Meet The EXO

Spells And Claws


"Welcome to the Shadow Mountain," he whispered to me. I turned my head slightly to the left and met his eyes. I almost flinched away when I'd noticed that his face was so closed to mine that our cheeks had almost brushed each other. His expression was unreadable but there was something about the look in his eyes that had caught my attention.

He smiled at me before shifting his gaze at the mountain. He let go of his grip on my hand as he made his way towards the side of it. I took a few steps closer and tried to scan the area. There was no one else besides the two of us. Does he really live here ? I asked myself. I was starting to get a little suspicious. "Where is everyone ?" I asked him. "You'll meet them soon," he answered me. For a guy, he sure does likes to keep secrets I thought to myself. He was tracing the solid wall with his hand as if he was trying to find something. Then, his hands had stopped when he found an openned crack on the wall. "Here it is," he said under his breath. I stretched my neck a little and watched him as he slid his hand inside the crack. "Et nos unum sumus," he mumbled.

Then right before my eyes, the wall had suddenly openned up revealing a pathway. I held my hands over my mouth as I watched in astonishment. He turned to face me with a smile on his face. "Are you ready to meet my family ?" he asked me. He held out his hands indicating me to take it. I looked at the pathway then back at him. I slowly walked towards him and held his hand. "I can trust you, right ?" I asked him curiously. He just smiled as he led me inside. I instictly looked back when the wall had returned to the way it was behind us.

I held my free hand over my face when I felt like there was something blinding me. I narrowed my eyes a bit to see what it was. The path had seemed more like a cave that was brighten up by shining stones on the wall. "Those are moonstones. They only light up in dark places like the moon that lights up the night sky. Which is how they got their name, actually. Moonstone," he explained to me. "I've never seen such things. They're beautiful," I said.


We had finally stopped in our tracks once we saw a bright light up ahead. "We're here," he said. I was getting anxious and was about to walk towards the light when I felt a firm grip on my hand. I stopped and turned to look at him. He was staring at me right in the eyes. My eyes wandered around trying to scan his face. "What's wrong ?" I finally asked him. There was a long pause before he spoke. "Whatever happens, do not leave my side. Do you understand me ?" he said sternly. His expression was serious. I shifted my gaze and met his eyes. In a way, somehow he looks desperate. I was starting to get worried. "Why ?" I asked softly. He shook his head and repeated his words. "Just promise that you'll stay close to me," his voice sounded tensed. I was getting curious with his reason but I didn't want to argue with him. "I promise," I nodded my head.


We had finally walked out of the pathway and found ourselves in front of an entrance. I had almost dropped my jaw when I saw how huge the place was. It was bright for an underground resident. I wasn't expecting it to be this big. I looked around and saw people like him at every turn. Tall, muscular, strong bone structures, in other words, wolf-like. Some of them looked like they were playing around, wrestling with each other, as if they were trying to show off their own strength to one and another, like wolves do. Well, what do you expect ? They are werewolves, of course they would act like wolves. There were even children running around, chasing each other while the women were smiling and talking to each other while they were doing their chores. I guess they're not so different from everyone else. Except the part where they seemed to be a bit aggresive and friendlier with each other.

He held my hand tighter as we walked passed a few of them. They seemed to have been preoccupied with their own activities since they didn't even realize our presence. "This way," he led me towards a huge tent at the end of the track. Now that I noticed it, the whole place had set up tents. That must be where they sleep I thought. They must really love being close to nature. I was more than impressed with them. It's a good thing that their living inside a mountain, keeps the cold air out. "Where are we~" I was cut off before I could finish. "Kai ?" someone called him.



"Kai ?" they both turned to see a tall, blond-headed boy that was standing in front of them. "You're back," he quickly ran towards them and hugged him. "Where have you been, man ? We tried to look for you in the woods when we lost you. We were about to throw a search party for you. We thought you were a goner," he said worriedly once they had broke the hug. Kai looked at him and smiled. "I~ I~" he couldn't finish. "Hey, guys. Kai's back !" the boy turned and called his friends. They turned their heads and ran as soon as they saw him. They hugged and patted him on the shoulder with wide grins on their lips. "It's good to know that you're safe. What happened to you ?" one of them had asked. "I ran into a little trouble," he answered them with an awkward smile. "But I'm alright now," he continued. He held her by the hand and pushed her behind him.

The dark-headed boy shifted his gaze and saw her. "Who's this ? Why is she here ?" he was pointing at her. Suddenly, they were all looking at her. Their faces were tensed at the sight of her. Damn it he cursed. He was surprised that they haven't notice her before but now that they do, he wasn't sure what he was suppose to do. Even so, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. He turned his head and saw her clinging at the back of his shirt with her eyes looking at them then back at him. He tighten his grip on her hand, reassuring her that everything is alright. "Kai, what have you done ?" the boy continued. He took a deep breath before turning his head back at them. "This is Raina. She saved me back in the woods. I was in a bad shape when she found me. She took me to her place and treated my wounds. I brought her here as an exchange for my gratitude and to introduce you to her," he said confidently.

Their expressions soften a little once he had explained it to them. Kai stepped aside and pulled her forward. He was still holding her hand and pulled her closer to him. "Raina, I'd like you to meet the EXO. This is Suho, he's our leader," he pointed to the dark-headed boy. She turned towards him and smiled. "Nice to meet you," she said to him. "The pleasure is all mine. And thank you for saving Kai. He is like family to us. We are forever in your debt,"he replied with a bow. "It was nothing, really," she said shyly. "This is Sehun, D.O, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen and Tao," he continued to introduce them to her one by one. Then, he looked around and furrowed his eyebrows. He was looking for someone but couldn't catch a glimpse of him. "Hyung, where's Kris ?" he turned and asked Suho. "He left this morning. He insisted on looking for you. He was worried sick about you. Don't worry, I'll send a message to him saying that you're back. I'm sure he'll be relieved to know that you're safe," he said while patting on the shoulder. Who's Kris ? Raina asked herself.

"In the mean time, let's take you to Eric. He's been worried about you too," he said as he led the two of them towards the huge tent that she saw awhile ago. The rest of them were following them from behind. Kai just nodded his head and followed his hyung. Then, he felt someone tugging on his sleeve. He ly to see Raina with a confused expression. "Who's Kris and Eric ?" she whispered to him. He just smiled at her and led her to the tent. She had a feeling that she was about to find out soon enough.



hello, fellow readers. here's another chapter for you. hope you enjoy it.xoxo

here's what the tents look like, but picture it bigger. hehe..

and for the surroundings, if you guys have seen the movie Avatar, picture it like that, ok ? the bright trees and plants. If you haven't, just picture EXO's MAMA MV, the tree of life part. I was going for both actually... hehe...

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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D