Chapter 4 I can only hope for forgiveness one day

Li Luo Min’s Eomma

Ying Ye actually ended up sleeping in the same room with Shin Hye.  He did not sleep in the same bed but used the bed sofa in the room.  He thought it might cause less speculation from household staff.  Ying Ye told Shin Hye that she would be surprised how much gossip the staff at the large houses exchanged.  Shin Hye asked him if it was like the dramas she watched on TV?  He found her naiveté refreshing.  Zhi Qiang had liked her when he met her and he had told Ying Ye that she was everything he had heard, kind, warm-hearted, smart, chic, cute, beautiful, y, gorgeous and the list went on.  Ying asked if he should be feel jealousy. But he knew in his heart that she was a good woman and along with Zhi Qiang, he would do everything he could to help her.  Life would be different from now on. 

Shin Hye woke but didn’t feel queasy.  She saw Ying Ye sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee and the smell was provocative.  She stood and stretched.  Ying Ye looked up at her and grinned.  He told her he had just spoken to Zhi Qiang and all was good.  She told him she would be right back.  She went to the bathroom and freshened up.  Suddenly she was very hungry.  Going back into the bedroom, she plopped down close to Ying Ye and asked would it be possible to get a cup of coffee?

Ying Ye put the paper down and firmly said, “No more coffee for you, from now on only decaffeinated products.  I will get you a glass of juice while you change.  We have a very busy morning ahead of us.  He touched her head as he left the room.  Shin Hye sighed when thinking how much she loved coffee but she knew her baby came first.  Coffee was another 30 weeks away.  As she is lamenting her eating habit changes Ying Ye entered with a tray.  It was loaded with orange juice, fresh fruits, oatmeal, milk and raisins.  He placed it on a table and asked her to join him in breakfast.  Shin Hye made quick work of her part of the breakfast and Ying Ye told her he was impressed.  Shin Hye was quite embarrassed by her gluttony.  He laughed at her blushing face and told her it was all good.  He was happy that she had a good appetite and that her morning sickness seemed to have abated.  He told her his Mother was waiting for them to make an appearance in her office so they should go within the next few minutes.  Shin Hye thought this is such a strange situation.  She was comfortable but it was the comfortableness of friendship and the ease of like minds.  Ying Ye checked her appearance again to make sure it was ideal.  He knew every small detail counted with his parents.  The couple had to be careful and not blow their cover.

Ying Ye knocked on the door of his Mother’s office.  They entered and Shin Hye was struck by the elegance of the room.  She saw many original Korean historic maps and drawings.  She made a small noise when she gasped.  It made Mother look at her.  Slowly Shin Hye walked around the room and tears were flowing.  She turned toward his Mother who saw the tears.  She asked Shin Hye, “Why are there tears?”

Shin Hye looked slowly around the room and answered, “Because it is so beautiful.  These works are so beautiful and majestic.  They represent our country so well.  I feel privileged to see them.”

His Mother smiled and went to Shin Hye and asked if she might hug her.  Shin Hye nodded and his Mother hugged her and whispered into her ear, “I understand.  I too feel the draw and the magic of these works.  Thank you for feeling the same as I do and thank you for agreeing to be my son’s wife.”

Shin Hye felt a twinge of guilt.  She knew it was a sin to lie like this but she also understood Ying Ye’s predicament.  She hated the thoughts of lying even to save oneself but everyone’s future was depending on the lie being foolproof.  So she smiled and hugged his Mother back and said, “Thank you for accepting me.  Thank you for Ying Ye.”

Ying Ye was impressed.  His Mother had made the first gesture and that was awesome in itself.  She had a bit of a cold exterior to her personality and apparently Shin Hye had broken through.  He didn’t want to interfere or say anything to break the spell but they had a schedule to keep so he cleared his throat.  His Mother immediately moved away and told the couple to sit.  Sitting across from her, Shin Hye was aware that she needed his Mother to like her.  But Shin Hye had a feeling she would learn to lean on his Mother in the months to come.  His Mother pulled her laptop to the center of the desk and turned it around.  There were many pictures of weddings, traditional and non-traditional.  She asked them what they wanted in a wedding.  Shin Hye looked at Ying Ye and told him she would go with what he wanted.  Shin Hye had always wanted a modern wedding with a beautiful wedding gown, a church, flowers and friends.  Ying Ye could almost read Shin Hye’s mind and looking at his Mother he said, “I would like a very modern wedding.  I would like to see my bride in a beautiful wedding gown, I would like to be married in a church and I would like for Shin Hye to throw a bouquet of flowers.  Let’s have a modern wedding.  We can have a reception afterward and I can show off my lovely bride.  Also, Mother, let us be married at a church in Seoul.  We can have a traditional ceremony here in China the following week.  Please Mother?”

Ying Ye hoped he had answered in a way to please Shin Hye.  She was definitely torn.  She could not even begin to imagine walking down the aisle to another man.  She wanted her life partner to be Min Ho but she knew it wouldn’t happen so she gathered those wishes and put them behind a panel she was visualizing inside her mind.  Someday she would take these thoughts out and think about them but not now.  Now she was too raw emotionally to think about her wants and desires.  Now she had to think first of her baby.  No matter how much she loved her Min Ho Oppa after tonight he would never think of her kindly again.  Tonight Ying Ye would go with her to Japan to meet with Oppa.  She had arranged through their managers.  Min Ho had tried to contact her yesterday and today but she was not answering.  Her manager told his manager that she was in an area in China with little cell phone coverage.  But he knew she was coming to meet him that evening so he was puzzled but happy.  He decided to surprise her by coming home early and asked Manager Jun to help keep her in Seoul.  He had missed their talks yesterday.  Shin Hye’s plan was to meet with her manager first to explain that she fell in love with Ying Ye and would be marrying him the following week.  She knew he would not believe her but she also knew he would never say it aloud.

The choice of wedding planners was left to his Mother.  The planner would fly to Seoul to meet with Shin Hye’s family in 3 days.  Shin Hye had 3 days to convince Min Ho and her family that she was in love and wanted to marry Ying Ye.  She had to convince everyone and not let anyone suspect she was lying through her teeth.

Shin Hye met with her manager and she was apologetic for asking him to take time out of his busy schedule.  She was blunt and to the point.  “Manager Jun, I would like to introduce you to someone.  I know this is sudden and will seem strange considering the friendship I have with Min Ho Oppa.  Please keep an open mind and please be on my side.”

Shin Hye opened the door and beckoned Ying Ye inside.  Ying Ye bowed toward Manager Jun and said, “I am honored to meet you.  Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.”

Manager Jun was looking from Ying Ye to Shin Hye and back.  He was frowning.  Shin Hye said, “Jun Oppa, I would like to introduce Li Ying Ye.  Although I have only known Ying Ye a few days, Jun Oppa, we are engaged to get married.”

Shin Hye saw the startled look on Manager Jun’s face.  He knew Shin Hye and Min Ho was a couple.  What is she trying to tell him?  And who is the man with her? The man bore a startling resemblance to Min Ho so what is going on?

“Shin Hye?  What are you saying?  What about Min Ho?  I thought you two were in love?  Shin Hye?”

Shin Hye took a deep breath and said, “Jun Oppa, forgive me for confusing you.  I need to leave in 10 minutes. We have a flight to Tokyo to talk to Min Ho.  I am so sorry to drop this on you like this but I wanted you to know before anyone else knows.  My parents don’t know yet.  Please forgive me and I will talk to you tomorrow.”

She was walking away when Manager Jun yelled at her to stop.  “Shin Hye, stop, I need to tell you something.  Min Ho was going to surprise you.  He will be here in an hour.  Please think about what you are doing and saying!  This is not a game you are playing….” And he trailed off at the look on Shin Hye’s face.  He saw total defeat and resignation.  What is going on he was thinking.

Shin Hye walked back and hugged Manager Jun telling him, “Oppa, don’t worry.  It will all work out in the end.  I need to do this and I need for you to be happy for me.  Please Oppa?”

Manager Jun just stared.  He replied, “Shin Hye I am not just your manager, I am also your friend.  I will wait for you to tell me what you want me to do, alright?”

Shin Hye smiled at him and told him she would get back to him tomorrow.  She told him to just take the time off for now and she would definitely let him know what was going on.  She was crying softly at the confused look on Manager Jun’s face.  Ying Ye stepped over to Shin Hye and put his arm around her and drew her away.  He bowed to Manager Jun and told him someone would be in touch with him.  If Shin Hye had looked back at Manager Jun she would have seen a puzzled and confused man.

Shin Hye and Ying Ye went to her apartment.  She called Min Ho’s manager and asked where Min Ho was exactly.  He told her he wasn’t allowed to tell her and laughed.  She put a hand to her forehead and sighed.  “Please, this is the most important thing I can think of right now.  Please tell me if he has landed yet?”

Min Ho’s Manager told her he had landed 2 minutes ago and their car service was waiting to pick him up.  She told him to please come with Min Ho or meet him at her apartment.  Tears were flowing as she imagined Min Ho finding his manager at her apartment.  “Please just be here.  I have a feeling Min Ho might need you.”

Ying Ye made a cup of tea for Shin Hye.  He told her to sit and he asked her what she wanted him to do when Min Ho came.  She shook her head because she was starting to falter.  She had a panicked look in her eyes. 

Ying Ye knew she was at a breaking point.  “Shin Hye!  Shin Hye?” he was trying to break through her glazed panicked look.  “Shin Hye, I know this is hard because this will be the hardest part for you.  Now, take some deep breaths and look at me.  Shin Hye, look into my eyes!”  Ying Ye was worried that she would not be up physically or mentally to the task ahead.  “Shin Hye, I will be here.  If I see you are in trouble I will step in.  Please don’t put the baby in danger.”

The words ‘put the baby in danger’ broke through.  She shook her head and looked at Ying Ye. 

“You are right.  I must think only of the baby.  Thank you Ying Ye.  I will do my best.”  When he saw the look of determination on her face he relaxed slightly.  He would not relax until Min Ho left and he could figure out the next step.  He figured the next step would be to see her parents tomorrow.  There was no way she was up to more emotional outburst tonight.  He took a seat across the table from Shin Hye and tried to free his mind of anything and everything.

Shin Hye was lightly dozing on the couch when the door bell rang.  She stirred but did not sit up.  Ying Ye stood and strode to the door, pulling it open to a very startled Min Ho.  Ying Ye stood aside and motioned Min Ho and his manager inside.  Min Ho looked at him and quite loudly asked, “Who are you and why are you in Shin Hye’s apartment?  Where is Shin Hye?”

Ying Ye motioned him into the living room where a sleeping Shin Hye lay.  Min Ho had a look of utter confusion.  He walked over to Shin Hye and shook her.  “Yah, Shin Hye why is there a strange man in your house?  Why did you ask my manager to meet me here?”  Min Ho kept looking from Shin Hye to Ying Ye.

Min Ho’s manager stood to the back of the room watching and listening.  Shin Hye was startled and sat up.  She put her hand to her head and shook her head.  “I’m sorry Min Ho Oppa.  I am so tired I can’t keep my eyes open.  Please have a seat and I will explain everything to you.”  She motioned for him to sit in an easy chair between the two couches. 

Min Ho sat down reluctantly while scowling.  He looked from Shin Hye to Ying Ye and said, “I’m waiting.”

Shin Hye took a deep cleansing breath.  She looked at Ying Ye and he gave a reassuring look.  He nodded at her and she began.  “I am sorry to tell you this way.  Min Ho Oppa, I have loved you for years.  I really thought you and I were timeless.  I thought nothing or no one could ever change us.  Oppa, I want you to remember in the days and years to come that I will always love you.  But Oppa, this is Li Ying Ye.  I met him a few days ago.  He is the substitute doctor for my regular doctor.  Oppa, I don’t know how it happened but I am totally in love with Ying Ye.  Oppa, I want you to release me from our secret engagement because I intend to marry Ying Ye next week.  I really want to do this Oppa and I know you will not understand now or forgive me.  I can stand that but Oppa, please, when you finish your military duty find a girl and hold her tight.  When you turn 35 marry her having a wonderful family and life together.  I do not wish to wait until you are 35 and Oppa, I never thought someone else could grab my affections like Ying Oppa has.  Min Ho, Oppa, forgive me.  If you can’t I understand but know I am releasing you from our secret engagement.  You don’t have to worry about me revealing anything to anyone.  Min Ho Oppa, goodbye and good luck.  I will always keep you in my heart.  I will always pray for your continued success and good fortune.  I am sorry but I must leave now.”

Shin Hye stood to leave and faltered in her steps.  Before Min Ho could move, Ying Ye was at her side scooping her up and taking her toward her bedroom.

Min Ho looked at his manager and looked toward the direction of Shin Hye’s bedroom.  Who in the hell was this guy?  How did he know where Shin Hye’s bedroom was and why was he so comfortable with her in his arms?  He was furious and he looked as if he could kill someone.  Min Ho was standing and he had taken a step toward Shin Hye’s room when Ying Ye came back into the room.

Ying Ye felt bad for Min Ho.  He understood that he was shocked and mad.  So he was going to try to be as kind as he could.  He could empathize with his feelings.  He might feel for Min Ho but his concern was his patient Shin Hye right now, not his fiancée but his patient. 

“Mr. Lee, I am Li Ying Ye.  I know all this does not make sense at this moment but it is just the way it is.  Something magical happened to Shin Hye and me and for once in our lives we are going with our emotions.  Shin Hye wants to be married and she wants a family.  I am aware you do not wish to marry or have a family yet.  I do want to marry and have a family and hope to soon.  Shin Hye and I will marry next week.  She is exhausted from work and she needs rest.  I can give her everything she can ever want.  Please do not hold this against her.  I have to say I have been relentless in my pursuit of her.  She loves you but I am sure she loves me more.  As a man I am apologetic toward you.  But as a man in love with Shin Hye I am more than happy.  Please forgive us both.”

Min Ho stepped toward Ying Ye and looked him up and down.  He said, “I really don’t understand.  I always thought she was the perfect girlfriend but I don’t know, maybe I was wrong.  This scenario is not one I ever imagined.  I am too angry to make sense of this but know that I will never forgive either of you.”  With those words, Min Ho turned and left slamming the door as he left.  Min Ho’s manager had a look of total shock on his face.  He could not believe Shin Hye of all people had dumped Min Ho and for someone who could almost be Min Ho’s twin.  He shook his head in disbelief and left.

Ying Ye locked the door behind Min Ho’s manager and went to check on Shin Hye.  He looked down at her and saw a woman who was totally exhausted.  As her doctor he realized this was a dangerous time for her.  She would not be able to withstand too much more stress.  He loosened her clothes and pulled her slippers off.  He found a blanket to cover her with.  He got a wash cloth and wet it with warm water.  He wiped her face and checked her temperature.  She was running a slight fever but it was due to stress and exhaustion.  This was not good so he called Zhi Qiang to bring his medical bag to Shin Hye’s apartment.  He busied himself fixing broth and tea for her while waiting on Zhi Qiang.

Zhi Qiang arrived 15 minutes later and took over the duties in the kitchen so that Ying Ye could check on Shin Hye.  She was restless and stirring.  Ying Ye felt compassion and sorrow toward her.  She was crying in her sleep.  He heard the words Oppa, Oppa, please forgive me…..

Ying Ye took her temperature and it was slightly elevated.  He bent down and shook her arm.  “Shin Hye wake up.  You need to drink some fluids and eat something light.  Think of your baby, Shin Hye.  You have to be strong for your baby.”

Shin Hye stirred and looked up.  “Ying Oppa, I am so confused.  I …..” she let her words trail off as she quietly cried.  He pulled her to him and patting her back told her to cry it out.  Zhi Qiang came in carrying the tray.  There was no jealousy toward Shin Hye.  He knew Ying Ye was concerned.  He was concerned too.  He was already excited about the baby and looking forward to baby duty.  He knew he was getting ahead of himself but it was hard to not.  He sat in a chair close to the window and watched Ying Ye’s calm magic work.  Shin Hye slowly stopped crying and hiccupping she asked, “Ying Oppa I am sorry for making your life difficult.”  She saw Zhi Qiang and said, “Zhi Qiang Oppa, I am sorry for complicating your lives.  You are being so nice to me and I am causing you both great difficulties.”

Zhi Qiang walked over to Shin Hye and her hair said, “My dear, I consider you my family now so buck up and eat your broth.  If you are good I will let you have ice cream.”

Shin Hye looked up and the look on Zhi Qiang’s face was so priceless she could not help but laugh.  He actually acted like he was flipping his hair.  With a smile on her face but a heavy and troubled heart she ate the food Zhi Qiang was coaxing her to eat.  She was exhausted and never made it to the ice cream.  She fell asleep and the men left her to sleep.  Ying Ye found her cell phone and took it with him.  The last thing she needed now was angry messages or calls from anyone.

Ying Ye called his parents and told them that he would be meeting Shin Hye’s parents and brother on the morrow and would set up a meeting between them and her parents within 2 days.  His Father took the phone from his mother and told him that the picture of him proposing would hit all the media networks the next day.  He asked if he needed to hold it till he made contact with Shin Hye’s parents.  He asked his father when it would hit the news.  He told his Father that he and Shin Hye would meet her family at 10 am tomorrow.  His Father assured him the picture would not be released until noon the following day.  Ying Ye did not know how the morrow would go but he knew the worse was past.

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Chapter 11: Reading this story now 2022 after PSH wedding and childbirth 💔💔💔
sunraise #2
Chapter 27: I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful read. I kept wondering throughout the story how MH will get to openly reunite with his family. Little Luo Min is so adorable in this story. Love his toddler language and how possessive he is over his Eomma haha. It was actually easy to imagine Luo Min who is a total mini version of MH as you described, because I've seen a real baby pic of MH online. Glad the lovely family got a lovely ending. :)
minhakim #3
Chapter 27: Beautiful story, just made my day.
Thank you Authornim.
mschase6 #4
Chapter 27: You have written a truly beautiful story. The way you intertwined the romance between the two main characters, with the deep and loving friendship with the secondary male character was masterfully done. Your story beautifully illustrated the different types of love that can exist in our lives, the romantic and the platonic and all things in between. I am deeply moved by your writing and look forward to reading other works that you may offer.
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 27: I just finished reading your beautiful story and I enjoy them. I hope the ending will also happen to them in reality... This is one of the best I've read and thank you for your talent, effort and time t o share this all to us. Wonderful!!!
avrylle #6
Chapter 27: Than you so much for this nice story. You pulled it off. Be bless.
anniebee44 #7
This is one of the best that I've read. I started reading at 2 in the morning and I could not stop reading. I did not get any sleep at all last night. I just took a nap this afternoon and started reading your other story.
daisy55 #8
Chapter 27: This is a really sweet story :)
ladycoffee #9
Chapter 27: Lovely storyy..
raisyviernez #10
Chapter 27: thanks a lot for this wonderful love story. hoping will happen in the near future.