School Life

Cats Can be Human

Chapter 9: School Life

I wake up the next morning with a start. A smile creeps onto my face when I realize that I'm human again, but it dosent stay long as I remember yesterdays events. I just hope that a good night's rest calms his nerves. Having changed into clothes that Mrs. Jung had set out for me the night before, I make my way down the long hallway and descend down the stairs. I can smell oatmeal being served and bacon! I've missed bacon so much.

"Goodmorning," I say happily at the sight if the food. Daehyun looks up and we make eyecontact but when he realizes that it is me a looks down into his bowl with a huff.

"Goodmorning Mingi," Mrs. Jung says and sets down a bowl of oatmeal with a side of bacon. My eyes glow when I see the glorious food in front of me. I take in the waff of steam coming from the bowl.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Jung," I say and bow before digging in.

"Your welcome," Mrs. Jung says and goes back to her work.

As if I hadn't eaten in years I hurriedly eat my food. I could feel the glare of Daehyun and I slowly turn my head to look at him. He has a shocked expression on his face and mutters, "Gross!"

I pout, my feelings hurt a little, and drop my spoon. I ate like a pig didn't I?

"Yah! Daehyun don't be a hypocrite! You eat greedily, you know how you are about food!" Mrs. Jung scolds her son.

"Uhmma! I don't eat like a ferocious animal like her!" Daehyun says and points at me. Having enough of him I get up from the table and begin to leave.

"Mingi don't mind him!" Mrs. Jung calls out for me. I stop in my place and turn around.

"Oh I dont mind him. I may have eaten like a pig, as I havent eaten food that good in a loooonng time, but at least I do act like a pig unlike someone," I scoff and hold my arms looking directly at Daehyun. All he does is give me a death glare.

"Oooooh she told you," Mrs. Jung smirks and walks off into the kitchen.

"Uhmma!" Daehyun yells after his mom.

"Mingi, you should go to Daehyun's school today. Just say your his distant cousin. I'll make a phone call to the school and tell them all about it. In the meantime I'll think about what to do about your situation," Mrs. Jung says.

"Okay, thank you," I say and bow.

Daehyun gets up from the table and hands over his bowl to his mom. I could see that he whispered something to her while pouting. He recieved a serious glare from his mother. I knew he was talking about me.

Daehyun make his way past me towards the door with his shoulders drooped. Without a word he exits the house to the outside leaving the door open hinting for me to head out too. I follow him out an am surprised when he turns around and says, "Listen, the other kids know us as cousins, but between you and me we are strangers, got it?"

"Whatever you say your highness," I say and bow 90 degrees while smirking. All Daehyun does is scoff before we head on to school.


"Class meet Yuni, Daehyun's cousin from Seoul," Mr. Choi the teacher annouces in front of the whole class as I stand before them. I awkwardly smile and wave as I hear a murmers of hi's. After that I find a seat and make my way towards it. I notice Heesun smiling at me but as I walk past her her foot comes out tripping me. 

"Pabo..." she says harshly in a quiet voice. I wanted to get up and confront her but I decide against it and take my seat and go on through class.


School is finally over and I head out t the front of the school to meet Daehyun to start our walk back home. I look around in the crowd but he is nowhere in sight. I notice Heesun and her freinds walking up to me though.

"So your Daehyun's friend from Seoul," Heesun says while eyeing me from head to toe and smirks.

"If your from Seoul then why are you dressed so poorly," she scoffs.

"I don't know, because I'm not here to please anybody," I snap back. Who does she think she is?

"You think you can talk to me that way b****?!" She says and pushes me roughly to the ground. I fall down with a thump and have a scratch on my elbow. Heesun and her friends laugh as they watch me struggle. Not wanting to hear their satisfaction anymore, I get up and push her down myself when I've had enough. I'm not the one who is into violence. I am completly against it, but Heesun has pushed me too far. As Heesun falls to the ground I can hear a boy's voice approaching us. I look to the right and see Daehyun running towards Heesun. He pushed me aside roughly and bends down to help Heesun.

"Are you okay?" He asks her gently as he helps her up.

"Yeah I am," she says trying to sound like the victim. Daehyun's head snaps at my direction and glares at me.

"Daehyun I didnt start it! She-" I exlcaim but am cutoff my Daehyun.

"Cut the crap, just stay away from me and her," he says as he walks past me while holding Heesun. My jaw drops when I hear that. Is he seriously going to taker her side without knowing mine?


Hey guys sorry for the short update.

Comment if you want. :) I like seeing comments. ^^

And if you are an Exotic read my other fanfic, "I Want My Life Back!", if you want. :)

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Chapter 21 of Cats Can be Human is up! :)


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McKenna #1
Chapter 22: He actually has been my ultimate bias for 2 years now xD
McKenna #2
Chapter 22: Daehyun is my ultimate bias too! <3
Asiangirlz2 #3
Chapter 27: Sequel! Sequel!Sequel!Sequel!Sequel! I love this story!
Chapter 27: omo..~ Youngjae is so understanding... :") He is such a great person.. :DDD And yayyy!!! Yuni doesn't turn back into a cat!!! She's a human and still a human!!! :DDDD Waaaaaaaaa!! Daehyun and Yuni are finally together now~~ <333333
and OMGGG!! Yuni's parents is still alive..???
I'm surely want a SEQUEL!!! :DDDDDD I'm so curious~~~! :D Sequel! Sequel! Hahahahahahaha. :DDDD
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 27: I WILL WANT A SEQUEL PLEASE ;A; I'M DESPERATE this is so cute ;;A;;;;;;
ixzakwangie #6
Chapter 27: Sequel please author-nim! I want to know what will happen after Yuni meet her parents!
Chapter 26: Yuni must be with Daehyun!!! Yuni is meant to be with Dae~~ <333 since they were still kids even Yuni was a cat when they found her.
Next chapter is the last chapter..?? T^T What will happen after this..??
Yuni must become a real human.....
Chapter 25: Daehyun you cannot let go Yuni!!!! but OH MY GOD....Yuni is becoming a cat again soon??? The claws started to appear already....NOOOOOOO!! Yuni you can't be a cat again.......
oh my Gosh..the dream that Yuni was like her parents are still alive..???
Yuni must stay as Human..~~
Chapter 24: must be only love Daedae...but then poor Jaejae~~ T^T But I ship Yuni with Daehyun here..
and..poor Daedae too..feeling guilty but Daehyun can't hide his feelings anymore ..