Catching Up

Cats Can be Human

Chapter 14: Catching Up

"Daehyun?...Daehyun?" I lightly shake him as he lays passed out on the floor. Soon he comes to as his eyes flicker open. I help him to his feet and Daehyun rubs his eyes to get better vision.

"Oh hey Mingi," Daehyun says and smiles after regaining his eyesight fully.

"Daehyun, I'm Yuni, I told you that," I sigh. His smile fades away as his eyes widen. Before he can fall down to the floor again I catch him and prop him up.

"Yah, stop passing out," I snap at him. He just stands there observing me intently with his eyes. I suddenly feel very awkward and insecure.

"W-what?..." I stammer.

"I've missed you Yuni," Daehyun says as he pulls me in for a tight hug. Surprised by his action it takes me a while to hug him back. I wrap my arms around him in the hug and bury my face in his neck as he had also burried his in mine. After what felt like an hour we pull apart, I see Daehyun has a half smile on his face which looked kinda sad.

"What?" I ask him concerned.

"Why did you run away?" Daehyun softly asks, his voice a little cracky as if he is on the verge of light tears.

Sighing I sit down on his bed and he does the same by sitting down next to me.

"I guess...I guess I was scared and afraid," I pause as I see Daehyun furrow his eyebrows.

"I was afraid that I would loose you," I say and stop.

"Loose me how?" Daehyun asks. I look down and play with the bedsheets embarrassed by what the reason I was afraid of is.

"I was afraid that I'd loose you to Heesun..." I say while looking down at my hands.

"Hey..." Daehyun says and puts his hand lightly upon mine. I look up at him.

"She's my girlfriend and your my best friend," He says as he pulls me in for another hug. "I love you both," He adds. 


At school the next day, there were posters everywhere. "Seniors Dance Saturday May 25 Elegant Themed,"

"Hey Daehyun, so you going to ask Heesun to the dance?" Himchan asks before taking a bite of his sandwhich at lunch.

"Yeah I was thinking about it, but I don't know how to ask her in a special way," Daehyun says. I listen to their coversation quietly.

"Just get down on one knee and ask her," Youngjae suggests.

"I don't know we'll see," Daehyun shrugs.


"So you were a cat who turned into a human?" Daehyun asks as we started our walk home after school. I smile in happiness. Me and Daehyun are finally  friends again, like we used to be. It's good to be back.

"No,I was a human who turned into a cat, but the story is too long and if I'll tell you, you'd think I'm crazy," I softly laugh.

"Oh okay, I see," Daehyun knods his head in understandment.

"How's soccer, Team Captain," I say and poke him in on the side of his stomach as I say "Team Captain." He smiles and put his arm around my shoulders as he pulls me closer to him.

"It's great. I feel like I've accomplished something great," he says.

"That's because you did," I smile cheekly up to him.

He smiles his bright eye smile and sotfly chuckles.

"I've missed you," Daehyun says. 

"I've missed you too" I reply. 


Hey guys!

See anything new with the story? I got a poster for it! All thansk to _jhxxx at Enchanted Postershop! If you need a poster, I highly recommend them! They are fast designers and their posters turn out amazing~

My updates are always short. -.- I guess I feel that the end of the chapter should be ended there.

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Chapter 21 of Cats Can be Human is up! :)


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McKenna #1
Chapter 22: He actually has been my ultimate bias for 2 years now xD
McKenna #2
Chapter 22: Daehyun is my ultimate bias too! <3
Asiangirlz2 #3
Chapter 27: Sequel! Sequel!Sequel!Sequel!Sequel! I love this story!
Chapter 27: omo..~ Youngjae is so understanding... :") He is such a great person.. :DDD And yayyy!!! Yuni doesn't turn back into a cat!!! She's a human and still a human!!! :DDDD Waaaaaaaaa!! Daehyun and Yuni are finally together now~~ <333333
and OMGGG!! Yuni's parents is still alive..???
I'm surely want a SEQUEL!!! :DDDDDD I'm so curious~~~! :D Sequel! Sequel! Hahahahahahaha. :DDDD
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 27: I WILL WANT A SEQUEL PLEASE ;A; I'M DESPERATE this is so cute ;;A;;;;;;
ixzakwangie #6
Chapter 27: Sequel please author-nim! I want to know what will happen after Yuni meet her parents!
Chapter 26: Yuni must be with Daehyun!!! Yuni is meant to be with Dae~~ <333 since they were still kids even Yuni was a cat when they found her.
Next chapter is the last chapter..?? T^T What will happen after this..??
Yuni must become a real human.....
Chapter 25: Daehyun you cannot let go Yuni!!!! but OH MY GOD....Yuni is becoming a cat again soon??? The claws started to appear already....NOOOOOOO!! Yuni you can't be a cat again.......
oh my Gosh..the dream that Yuni was like her parents are still alive..???
Yuni must stay as Human..~~
Chapter 24: must be only love Daedae...but then poor Jaejae~~ T^T But I ship Yuni with Daehyun here..
and..poor Daedae too..feeling guilty but Daehyun can't hide his feelings anymore ..