Chapter 5 Letting the world know

Li Luo Min’s Eomma

Shin Hye was quiet the next morning.  There were no messages, text or calls from Min Ho.  She knew he was angry and would probably hate her forever.  There was nothing she could do.  Her baby’s well-being came first.  Whatever she said or did from here on out was for her baby.  She hated lying but she knew this was the best solution.

Ying Ye and Zhi Qiang had spent the night in her guest room.  Ying Ye had spent most of the night in her room fussing over her.  He was relieved around 2 am by Zhi Qiang who told him he would look horrible if he didn’t get some sleep.  He assured Ying Ye that he was perfectly capable of taking care of Shin Hye.  He told Ying Ye that they were lucky to have Shin Hye and her baby in their lives.

Ying Ye and Shin Hye were at the parent’s home at 9:55 am.  Ying Ye was nervous and Ying Ye was a confident man.  He was tall, rich and handsome.  What made him so likeable was the lack of pretentious airs many rich and famous people possess.  He was fidgeting nervously when Shin Hye reached over and laid her hand on his arm.  It had an instant calming effect on him.  It was odd but Shin Hye was like the missing part of Zhi Qiang and Ying Ye.  She was like the missing piece the two of them needed to finally make everything whole.  He was having a hard time putting into words what he was feeling.  It was not a ual feeling; it was more of a soulful emotional feeling.  He realized that Shin Hye was going to be important to his and Zhi Qiang’s life.  He was looking at her with the adoring look of a male interested in a female when Shin Hye’s Mother opened the door.  At first she thought it was Min Ho and then she saw the look he was giving Shin Hye and she saw Shin Hye’s hand resting comfortably on his arm.  She knew in that instant that this was indeed a serious visit.  She ushered the two into the entry hall and hugged Shin Hye.  Shin Hye was going to tell her Mother who he was but she stopped Shin Hye and said I think you should do this when your Father and Brother are present.

The three went into the living area and Shin Hye’s Brother and Father stood.  Shin Hye asked her parents and brother to sit because she had something to say to them.  Her brother was frowning and trying to think why does this guy look familiar?  Shin Hye cleared and even though she was so nervous she could barely talk she addressed her family.

“Appa, Eomma, Shin Won…..I would like to introduce Li Ying Ye to you.  He is a doctor at Seoul General Hospital.  I have only known him a short time but Appa, Eomma, Shin Won….I am in love with him and I want to marry him.  Please may I present him to you?”

Her parents and Shin Won were speechless.  No one spoke for several minutes.  Shin Hye was starting to panic because they might refuse to acknowledge him.  Then what would she do?  The moments were ticking by when Shin Hye’s Appa said, “A doctor, huh?  Well, Mother, what do you think?”

Shin Hye was looking from her Mother to her Father.  Her Father stood and offered his hand.  “Li Ying Ye please sit down and let’s talk.”  Shin Hye and Ying Ye sat down facing her parents and brother.  Her Father asked, “Why do you want to marry my daughter?”  Shin Hye cringed because she didn’t think her Appa would get straight to the point.  She looked at Ying Ye.  He looked blank and she was thinking please think about Zhi Qiang, Ying Oppa, talk about me like I am Zhi Qiang.

Ying Ye said, “There are so many reasons I could mention that we would be here for hours.  I know Shin Hye is an incredible woman.  I knew it the moment I met her.  I can think of many reasons to spend the rest of my life with the person I love but the main one for me is that we are the missing pieces of each other.  I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life without my love.  How would I see all the miracles in the world without my love by me?  How could I get up each morning and smile if my love is not there?  How could I grow old without my love to smile and hold my hand?  I can think of many more reasons to marry the person I love but I would just say to the parents of the remarkable Shin Hye, thank you.  Please allow me to marry and live my life with her.”

Shin Hye’s Eomma was softly crying.  She looked at Shin Hye and saw a soft smile on her daughter’s face.  She did not know that the smile was for the love Ying Ye had for Zhi Qiang.  She only saw the soft smile.  She looked at Ying Ye and saw a man smiling at her beautiful daughter.  They looked so calm and happy.  She sneaked her hand over and held the hand of Shin Hye’s Appa.  “Dear, I think I am in love with these two.  Young man, Ying Ye, welcome to our home.”

Shin Won was still puzzled and then it hit him.  Ying Ye was close enough in looks to Lee Min Ho to be his twin.  Wow he was thinking, I wonder if that is what drew Shinnie to Ying Ye.  He thought Shin Hye and Min Ho were a secret couple.  She had never said and he never caught them together but rumor had it they were.  How odd, he thought.  Instead of saying any of this out loud, he said, “Welcome Ying Ye.  How you could think Shin Hye is a good catch, I can’t figure out but welcome anyway.”

“Shin Won Oppa!”  Shin Hye leaned forward and smacked his arm.  “You devil you!”  Shin Hye was laughing and it broke any awkward moments left.  Shin Hye looked at her Appa and he was studying Ying Ye.  Ying Ye stood and bowed to her father.

“Sir, I promise that I will cherish and love Shin Hye.  I will provide for her and she will never want for anything.  I will agree to almost any demand she has and I will treat her with respect always.  Please accept me, Sir.”

Shin Hye’s Father looked at the man standing in front of him.  He looked at his daughter and saw that she wanted him to accept Ying Ye.  Shin Hye had never brought a young man home to introduce him to her family before.  She had many male friends and many had been to their house but the way she treated them was different.  She was acting like a woman now.  She had a glow about her that he took for love.  “Shin Hye and Ying Ye, I can see how much you are wanting this so my answer is yes.  Welcome to our home and Ying Ye I am holding you to your promise to love and protect my baby.”  He stood and bowed to Ying Ye.

Shin Hye let out the breath she was holding.  She had been scared her Appa would not approve.  Now the hard part begins.  She must convince her Appa and Eomma to let her marry Ying Ye next week.

“Appa, would you object if Ying Ye and I wanted to get married right away?”  She looked at her Appa with such soulful eyes that her Appa was having trouble breathing.  This was his baby and she wanted to leave them. 

“Shin Hye! Is there a reason you need to get married immediately?”

“Appa, how could you think that way?  No it is just that I am now 26 and I will be 27 soon.  I want to have a nice wedding and I want to start a family.  I have found my soul mate, Appa.  I have found the man I will stay with forever.  Please Appa?”

Ying Ye was impressed with Shin Hye and it showed on his face.  His face softened when he listened to her.  It was a feeling as if his long lost twin or his favorite friend had just found him.  He was happy to be with her and he knew Zhi Qiang shared his feelings.  “Sir, would you please do me the honor of allowing me to marry your daughter?  I can never say enough good things about her but I will never be the same if I can’t marry her.”

Shin Hye’s Father knew when he was defeated.  He shook his head yes and Shin Hye jumped and ran to hug him.  “Appa, thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you!  Eomma, thank you and Shin Won….kiss the floor dogboy!  Ha-ha….”  And Shin Won and Shin Hye were at it again.  The parents shook their heads to see their very dignified daughter go from composed and poised to a raucous tomboy chasing her brother.  Shin Hye’s father looked at Ying Ye to see how he was reacting to the siblings and was pleasantly surprised to see the look of adoration on his face as he watched Shin Hye.  Her Appa smiled and nodded.  He was doing the right thing.  This would be a good marriage.

The couple set a day and time for the wedding planner to visit.  They also set a time for his parents to visit.  The parents would come to Eomma’s restaurant.  The wedding planner would join them after the parents met.  The young couple was told not to come till the parents met.  They could come at the same time as the wedding planner.  Shin Hye pouted but her parents were adamant. 

Shin Hye looked at her wonderful family and thanked God that she had them.  She told them that a picture of Ying Ye proposing to her would hit the media at noon so be ready for it.  Shin Hye’s Mother told Shin Hye her puppies were happy and content but she should go and say hello to them.  Shin Hye turned and holding her hand toward Ying Ye said, “Ying Oppa, please come and meet my little darling puppies.”  He stood, took her hand and they went to Shin Hye’s room to play with her puppies for a few precious moments before they had to leave.

Shin Hye had an appointment with her agency.  She wasn’t sure how it would work financially.  She had one contract that had a marriage stipulation and she would have to check with her agency to see how stiff the penalties would be.  Ying Ye asked her about the contract.  She explained what she knew.  He frowned for a second and then called someone. Shin Hye heard, “Good day Lawyer Niu.  Yes I figured my Father would have contacted you by now.  Oh yes, I just met her parents.  Yes you heard right, I have just proposed and been accepted by that Park Shin Hye.  What? Ah yes thank you.  I do feel lucky.  Yes, I do feel that lucky.  Yes, I will get an autograph for you.  Ha Ha – that is not funny.  Oh yes, I need you to meet Shin Hye and me at her agency.  Yes, perhaps.  I am not sure yet but I will let you check the contract for us.  I am sure you will.  Thank you and see you in 20 minutes.”

He saw Shin Hye looking at him with a puzzled look.  He explained that Lawyer Niu was the Li Industries lawyer and he was considered one of the world’s finest contract lawyers.  He didn’t want Shin Hye worried.  He said the magic words, the baby.  She smiled and thanked him.  She didn’t know why they had never met and become friends because she was sure he was going to be her best friend in the world.

Lawyer Niu met them in the lobby of Shin Hye’s agency.  Lawyer Niu sighed when he saw her.  He looked at Ying Ye and said, “Some men are just too lucky.”  He bowed to Shin Hye while offering her his hand.  She took his hand and enclosed it in both her hands.

Lawyer Niu knew now why so many men were infatuated with her.  It wasn’t just her looks, it was her.  She was simply one of those people who drew you in and held you.  He said, “I am most pleased to meet you.  I am your fan.  Let’s go and see what kind of contract your sponsor is holding over your head.”

They met with her CEO and Manager Jun.  She had called and told him the contract might be a problem so he wanted to be there.  Lawyer Niu shook hands with the agency’s lawyer and took the contract.  He turned several pages when he suddenly laughed.  Ying Ye looked at him with a quizzical look.  “Lawyer Niu is something funny about this contract?”

Lawyer Niu looked at the agency’s lawyer then looked at Ying Ye.  He smiled and said, “Mr. Li, it is rather a simple contract.  It does say Ms. Park will be penalized if she should marry before her contract expires.  However, since the company she has the contract with is a company you own lock, stock and barrel, I really don’t see a problem.”

“What?” from the agency’s lawyer.  “Let me see that.”  He took the contract and on the third page, subparagraph 4A was the name of the company Shin Hye might owe a penalty to.  He looked at the name of the company and at the parent company’s name.  The parent company was Li Industries.  “I’ll be damned!” the agency’s lawyer said.

Ying Ye told the agency that Shin Hye would be on her honeymoon the following week so they were to rearrange her schedule to accommodate her.  Ying Ye reminded the CEO that he held 42% of the agency’s shares and he would take it as a personal favor if they would rearrange her schedule.  With a smile he stood, held his hand out to Shin Hye and they walked out of the room.  The audience left behind was somewhat speechless at how effortlessly Mr. Li twisted them around his finger to get what he wanted.  One of the women at the table sighed and said, “I know she has to be the luckiest girl in the world.”

Shin Hye had three friends she could not ignore with this sort of news.  They had been best friends since 2009 when they were in the drama, “You’re Beautiful”.  She had called all three and asked them to meet her at the usual café.  She explained it was important that she meet them before noon.  Ying Ye and Shin Hye arrived at the café just as Yong Hwa and Hong Ki arrived.  They looked at her and then did a double take at Ying Ye.  Geun Suk walked in at the same time as the boys were looking at Ying Ye.  Geun Suk had a puzzled frown on his face.  She told them she had a room reserved and to follow her.  When the men were seated, Shin Hye stood and said, “I will not drag this out as you three always accuse me of doing.  I want to introduce someone to you.  Jang Geun Suk, Jung Yong Hwa and Lee Hong Ki may I introduce Li Ying Ye to you?  I want you to be nice to him because I am going to marry him next week and you are going to be in my wedding whether you want to or not.  Enough said!”

Geun Suk said, “I knew I had seen your face before.  You were featured in last month’s Financial Times.  Wow, Shinnie, you really hit the jackpot!”

“Geun Suk, you behave or I will knock you into tomorrow!!! Your manners boy, your manners.”  She burst into laughter and the boys laughed with her.  Ying Ye looked at the beautiful woman standing beside him.  He looked at the boys' faces and he saw more than they realized.  Geun Suk and Yong Hwa were still in love with her.  They might not know it themselves and they might have girlfriends but they would always be in love with Shin Hye.  Hong Ki was not in love with her as a man loves a woman but he was in love with her as a friend loves a best friend.  They were all congratulating her.  Hong Ki told her he was not wearing a dress and it didn’t matter how much she beat him up.  He would come but he was wearing a suit. And he was staring at her with an evil look.  She went over and hugged him.

“Hongstar, I love you, do you know that?”  Hong Ki blushed and looked at Ying Ye and started to apologize for Shin Hye’s definite lack of manners.  “She really doesn’t love me like that you know?”

Ying Ye looked at Shin Hye and pretended she was Zhi Qiang.  He told Hong Ki, “I know she does love you but it is a different kind of love from the kind she has for me.  I will share her with you because she cares so deeply for you three.  As long as you remember she is married to me then all will be fine!”

The three men looked at the way Ying Ye was looking at Shin Hye and were for just a brief second, jealous.  They didn’t know it was Zhi Qiang that Ying Ye was seeing.  But it worked for the couple.  Shin Hye’s three best friends now believed that this would be a marriage of love.  They could give their blessings to her and Ying Ye.

At that moment a news flash came on.  The group looked at the TV.  The announcer was saying, “This breaking news just in.  Li Ying Ye, sole heir to Li Industries and Asia’s most beloved actress, Park Shin Hye have announced their engagement.  This is quite a surprise because no one knew they were seeing each other.  Li Ying Ye is also a doctor at Seoul General.  He is both a Chinese and Korean citizen.  The wedding will be in one week.  We wish to congratulate Ms. Park Shin Hye and Mr. Li Ying Ye, may you have a gloriously long happy marriage with many children.”  And the picture of Ying Ye proposing to Shin Hye flashed on the screen.

“Ohhhh, Shinnie you look like a real princess being proposed to!!! How romantic and how cheesy can you get?”  Hong Ki was laughing out loud.   They all three started giving her a hard time but she just grinned and joked with them.  The lunch was over and as they were leaving the café, they were causing quite a sensation.  Fans were squealing their names and Ying Ye held his hand up and his company guards were there.  They made sure the couple and the three friends escaped with no issues.  Shin Hye had no idea any guards were near. 

“Shin Hye, I had a feeling so I asked for a bit of back-up.  Now let’s go to your apartment or we can go to my house but I want to check your vitals.  I do worry about you already.  Zhi Qiang has texted me a total of 20 times already and is anxious that you are over-tired.  He is waiting to find out which residence to go to.  I think he is the one over-anxious but he said he had never had a baby before…..” he grinned sheepishly at Shin Hye.  She burst out laughing and thought these two are good for me.

They ended up at Ying Ye’s house.  Zhi Qiang was waiting for them.  He had turned down the covers in Ying Ye’s room and told her to lie down.  Ying Ye sighed because he had a feeling his life had been turned up-side down and might never be calm again.  But he found he didn’t mind at all.  He checked Shin Hye’s vitals and told her he would like for her to take a nap if she could.  She told him she was so tired she could.  Zhi Qiang pushed Ying Ye out of the room, came back to the bed, covered Shin Hye and told her to rest.  Zhi Qiang tip-toed out of the room while Shin Hye was thinking how cute, I am not even asleep. 

As Shin Hye was drifting off to sleep she wondered how Min Ho was taking the news about her engagement and subsequent marriage, not to mention the proposing photo.  She was sad.  Her heart was hurting so badly that she clutched at her chest.  Min Ho Oppa, I pray you are alright.  I love you, I really do love you.  Be safe my love.  And with those thoughts swirling around in her head she fell asleep. 

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Chapter 11: Reading this story now 2022 after PSH wedding and childbirth 💔💔💔
sunraise #2
Chapter 27: I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful read. I kept wondering throughout the story how MH will get to openly reunite with his family. Little Luo Min is so adorable in this story. Love his toddler language and how possessive he is over his Eomma haha. It was actually easy to imagine Luo Min who is a total mini version of MH as you described, because I've seen a real baby pic of MH online. Glad the lovely family got a lovely ending. :)
minhakim #3
Chapter 27: Beautiful story, just made my day.
Thank you Authornim.
mschase6 #4
Chapter 27: You have written a truly beautiful story. The way you intertwined the romance between the two main characters, with the deep and loving friendship with the secondary male character was masterfully done. Your story beautifully illustrated the different types of love that can exist in our lives, the romantic and the platonic and all things in between. I am deeply moved by your writing and look forward to reading other works that you may offer.
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 27: I just finished reading your beautiful story and I enjoy them. I hope the ending will also happen to them in reality... This is one of the best I've read and thank you for your talent, effort and time t o share this all to us. Wonderful!!!
avrylle #6
Chapter 27: Than you so much for this nice story. You pulled it off. Be bless.
anniebee44 #7
This is one of the best that I've read. I started reading at 2 in the morning and I could not stop reading. I did not get any sleep at all last night. I just took a nap this afternoon and started reading your other story.
daisy55 #8
Chapter 27: This is a really sweet story :)
ladycoffee #9
Chapter 27: Lovely storyy..
raisyviernez #10
Chapter 27: thanks a lot for this wonderful love story. hoping will happen in the near future.