Youngjae > Daehyun

Cats Can be Human

Chapter 15: Youngjae > Daehyun:

*This chapter contains a plot twist mwuahahaha*

“Guys I did it, I asked Heesun to the dance,” Daehyun grins. All of the guys brightly grin, but I have to force myself to.

“How did you do it?” All of the guys say at once suddenly interested in the conversation.

“I just went up to her and asked her,” Daehyun says a matter of factually.

“Dude your lame, she probably thinks your lame too,” Youngjae tells his hyung up straight. 

“No, I like that Daehyun. Be a man, show her you don’t do that cutesy stuff,” Himchan says as he waves his French fry around.

I scoff at Himchan.

“Anyways are you guys asking anybody?” Daehyun changes the attention from being on him. 

“Nah, we’re all just going by ourselves and just be there for the food,” Yongguk says when nobody speaks up. The other guys nod their head in agreement.

“I like that plan,” Daehyun laughs. 

“Oh course you do, hyung” Jongup teases Daehyun. The guys chuckle along with Daehyun

“Well…actually I’m asking someone,” Youngjae says after waiting for the right time to say it.

“WHO?” The guys say surprised.

Youngjae stands up from his seat at the lunch table and makes his way over to the other side where me and Daehyun were sitting. Getting down on one knee, Youngjae kneels before me. I could feel my cheeks turning a rosy red. The guys all except one of them are holding on for one another are they are surprised by what Youngjae is doing. 

“Mingi, will you go to the dance with me?” Youngjae asks as he holds be fore me a beautiful corset made of light pink and white flowers. 

As a loss for words, my mouth drops down by the whole situation. I really wasn’t expecting this… He has never shown any signs of him having an interest in me.

Everyone is waiting for a response from me and so am I as I wait for myself to say something. I see Youngjae squirming around before me embarrassed that I haven’t said anything. From the embarrassment his cheeks turn a light pink like mine.

“Mingi-” Youngjae says silently.

“Yes,” I softly say.

His eyes widen he quickly raises his head to look up at me. A smile instantly forms upon his face and the guys cheer loudly causing everybody in the lunchroom to stare at us.

After putting the corset on my wrist, I get up and Youngjae gives me a hug. 

Little did I know that out of the rest of the guys, one wasn’t cheerful at all.


The trip back home was filled with an awkward silence.  I had so much to talk about to Daehyun, but he hadn’t said a word the entire time.

“Looks like we’re going to go double dating to the dance,” I start up the conversation. Without looking at me Daehyun just nods his head. Furrowing my eyebrows I look away from him and set my gaze straight ahead.

“Do you like him?” Daehyun asks out of nowhere.

“Who?” I say cluelessly.

“You know. Youngjae,” Daehyun says with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Oh,” Suddenly I feel awkward. “Yeah,” I state.

Daehyun snaps his head at me. “Why?” he questions.

“He’s a nice and sweet guy,…he makes me laugh too,” I say truthfully. 

“He can get annoying you know. And sometimes immature. Did you know he peed his pants in the 3rd grade at school?” Daehyun asks as everything comes out in a jumble.

“Woah. Okay. I don’t think he’s annoying and immature. He probably acts like that to you cause you’re his hyung. And come one Daehyun he was in the 3rd grade,” I give Daehyun a are-you-serious look. 

Daehyun shrugs as he looks down at the ground and kicks a pebble along the way. 

“I’m so happy that he was the one to ask me,” I say quietly but loud enough for Daehyun to hear. And it’s true. Ever since I met Yougjae I had always thought he was a nice guy and a great friend to Daehyun, and after today at lunch when he asked me to the dance I realized that I do like him. I shouldn’t wait around for Daehyun who is in love with Heesun. I’m only hurting myself by hoping for a chance with him. Now a chance has come with a guy who likes me.


Hi guys!

Did you like the plot twist? c: I just came up with it xD

Do you ship Youngsun?

Team Daehyun or Team Youngjae? Lol xD

Comment if you want! ^^


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Chapter 21 of Cats Can be Human is up! :)


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McKenna #1
Chapter 22: He actually has been my ultimate bias for 2 years now xD
McKenna #2
Chapter 22: Daehyun is my ultimate bias too! <3
Asiangirlz2 #3
Chapter 27: Sequel! Sequel!Sequel!Sequel!Sequel! I love this story!
Chapter 27: omo..~ Youngjae is so understanding... :") He is such a great person.. :DDD And yayyy!!! Yuni doesn't turn back into a cat!!! She's a human and still a human!!! :DDDD Waaaaaaaaa!! Daehyun and Yuni are finally together now~~ <333333
and OMGGG!! Yuni's parents is still alive..???
I'm surely want a SEQUEL!!! :DDDDDD I'm so curious~~~! :D Sequel! Sequel! Hahahahahahaha. :DDDD
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 27: I WILL WANT A SEQUEL PLEASE ;A; I'M DESPERATE this is so cute ;;A;;;;;;
ixzakwangie #6
Chapter 27: Sequel please author-nim! I want to know what will happen after Yuni meet her parents!
Chapter 26: Yuni must be with Daehyun!!! Yuni is meant to be with Dae~~ <333 since they were still kids even Yuni was a cat when they found her.
Next chapter is the last chapter..?? T^T What will happen after this..??
Yuni must become a real human.....
Chapter 25: Daehyun you cannot let go Yuni!!!! but OH MY GOD....Yuni is becoming a cat again soon??? The claws started to appear already....NOOOOOOO!! Yuni you can't be a cat again.......
oh my Gosh..the dream that Yuni was like her parents are still alive..???
Yuni must stay as Human..~~
Chapter 24: must be only love Daedae...but then poor Jaejae~~ T^T But I ship Yuni with Daehyun here..
and..poor Daedae too..feeling guilty but Daehyun can't hide his feelings anymore ..