chapter 23

Secretly Falling In Love With You

''seriously !? you will study here too ?'' 

''yes ! aigoo ~ i miss you !!''  yoona and seohyun hug each other after long time they can't meet with each other . today is the first day seohyun will study at the seoul university with yoona . 

''seo , let's go we will be late for our first class .'' yoona grab seohyun arm and pull her enter inside the building . 

they start running because they already late . 

''yoon , did you really know where is our class ?'' seohyun ask yoona who still busy looking around the building . is already 30 minutes , they still try to find their class . when yoona didn't answer her , seohyun call her .

''yoon .'' yoona turn to look at seohyun . 

''h-huh ? oh sorry . i can't hear you .'' 

''you know , our class already start but we still can't find where is the class .'' 

''huh ? hmm actually i don't know where is our class .'' yoona say honestly with her puppy eyes .

''what ? why are you not telling me ? we can ask someone to help us . '' 

''mian .'' yoona say while still running around . suddenly she bump with someone . 

''oh , i'm so sorry .'' yoona bow at the guy and start running towards seohyun .

''you guys is new here ?''  the guy ask with he charming smile on his face .seohyun and yoona nodded . the guy chuckle . 

''so , what are you doing here ?''

''huh , can we ask something ?'' seohyun ask with a calm voice . the guy just nodded . 

''we can't find our class . you know , we are new here . so ,..'' the guy just chuckle . 

''my name is myungsoo and i'm a senior here .i will help you guys,  so don't worry . '' he show his charming smile . seohyun and yoona blush when they see that .  yeah you know who is not seduced when the handsome guy smile and chuckle infront of you .

''thank you .'' yoona say and they start to follow their senior go to their class . 

when they arrive at the class , their quickly bow at the senior and slowly enter inside the class . 

the prof who was teaching quickly looked at them when seohyun and yoona enter inside the class. 

''did you guys know , what time is now ?'' the prof say firmly who enough to make the two girl jump a little when they hear his voice . seohyun and yoona quickly bow . 

''we so sorry , we're late . we'll promise to come early tomorrow .'' 

''meet me after the class'' the prof say and continue to teaching and the two girl run to sit at their place . yoona looked at sehun and sit beside him while seohyun sit beside Luhan . yes , Luhan and sehun study at the same university with seohyun and yoona . 

seohyun glance at the guy beside her , he was focus on study and the girl just continue to look at him . she don't know why , but somehow looking at him make she feel calm . 

''stop staring at me and focus on your study . '' Luhan say but still looking at front . seohyun slowly turn her head to look at front .

''i'm not staring at you .'' seohyun say without looking at Luhan . 

''oh okay .'' Luhan say . 

''oh okay ? just that ? fine .'' seohyun thought and she focus on the prof who sometimes looking at her .

''seohyuna ~ '' Luhan come closer to her and whisper something .

''you're late for the first class . where are you going just now ?'' seohyun turn to look at him . her face only a few inches away from Luhan and she start to blushing.

'' stop blushing and tell me .'' Luhan say looking in her eyes . seohyun just looking down at his chin .

''hmm , Lulu ~'' seohyun want to say but she feel really shy because of their face so close . Luhan face suddenly become serious .

''Lulu ? who is he ? you're meet with a guy ? girl ? , that's why you're late ?'' seohyun quickly shook her head . 

''then what ? who is Lulu ? girl or guy ?'' Luhan grab seohyun hand which is under the table , so no one can see that . seohyun giggle .

''he is a guy .'' seohyun say and now she looking at Luhan eyes . Luhan raise his right eyebrow , like he mean 'seriously ?' 

''okay .'' Luhan slowly let go of seohyun hand and look at front , focus on the prof who still teaching. seohyun giggle by Luhan reaction and she come closer to him and wrapped her arm around his arm . 

''you want to know who he is ? '' seohyun whisper in Luhan ear . 

''seohyuna , i want to study .'' Luhan let go of seohyun hand who at his arm but seohyun still wrapped her arm around him arm .

''i'm really love him ..''

''seo joo hyun , please stop or i leave this class .'' Luhan rolled he eyes and look at front .

''okay class , don't forget to finish your assignment . you guys can leave now .'' the prof say . yoona and sehun leave the class first before everyone leave . 

''i'm so lucky because he is my boyfriend .bye lulu ~!! '' seohyun say and quickly stand up . before she leave she kiss Luhan cheek , she giggle and leave . Luhan chuckle . 

''Lulu , she call me that . she never change .'' 



''hmm you know , actually ...hmm......i like you .'' 

Luhan look at seohyun . 

''i'm sorry .i-''

''is okay , if you don't reply my feeling . i'm okay . we can still be like a family . you can be my oppa .''  seohyun show a force smile .

''no , is not what i want to say . i'm sorry for hurting you .'' 

''what do you mean ?'' 

''look how i'm treat you , i don't treat you nicely .''

''Luhan , you already save my life , you're already treat me nicely. that already enough to me .''

''that not already enough to you , if i'm not reply your feeling .''

''h-huh ?''

''seohyuna , i like you too .'' seohyun eyes wide . 

''w-w-what ?''

''did you pretend like you not hear that ?''

''huh ? no , i just -'' Luhan pull seohyun closer to him . 

''seohyuna , i like you too . okay enough .'' Luhan whisper with a calm voice and then push seohyun back to her place . 

''h-huh , what about chorong ?''

''chorong ?'' Luhan say with a weird look . seohyun nodded . 

''yeah , what about chorong the girl who you always talk to me ?''

''you want to know who is the girl i'm always talking about ?''

''of course .''


''is you , seohyuna .''


''yeah , i'm waiting for you to notice this but is look so hard to you to notice me .''

''i-i ..seriously ?! you kidding me right ?'' seohyun hit Luhan arm and awkwardly laugh .

''how you know that i'm just kidding ?'' Luhan pretend like surprise .

''h-huh ? so it just a joke .'' seohyun stop laughing and pretend like she busy with her phone .

''seohyuna , it true .'' Luhan pull seohyun to sit on his lap . seohyun eyes wide . 

''you're believe me right ?'' Luhan hold seohyun hand and kiss both of her hand .

seohyun still shock about that .not knowing the answer to that . she just nodded her head .

Luhan put seohyun hair who cover her face behind her ear . 
























''seohyuna , let's get married .''











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seoexo1112 #1
this is the 4th time I'm reading this story..I just love it!!!!!!≧﹏≦
Chanbaekkris #2
Chapter 35: Continue plssss!
Chapter 29: How do they get married??
Ainesha #4
Chapter 35: that kiss ~!!!! omg ! giving bird ? aigoo cute mavin >.<
eugenenni #5
Chapter 35: Yoona give birth to baby!!! The baby name is Jihoon cute^^ And Luhan always is cheesy!!! Thanks for the updare^^
eugenenni #6
Chapter 34: Luhan that's not funny!!! Akkk he is a idiot but so cute^^ OMG Seohyun is pregnant!!! Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 34: Lol! you made me mad at Luhan like crazy! :P
You deserve that Luhan~ :D
Omo~ Seohyun is pregnant! ^^
Thanks for the update~ ♥
Chapter 34: LOL
Luhan u better sleep outside!!!!!
Seobb preggo!!
Ego ego ego~
Update soon!!!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 33: Luhan what a jerk! Why he just upset Seohyun? Poor Seohyunnie... Thanks for the update!!!
Chapter 33: Awhh its so devastated. Hmm poor seohyunie. Uhuk uhuk T.T its okay maybe theres a misscomunication or something like that. Waaah can wait for new update.