(M) Voodoo Magic - Part Two

Blissful Stories (Requests Closed)
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Voodoo Magic
feat. Ken of Vixx
Part Two


The panels raised and I saw the girl with a cart in the center of the room. "Dinner time boys..." I heard the woman's voice again. I glared towards her for hurting Ken, and then saw her looking over at him. "Ken, what's wrong? Normally, you would be the first person at your door..." Ken turned his head away from her and I saw her walking up to his cage. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys on a key ring. She sauntered to Ken’s cell and opened up the door. "What's wrong baby?" she asked while approaching him.


"Nothing..." he turned away from her and towards me, he mouthed get ready towards me and I prepared to run out of that cell as quickly as I could.


"Did someone miss me?" she asked and pushed him up towards the storage trunk their bodies touching.


"Why would I miss you?" he glared at her then was smacked in the face. 


"Don't you dare speak to me like that Ken! I have been nothing but nice to you!" she pushed him flat on his back and got on top of him. I backed away but kept myself covered. "I feed you, give you water, exercise, someone to talk to and the most important love..." she his cheek. "No one could ever love you as much as I love you."


"This isn't LOVE! You keep all of us locked up in these holding cells, and you feed us so little so that we aren’t strong enough to fight back. You drug us and you hurt us! That isn't love!" he roared from underneath her. She grabbed his throat and squeezed tightly and I heard him choke. 


"What have I told you about speaking back to me Ken? You have been such a naughty boy today..." she purred in his ear. "And you know what happens to boys who are naughty." her tongue brushed across his cheek, his eyes clenching from the contact. Her hands moved up and down his chest and then she dug her nails into his skin and quickly slashed them across his chest. He screamed out in pain, he turned his head towards me and I was about to come out and stop her when I saw him shake his hand no. "I don't like hurting you Ken, but this is what needs to be done to keep you in line..." she kissed his cheek and then his lips. "You are the one I don't like to hurt at all, you are special to me...." she kissed him more. "Very special." she slid down his legs while her right hand slid down him slowly. "Do you remember how special you are to me?" her hand reached his thigh and I instantly knew what she was planning. "Do you remember the last time we made love?" Th-they m-made love? Her hand brushed across the zipper of his pants and he moaned slightly. "Answer me Ken..." 


Again she brushed her hand across his pants and he was fighting back his . "Y-Yes I do...just please stop touching me..." he pleaded with her. 


"Hmmm why should I stop touching you when I can clearly see that you're enjoying it." she smirked and I saw that Ken was indeed enjoying her touches. I looked away from the scene closing my eyes. "But since you asked so nicely, I will stop for now since you’re probably starving, but don't think you will get off the hook next time..." she kissed him and got off of him. She walked out and I fully opened my eyes. She came in and gave him his food tray and closed the door before locking it. She did this with all of them, and then stood in the center of the room touching a button. "Eat up boys, I’m sure you’re starving..." she laughed and walked out of the room, but not before lowering the panels and again the rooms became dim.


"K-Ken..." I called out to him.


"D-Don't come near me please..." he turned his head away from me. "Just give me a few minutes..." 


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suhofan #1
Chapter 7: Omg this story is amazing . does it had a sequel ?
Chapter 42: Thank you so much!! :D I loved it! <3
Chapter 44: OMG thank you so so much!! <3 <3 I really loved it! <3 :D
Oh omfg I read all the BTOB and Super Junior ones


And considering Changsub is my BTOB bias... XD
HanneZS #5
Chapter 39: What in the world did I just read xD NOT that it wasn't good, I loved it xD
Chapter 36: Author-nim, you're making me want to cry again with your stories!! T^T
It was sooo sad and unexpected! My heart was not ready for that... ;A;
Why you do this to me, author-nim?!? >.<
Hi, I really like these! But I noticed that your requests were closed... If you happen to reopen them, would you mind letting me know? Thank you!
Chapter 35: OMGGGGGG!! This story makes me want to cryyyy.. ;A;
Dont do this to me, author-nim!!! T^T
I wasnt expecting for it to end like that!!!

I really miss reading your fics.. I still have to catch up
with your past stories.. *sighs* Just gotta find time for it..
Not sure if you've noticed, but I've grown to love another group, Vixx. XD
So now whenever I see a Vixx story pending, I'm just waiting for you to write it
so I can read it.. lolol.. So far all of your Vixx stories have been suuuper good!!
Some of them even made me want to shed some tears... :'( But its okay..
It's just to tell you that you are an amazing writer!! ;D
Author-nim Hwaiting!! ^^
Chapter 32: OMG!~ Thank you so much~ I really liked it, I couldn't stop smiling while reading it~ x3 ^0^