A not so good start.

'We Got Married' separated us

Super Junior KRY - One Love

“So should we throw you a bachelorette party?” Jia asked after ________ told them about her big news.

“I can’t believe you two are getting married earlier than Simon D and I.” Lady Jane pretended to be upset at her dongsaeng.

“Don’t talk like that. It’s not like we’re really getting married unnies.” _______ replied trying to make her friends realize that she was only getting married for a show. But she too, couldn’t help but smile wide when she thinks about the ‘next big step’ that she and her boyfriend was going to take on.

“Maybe we should throw Eunhyuk a wild bachelor party and not let you know a single thing about the craziness.” Heechul teased ________ as he started to ‘plan’ with Simon D, Hongki, Junhyung and the rest of the guys.

“Oh fine. Just try oppa. Let’s see who will get into more trouble after, you or Eunhyuk oppa?”  _______ answered back as if she was challenging Heechul. Not everyone is brave enough to talk back to Heechul in that way but of course, Heechul let her get away with that.



The day of the couple’s first shoot for ‘We Got Married’ finally happened after a month.

Eunhyuk and ________ met up with the crew at a coffee shop that was relatively near Eunhyuk’s family’s house. He found it a bit weird and coincidental but shrugged it off.

One of the writers then gave the couple their first mission.


‘First things first: Tell your parents (in-laws) and get their approval.’


An imaginary light bulb suddenly popped above Eunhyuk’s head. “I knew it! My parents live near this area!”

“Should you call them first to let them know or something?” ________ asked Eunhyuk, showing her considerate side.

“I have a feeling the staff contacted them already. If not then we’ll be able to surprise them.” Eunhyuk answered back coolly as he and ________ started to walk back to his car. _______ just trusted Eunhyuk’s judgment and hoped that his parents will like her. Yes, she hasn’t personally met Eunhyuk’s parents ever since they started dating and she could only wish that she’ll make a great first and lasting impression.


Eunhyuk rang the doorbell to his house while _______ slightly hid behind him with her hand holding on to his.

“Don’t worry. They’ll love you.” Eunhyuk tried to make her at ease. He could definitely feel that she was nervous and excited.

“Omo, Hyukjae-ah. I missed you.” Eunhyuk’s mom called him by his real name before hugging him.

“I missed you too omma.” Eunhyuk replied before briefly introducing ________ to her.

________ smiled and bowed to show her respect.

“So I finally meet my son’s girl friend.” Eunhyuk’s mom said as she greeted her. “Let’s all do our proper introductions inside.” Mrs. Lee ushered the two to enter the house before calling out for her husband.

“She knew we were coming. She doesn’t usually wear jewelry and dress-up like this.” Eunhyuk revealed making ______ laugh a little.

The two removed their shoes before proceeding to go to the living room.

“It’s nice to finally meet you in person. I guessed right that your sweet voice over the phone would prove how sweet you look too.” Eunhyuk’s dad shook hands with _______ as soon as he came close to her.

_______ has talked to Eunhyuk’s parents numerous times on the cellphone before and even saw them on video calls whether it was on his phone or laptop. Of course personally meeting his parents and speaking to them face-to-face is still different.

“Ah…thank you. I’ve been telling oppa to let me come with him when he visits you but his work lately has been really keeping him busy.” _______ told them how she felt a bit bad and guilty that she wasn’t able to meet them before. She has only met Eunhyuk’s older sister, Sora, one time when Eunhyuk took them both out for lunch.

“We know. It’s almost like a miracle if we get to see him every season, not counting the times that we go to their concerts.” Eunhyuk’s dad said as he patted Eunhyuk’s knee.

“So what brings you two here?” Eunhyuk’s mom curiously asked. They really didn’t know the reason why the couple visited them, they were only told to expect the two plus cameramen.

Eunhyuk and ________ exchanged looks as if telling each other to be the one to break the news.

“Actually, the reason why we’re here and why there are cameramen following us is because…well, I’ll let ________ to tell you.” Eunhyuk passed the responsibility. _______’s eyes widened, wouldn’t it have been easier if Eunhyuk was the one who informed them since he is their son?

“Uhm…the truth is, we’re currently filming for a show now. We’re the newest couple on ‘We Got Married.’” ________ finally told her ‘in-laws’.

Eunhyuk’s mom immediately lit up, she was obviously delighted with the news. She had no hesitations whatsoever since she knew that _______ was the type of girl, or well daughter-in-law that she’ll really have no problems with. Just like her son, she grew fond of ________ the moment Eunhyuk described how she is and how strong his feelings were for her.

“OMO! This is such great and happy news!! I’m so excited for the two of you. I hope this means that you both can visit us more often. Don’t worry ________, I don’t think I’ll be a scary mother-in-law. You, me and Sora can go to a sauna and bond well.” Mrs. Lee could already picture out how she and her husband can spend quality time with her children and new ‘daughter-in-law’.

________ blushed and giggled after hearing the great reaction of Mrs. Lee. She was thrilled to have his parents accept her so easily into their family.

“I promise to do well.” ________ told Eunhyuk’s mom although she didn’t know that she may have spoken too soon.

“I can count on you to live up to that since I really can feel the love from you two.” Eunhyuk’s mom replied as she smiled lovingly at them. She could see the girl’s charms that made her son fall head over heels for her.

“Wow son, I didn’t really expect for you to get married, or well do something very similar to that so quickly.” Mr. Lee honestly spoke.

“I know, I didn’t think I would as well. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about marriage with you or omma before since it isn’t something that crosses my mind a lot, although it’s good to imagine about it at times. _______ wanted to be on the show, she was really eager to do it and so I agreed just so she would be happy.” Eunhyuk spoke seriously. ________ didn’t know what Eunhyuk’s words meant, she didn’t know how to feel about it. She couldn’t believe what Eunhyuk just said because he made it seem that she was the only one who’s really up for the show.

_______ couldn’t hold back her true expressions and she unconsciously let out a scoff.

“Oh wow. So it’s just really me then? I’m the only one who wants this?!” _______ asked him, her voice almost sounding like a whisper since she didn’t want to make a big scene.

“I honestly told you that I was apprehensive. You knew my reasons ________ but look, you still got your way in the end, didn’t you?” Eunhyuk replied with the same tone of voice that ________ had.

“Well I’m sorry if you feel like I’m forcing you. We’re not married yet so let’s just call everything off.” ________ answered back as she got her bag from the side of the couch and stood up.

“I’m sorry.” ________ formally apologized to Eunhyuk’s parents and bowed before walking towards the door.

“Aigoo...Hyukjae-ah.” His mom shook her head, she quickly understood what just unraveled in front of them.

“What did I do?” Eunhyuk asked his parents, bewildered that the situation suddenly turned unpleasant.


________ was still being followed by one cameraman even when walked out of the house. Eunhyuk was also being trailed by one of the cameramen as he looked for ________. He followed and caught up with her when she was already walking down the street. The cameramen continued to film them, it was up to the head PD’s if they were going to show this part on TV. They were just doing their jobs as they witness the ugly start of the couple’s first episode.

“_______...” Eunhyuk called out her name as he ran in front of her and tried to stop her from walking any further.

“I really am so confused, annoyed and frustrated with you right now.” ________ showed her disappointment. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and continued walking forward but was looking down the ground.

“I’m sorry if I said anything wrong. I didn’t mean to offend you. Let’s go back inside and talk.” Eunhyuk sincerely spoke as he now was walking backwards, hoping he would not trip on anything.

_______ stopped and looked at Eunhyuk, she eyed his lapel mic before covering her own. “I don’t want to deal with this anymore tonight. I’m going home. I guess you’re right, I don’t want everything revealed in front of the cameras.” _______ had that cold tone in her voice that made Eunhyuk back off. He knew that nothing he’ll say now will make anything better.

_______ flagged down a cab that was coming down the street. She looked at Eunhyuk one more time before opening the door of the taxi. She made a mental note to call his parents and then one of the head writers or PD’s of ‘We Got Married’ to apologize for her actions.


Eunhyuk saw the disappointment in her eyes, he felt so guilty. After writing down the plate number of the cab on his phone, Eunhyuk started to walk back to his parent’s house, ready to ask for their help.


_______ reached her house with her mood still way down. She changed and removed her make-up before checking her phone for new messages. She was surprised when she saw a text message from Kikwang asking her what’s wrong.

‘How did he know?’ _______ asked herself. She soon found her answer when she saw that she accidentally sent the text message ‘This night ended so bad.’ meant for Jia to Kikwang.

Kikwang called her cell when she didn’t reply after ten minutes. _______ lay down on her bed as she answered his call, might as well pour her feelings out to him since she does feel comfortable with him. It won’t hurt hearing a man’s point of view as well as some words of encouragement and assurance from him.


Kikwang slowly digested the idea…or well the fact, that _______ was going to be on ‘We Got Married’ with her boyfriend. It was a breaking new big news to him. He’s still not over her being snatched away from him and is now in a relationship with Eunhyuk, yet now he has to take on another strong, unaffected persona. He feels like he’ll be a mess if he watch them all being sweet on national TV. Although he wanted to confront Eunhyuk about making ________ feel lousy about the new experience, he didn’t want to get too involved and dive too much into their problem. He wasn’t in the right position to do that, although he would punch Eunhyuk in a heartbeat if ________ asked him to take action for her.

Kikwang could only do his best in trying to comfort ________, he subtly bashed Eunhyuk in the process. He reassured her of her great qualities and even told ________ that he could imagine her being a great wife. Their talk merged into different topics distracting ________ from her prior problem. She was thankful to have talked to Kikwang. His voice was the last thing she heard before dozing off.


So we had drama plus a Kikwang moment in the end of this update ;) I hope this chapter was long enough for you guys ^_~

The next chapter will have better, happier moment. You just have to guess if the happy, pleasant moment will be with Eunhyuk or Kikwang ;)


P.S to those who read my one-shots, I will update soon. :( Writer’s block


~Comment Replies~

suju26kamz: Will write more on Eunhyuk's 'wavering' feelings in the future ;)  We'll see if they will have a happy ending or not ;)  Hope you like this update.

ColaSmackles: Aww...well the drama scenes are still short and light in these chapters since I don't want everything to be so down and heavy in the first part.hihi

Ready to hug and give you tissue if you do cry :)


awww...you should also give them a chance but don't force nor lower your standards for them ;) You should know your worth and if they really like you, they'll work hard and wait for you.


Wasn't able to attend the premiere :| I had prior plans. Tell me how it goes when you watch ^_~

*Gives you a big heart sign*

kyuhaeyee: Yeah he is changing...a bit bi-polar maybe.lol ;)

Sadly, their first WGM time was cut short :|

Hope you like this update :)

superhyukkie: Yay! I'm glad you feel that way ^_^

Hope you like this update ;)

JessFallzFor15: LOL. maybe that shaking thing will wake him up in the next chapter *wink wink* ;)

Yamasau: We'll get to that in the future chapters ;) He's not as determined no I guess.

stephyjung: Yeah...tsk tsk, wavering feelings.

Alina1225: Yeah, he's really not falling out but maybe he's just not as determined as he was before :|

Sad first WGM moment together, but let's see how it'll be in the next chapter ;)

anj_yesung: Bad hyukkie! He's not putting as much effort as before :|

Hope you enjoy this update and yes I'll try to update all my fics as often as I can...currently having a writer's block though -_-

redshuz: First WGM filming but it didn't last long. Did you like the drama-sad scene in the ending of this chapter? ;)

Took note of your idea already ^_~

cupidzangel: Yeah, he is :| bad Eunhyuk, but maybe that will (temporary) change soon too ;)

Hope you like this update.

Maxx713: Maybe he isn't really falling out, but he isn't just as determined as before. hmmm....

I know, right? bad complicated guys. tsk tsk. sakit lang sa ulo.haha

sujuholic_15: Hope you enjoy this chapter :) I think the next chapter will be more exciting ;)

glinkkiehyukkie: Yeah...game, start! lol

yesungie: Kikwang will just have to suffer for a while. haha ;)

Yup, there's a bit of a drama here now and I think / hope it will keep everyone anticipating ^_~

Hope you enjoy this one

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Thank you!
Finally posting the finale! Will proofread in a while


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i love the love letter one <333
and it's ended beautifully <333
Such a beautiful ending. Loved the fic. ^^
I've read your other stories too...and I must tell you how great you are as a writer. I'm looking forward to your other fics. Daebak, author-nim! ~
sequel please? haha. nice story! :) it was so sweeeeeeet.
It's done >< Such an amazing storyy ... sweet proposal ............awwww
ColaSmackles #6
OMGOMGOMG ITS FINALLY DONE. ;;;; I just read it tonight since Im busy with sports fest and when I come home I'd be so tired. :<

anyway unnie, great story. Eunhyuk is so lucky to have her and ______'s lucky to have him too. What a sweet proposal. <3
romantic Eunhyuk is my favorite :) what a sweet ending for the both of them.
Eunhyuuuuuuuuuuuk. Awww it ended..
It feels like a dream so don’t wake me up form All My Heart Lyrics.. :) hehe love it.. also the lyrics of Superman.. woahh.. i really love how Hyukkie propose that was so romantic plus the video made it so perfect..!!! I love the ending... Daebak.!!!!!