Eunhyuk sounded desperate as he ordered. Even though more anchovies means that it will be harder to pick out, Eunhyuk needed that add-on to make sure that it would be enough. He isn’t called myeolchi oppa for nothing, right?

________ had to bite back her laugh as she wanted to giggle because of Eunhyuk’s accent and how he pronounced the word pizza.

The cameras focused on _______’s expression, Eunhyuk’s very focused look and the way his hands concentrated on taking out the very important ingredient that would either make or break him.

It took him half an hour to take out the anchovies and triple check all the slices. She sipped on her iced tea as she watched Eunhyuk finish up, fortunately he was able to write the words she wanted to read: ’미안’

________ acknowledged it making Eunhyuk pass the first test. The two ate the pizza ordered before heading off to do Eunhyuk’s second mission.


‘Dance ‘Sorry Sorry’ in public.’

Now this task isn’t really a hard one but for Eunhyuk to abruptly dance it, all by himself, in the middle of a busy street, with people crowding in, it was a bit embarrassing.

Every time Eunhyuk thought that he was ready to dance, he kept having to release a deep breath and back out. He kept stalling, walking in circles and fixing his clothes as if it would make any difference. ________, who’s waiting a few steps in front of him started to walk away after thinking that Eunhyuk won’t be able to do the act.

Eunhyuk released a nervous laugh but stopped when he saw _________ slowly leaving. Eunhyuk then called out to her name,  shouting out how sorry he was and announced how much he loves her. He  then finally he started to dance to the choreography of his group’s famous song. He even did the background music, singing the ‘dandandan…’ and other adlibs.

_________ watched her boyfriend perform as if he was on stage, really giving it his all, making sure she’d feel that.

After he was done dancing he bowed, another sign of his apology and then ran towards ________. He got the paper from his pocket and was going to see what was next on ________’s list but before he could even begin reading, ________ got the paper from him and ripped it.

Eunhyuk’s eyes widened as he watched _______ throw the paper away. He thought of the worst…that he wouldn’t be forgiven even if he’d do everything she’d ask.

“Oppa let’s go to Kona Beans.” ________ got Eunhyuk’s hand and started walking with him, acting as if she never got mad.

It seemed that Eunhyuk was being dragged by his feet since his eyes were fixed on ________, looking shocked and confused on her sudden attitude change.

“You’re forgiven.” ________ casually said as she looked at Eunhyuk and flashed a smile. Eunhyuk returned her smile with his gummy smile that made him much brighter.

“Come on. Oppa will treat you.”


After chatting with the owners of Kona Beans, a.k.a the moms of Leeteuk, Kyuhyun and Sungmin, the couple made their way to the terrace area of the café.

Eunhyuk bought her a red velvet hot cocoa drink while he got himself a cappuccino and an open face sandwich to share.

“You know I saw Lee Seunggi on ‘One Night Two Days’ say that Cappuccino should be drank by lovers.” Eunhyuk told ________ of what he watched on the tv the other day.

“Why?” _______ curiously asked.

“Because of this...” Eunhyuk then took a sip from his mug and the foam from the drink was on his upper lip as well as creating a mustache. He then pouted his lips, making kiss expression to let ________ have a clear idea of what he had in mind.


2012 is just a few hours away!! Hope you all have a wonderful celebration ^_^

I hope you enjoy this chapter that I slightly rushed.hihi

I just want to tell you all that you’re part of the reason why 2011 has been a happy and productive year for me. I really am so thankful for you guys! Thanks for all the love and support!

Yeorobeon jeongmal saranghae!! <3


~Comment Replies~

ILuvSuJu15: Glad you liked the sweet moment ^_~

suju26kamz: OH how I wish there's such a thing as a 'borrow oppa for a day' program for ;)

awww...komawo for loving my updates ^_^

redshuz: Yeah, maybe that problem is over now...and new, bigger problems will  come soon? ;)

Everyone loves the sweet Eunhuyk.hihi :)

anj_yesung: haha that cute romantic part made you fall for Eunhyuk ^_~

stephyjung: LOL, muscles just for show ;)

Yeah, she's envious...being treated like a princess when Eunhyuk's sweet & romantic side is present ;)

Happy New Year!! ^_^

superhyukkie: Well this chapter had Eunhyuk being cheesy again in the end :)

lol, yeah I bet every little thing would be special if it's with Eunhyuk or our other oppas.haha ;)

ColaSmackes: Sure, you can count on me ^_^ me too! If only I could meet you.


Well there's drama & sweetness in this chapter ;)


Happy New Year sweetie! Hope you enjoy it. Love ya :x

gaemnis: Request noted ;)


Well I thank you for reading! I'm just so happy that you love my stories. ^_^

Maxx713: LOL bright colored costumes?

I really enjoy that part in the song.haha ;)

True! And I think we just got World War 4 in this chapter.haha


I want to have a sweet, romantic moment with oppas too!

You got me craving for strawberry milk & banana milk!

gabie_16: Well here's a taste of drama but it's a good thing that it didn't last too long, right? ;)

Happy New Year! <3

goguma-love: I'm happy you feel that way! Yay for cute moments!

Well she's not an idol but she is in the entertainment world, she's a popular radio dj, she worked with Heechul :)

citedFriedRice: Drama & lovey dovey moments ;)

Yamasau: Yeah it is a good thing...let's just hope he doesn't break her trust in him.

cupidzangel:  Eunhyuk did a good job working on his jealousy problem ;) Now if they can only skip more dramas and just stay happy and sweet.

Alina1225: Yay for cute moments! He is sweet, isn't he? ;)

Good thing he doesn't treat Kikwang like he's a threat...for now ^_~

Eunhyuk's arguement is invalid if she has Heechul.haha

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Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!