The Griffin

Spells And Claws


"No, no, no. Again. Step 1, 2, 3 and 1, 2, 3 and spin," Madam Sonia instructed me in her annoyingly thick French accent. She's the royal party planner and she was also in charge of my dance lessons. Apparently, thanks to a certain someone who had never let me mingle with anyone for almost half of my life and the fact that I have no slightest clue on how to dance once or ever, she was hired to fix the problem.

Not to mention the fact that I am expected to dance with numerous men for my upcoming birthday party which is in 3 days. Me, dancing with complete strangers and being careful as to not step on their feet while I'm at it. Sounds like one hell of a night. My legs are getting tired of all this twirling and spinning. I swear, if I have to twirl one more time I'm going to throw up.

I glance up to my partner and he gives me a sweet smile. I'm surprise that he seems to be calm about it eventhough we have been on it for hours. Five, to be exact. And the entire time I have been looking down at my feet with hope that I wouldn't step on his, which I did eventually.

The dance lesson seems more like a series of me apologizing to my partner for my clumsiness. I keep cursing under my breath everytime I made a mistake. This dancing stuff is no joke but it had to be done. I mean, I'm a princess anyway. There's bound to be parties, balls and many other big events that requires me to be spinning and twirling in a full ball gown. Oh, don't get me started about the ball gowns.

I never really like wearing dresses. Considering that I never really needed one since it's not mandatory to wear a dress while casting a spell. Plus, it's hard for me to run in them. Especially if I'm wearing high heels. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot. Yikes. I think I'm going to stick with boots. But in this case, I have to push them aside. At least for just one night. Let's just hope that I'll survive that night anyway.

He twirl me one more time and I could've sworn that I was about to lose my lunch. I held my breath and swallow it back down. Then, I heard Madam Sonia clasped her hands together. "Alright. That's enough for today," she said from across the ball room as she fixed the oversized shawl that was wrapped around her curvy body.

I exchange bows with my partner and make my way to a chair on one side of the room. I lean my head back and take a breath once I had sat down. I closed my eyes as I heave a deep sigh of exhaustion. I could feel my feet getting numb from hours of torture.

Stella walk over to me with a bottle of water. I thank her as I take the bottle from her hands. I took a huge gulp and felt bothered when I saw her grinning down at me. I shoot a death glare at her as I set the bottle down. "What ?" I frown at her. She shake her head and let out a snicker.

"I was expecting that you would lose it for the first ten minutes. You held on pretty good, for a first timer," she comment. I roll my eyes at her and took another huge gulp from the bottle.

"I literally rather be having spell training all day long than this. At least I don't have to worry about stepping on someone else's feet when I'm casting a spell," I said. "True but you do have to worry about not blowing things up while you're at it, though," she replied.

I scoffed as I finish the whole glass. "Touche," I shifted my gaze from her and down to my hands. "But it still beats the whole dancing thing," I continued. I glance up when I heard the clacking sound of high heels approaching us. God, if she wasn't working for the royal family I would've blown her to bits along with that irritating French accent and shoes of hers.

How could one walk in those without tipping over ? I mean, they're taller than a skyscrapper. Seriously. It certainly is a mystery. One that I don't really give a damn about. Fortunately for her, despite all that nagging while I was dancing, she's completely harmless.

"Your moves are improving, My Lady. But..." Madam Sonia tap her chin with her index finger. "But what ?" I stood up from my seat. I tried to make myself sound as calm as possible but by the looks of her face I could tell that it's not going to be a good news. She tilt her head and gave me a judging look. She click her tongue and place her hands on her hips. Well, that can't be good.

"But you still lack grace, My Lady," I clutch my fist and clench my jaw at her comment. Perfect. Like I'm not worn out enough. "Do not worry. We still have time till the party and I shall try my best to help you. I will promise you,Your Highness. By the time we are done, you will be dancing as graceful as a swan," she replied as she gesture her hands in the air.

I nodded my head. In other words, I'm due for another dance session. Fantastic. She bow to me and excused herself from the room. I looked over and saw Stella holding back a laugh. "I'm glad that you find this amusing," I said. She straighten her posture as she tried to compose herself.

"Sorry. But hey, look at the bright side. At least now you know to dance," she said with a grin. I shoot another glare at her and she gave me an apologetic look. "Well, maybe a little," she corrected.

I rolled my eyes at her and heave a sigh. "I thought parties was suppose to be fun. Not torturous," I said as I made my way out of the room.



I had just finish taking a long hot shower to wash the soreness from hours of dancing away. I only had a robe on and was drying my hair with a towel. I open the door of my bathroom and was about to step out. I look up and was startled when I saw Kai standing just a few feet away from me.

I clench my fist against my chest and hold on to the doorframe to keep myself from stumbling back. My heart was racing rapidly and I was having a hard time breathing. I stare at him and frown as I tried to fix myself.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay ?" he smiles as he takes a step back with his hands in the air. I took one deep breath and exhale it slowly. "Fine. I'm fine. What are you doing here ?" I asked as I straighten my post. He smile and rub the back of his neck.

"No reason. I just miss seeing you, that's all," he said nervously. He was looking down on his feet and that smile had never left his face.

It has been three days since I last seen him and it would be a lie if I say that I didn't miss having him around. Heck, I'm trying to fight the urge to just run into his arms and never let him out of my sight again. Plus, with all of these dance lessons, dress fittings, not to mention the ethics lessons, I kind of need a little time for myself.

But ever since I got home after my visit the other day, EXO have been busy with god knows what for the past few days which explains Kai's absence this whole time. We were both preoccupied by our own errands that we didn't get to see each other. Talk about a buzz kill.

Seeing him standing in front of me right now, I never thought that I'd be so ecstatic to see someone in my whole life. A smile grew on my lips as I move closer to him. He lifted his face up to see me standing in front of him. I raise my hand and placed it on his cheek as I stand on my tiptoe and peck him on the lips.

I could tell that he was shock by my action because his eyes were widen when I kissed him. "I miss you too," I finally said.

He smirks as his hands sneak around my waist and he lean in closer. Anticipating it, I closed my eyes and felt our lips brush each other. My mind went blank almost instantly. I felt my knees buckled and if it weren't for his grip around me I would've fall to the ground by now. I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer as we deepen the kiss.

We finally broke away from the kiss. Panting. Then, I felt a chill on my leg and that is when it hit me. Crap. I was still in my bathrobe. I felt myself blushed as I pushed him away gently and I saw him looking down at me with a confused exspression. I started to grin nervously as I took a few steps away.

"Umm... Be right back," I rush over to my closet and closed the door behind me. Thank goodness that this closet was big enough for me to roam around it.

I quickly grab anything that I could get my hands on. I pulled out my white lace blouse and a pair of brown leather pants. I fixed my hair and hung the robe behind the door before stepping out of the closet. I walked out and saw Kai, with his back facing me, looking over my book shelves. I lean against the doorframe as I watch his fingers tracing the books.

I could see his muscles flex as he picked out a book and placed it back on the shelf. His back view was breathtaking. His silky brown hair, tan skin, long stable legs and strong arms. He was the very definition of perfection. He walked a little further until he stopped just in front of my dressing-table. He reached over and picked up a long golden-brown feather.

I broke out of my trance and a wide smile grew on my lips. I went back inside my closet and grabbed my leather jacket and satchel. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He lowered the feather and turned to face me.

"Come on. I want you to meet somebody," I said with a grin. He raised his eyebrow at me. I could see the curiousity and uneasiness in his eyes. I let out a chuckle and grabbed him by the hand. I was filled with excitement.



"Hey, Raina. Hold up," I glanced over my shoulder and saw Kai panting as he tried to keep up with me. I stopped in my track and waited for him. I would've move slower but I was just really thrilled. "Come on. We're almost there," I reached out my hand for him to grabbed. He took it and stretched his legs over a set of boulders.

"Where are we going ?" he stood next to me. He was running out of breath and I could see the sweats trickling down his forehead.

"You'll see," I leaped over another pile of those big rocks and climbed up an edge. It wasn't that big so I was able to manage it. I grabbed a vine that was hanging loose and pulled myself up as I kicked my legs on the side. I brushed the dirt off of my pants and waved for him to follow.

He let out a sigh and slump his shoulders. He climbed up the edge and was finally standing next to me. I could clearly see that he was worn out. I looked up and gave him an apologetic look. To be honest, I had never bring anyone here before, not even Stella. She doesn't even know about this place. I've always come here alone.

And the path that we took to get here was one of the reasons why I never bring anyone along with me. It's a real hassle. I was exhausted at my first attempt too but soon I got used to it. If this is the place that made him feel comfortable, then hey, anything for my 'baby'.

"Please tell me that we're almost there," he whined.

"Yup. Just a little further," I pushed aside a huge branch that was blocking my way and finally stopped I my track.

"We're here," I exclaimed excitedly. He stood next to me and took a glance around. A majestic waterfall was behold right before us. The clear water streaming down with an endless beauty, the tree brances hanging just beside it and the flowers were blooming showing off its gorgeous petals. Eventhough I've been here countless times before but I never get tired of the view.

I heard Kai whistled. "Is this what you wanted to show me ?" I could here the amazement in his tone although his words didn't really sound like it. I let out a chuckle. "Not quite," I said. He glanced over and furrowed his brows.

I smirked as I brought my two index fingers up between my lips and blew out a whistle. Then, in an instant I heard the high-pitched whistling note that I've always adore. In a swift, something flew out from behind the waterfall and landed right in front of me. It stood there with all its glory with its wings spread wide behind it and its eyes bore into mine. My 'baby'. My griffin.

Kai stumbled back and almost lost his balance. I could see it on his face. The term startled would be an understatement. He seemed more likely to be shocked and bewildered. Which is one of the many other reasons why I never bring people here. Because of their reaction of what they're about to see. And it bothers me when people started judging something that they're familiar with yet.

I let out a snicker and turn my head back at my griffin. It lean in forward and I gladly patted it. It made it's purring sound as I scartched its neck. It's half feline after all, of course it purs.

"Hi, Magnus. Wow. You got bigger. Do you miss me ?" I smiled as I its neck. Its head was almost as big as my upper body and it has only been a week since I last saw it. It was growing bigger each day. I glanced over my shoulder and I saw Kai staring at us. I motioned him to come closer.

"Don't look into his eyes. He gets intimidated," I informed him. He hesitant to move but he slowly step forward. Magnus saw him coming closer and instinctly it bends its head a little and spread its wings as if it was taking precautions. I waved for him to stop moving and tried to calm it down.

"Shhh. Magnus. It's okay. He's a friend," I calmed it down. It straighten its post and I lean against it to keep it from pouncing on Kai. He step closer and was finally standing in front of us. I reached out for his hand and brought him closer. I placed his just a few inches away from Magnus' head.

"Don't worry. He doesn't bite unless you're a threat to him. Just let him come to you," I stood next to him. Magnus was eying Kai's hand that was right in front of it. It tilt its head from side to side. Then, it finally lean in closer and let its beak touch his hand. I smiled at their accomplishment.

I heard Kai letting out a chuckle as he patted Magnus. And Magnus was rubbing its head against him. "He likes you," I said to him. Kai glanced back and a smirk was curved on his lips. Oh, that gorgeous smirk of his. He certainly has a way on making me weaken in the knees.

I shook my head and step closer. "Hey, Mags. Look what I got for you," I searched inside my satchel and brought out another bag from it. I took it out and lifted it in the air. "It's your favorite," I waved the meat in front of it. Magnus was beaming at the sight of it.

I threw the meat in the air and it caught it with ease. I smiled as I watched it chewed on it with delight. It gaze up at me when it has finish the whole thing. It looked at me with pleading eyes, asking for more. I chuckled and brought the bag in front of me.

"Here you go. There's more where that came from," I dump the meat in front of it and watched it eat happily. I walked over to the water and washed my hands. I took out a cloth from my satchel and wiped my hands with it. I turned around and glanced up only to find Kai smiling at me.

"What ?" I frowned. He took a few steps closer to me and finally stopped just a few inches away. I looked him in the eyes and felt my heart rate rising. He lifted his hand and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear then placed his hand on my cheek.

"You never cease to amaze me," he said. I swear, I felt my heart skip a beat.



We were sitting with our legs dipped in the cool water. Magnus was laying next to me and I was it the entire time. I didn't mind it at all. In fact, I've always love its company.

"My parents gave him to me as a birthday present when I was 5. Of course, he was much smaller back then. Barely even able to fly yet. I used to keep him near the greenhouse behind the castle but as the years went by, he got bigger and wanted to roam around on his own. One day, when I was 13, I decided to sneak out and find a place for him to feel more comfortable. Then, I found this place. Actually, he found it. And he liked it. So, every week I would come and visit him. Sometimes at night, he would fly over to my balcony. He's always been there for me. He's my loyal and trusty bodyguard," I told him.

I glanced over my shoulder and I saw Kai staring at me. Paying attention to my every word. "I take it that he's not just a pet griffin to you ?" he spoke. I smiled and shook my head. "No. He's not just a pet to me. Apart from Stella, he's my only friend. My best companion. It's funny how a princess has a griffin for a pet. I mean, most of them have horses or dogs. But hey, what's life without a little excitement, right ?" I laughed.

I leaned against Magnus and laid my head against its back. I shut my eyes and heave a sigh. I was still tired from all that dancing. "Hey, you okay ?" I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I hummed as I nodded my head. "Yeah. I'm just a little worn out from earlier," I said. I still had my eyes closed.

"What happened earlier ?" he asked me. I fluttered my eyes open and sat up straight. "Preparations for the party. I was pushed for dance lessons and so far there are no improvements. Not that I'm expecting any considering the fact that I've never dance in my entire life and not sure if I could pull it off for the event," I replied. Kai nodded his head and I saw the corner of his lips twitched. Suddenly, he stood up.

He looked down at me and extended his hand. "I think I can fix that," he said. I frowned at his comment. "You know how to dance ?" I asked him. He snickered as he grabbed me by the hand and helped me up. "Let's just say that you're not the only one who can throw surprises," he replied.

"But there's no music," I tried to protest. Clearly that dancing isn't really in my favour right now. He smirked at my statement. "Dancing is like expressing your feelings. You don't always need words when you're expressing yourself. It's the feeling that matters," he said.

He sneaks his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him until I could feel his breath against my skin which leads to me getting goosebumps and a chilling sensation running down my spine. Then, he placed my hand on his shoulder and held the other one in his.

He started swaying our body from side to side. I couldn't help but to glance down at my feet, hoping that I wouldn't step on his feet like I did with my partner earlier. I felt his hand under my chin. He lifted my face up so that he could see me. "Don't look down. Keep your eyes up. And don't think. Just go with it," he smiled at me as he continued to lead me.

I looked into his eyes and found myself lost in his orbs. For a moment there, I felt like the whole world had stop revolving and there were just us two. We moved as if we were controlled by the wind. Full of grace, full of passion.

"See. You're expressing yourself," he said. I blinked at his words and cracked a smile. "What exactly am I expressing ?" I asked him as I savour the moment. He pursed his lips and looked up like he was thinking about something. "Umm... Probably the same thing as I am," he replied. I furrowed my brows.

"And what would that be ?" I was curious. He glanced down at me and a smirk appeared on his lips. "My feelings for you," I felt my heart stopped.

He leaned in closer and instinctly, I closed my eyes and felt his lips on my mine. I tilt my head so that he could gain a better access as I was drowned by the kiss. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I felt him tightening his grip around my waist. I gasped when I felt myself being lifted from the ground and he twirled us around as we laughed between kisses. He certainly does know how to make a girl go weaken in the knees.







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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D