Sixth Sense

Spells And Claws

“You know. Back home, we don’t usually use blindfolds when we learn to defend ourselves. By that I mean me,” she says.

This is a new thing for her. Learning how to fight with a blindfold. But then again, she’s been casting spells by only referring to the books that she read. There wasn’t anyone who could teach her. Stella is only her advisor. Well, she was anyway. But she trusted her with her life.

“Well, you’re not back at home now, are you?” he replies rhetorically. Her lips suddenly quirk at his remark and she nods her head.

They are standing in the middle of the woods. Her arms are stretch out making sure that she won’t hit anyone or anything. She hears the sound of birds chirping, squirrels climbing up the trees, the leaves on the branches being blown by the wind. She hears the sound of footsteps circling her round and round at a steady pace.

“Can you at least tell me what I’m supposed to do?” she asks after a long pause of dead silence. She finally hears him stop.

“My instructions are the least of your concern at the moment,” he states. She frowns and tilts her head to the side.

“What is that supposed to… Ugh!” her question dies on her lips when something knocked her down onto the ground.

It wasn’t hard but still. She gets back on her feet only to be knocked right back down. She groans as she pushes herself to stand.

“Don’t you think it would be easier for me to defend myself with both of my eyes?” she asks, rhetorically.

“If that’s the case then what’s the point of all of this,” he says. She rolls her eyes underneath the cloth and sighs heavily.

“How am I supposed to dodge a hit if I can’t see?” she asks slightly irritated.

“Use your senses. You have five more,” he replies.                                                  

“Five?” she whispers to herself.

Just then, she feels the earth shaking from underneath her and is able to jump on her side just in time and rolls herself until the land has stopped sliding. She pants and coughs from all the dirt that she accidently inhaled.

“Never neglect your sixth sense. Everyone has it. They just don’t know how to apply it,” he says.

She groans as she pushes herself up. She stands still. Alert with everything around her. She keeps on thinking of what would hit her next. With a guy like him, nothing is predictable. He could have giant rocks falling from above her head without her knowing about it.

Keeping her focus, she hears a flock of birds flying away and a tree falling from behind her. Swiftly, she turns around and holds the bark from crushing her. Having the weight of the tree falling onto her, she punches her fists through it and splits it in half. At least it wasn’t a huge rock, she thinks to herself.

She didn’t even get the chance to take a breath when she’s suddenly choking on smoke. The air is thick with it. She covers and nose from it and feels heat from all around. She takes a few steps trying to avoid the flame.

The smoke is getting thicker by the second and she’s coughing up uncontrollably. She falls on her knees and chokes on her breath. Sweat running down the side of her face as she grips on the ground. She is about to collapsed when a single drop of sweat has dripped on the back of her hand making her think of the rain.

“Rain,” she breathes. She raises her head and looks up in the sky. Although she couldn’t see but she knows that there is no rain.

“Rain,” an idea pops up.

She sits up and places her hands at her side and chants something under her breath towards the sky. Repeating the words over and over again until she feels a single drop of water on her face. Rain begins to pour like cats and dogs putting out the fire. She gasps for air and steadies herself once she has stood up.

As the rain stops, she suddenly tensed herself. Clenching her fist and her jaw tighten, she spins and throws a punch at him but he manages to dodge it and knocks her off her feet.

He pins her to the ground and his face is only a few inches away from hers. She could feel his breath against her skin and his lips hovers over hers while she pants. Her heart is pumping blood from all the adrenaline and her body has gone stiff.

“Good. Almost perfect,” he speaks. He takes off her blindfold and tosses it to the side. She looks up at him and swallows at their closeness.

“Never neglect your sixth sense,” he says. The warmth of his breath sends goose bumps crawling up her skin. She stays silent since she doesn’t know exactly how to respond to his remark. Staring at each other, she finally catches him leaning in closer until their lips almost touch.

A smirk appears on his features when he felt her tensed from underneath him. He looks away and got up on his feet. She shuts her eyes and finally let go of her breath. She opens them up again and sees him holding out his hand to help her up. She takes it and he pulls her up to a stand. She keeps herself busy by brushing off the dirt from her.

She raises her head and glances around. The place seems untouched. Just a moment ago she had just split a tree in half, almost got burned in a fire and called down the rain. She looks down and smiles to herself. It sure is fun to play with magic, she thinks to herself

“I think that’s enough excitement for today. Shall we go and get ourselves clean up?” she suggests. Rather hoping that he would agree to it. She glances up at him waiting for him to respond. He looks back at her and lets out a snicker.

“After you, My Lady,” he directs the way back to her. She smiles back and walks pass him.




I am so losing my touch in writing. There goes my self-esteem. *sits at the corner and cries*

Anyway, how do you like L so far? You gotta admit. He is HOT. Dayum.




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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D