staying steady and safe

'We Got Married' separated us

Super Junior's (acoustic) cover of Gee

Kikwang found himself sitting across _______ while Eunhyuk sat beside him.

“So…what are we doing here?” Kikwang asked a bit awkwardly.

“Well…we’re having a double date. We’re just waiting for your crush.” ________ happily informed him.

“WHAT?!” Kikwang did not see this coming. “Wait…a date?! With my crush??”

“Oh here she is now.” Eunhyuk stood up as SNSD’s Yoona came through the door of the restaurant.

_______ winked at Kikwang before greeting Yoona.

_______ remembered Kikwang shyly confessing before that he liked her. ________ thought that it would only be a good way to repay Kikwang’s sweet actions and comfort in that way. She felt bad in dumping her boyfriend problems on him and she realized that Kikwang would make a great boyfriend for someone. Any girl would be lucky to have him. She has met Yoona before through Heechul and Eunhyuk and she seemed nice enough.

“You didn’t have to do this.” Kikwang told _______ in a hush tone while Eunhyuk greeted Yoona who were a few steps away from them.

Because really, she shouldn’t have. That wouldn’t distract nor sway Kikwang from his true feelings…which is for the one who’s passing him to another girl. Oh, the torture of having a one-sided love.

Kikwang saw how Eunhyuk looked at him when ______ wasn’t looking. It was that familiar, slightly threatening gaze that says ‘I know how the way you feel for my girlfriend. Take this chance she gave you to date someone else. It’s best you move on or things can get ugly.’

Kikwang held his composure although he so wanted to confront Eunhyuk.


All throughout the date, Kikwang tried to focus his attention on Yoona but half of the time, his eyes seemed to be stolen by the girl beside his supposed date.

Kikwang sat beside Eunhyuk and was actually relieved because if not, he would have probably seen the sweet gaze that he has been giving _______. As an artist he has to be camera conscious so of course, he still did his best to not be obvious. He didn’t want to be labeled as the ‘third party’.

Kikwang did show interest in Yoona for ‘variety’ show purposes minus acting too much that would get him mobbed by jealous male ‘sones’.

Kikwang and Yoona two talked about the first time they interacted with each other, which was through that MTV show that documented B2ST. The boys approached the girls and asked them to make a cameo in their ‘Mystery’ music video. He was so shy that time that he couldn’t even stand near the girl idol.

Eunhyuk also showed a friendly side to him, he kept asking and teasing Kikwang on how he revealed on another show about his crush on Yoona. Eunhyuk was actually more than happy to make Kikwang and Yoona discover some chemistry between them. At least, that would mean that he wouldn’t have to think of him as a threat. He was very civilized and no one would suspect him of being jealous.

By the end of the date, Yoona and Eunhyuk had to go back to SME building together because of their schedules. Even though Eunhyuk didn’t want to, he had to make Kikwang drive ________ home.


Kikwang noticed that _______ wasn’t talking to him while they were inside his car. Only the music from his car stereo became the background music of their current awkward atmosphere.

He didn’t remember her and Eunhyuk fighting before they left. She was in good terms with Yoona as well. So what was it that changed her?

Kikwang called _______’s name but she gave him the cold shoulder, making him reach to the conclusion that he was the cause of her current mood now.

“Why aren’t you minding me? Are you mad?” Kikwang asked curiously. His eyes were shifting between looking at her and the road ahead of them.

“Hey…Did I do anything?” Kikwang asked again. He was starting to worry because he really didn’t know.

________ then turned to look at Kikwang and told him what’s on her mind. Kikwang’s guess was right, he’s the reason why she’s annoyed. Why? Well because she wasn’t happy with him earlier.

“It just seems like you’re not thankful for the date earlier. I thought you’d be happy about it.” ________ told him what she felt.

“I thanked you earlier ________. I do appreciate it and yes, Yoona did make me stutter and blush at times but I’m really not looking nor wanting to revive my love life right now. I’m not on a girlfriend hunt.”
“But you need someone. Girls would be lucky to be with you. I thought you’d want to keep in touch and try to date Yoona since she was your crush.” _______ reasoned out.

“Oh…so someone replaced her already then?” ________ asked, almost teasing Kikwang since she kind of figured out through his words that he has a new crush. “Who is it?” She asked with a smile on her face, interested to know who has gotten Kikwang’s attention. ‘Perhaps I could be their matchmaker.’

“No. I don’t want to say.” Kikwang shook his head. He couldn’t help but chuckle when _______ had again, a total change in attitude, she’s a bit hyper and childish now.

“Come on. Don’t go hiding that kind of information from me. Please…tell me. I’ll help you.” _______ showed a little bit of aegyo, hoping to persuade her friend.

“I’m not going to tell you.” Kikwang answered, if only _______ knew his thoughts. ‘Who knows what would happen if I become one-hundred percent honest with you right now.’

“Wow. You–oh It’s Eunhyuk’s favorite singer…IU” _______ was distracted from what she was supposed to tell Kikwang when she heard IU’s You and I play on the radio.

“Speaking of…how are you and Eunhyuk hyung?” Kikwang asked just so that their topic would be diverted away from him.

“So-so.” _______ replied nonchalantly. Although they looked like they were in good terms, their relationship didn’t really get any better. It just remained steady. Even Kikwang noticed how the two didn’t show much skinship earlier, although he was thankful that they didn’t make him jealous, he still knew there’s been something different.

‘Is he not that crazy about her anymore?’ He wondered to himself…not sure if he’s just letting that jealous side of him talk, being biased or if he’s just seeing the truth.

_______ then asked about Kikwang’s group members and still didn’t give up on trying to make him tell her who he’s crush is.

“You have to tell me! We’re best friends. I might be even able to help you make her your valentine.” _______ kept putting ideas into Kikwang’s mind on how she could help him. Little did she know that it’s her who Kikwang wishes to be with for Valentines’ day.

Kikwang remained strong and didn’t give in to telling _______ anything that might cause him to regret.



Valentines’ day is approaching fast and _______ still didn’t know what she’d do for her loved one. Eunhyuk hasn’t mentioned anything to her and she doesn’t know if either he just doesn’t care about the ‘love’ day or if he has a surprise up his sleeves.

‘Stop doubting your boyfriend.’ She told herself as she tried not to overthink. Just when she was about to go to sleep, _______’s phone rang. It was the guy in her mind that’s calling her.

He informed her that they would be filming for We Got Married on Valentines’ day.

_______ bit her lower lip and muffled her giggles using the pillow. She’s daydreaming now that maybe Eunhyuk would give her a surprise event on that day since a) she is her boyfriend and b) he’d want to impress people who’d be watching We Got Married.



Ooohh...what would you like to see on their valentine date chapter? 


~Comment Replies~

ILuVSuJu15: Well at least Eunhyuk was / acted 'okay' in this chapter, right? ;)

suju26kamz: Eunhyuk can be a make-up artist na lang when he's not an idol anymore.LOL


Kikwang's heart must be breaking 3

Hope you enjoy this update ;)

stephyjung: Well that's what the boys did in this chapter so good for them.haha ;)

ColaSmackles: I think he really knows how to do his own make-up, I just don't know if he can do it for a girl.haha ;)


Aww...yeah Kikwang's heart 3

anj_yesung: double date went well so yay! no drama for them.haha ;)

superhyukkie: True! He's confusing all of ;)

I see a lot of fics that use Yoona as the 'bad girl' but she's not a meanie here :)

Alina1225: Haha Eunhyuk is clearly not just mr.idol. He can be a make-up artist

Maxx713: Oh, well I think it's good enough to stare at him.haha

It's hard to find a guy who won't confuse you *_*


awww...I really felt like it was a 'so close yet so far' moment. NAIA & MOA is just a 30mins-an hour away from my place.


I think he would make some adorable expressions.haha

Kikwang's heart is silently breaking 3

Yamasau: haha torn between the two ;)

citedFriedRice: He's very confusing!! gaaah.

cupidzangel: awww...I'm betting you'll have a lot more 'torn' moments in this story ;)

Poor Kikwang 3 His heart. But at least Eunhyuk acted all nice and civilized here.haha :)

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!