He Hates Me

Cats Can be Human

Chapter 8: He Hates Me

“Ahhh!” I yell out as I fall down while on my way back home. Aish I’m still getting used to walking again.

“Oww,” I moan while I rub my head. I gasp as I feel a wet substance on my forhead. 

“Aish,” I mubbled as I look at the blood. I back up and continue running while the sound of cracks and booms could be heard from the sky above. Why does it have to thunder at this moment. I mentally curse at my bad luck.

I’m almost at Daehyun’s neighborhood when It begins to rain. Great…

My hair begins sticking to my face and so do my clothes. Now Daehyun is going to see me with frizzy hair looking like a freak when he first sees me as a human. I make my way up to the brick house and bring my hand up to knock on the door. Before I can make any sound, I stop my hand midway and bring it back. Should I do this? What’s going to happen if I do knock? He’s going to see a weird stranger at his door and you expect him to let you in? Dream on Yuni. I take a deep breathe and turn back around. No Yuni this is just what you have to do! I turn around to face the door and am about to knock when I stop myself again. No! Don’t be a Pabo Yuni! Leave him alone! I turn around to the opposite direction when I tell myself that I have to do this. Once more I face the front when I tell myself not to. 

“AHHH!!! WHY CANT I MAKE UP MY MIND?!” I yell out a little too loud that even the block down could hear. The door immediately opens and there stands Mrs. Jung thinking who is this crazy troll (because of Yuni’s frizzy hair xD) expression on her face. I freeze and give an awkward smile.

Daehyun appears in the doorway from behind. His eyes a dark red. Aw, this poor boy has been crying. His eyes widen when he sees me.

“Uhmma close the door and lock it…” he slowly instructs his mom while eyeing me like I’m a weird circus animal. 

‘There you just blew it Yuni,’ I meantally say and facepalm myself.

“Who are you,” Mrs. Jung asks me in a confused tone.

“I-I’m Y-MINGI! I-I-I’m MinGi!” I yell out my fake name after catching my almost mistake. This causes Mrs. Jung and Daehyun to jump back a little. Strike two Yuni, way to go.

“Aww Mingi you have a gash on your forehead come in,” Mrs. Jung says and opens the door wider. Daehyun’s jaw drops.

“UHMMA… ARE YOU… CRAZY?! NO!” Daehyun stammers as he watches me make my way in.

“Daehyun don’t be rude, she has been staying outside in the rain and thunder and she has a gash on her head and scratches. Mrs. Jung says as she leads me into the kitchen and takes out the first aid kit from a drawer. I stand awkwardly trying not to look at Daehyun who is giving me the death glare. Boy if looks could kill…

“Mingi sit down,” Mrs. Jung says warmly and points at the dining room chair. I sit down and Mrs. Jung begins to clean my gash and my cuts. Mrs. Jung hasent changed since that they they found me. She’s stayed as warm and welcoming as before.

“Why were you standing in the rain?” Mrs. Jung asks me when she finished putting on the band aids. 

“I-I…” I don’t know what to say and shrug.

“What’s your parent’s phone number?” She asks as she makes her way over to the home phone. 

“I… don’t have parents,” I say quietly and look down at the ground.

Mrs. Jung stops. “Oh, I’m so sorry. What’s your guardian’s number then?” She asks me.

“I don’t have a guardian. I don’t have any relatives either. I’m alone,” I say.

“Oh…” Mrs. Jung stops trying to think of what to do.

“How about you stay here for the night and we’ll see what we can do in the morning,” Mrs. Jung says and smiles at me.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Jung,” I say and smile back. Daehyun and Mrs. Jung’s eyes widen.

“How do you know our last name?! We didn’t tell you!” Daehyun yells at me as he questions me. The raising of his voice causes me to jump in my seat. I blink hard trying to come up with an explanation.

“I…I…” I am a lost for words. What could I say? I’m caught.

“Daehyun calm down. She read my name tag,” Mrs. Jung says and I notice her name tag that reads, “Doctor Jung.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Oh whatever…” Daehyun says coldly. Who is this guy and what has he done with the real Daehyun. The real Dae I know is sweet and kind to anybody.

“But why are you letting a stranger stay with us?! Huh! Your taking control of this situation when you just shrugged off Yuni running away! Your so insensitive mom!” Daehyun yells everything out before storming away to his room.  After a few seconds the slamming of a door could be heard telling us that Daehyun has eneterd his room. Mrs. Jung and I flinch at the sound of his door slamming.

Mrs. Jung sighs. “I’m sorry about my son, his cat ran away today and he’s really upset about it,” Mrs. Jung says sadly.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” I say quietly. There is an awkward pause until Mrs. Jung starts walking towards the stairs.

“Follow me to your room,” Mrs. Jung says and guides me upstairs.

We pass Daehyun’s room and we can hear loud music being played.

“This is Daehyun’s room,” Mrs. Jung tells me. I didn’t have to be told. I already knew that that was his room. I already know this house.

“I don’t know why he’s listening to that loud kind of music. He usually only listens to ballods,” Mrs. Jung says and walks on to the guest room.

“Here’s your room. It also has a bathroon so you can take a shower to wash off the rain,” Mrs. Jung says as we stop in front of the room.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Jung,” I say and bow.

“Your welcome,” Mrs. Jung smiles and walks down the hallway and down the stairs. I enter the guest room and close the door.

I let out my breathe and sigh.

“He hates me,” I say sadly and fall face first into the bed.


Hey guys! :)

Sorry for the chapter being short.

I think my writing . :/

Comment what you think of the story!^^


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Chapter 21 of Cats Can be Human is up! :)


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McKenna #1
Chapter 22: He actually has been my ultimate bias for 2 years now xD
McKenna #2
Chapter 22: Daehyun is my ultimate bias too! <3
Asiangirlz2 #3
Chapter 27: Sequel! Sequel!Sequel!Sequel!Sequel! I love this story!
Chapter 27: omo..~ Youngjae is so understanding... :") He is such a great person.. :DDD And yayyy!!! Yuni doesn't turn back into a cat!!! She's a human and still a human!!! :DDDD Waaaaaaaaa!! Daehyun and Yuni are finally together now~~ <333333
and OMGGG!! Yuni's parents is still alive..???
I'm surely want a SEQUEL!!! :DDDDDD I'm so curious~~~! :D Sequel! Sequel! Hahahahahahaha. :DDDD
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 27: I WILL WANT A SEQUEL PLEASE ;A; I'M DESPERATE this is so cute ;;A;;;;;;
ixzakwangie #6
Chapter 27: Sequel please author-nim! I want to know what will happen after Yuni meet her parents!
Chapter 26: Yuni must be with Daehyun!!! Yuni is meant to be with Dae~~ <333 since they were still kids even Yuni was a cat when they found her.
Next chapter is the last chapter..?? T^T What will happen after this..??
Yuni must become a real human.....
Chapter 25: Daehyun you cannot let go Yuni!!!! but OH MY GOD....Yuni is becoming a cat again soon??? The claws started to appear already....NOOOOOOO!! Yuni you can't be a cat again.......
oh my Gosh..the dream that Yuni had..it was like her parents are still alive..???
Yuni must stay as Human..~~
Chapter 24: Yuni...you must be only love Daedae...but then poor Jaejae~~ T^T But I ship Yuni with Daehyun here..
and..poor Daedae too..feeling guilty but Daehyun can't hide his feelings anymore ..