
Blissful Stories (Requests Closed)
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feat. Leo of VIXX


You got out of bed for the millionth night in a row and headed out to your balcony to get a breath of fresh air. You looked up into the dark sky admiring all of the beautiful stars that twinkled brightly. Lately you have been having trouble sleeping and you didn't know why. You were always tossing, turning and even talking in your sleep disturbing your boyfriend. He needed his sleep and you hated when he woke up to comfort you. He had been working overtime at his job to make sure a huge business deal would go through. He would tell you once the deal came through everything would be back to normal.

Things with the two of you were anything but normal. When you first met your boyfriend he was cold, distant and unwelcoming. You somehow charmed your way into his heart and it felt like for once everything in your world was going as you had hoped. Nowadays, he is stressed, distant and though he comforts you during these sleepless nights you could tell he was annoyed. Things were good, but lately you weren't feeling the same passion and love that you once had with him. 

Taekwoon would come home when you had just lied down for bed skipping out on dinner that you had left in the fridge for him, and he would wake up before you even heard the alarm go off. You were certain that this big business deal was the reason for his strange behavior, but you couldn't disregard the fact he might have found someone else, someone who was a million times better. 

You turned your head back to see him fast asleep and smiled. You took one last glance at the starry night and decided to get back to sleep. You crawled in bed wrapping your arm around Taekwoon's waist snuggling up to him, but the moment you did so he pulled away from you and got up himself. You watched him leave the room and turn on the hall light. You rolled up into a ball your heart starting to crumble.

The morning rolled in slowly and you had yet to go back to sleep. You felt the bed move once again and saw Taekwoon getting up.

"Can I make you a cup of coffee?" your voice a mere whisper.

"(Y/N) what are you doing awake?" He walked over to your side of the bed. "You look exhausted," he lifted your chin up. "You didn't sleep well again?" You nodded. "I think you need to see a doctor about this."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes you have to. Make an appointment today and when I come home we'll talk about what the doctor said okay?" You nodded again. "Good." He stood up putting on his suit jacket. "Have a nice day and try to get some sleep." He walked out.

This was typical behavior from him. He hasn't hugged you, kissed you or shown much affection towards you for over a month. Again you had two thoughts, the business deal, or another woman.

You scheduled an appointment to see your local doctor and walked into the waiting room to see it practically empty. You were called in immediately and saw an old friend of yours from college walk in.

"(Y/N)?" He chuckled walking through. "I can't believe it's you. When I saw the chart I thought I was dreaming." He walked in wrapping you in a tight hug, "I've missed you so much."

You gasped at his embrace and felt your heart quench up. You started to tear up and hugged him back. "I-I've missed you too Hakyeon."

"Awe I hope those are tears of joy." He tapped your nose smiling, "Now tell me what's been bothering you." He went over and got the usual tools to check your eyes, ears, throat, temperature and even heartbeat all the while you told him what has been going on. "When did these sleepless nights start?" He sat in a chair next to you.

"A week or two ago and it's been every night."

"Have you been stressed lately?"

"No not anymore than usual."

"How about the people around you? Has anyone that you're close to been stressed? Helping someone relieve their stress can be stressful in itself."

"Well my boyfriend is really stressed from work. There is a big business deal that he's been working on for about a month and I guess it might be taking a toll on both of us." 

"I suggest you spend some time with him. Try to take his mind off of what he has to deal with at work."

"Any suggestions?" You sighed leaning on your elbows. 

"Well if you aren't the type of person to wait till you're married I suggest..."

"Hakyeon!" You shouted.

He laughed, "I'm just saying it might help."

"I guess..."

"How about this if things don't work out and you are still having these sleepless nights within the next week you come back to see me alright? We'll look into it more."

"Okay thanks Hakyeon." He cleared his throat and pointed to his name tag. "Oh excuse me, Dr. Cha." You rolled your eyes jumping off the examining table. He laughed and ruffled your hair just like he used to do when you guys were in college.



That night you tried to follow Hakyeon's advice, but to your luck Taekwoon came home exhausted and didn't even look your way though there were candles lit in the room. He just blew them out and fell onto the bed falling asleep instantly. You lied in bed with your red negilgee that you wore the first time you both made love. 

For the whole week you woke up before him, showered, got dressed in all of the outfits that he found y on you and even did your hair and makeup, but he never noticed at all. It was the night before you were supposed to go for another checkup when you felt sick all of a sudden. You rushed into the bathroom releasing everything you had eaten throughout the day into the toilet. Your body shook as sweat developed on your forehead. You felt yourself becoming sick again and relieved your stomach two more times. 

You staggered out into the kitchen a pained feeling growing in your stomach while clutching onto the wall. You walked yourself into the kitchen pulling out an ice pack from the freezer placing it over your eyes, a method that helped calm you down. Just when you needed someone the most Taekwoon came home. You

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suhofan #1
Chapter 7: Omg this story is amazing . does it had a sequel ?
Chapter 42: Thank you so much!! :D I loved it! <3
Chapter 44: OMG thank you so so much!! <3 <3 I really loved it! <3 :D
Oh omfg I read all the BTOB and Super Junior ones


And considering Changsub is my BTOB bias... XD
HanneZS #5
Chapter 39: What in the world did I just read xD NOT that it wasn't good, I loved it xD
Chapter 36: Author-nim, you're making me want to cry again with your stories!! T^T
It was sooo sad and unexpected! My heart was not ready for that... ;A;
Why you do this to me, author-nim?!? >.<
Hi, I really like these! But I noticed that your requests were closed... If you happen to reopen them, would you mind letting me know? Thank you!
Chapter 35: OMGGGGGG!! This story makes me want to cryyyy.. ;A;
Dont do this to me, author-nim!!! T^T
I wasnt expecting for it to end like that!!!

I really miss reading your fics.. I still have to catch up
with your past stories.. *sighs* Just gotta find time for it..
Not sure if you've noticed, but I've grown to love another group, Vixx. XD
So now whenever I see a Vixx story pending, I'm just waiting for you to write it
so I can read it.. lolol.. So far all of your Vixx stories have been suuuper good!!
Some of them even made me want to shed some tears... :'( But its okay..
It's just to tell you that you are an amazing writer!! ;D
Author-nim Hwaiting!! ^^
Chapter 32: OMG!~ Thank you so much~ I really liked it, I couldn't stop smiling while reading it~ x3 ^0^