Not right now.

'We Got Married' separated us




Brian Joo - Let This Die




‘Back to reality.’ _______ thought as she stepped out of the airport and was back in the city Seoul.

She left Jeju quietly, having a separate flight from Heechul and Kikwang. _______ needed time for herself, she actually pondered about the difference of being alone from being lonely and tried to see in which category she fit best.

Thankfully Kikwang and Heechul didn’t add to the stress. Heechul became _______’s confidant. As for Kikwang, although he may have made her a bit confused, he has still been very understanding. He hasn’t been pressuring her to reply to his confession. He just wishes that by the time they meet again, she’ll be ready.

________ is still in distress and although Kikwang is ready to be the prince to save the damsel in distress, she needs to be on her own first to let go of her emotional baggage. She has to fix herself first before moving on. She’s taking baby steps.


“Hey, I saw your ex-girlfriend.” Heechul informed Eunhyuk as soon as he entered the car.

Eunhyuk just nodded in acknowledgement and avoided talking about her by asking Heechul how his trip went.

‘To be single and free…I wanted this, right? I showed my friends that I’m not dependent on her, I can go out with no questions asked, no ‘leash’, I had girls surround me for ‘Oppa Oppa’, I’m back to being a bachelor…so why am I sulking right now?’ Eunhyuk realized that he was going crazy with questioning _______, himself, their relationship and his actions.

He tried to show a cool image to his group mates and other friends by not looking like he was affected with his separation with ________.

“Yah do you think you can outsmart me?! Are you even planning to talk to her to fix things?” Heechul started to interrogate Eunhyuk’s side, since he’s already aware of _______’s feelings.

“Fix what exactly? We broke up. We may have ended on bad terms but most break-ups end that way. That’s life.” Yes, Eunhyuk hasn’t tried to contact _______ and he just let their past slide.

“Don’t think you can act that way with me. Don’t be an because of your ego. Just a piece of advice, either you want her back and act on it soon, or be prepared to have her stolen away from you by the one and only Kikwang. For your information, he was there in Jeju too and…well it’s not my secret to tell but from what I can sense, he’s ready to swoon her. It’s a pity that you just threw what you two had away, oh well, at least there’s another great guy catching her.”

He doesn’t know why, but upon hearing that Eunhyuk clutched his hands tighter on the driving wheel. He shouldn’t lose sleep about this right? He surely can have another girl if he wants to but the thing is…how real of a love can he experience again, besides the one that ________ gave him. It’s not often that you can find someone like her…another girl who can offer true love.

________ made it clear before that she saw and accepted Lee HyukJae, she didn’t get caught up with the superstar status of Eunhyuk.

Was it really foolish of him to act the way he did during their last meet up. Did he ‘stand-up’ for himself or did he really just show off a fake image.

Will it make him less of a man to accept his mistake and swallow down his pride?

Was he feeling mixed emotions about being apart from ________?



A lot of you may be wondering, what happens to the show now?

Both Eunhyuk and ________ recently told their managers about them not being an item anymore, they left it up to them do the ‘damage control’. Their companies arranged a meeting with the directors and producers of the show and let ________ and Eunhyuk honestly tell them about their break-up.

There was no sense in continuing the show when they weren’t together anymore, they’re not even in speaking terms. It would be just a lie to especially to their selves if they pushed through with the contract.

Oh the trouble of having a public relationship, once they announce the split, questions would just keep coming and they’d have to repeat their answers, going through the emotion of remembering the heartbreaking moment again and again. It would actually be a smart move from the management to put out an FAQ list.

During the whole meeting, Eunhyuk and _______ did not directly talk to each other, although there were a few times that it seemed like they ended each other’s sentences, the two still didn’t look at each other long enough. Even though there’s still no closure, _______ tried her best not to let the heads of the show feel the bad vibe around them.

It may have been a blessing in disguise that ‘We Got Married’ was put on hold because of the writers’ strike so no one really knew or became bothered about the lack of news between Eunhyuk and _______. What the people didn’t know is that when the show resumes, the two won’t be part of it anymore, which is kind of a good timing.

The PD’s couldn’t help but express that they felt bad about how the two ended their relationship, they thought they looked good together. Well, ________ felt that way too before Eunhyuk decided he would be better off single.

Although it hasn’t been publicized yet, the affected parties agreed to let the news out first on MBC’s show. Various cuts and short clips of the two will be put together to reminisce before a simple white text on the screen will appear, sadly informing the audience about the couple’s break up. It can be like a clean break for the show, their new season will welcome new people.


“_________, wait.” After struggling and contemplating for so long, Eunhyuk finally made up his mind to approach ________ after they were out of sight.

“I’m going to be honest and say that I’m really not in the mood to talk to you.” ________ spoke without looking back at him. The two of them were in the basement parking lot and that’s why she was kind of confident to talk back to him that way. She may have looked well put together earlier, but deep inside she’s still that girl nursing a broken heart.

“Look, I’m sorry ________. We need to talk this out like proper adults.” Eunhyuk told her as grasped her wrist making her turn around to look at him.

Eunhyuk softened up when he saw that ________ was teary-eyed.

“You want to talk?! Fine! What the hell happened between us? What happened to you?! Did I ask for too much? Was it wrong for me to want to be on that show? To show my boyfriend off? To experience how it's like to be a wife and see what I need to improve on? Did you really hate the thought of being tied down? Is that why you gave up?!” ________ snapped, letting her emotions get the best of her.

“I didn’t simply just let you go and give up ________! We are still young, I got scared when things got so serious. I was happy with you _______ but I’m not that ready to experience such a commitment.”

“Then what the hell have we been doing? Let me give you a run down about relationships, people start with the dating stage, if they like each other a lot then they get into a romantic relationship, after that it’s either they break-up or end up marrying each other. You already decided how ours ended so I don’t think there’s any point of us talking about this anymore.” _______ bitterly answered back.

“Again, I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better boyfriend but...can’t we at least try to go back to being friends? I’m sure Heechul hyung would like that and it would do us good.”

That question, the phrase ‘go back to being friends’ made _______ want to break down all the more.

“Unlike you, I won’t play it cool and truthfully tell you that you broke my heart and let me down. So no, my answer is no, we can’t be friends, not right now.”




~Comment Replies~

anj_yesung: Now you've seen Eunhyuk's side, which may make you get more pissed off.haha Monkey got worse

Kikwang didn't let go of the opportunity.haha

superhyukkie: Yeah, that  would really hurt. Bad Eunhyuk.

cupidzangel: That is just so true. lol

Maxx713: I think this chapter will make you want to hug her more.

Comparing to a phone case?haha

What decision should she make now?


Yes, that's why I waited for like more than a week before I updated my stories. I wanted to see if there'll be more crashes and what not.

I felt bad about losing the comments too.

Hopefully everything's back to normal.

ColaSmackles: After reading this chapter, what should her decision be now?

Here's Eunhyuk feeling mixed emotions?


Love ya<3  Hope you enjoy my other story :)

Are you on summer vacation already?

pandagirl753: Yup, expected, right? ;)

Yay for Heechul trying to help her :)

stephyjung: Yup, sometimes both guys and girls think lightly of their 'friendly close relationships' and not notice the one-sided love.

With which guy do you think she'll be happy with?

AngelHae: Hope you enjoy this update! :)

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!