
Cats Can be Human

Chapter 2: Reality

I jump out of my bed as I wake up from my horrible dream. I am shaking like a leaf trying to remind myself that I am okay and that it’s just a dream. I hear the movement for the preparation of a Monday morning. The sound of the stove working as breakfast is being made and dishes being washed. I stretch out my arms and legs and yawn. I make my way out of the room and am greeted with the morning sunlight hitting my face. It’s a peaceful fall day.

“Uhmma, I have soccer captain try outs after school today, so I’ll be home by nine,” my best friend says as he has takes a spoonful of his oatmeal closer to his mouth. The fumes rising up from the spoon warming his face from the coldness of the snowy season.

“Okay, just make sure to finish your homework when your not practicing,” his Uhmma instructs her son as she pours more banana milk for him.

“I know Uhmma,” my best friend says in a whining voice as if having heard it for the hundredth time even though it’s been the first.

“Yah! Don’t give me that tone of voice. You are a good student and have amazing grades, I don’t want them to go down, understand?” his Uhmma says.

“Okay Uhmma, I understand,” my best friend says while getting up from the table having being done with his breakfast and gives his mother a hug.

I make my way straight for my food. I’m struck right away by the fowl smell of the cat food. Oh how do I miss human food. How I miss being human.

My best friend takes his backpack by the strap and makes his way over to me.  

“Yu Ni, are you ready to head out for school?” My best friend says with a huge grin on face.

‘Yup, I’m ready Daehyun,’

Daehyun smiles his famous eye smile as I begin to take the lead heading for the doorway.
Daehyun opens the door and a clam breeze greets us. We start the walk to Daehyun’s high school which is a few blocks away.

“Ahh the weather is so nice today,” Daehyun says as he takes in the morning air.

‘Yes, the air is so sweet’ I take in the air myself.

“I have try outs for the soccer team’s team captain today. I’m pretty nervous,” Daehyun says as he takes a deep breathe and stares off into the distance.

‘Yah, don’t be a pabo Daehyun, you have nothing to be nervous for. You are a really good soccer player and they know it! Your on the soccer team already so they know how great you are.’ I stare at Daehyun for a while trying to get my message out to him.

“It’s just that I really want to be the captain and there’s other amazing players who are trying out. BiHo is trying out…” Daehyun  says.

‘That jerk… you’re better than him Daehyun, don’t forget that.’

“I don’t know what happened between me and him, we used to be friends. Just one day he stopped talking to me and we became rivals both on and off the soccer field,” Daehyun says without taking his eyes off of the sidewalk.

‘He’s lose for loosing such a great friend. He’s probably jealous of you.’

A moment of silence goes by as Daehyun is lost in his thought. The look of sadness written over his face.

“Thanks for listening to me YuNi, I can tell you anything” Daehyun says when he snaps back to reality.


We have now reached the high school with high schoolers all rushing into the building. We notice a group of five guys waving at Daehyun signaling for him to come over.

“I’ll see you after school, YuNi,” Daehyun says and wave as he runs over to his friends.

'I'll be here.' I watch as Daehyun greets his friends continued by the loud laughter of their group.

I turn back around and head back home.


It's 4:00, thiry minutes before soccer captain try outs are to take place, and I'm behind the bleachers waiting for the event to start. Players are slowly coming in with their bags beginning to warm up. No sign of Daehyun yet, but I notice that BiHo has just came in. The rival has set his bad down onto the bench and has begun to stretch. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the familiar brown haired boy make his way onto the feild. Daehyun has arrived. I watch as my friend makes his way into the inner part of the field when he takes out his phone seeming to have gotten a message. Without knowing where he is going he bumps into BiHo causing the other to fall down. The other player laugh at BiHo who is becoming embarrassed. 

"Oh I'm so sorry BiHo, I didn't see you there!" Daehyun quickly says afraid of the other.

"That's just like you Jung to not be paying attention."

“I said I’m sorry. Why do you have to be such a jerk,” Daehyun says defensively at what the other had to say.

“Why do you have to be such a pabo?” BiHo says and moves closer to Daehyun with his fists clenched. Daehyun glances down at the other’s fists and takes a step back. When it had seemed like a fight was about to break out the coach runs up to the boys.

“Break it up you two!” Coach Kim says and seperates the boys.

“Daehyun started it,” BiHo says angrily and crosses his arms.

“What?!” Daehyun says shocked.

“Is that true Daehyun,” Coach Kim asks.

“No! Of course it’s not! I accidently knocked into him but he’s the one who made a big deal about it,” Daehyun snaps back at BiHo.
“That’s not true. He’s the one who yelled at me for being in his way,” BiHo says calmly.

“If what BiHo says is true Daehyun, then I’m not going to let you try out for team captain,” Coach Kim says sternly.

Daehyun’s jaw drops when Coach Kim had finished. No words come out of Daehyun as he is shocked. BiHo smirks.

I make my way from behind the bleachers when a girl with a pink bow in her hair comes down the bleachers and over to the three. I stop in my tracks.

“Daehyun wasn’t the one who started the argument, BiHo did. BiHo got made at Daehyun when he accidentally knocked into him causing him to fall down,” The girl tells the truth to the coach and stands next to Daehyun’s side.

“BiHo, I’m giving you a warning this time,” Coach Kim says and walks off to talk to the other players.

“What’s a loser you are Jung Daehyun,” BiHo says as he glare at Daehyun then at the girl before walking off.

“Thank you so much HeeSun for telling Coach Kim the truth,” Daehyun says and bows at the girl.

“No problem, BiHo is a jerk. I just don’t understand why you would have gotten kicked off the team and BiHo got off with a warning," HeeSun says with an annoyed look on her face.

“I don’t know why either,” Daehyun says.

The Coach claps his hand signaling that it’s time for the tryouts to start. 

“You’ll do great Daehyun. Hwaiting!” HeeSun says and raises her hand up with a fist.

“Hwaiting!” Daehyun says and does the same.


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Chapter 21 of Cats Can be Human is up! :)


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McKenna #1
Chapter 22: He actually has been my ultimate bias for 2 years now xD
McKenna #2
Chapter 22: Daehyun is my ultimate bias too! <3
Asiangirlz2 #3
Chapter 27: Sequel! Sequel!Sequel!Sequel!Sequel! I love this story!
Chapter 27: omo..~ Youngjae is so understanding... :") He is such a great person.. :DDD And yayyy!!! Yuni doesn't turn back into a cat!!! She's a human and still a human!!! :DDDD Waaaaaaaaa!! Daehyun and Yuni are finally together now~~ <333333
and OMGGG!! Yuni's parents is still alive..???
I'm surely want a SEQUEL!!! :DDDDDD I'm so curious~~~! :D Sequel! Sequel! Hahahahahahaha. :DDDD
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 27: I WILL WANT A SEQUEL PLEASE ;A; I'M DESPERATE this is so cute ;;A;;;;;;
ixzakwangie #6
Chapter 27: Sequel please author-nim! I want to know what will happen after Yuni meet her parents!
Chapter 26: Yuni must be with Daehyun!!! Yuni is meant to be with Dae~~ <333 since they were still kids even Yuni was a cat when they found her.
Next chapter is the last chapter..?? T^T What will happen after this..??
Yuni must become a real human.....
Chapter 25: Daehyun you cannot let go Yuni!!!! but OH MY GOD....Yuni is becoming a cat again soon??? The claws started to appear already....NOOOOOOO!! Yuni you can't be a cat again.......
oh my Gosh..the dream that Yuni was like her parents are still alive..???
Yuni must stay as Human..~~
Chapter 24: must be only love Daedae...but then poor Jaejae~~ T^T But I ship Yuni with Daehyun here..
and..poor Daedae too..feeling guilty but Daehyun can't hide his feelings anymore ..