
Spells And Claws




"Hey. She's waking up," someone said. She slowly flick her eyes open. Blinking every now and then to adjust her corneas to the light that was blinding her. She clutch her fists and felt something soft and smooth laid underneath her. She raises her hand up to her throbbing head.

"I'll go inform the King. He would want to see her," she heard the sound of footsteps and a door closed.

She grunts as she tries to sit up. "Woah. Easy. Easy," she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders trying to lay her back down. She was against it at first but then she gave in since she felt sored all over. She looks up but her visions is vague. She couldn't see who it is but by the looks of the figure, it was a male. "Don't pressure yourself. You're still a little worn out," he continued.

She recognises the voice. She blinks a few times and she could finally see who it is."Kris ? W-What ? Where am I ?" her eyes travels around. "Raina," she heard a whisper and felt someone squeezing her left hand. She turn to see Kai looking down at her.

There was a crinkle between his eyes and his hair was a complete mess as if it was raked in a harsh manner. His eyes were red and had dark circles around them. He looks like he has either been crying or hasn't been sleeping in days. He brings her hand up to his lips and planted a soft kiss at the back of it.

He stayed like that for a long while with no attention of letting go of his grip on her hand. He fears that if he does, even just for a second, she would somehow disappear from his sight.

"You've been unconscious for four days straight," he breathed against her skin. She could hear the sadness in his voice. She widen her eyes in disbelief when he mentioned the period. "Four days ?" she muttered. Then her eyes started to wander around. She was laying in her bed.

She frowns as she recalls the scene where she lost control of her magic. The last thing she remembered was a pair of hands that caught her before she was completely out. "What happen to me ? Exactly ?" she asked.

He exchanges looks with Kris, which he only shrugs in return, before he glances back at her. He frowns as he tries to remember what had happened. But the memory of it terrifies him.






She was hovering in mid air. She was losing control of the elements. They were circulating her as if they were the ones in control instead of her. He looked up at her and noticed that something else was wrong when she didn't respond to his call.

He looked closer and noticed something that had scared the hell out of him. Her eyes were black. As in, all black without a hint of the white. She looked as if she was possessed. "Raina !" he called out to her. He tried to reached out to her but the strong gush of wind had thrown him off the ground and he landed hard on his back. He in air and let out a grunt of agony.

"Kai !" Kris ran over to him and tried to help him up. He groaned once he was back on his feet. Kris had slung his arm on his shoulder and placed his arm on his back for support. "Hyung. Something's wrong. We have to get her out of there," he exclaimed.

"I know. But how ? We can't get anywhere near her without being blown 20 feet off the ground" he stated. Kai clentched his jaw as he tried to come up with an idea. He watched her in horror. Then, something click inside his head as he watched the sphere forming around her.

"It's worth a shot," he muttered to himself. They moved closer and he called out to the four of them. "Hyung. See if you guys can help control the sphere long enough for me to teleport myself in and get her out of there," he suggested to Suho.

"We can try," he nodded. He signalled the other three to take their positions. They slowly took away some of the energy from the sphere and Kai stood by waiting for the right moment to jump in. The sphere was finally slowing down a bit. "Alright. Kai. Now," Suho indicated him.

He was about to teleport himself in but has once again failed. The sphere suddenly had grown stronger and thrown all five of them off the ground. He choked for air and rolled on his back. "Damn it," he cursed as he tried to get back on his feet. "Any other bright ideas ?" Sehun asked sarcastically while rubbing his own shoulder.

He furrowed his brows, trying to come up with another plan. "Whatever is going on, clearly it doesn't want us to get anywhere near it. Or her for that matter. So, what now ?" Luhan stood next to him. "I'm thinking. I'm thinking," Kai retorted. While they were arguing about, it started to grow bigger.

"Umm... Guys. Does that look bad to you ?" Lay pointed out. They all turned their attention back to the sphere and widen their eyes instantly. It was getting bigger and it started to glow in the most undescribable way. "Oh, no. Everyone get back," Suho yelled.

"It's going to blow," Xiumin shouted. "What ?! No ! Raina !" Stella sprint towards her best friend and so was Kai. But they were both being pulled away in time by Chanyeol and Kris. "Let go of me ! Raina !" Kai screamed back but Kris had pinned him to the ground.

D.O. stomped one of his foot on the ground with such force that it made a large dent that was deep enough for them to hide in. "Everybody get in now," he shouted. They all ran to his direction and jumped in. Because of his stubbornness, Kris had to drag Kai into it. "Take cover," he slammed his fist against the earth and it rolled above their heads to shield them from the explotion.

They all hunched down and covered their heads with their hands. The sphere had exploded with a loud and vigorous wave, wiping everything clear in it's path and causing the earth to tremble at its massive impact.

Kai pushed his hands away and looked up franctically to the earth that was covering them. His breathing became heavy and he started to lose control of his temper. "No ! Raina !" he slammed against the hard wall. "Let me out, damn it !" he growled in frustration.

Due to his lack of patient, he finally managed to punch his way out resulting of bleeding nuckles in the process but he didn't care. All that he could think of was her. He climbed out of the dent but quickly covered his face with his hand. Blocking out the smoke from entering his lungs. He looked around and started shouting her name.

"Raina ! Raina, where are you ?!" he was calling out to her like a maniac. He scanned the area but he couldn't see anything with all that smoke. He was going out of his mind. He ran his hands in his hair, frustrated. His breathing was getting heavier by the second.

"Hang on," Sehun had climbed out after him. "Let me clear the air," he blew the smoke away. They all had finally got out of the dent, covered in dirt, by the time he had done his part. He took one good scan of the premises and caught sight of a silhouette about a mere 100 feet away.

"Raina !" he rushed towards the direction of that figure. As he got closer, he realized that there were actually two figures. One of them was standing with the other one in his hands. He laid her down gently and took a few steps back.

"Raina ?" Kai knelt down next to her motionless figure, completely ignoring the person standing infront of him. He brushed the strand of hair that was covering her face and gently caressed her cheeks. He quickly glanced back and shouted for Lay.

"She has a bruise on her upper arm," Lay inspected her. He ran his hand over the bruise and it slowly disappeared. "Is she going to be okay ?" Kai asked him worriedly. "She's going to be fine," he nodded.

"Oh. Thank God," Stella heaved a sigh of relief. Then, she glanced up and her eyes met with the one standing infront of them. He was watching them intently without a word. "Wait a minute. I've seen you before," she gestured at him. "You were that guy that she danced with at the party," Kris finished her sentence.

He glanced up at them and nodded his head. "Indeed I was," he admitted. Stella's jaw had automatically dropped. "Hold up. Who are you exactly ?" Tao asked him after exchanging looks with the rest of them. They all stared at him, waiting for him to answer.

He looked at each and everyone of them. More like glaring, actually. Then, he click his tongue.

"Well, I prefer if you would call me L," he replied with a smirk.









Well. I don't know about you but this is one hell of a chapter.

So, yeah.

L is back and he just saved her life.

How did he do it, you ask.

Well, how about if I let you guys take a long guess of it before the next chapter which would explain everything about this little mishap.

Till then.






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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D