Chapter 23 y eyes and heartbreak

Li Luo Min’s Eomma

Shin Hye loved the way she felt when she woke up after spending a night with Min Ho.  He made all her senses come alive.  She had never been able to analyze her feelings when she was with him - all she could do was feel and the man sure knew how to make a girl feel like a woman.  She stretched and yawned.  She was in bed by herself.  She looked at the clock and it was 9 am.  Oh my, she thought, what on earth am I doing sleeping so late?

She jumped out of bed grabbed her clothes and ran to the bathroom.  She quickly washed her face and got dressed.  She brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair.  Stepping back into the bedroom she pulled the covers up and smoothed them down.  She went to the guest room but no Luo Min.  She wasn’t worried because Min Ho was there also.  She walked into the kitchen to a peaceful scene.  Min Ho and Luo Min were eating cereal.  Both had blueberries and strawberries on their cereal.  Both were serenely eating as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.  Min Ho had a newspaper open and Luo Min had one of his picture books open.  The saying ‘like father, like son’ came to her mind.

“Hey guys,” Shin Hye greeted them.  “So why didn’t you wake me so I could make breakfast for you?” 

Min Ho replied, “Because you were tired and we guys can handle a little breakfast on our own, right Luo Min?”

Luo Min looked up saying, “Appa yes. Eomma yes.”  And then calmly went back to his book.

Shin Hye had no idea what Luo Min meant but then a 2 year old often says things adults don’t understand.  She sighed and went to find some coffee.  He wasn’t an over talkative child.  He was more quiet and introspective but he did show his emotions through his facial expressions; his eyes were so amazing.  She had a feeling he inherited a bit of both parents in that aspect.

Min Ho was dreading 2 pm.  His manager was scheduled to pick him up and take him to his parents.  He needed to go over some contracts with Min Ho and had planned to drop by his apartment that morning but Min Ho had firmly nixed the idea.  He told him he would not be there.  So his manager finally settled on a plan to transport Min Ho from his apartment to his parent’s house in order to talk to him about several contracts.  Min Ho would go from his parent’s house to the Army base.

He wanted to extend the time he could spend with Shin Hye and Luo Min but he knew she would leave his apartment soon.  He felt like crying already.  To think he would not see them for another year was hard to bear.  He wanted to go to sleep with Shin Hye every night and wake up with her every morning.  He wanted to be there for his son, to go to soccer games with him and to help him with his homework.  His dream asked for so little but because of his popularity he could not ask for that small dream.  Popularity was a double-edged sword that gives but takes just as much. 

Shin Hye was feeling depressed because he would leave soon and she would be without him for a year.  Her son would be without his father; even though they could not live as father and son the two were so alike it was scary.  She prayed that someday Min Ho could acknowledge his son.  Shin Hye thought this is so little to ask for but such a burden to acquire.

It was 1 pm and Shin Hye had cleaned up Luo Min’s papers and crayons.  She had changed and washed all the bed sheeting.  She made sure his apartment was ready for him to leave.  She knew his mother and sister would come regularly to clean the apartment but she wanted all traces of Luo Min and herself gone.  It wouldn’t do for a slip on her part and someone inadvertently discover the connection.

She could see Min Ho sitting beside Luo Min.  He was watching his son with such seriousness.  He felt her gaze and looked at her.  He smiled and she felt the pull.  Lord how she loved this man.  “Min Ho, Luo Min and I have to leave now.  I will talk to you often and you can see Luo Min when we use ‘kakaotalk’.  Don’t be sad because the year will pass faster than we think.  She walked over and sat down next to him.  He pulled her to him and held her.  He was afraid to speak because he would get too emotional.  He didn’t want her memory to be one of sadness.  He moved her away from his chest while leaning in to kiss her.  His kiss was like a butterfly’s wings, light and sweet.  She responded and he deepened the kiss.  His kisses made her light-headed and now was no different.  They pulled away from each other and locked eyes.  They needed no words to say what their hearts felt.  He pulled her in for one last hug before releasing her.  He picked Luo Min up and told him good-bye.  Luo Min seemed to realize this was a serious situation because he hugged Min Ho with the all the strength he had in his 2 year-old arms.  He kissed the cheek of Min Ho and said, “Bye Appa.”

It was the last straw for Min Ho but he held the tears.  His eyes were glistening and Shin Hye realized he did not want them to see him cry.  She touched his arm and ran her hand down his arm stopping with her hand inside his hand.  She squeezed his hand and let go.  She took Luo Min from Min Ho, picked their bag of clothes up and closed the door behind her as she left. 

Min Ho sat down and let his tears come.  He loved them so fiercely but could not claim them.  The next year would be lonely but for once he saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Min Ho’s father stopped the car a short distance away from the base entrance.  It was swarming with fans and reporters.  A soldier came up to the side of the car and knocked on the window.  Min Ho’s father rolled down the window.  The soldier explained that he had been assigned to keep an eye on the crowd waiting for Soldier Lee.  He was to show him a way to avoid the crowds and get back on base with less fanfare.  Min Ho shook his Appa’s hand and thanked him.  He asked him again to keep an eye on Shin Hye and Luo Min.  His Appa told him they would and not to worry.

Thirty minutes after Min Ho was back on base, the PR department of the base informed the crowd that Lee Min Ho had entered the base earlier and due to military regulations not allowed to come back out to greet the fans waiting for him.  They read a short message from Min Ho thanking his fans for coming out to support him.  He asked them to anticipate his release date and to support South Korea’s armed forces.

Shin Hye was watching the evening news when she saw the pandemonium at the military base when Min Ho reported.  His base commander was smart and avoided a huge mess by slipping him pass the fans.  She sighed while thinking of how popular he was and how difficult it will be as his woman.  Sometimes she had the distinct impression his hardcore fans would rather he never have a woman in his life and certainly never show affection toward any woman. 

She was sitting and sighing as if all was lost.  She heard the door and it was Min Ho’s sister.  She grinned and said, “I took a chance and came.  I wanted to make sure you were alright and I wanted to see Luo Min.  I hope it won’t bring you trouble.”

Shin Hye moved back and told Yun Kyung to come in.  She assured her it was a pleasant surprise.  Yun Kyung walked into the living area and Shin Hye asked her to sit down.  She asked if she would care to share some tea with her.  Yun Kyung told her yes and Shin Hye went to the kitchen and returned with tea and an orange juice for Luo Min. 

Shin Hye told Yun Kyung she would get Luo Min.  He was playing in his room.  He came out holding Shin Hye’s hand and went to Yun Kyung.  He put his hand in her hand and said, “Mine noonie.”

Yun Kyung looked at Shin Hye for interpretation and Shin Hye said, “He is saying Noona.”

“Oh my – he is so Min Ho!  Watch him – he is trying to influence me with his eyes.  Shin Hye, he is a girl magnet for sure!” said Yun Kyung.

They chatted for an hour and then Yun Kyung told Shin Hye she had to leave.  After standing, Yun Kyung handed Shin Hye the bag she was carrying.  She told her inside were presents to Luo Min and Shin Hye from her parents.  She said they knew she would not be comfortable with them showing up so they sent her in their place.  Shin Hye was touched.  She asked her to please convey her thank you to them.  She told her she would send a thank you but she appreciated their thoughtfulness and forgiveness.

Min Ho’s parents gave Luo Min a learning video game.  He shared the same abilities as his father when it came to video games.  Of course he was only 2 but he still had a knack for gaming.  The games Shin Hye allowed Luo Min to play where educational games and a few more fun games based on his age.  She was firm that he spends no more than 2 hours total a week learning to play games.  She feared his father’s influence where video gaming was concerned.  She said as much on Christmas Day to Min Ho and he laughed till he cried.  “Yah, you of all people would say something about gaming?  Shin Hye I remember distinctly how you literally wiped the floor beating all your co-star guys during our Inheritors days.  They just wouldn’t listen to Min-Hyuk when he warned them you were the best when it came to video gaming!”

He earned a resounding smack on the arm for the comment.  “Are you trying to teach our son how to beat on me?”  And, of course, that remark earned him another smack on the arm. 

His parents gave Shin Hye a beautiful pair of earrings.  They were exquisite pearl earrings.  Yun Kyung told Shin Hye that her mother had once remarked during Shin Hye’s drama Tree of Heaven that the young Shin Hye made her think of Dutch painter Vermeer’s painting ‘Girl With a Pearl Earring’.  Shin Hye was flattered.  She loved the earrings and vowed to wear them to her next public event so they could see that she appreciated their gift.  She made a note on her shopping list to buy a thank you card to send. 

The days and months were flying by swiftly.  Shin Hye and Luo Min talked to Min Ho a couple of times a month.   Shin Hye was in constant contact with Ying Oppa and the divorce had been filed and processed.  The media had no idea Shin Hye and one of the world’s richest heirs was about to divorce.  Father Li had kept it quiet but it would soon become public because it would be filed in Seoul’s family court.  Shin Hye and Ying Ye had to make a court appearance.   Shin Hye worried that Ying Oppa would say something to complicate the already complicated situation.

The final hearing for their divorce was scheduled for August 1.  Because Luo Min was a minor child and the father was residing outside of Korea and the requesting divorce party, the case had been deferred until all parties could present a psychologist written report.  Shin Hye and Luo Min had filed their report with the court through their lawyer.  Shin Hye presumed that Ying Oppa had already filed.  She hoped the question of his uality would not come up in court.  She really didn’t want Ying Oppa to suffer any comments or ridicule.  People were judgmental and she cared for Ying Oppa as a friend too much to see him suffer from careless remarks. 

August 1 was a clear and hot day.  Shin Hye had to bring Luo Min to court per the court’s instructions.   She was holding Luo Min’s hand and climbing the courthouse steps when she ran into Ying Oppa.  This was his first trip home since last December.  He looked well and happy.  They hugged and he picked Luo Min up.  Luo Min knew who he was and called him ‘Uncle’.  Ying Oppa sighed and told Shin Hye things never change.

Shin Hye and Ying Ye sat together on the first row of seats.  They were not enemies but friends.  The judge raised an eyebrow and asked if they still wanted a divorce.  Ying Ye’s attorney started to answer when the judge told him Mr. Li could answer the question.  “I do want a divorce.  My soon to be ex-wife and I are friends not lovers.  We will always be friends and we share a son.  But we cannot live as husband and wife and I have convinced her to allow me this divorce.” 

The judge pointed at Shin Hye and asked if she agreed with her husband.  “Yes.”  And that is all she said. 

The judge wanted to talk to Luo Min who is now 3 years-old.  The judge looked at the bright eyed young boy and he quirked his eyebrow.  Hummmm, the judge thought, if I didn’t know better I would say he looks like  - and then he made himself stop that sort of thought.  The judge talked to Luo Min as if he were talking to his own grandson.  Luo Min the charm.  He answered in his own 3 year-old way of talking; he answered all the judge’s questions.  When the judge was through talking to Luo Min he had one of the court workers take him back to Shin Hye’s Eomma.  She had come to the courthouse to stay with Luo Min during the time his parents were with the judge. 

The judge told them he would take a 30 minute recess and left the room.  Shin Hye thought it was the longest 30 minutes of her life.  She was not aware of it but a reporter for one of the gossip magazines saw her go into the court room and he did a quick investigation discovering that Park Shin Hye was being divorced by her billionaire husband, Li Ying Ye.  He was on the phone calling his editor and from there it just exploded.  Other news media sources found out through the reporter’s newsroom that Park Shin Hye was being sued by her husband for divorce.  The rumor mills started and it was pandemonium when the couple exited the courthouse. 

When the judge came back from his chambers to present his findings he was somewhat critical of the parents.  He told them Luo Min seemed to be an exceptionally well adjusted young man but he did find fault with the parents no matter how rich and famous they were.  He told them they should try to work on their differences and not just quit and go their separate ways.  But he said since both passed their psychological evaluations and there did not seem to be anyone wanting to try to save the marriage he would approve the divorce. 

Shin Hye and Ying Ye left the courtroom and were swamped with camera flashes and questions.  The courthouse guards quickly emptied the hallway.  Ying Ye heard remarks he was divorcing Shin Hye because she was an unfit wife and mother.  He was thinking probably anti-fans so he needed to stop it immediately.

He asked Shin Hye if she were up to some more of her superb acting and she asked what he had in mind.  He told her to just play along with what he would say.  He also told her they were not sneaking out the back way but meeting the mob head on.  Shin Hye texted her Eomma to meet them in one of the small conference rooms the Li lawyer snagged.  It was decided she would take Luo Min and leave by the side exit away from the reporters while Ying Ye and Shin Hye went out the front entrance.

Ying Ye took Shin Hye’s hand and they went out the front entrance as if they owned the world.  They were immediately surrounded by microphones and questions.  Ying Ye has a commanding voice when he uses it.  He told them to be quiet and he would answer their questions.  The first question was did he divorce Shin Hye because she was not a good wife?  He held their clasped hands up and said, “Would I hold hands with a woman I didn’t like or thought unfit?  Let me stop this line of stupidity right now.  Shin Hye is one of the most dedicated mothers I have ever met.  My parents love her.  I love her but we have grown apart as partners.  We are friends and always will be.  I take full responsibility for the divorce.  I moved to California last December and abandoned my wife and child.  If anyone is unfit it is me.  So you can forget saying such cruel things.  In fact, after I have just told you that it is not the truth should I see it in print anywhere, I will instruct my lawyers to sue and I might say sue heavily.  Now are there any other questions?”

There were many questions.  Ying Ye answered most and many dealt with Li Industries.  One reporter turned to Shin Hye and asked if Ying Ye had another woman and that was the reason for the divorce.  “Of course not, time and distance are the reasons for the divorce, nothing more or less,” answered Shin Hye.

Then the question, “Are you seeing anyone else Ms. Park?  You have many admirers, actors and idols that like you.  Are you seeing anyone of them?”

Shin Hye sighed and answered, “No I am not seeing anyone.  I have a son to raise and a career that is just now starting to show promise once again.  I have no time for anything else.  If the right person comes along, so be it, but it has not happened yet.”

Ying Ye told the reporters that Shin Hye and he had a lunch date with the parents and needed to leave.  He told them he was sorry but there just wasn’t any scandal for them to be excited over.  He said Shin Hye and he were friends and would remain friends.  He thanked them and led Shin Hye away holding her hand.  It looked so natural that no one questioned it.  Most of the reporters seemed disappointed that there did not seem to be a scandal.  A few followed discreetly behind the Li’s trying to dispute Mr. Li’s statement of friendship.  What they saw was a disappointment for them.  Shin Hye and Ying Ye along with their parents and Luo Min were having lunch at Shin Hye’s Eomma’s restaurant.  They seemed on good terms and Shin Hye and Ying Ye really appeared to be friends.  There was no anger in anything the two were doing.  It was a disappointing day for reporters.

Ying Ye had made a kind of peace with his parents.  They did not like or condone any of his life style choices but had agreed to stay out of it.  They were always sorry to Shin Hye for their son’s behavior.  Shin Hye wished they would not feel that way because it made her feel guilty. 

Their news was on all social media websites.  The news was broadcast throughout Asia.  More than one headline followed the line Park Shin Hye was single again and would any of her former lovers seek her out again.  Shin Hye was embarrassed by that line and thought, ‘what won’t the media do to sell their wares?’

Min Ho was watching the TV news cast the day Shin Hye’s news broke.  He heard a group of soldiers sitting in front of the TV whoop and cheer when the announcer said Shin Hye was single again.  He thought - well what he thought is not printable.

It was fast approaching Min Ho’s end of enlistment.  His agency had enough project offers on the table to last for years should he be interested.    Min Ho was marking the days on his calendar to give himself a feel of how soon he would be able to see Shin Hye and Luo Min.  He needed to spend time with them because he missed them too much – way too much.

Shin Hye’s career was back on track.  The day her divorce was announced she was swamped with drama offers.  She was a bit perplexed until she realized Ying Oppa probably had something to do with it.  The amount of endorsement money and influence the Li Industries controlled was nothing to sneeze at.  She was torn about accepting help from him.  In the end she let it slide and went with the help.  She would show that she was still Park Shin Hye – just a more mature and confident Park Shin Hye.  The days passed swiftly for her because her days were filled with work and Luo Min.

The day Min Ho was released from active duty was hectic for him, the army base and the town closest to that army base.  There were so many fans nationally and internationally on site to see him be discharged that the town could not contain all of them.  There were not enough shelters or food.  It was a phenomenal event and one that would not happen again.  Such is the power of Lee Min Ho. 

His schedule was packed for the first week back as a civilian.  He had commercial shoots and interviews.  His agency was in talks for 2 different movies and perhaps a weekend drama.  He would decide once his agency narrowed them down.  His most immediate problem was Shin Hye was not in Korea.  She had a photo shoot in Brazil and Luo Min was with her.  He had been home a week and she had been out of the country every single day except one.  They had spent an absolutely wonderful and sensually y night together the second night he was home.  Since then he could only tell her how he felt over the phone.  He was not happy.

Min Ho had a meeting at his agency on Monday morning.  They had finally decided on a 16 week drama.  His co-star would be chosen by the writer and producer.  He saw the list of actresses and had nixed 3 right away.  He refused to sign if either of his 2 former co-stars from years ago were considered.  It would only cause problems in his relationship with Shin Hye.  The third possibility was an idol star that he did not care to work with because he had been in a commercial shoot with her years ago and she was a pain to work with or be around.  So she was out.  He had asked Shin Hye if there were any actresses she did not want him to work with and she simply rolled her eyes at him and said she trusted him beyond any actress he might appear beside.  She made it difficult for him to demand she not work with some stars and idols he did not trust around her.  She had agreed not to co-star again with several of her former co-stars.  She refused to have that deal extend to Geun Suk and Hong Ki.  It bothered Min Ho to no end but she was adamant.  Those 2 were off the bargaining table as far as she was concerned.  She had agreed to Yong Hwa and Shi Yoon.  Min Ho was pushing for her to add the names of a few actors he definitely did not trust.  He saw the way they looked at her every time they were near her.  He wrote them down; Ji-hoon, Daniel Choi, Hae Jin, Lee Wan and Jong Suk and handed them to Manager Jun.  He told Manager Jun as he handed the list to him, “If any of these appear as her co-stars I will consider you my enemy and act as such.” 

Manager Jun smiled but took him serious.  So far none of those names stayed on the possible list for any of her projects.

Sometimes Manager Jun thought the two should be married and make his life somewhat easier.

Min Ho was waiting for his co-star to arrive.  He wasn’t sure who they picked but the list seemed innocuous enough the last time he checked.  The last thing he needed was for a fandom to spring up around a new actress paired with him and cause problems on his home front.  He would have liked for the actress to be at least 5 years older and married.  That stopped ridiculous fandom’s before they formed. 

He had a synopsis of the script and was glancing through while waiting.  There was a knock on the door and an agent and actress entered the room.  He looked up to see who had been selected for him.  It was Song Hye Kyo.  He stood and bowed saying, “Greetings, Song Hye Kyo, sunbae.  I am pleased to meet you and I look forward to working with you.”  He waited till she sat before sitting again.  He is a gentleman.   His manager was looking at him strangely.  Min Ho thought wonder what that is all about?

Min Ho paid scant attention to Hye Kyo or he would have seen the slow blush that crept up her face when he looked into her eyes during rehearsals and production.  They had been in production for 4 weeks and the first show was slated for the coming Saturday.  Min Ho had yet to see Shin Hye or Luo Min since the second night he was home because her contract was for 8 weeks in South America.  She talked to him every night but it wasn’t the same for him.  He needed to hold her and he needed that soon.

Shin Hye had 2 weeks left to fulfill on her contract and he was counting the days.  He had his manager working on acquiring a commercial shoot with Shin Hye.  He needed a reason for the public to see them together again so there would be a good reason for a relationship rumor to start. 

Saturday came and Min Ho agreed to watch the first episode with the production crew and some fans in an impromptu venue set up by the production company.  It should not be a problem.  His agency signed off on it and thought it would heighten the ratings.

He was sitting on the sofa with his name tagged to the back.  He didn’t pay any attention to the name next to him because usually the PD or writer took that seat.  Fans were talking behind the roped off section and were eagerly waiting for the big screen to show episode 1 of ‘My Heart Longs for You’.  Sheesh he was thinking could we just get this over with so I can call Shin Hye and Luo Min.  There was noise and clapping but Min Ho was checking his cell phone for messages.  When he felt someone sit down beside him he glanced over to look directly into the eyes of Hye Kyo.  She smiled a killer smile and cameras flashed.  It wasn’t that he meant for his eyes to have a look that spoke of desire and want in them, he certainly wasn’t thinking of Hye Kyo when he looked at her.  He had just been looking at messages from Shin Hye when he found one of the programs she had just filmed in Brazil.  He was watching his y girlfriend dance like the man she wanted was there for her.  He would kill her when he saw her for that dance in front of so many men in the audience.  And the way she was dressed, well, that would be another talk he had with her.  He looked up to see who was sitting beside him and his thoughts of Shin Hye were there in his eyes.  Did the fans and news cameras know that?  No, all they saw and broadcast was that look and it was directed toward Hye Kyo.  Did he realize it?  No and it would be more trouble than he had expected.  Min Ho’s manager saw the look and he saw the cameras catch that look.  He put a hand over his face while thinking, ‘Sometimes a y man like Min Ho needs a cardboard box around him in public.’

Shin Hye was able to watch the first episode of Min Ho’s new drama because one of the girls from the local station allowed Shin Hye to watch their live satellite feed of Korea’s TV stations.  Shin Hye’s baby-sitter had dropped Luo Min off earlier.  Shin Hye and Luo Min were seated in one of the broadcast sound booths watching Min Ho at Oppa’s premier first episode fan meeting venue.  She was curious about his chemistry with Hye Kyo.  She remembered how much she hated hearing that Hye Kyo was his ideal so many years ago.  She wasn’t worried about it – not really.  She meant what she said about trusting Min Ho.  She was fussing with Luo Min’s jacket when she heard the clapping.  She watched a beautiful Hye Kyo walk into the room and be escorted to the seat beside Oppa.  She was graceful, tiny and demure.  Shin Hye sighed loudly.  Luo Min looked at the TV and said, “Eomma there is Appa.”

Great, thought Shin Hye, just great.  She looked around but no one was in the sound booth with them.  She looked back at the TV and saw Min Ho turn to look at Hye Kyo.  Shin Hye stumbled as she stood.  Her hand went to to stifle the cry she made.  The look Min Ho gave Hye Kyo was burning and full of passion.  The look spoke volumes to the world watching.  Shin Hye sunk down onto her chair, put her hands over her face and did not move for several minutes.  Manager Jun was in the other sound booth watching Min Ho’s new drama.  He saw all he needed to see.  He walked out of the booth and into the room Shin Hye and Luo Min were sitting.  He walked over and turned the TV feed off.  He put his hand out for Shin Hye and said, “You’ve had enough for today.  Let’s get you two back to the hotel.  Alright?”

Shin Hye picked Luo Min up and followed Jun Oppa out of the room. 

Shin Hye had bathed and put Luo Min down for the night.  He was fast asleep.  Shin Hye’s phone was ringing and she looked at the caller ID. It was Min Ho Oppa.  She just looked at it till it went to voice mail.  This scenario repeated more than a dozen times before it stopped.  Shin Hye continued to sit and look at the phone’s screen long after all calls stopped.  She was thinking – she was analyzing. 

Her phone rang and it was Ying Oppa.  “Shin Hye are you alright?  I just saw the show.”

Shin Hye started to cry, “Ying Oppa, I don’t know what to do.  What should I do Oppa?  What can I do?”

Ying Ye heard the cry in her voice and sensed she had endured enough.   “Shin Hye don’t listen or watch any more of the drama.  I think you must talk to Min Ho before you make a decision.  Please, Shin Hye just talk to him first.  I know how you are when you start analyzing situations.  OK my love?”

Shin Hye dried her tears and told Ying Oppa she was fine.  She apologized and told him she would be back in Korea in 7 days and she would let him know when Luo Min and she were home.  She said, “Thank you Ying Oppa for always being there to give me strength.  Now go back to Zhi Oppa.  I will talk to you later.” 

She put a call through and talked to someone who agreed to allow her to take a vacation.  She needed to be away from the limelight and from the entertainment business for a few weeks.  She needed to think and she needed to not worry.  She knew exactly where she wanted to go; where no outside media could interfere.  She and Luo Min would take a break and she would return a more composed and controlled Shin Hye.

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Chapter 11: Reading this story now 2022 after PSH wedding and childbirth 💔💔💔
sunraise #2
Chapter 27: I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful read. I kept wondering throughout the story how MH will get to openly reunite with his family. Little Luo Min is so adorable in this story. Love his toddler language and how possessive he is over his Eomma haha. It was actually easy to imagine Luo Min who is a total mini version of MH as you described, because I've seen a real baby pic of MH online. Glad the lovely family got a lovely ending. :)
minhakim #3
Chapter 27: Beautiful story, just made my day.
Thank you Authornim.
mschase6 #4
Chapter 27: You have written a truly beautiful story. The way you intertwined the romance between the two main characters, with the deep and loving friendship with the secondary male character was masterfully done. Your story beautifully illustrated the different types of love that can exist in our lives, the romantic and the platonic and all things in between. I am deeply moved by your writing and look forward to reading other works that you may offer.
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 27: I just finished reading your beautiful story and I enjoy them. I hope the ending will also happen to them in reality... This is one of the best I've read and thank you for your talent, effort and time t o share this all to us. Wonderful!!!
avrylle #6
Chapter 27: Than you so much for this nice story. You pulled it off. Be bless.
anniebee44 #7
This is one of the best that I've read. I started reading at 2 in the morning and I could not stop reading. I did not get any sleep at all last night. I just took a nap this afternoon and started reading your other story.
daisy55 #8
Chapter 27: This is a really sweet story :)
ladycoffee #9
Chapter 27: Lovely storyy..
raisyviernez #10
Chapter 27: thanks a lot for this wonderful love story. hoping will happen in the near future.