Thorn Pt. 3

Blissful Stories (Requests Closed)
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Thorn Pt. 3
feat. Jimin of BTS



That evening you went back into town searching for answers about the woman named Rose. Taehyung did not know about any woman named Rose, so sadly he was no help. Every article you read just had the name rose. There was no other named listed. You got up from your desk in the archives and started putting the books you took out back. You were reaching to put the book from the 17th century back when your foot slipped and you fell back. You screamed closing your eyes tightly waiting to land on the floor, but instead you landed in a pair of arms. Your body that was scrunched up relaxed and your eyes slowly opened. You looked up at your savior gasping at who it was. There before you was the man from your dreams, literally. He smiled gently his arms wrapped around you protectively. You stared at his familiar eyes and was drawn to him. As he placed you safely on the ground you kept your eyes glue to his.

"You must be careful, you could have gotten hurt."

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

"Don't worry about it. Just promise me you will be extra careful, or get help." He reached up and your hair. "I would hate to hear someone as pretty as you got hurt."

You blushed instantly; your head lowering from embarrassment. "I-I'm (Y/N)."

"It is a pleasure to meet you (Y/N). My name is Park Jimin."

"Park Jimin..." You repeated with a slight whisper.

"I've heard a lot about you." he smiled.

"You have?"

"We live in a small town, word gets around. It's nice to finally meet the woman the town is still a buzz about. Are you still doing research for your story?"

"Yes I am actually. I stumbled upon a woman named Rose. It said she was murdered up on Echo Ridge, but I can't find any information on her," You pouted. "I'm starting to wonder if she even existed."

"She existed. She was supposed to marry my ancestor, but she was killed by people in the town. They suspected her and my ancestor of being vampires," Jimin took a hold of your hand. "If you don't mind going for a walk I'll tell you everything I know."

"Oh I'm not sure that's..."

"Jimin-ssi!" Taehyung's voice rang out. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be on your way home by now."

"Well I heard that our town's visitor was here so I stopped by to say hello."

"(Y/N)," Taehyung walked up to us. "Jimin-ssi's family is the founders of the town. The house you are staying in is actually his family's house."

"Oh my!" You gasped, "I'm sorry I didn't know," you blushed. 

"It is fine." He lifted up your hand kissing the back if it.  "Please allow me to tell you about our town and then I will you back home."

You turned towards Taehyung who wore a shocked expression then back at Jimin. "I suppose that will be fine. I must return before nightfall or else my driver will be worried about me."

"Of course milady..." He bowed his head, "Taehyung-ssi, please make sure that these books are put back safe and sound." Taehyung nodded, "And take the rest of the evening off. Tomorrow is the blood moon anyway; people will be keeping to their homes until then."

"Yes Jimin-ssi..." Taehyung climbed up the ladder quickly with the books in his hands.

"As for us I would like to show you the grave of our towns Rose..."



"Here it is," he brushed off some leaves that covered her grave a fresh rose placed over her grave marker. "Her name was Roseline Lee. Her and her family came here during the third generation of our town. My ancestors have said the moment she arrived a bed of roses started to bloom on the very ground she stepped on. She was our towns beauty and my great grandfather 5x removed was infatuated by her. It was said that the moment she passed him his eyes saw no one else but her. One day my great grandfather went up to her and the rest I guess you could say is history. They fell in love and were never seen apart." He sighed sitting on his knees. "One day a drifter came into town and accused Rose of being an immortal. He said he saw her drink the blood of two grown men. The towns people were aware of such beings from other tall tales from other drifters. They put Rose on trial, but no one had any proof. My great grandfather told them that they were crazy that such beings were nothing but make believe. They then accused him of being under her spell. My great grandfather and Rose were sent home without answers on what the town was going to do, but that night they found out. They charged through the very house you are staying in with torches, pitch forks and stakes. They burnt the third floor of the home were Rose was hiding in the closet of the attic after putting a stake through her heart. When she bled red they knew she was not an immortal. My grandfather burned inside that house as well." He looked up at you. "Two innocent lives were lost from tall tales and small minds."

"I am so sorry for your family's loss..." You kneeled down next to him. "I just have one question," he stared at you. "When you said she bled red and that they knew then she wasn't an immortal, what did you mean by that?"

"If she was an immortal her blood would have been blue not red."


He nodded, "There were tales about different types of vampires, those whose blood runs blue and those whose blood runs black. The blue blood vampires are the pure ones. They do not kill for sport nor do they drink the blood of the innocent. Those whose blood runs black are the opposite. They will even kill and drink the blood of other vampires to quench their thirsts."

"That is horrible..."

"Yeah but of course it's all fairy tales."

"Did you ever believe in those tales?"

He got up and held his hands out for you. "Yes I did, but the thought of it all is still a bit much." he chuckled. "Now if you want information about Rose there is only one place to find it." he glanced at you, "It's in the third level of the house you're staying at."

"But I can't."

"It's my family's home and I am giving you permission." He latched his arm with yours. "I will be there with you so there is no fear of getting in trouble.

You nodded and preceded to his car; heading back to the house you were staying at. When you reached the house your car was gone and the front door was wide opened. You got out of the car heading to the door and called out for Yoongi. When he didn't answer you ran straight into the house calling out his name, Jimin following behind you. You turned the corner to the kitchen to find Yoongi's body sprawled on the floor his throat ripped out blood spewing on the floor creating a dark red river. You screamed and was wrapped in a tight embrace. Jimin took you away from the kitchen where Yoongi's body was as tears poured from your eyes. He held you tight as he sat you down on the couch. 

"Yoongi!" You screamed out, "Who would do something like this?" You cried your heart out.

"Was there a rose by his body?" J

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suhofan #1
Chapter 7: Omg this story is amazing . does it had a sequel ?
Chapter 42: Thank you so much!! :D I loved it! <3
Chapter 44: OMG thank you so so much!! <3 <3 I really loved it! <3 :D
Oh omfg I read all the BTOB and Super Junior ones


And considering Changsub is my BTOB bias... XD
HanneZS #5
Chapter 39: What in the world did I just read xD NOT that it wasn't good, I loved it xD
Chapter 36: Author-nim, you're making me want to cry again with your stories!! T^T
It was sooo sad and unexpected! My heart was not ready for that... ;A;
Why you do this to me, author-nim?!? >.<
Hi, I really like these! But I noticed that your requests were closed... If you happen to reopen them, would you mind letting me know? Thank you!
Chapter 35: OMGGGGGG!! This story makes me want to cryyyy.. ;A;
Dont do this to me, author-nim!!! T^T
I wasnt expecting for it to end like that!!!

I really miss reading your fics.. I still have to catch up
with your past stories.. *sighs* Just gotta find time for it..
Not sure if you've noticed, but I've grown to love another group, Vixx. XD
So now whenever I see a Vixx story pending, I'm just waiting for you to write it
so I can read it.. lolol.. So far all of your Vixx stories have been suuuper good!!
Some of them even made me want to shed some tears... :'( But its okay..
It's just to tell you that you are an amazing writer!! ;D
Author-nim Hwaiting!! ^^
Chapter 32: OMG!~ Thank you so much~ I really liked it, I couldn't stop smiling while reading it~ x3 ^0^