The Big Night

Spells And Claws


"There you are. Come on. Let's go. You need to get ready. The party starts in less than 5 hours," Stella came into the greenhouse. I was mending the flowers and stood up straight once she had approached me. I turned to face her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Relax. I'll be there in a minute. I have to take care of her first," I walked pass her and over to a darker side of the greenhouse. It's not really that dark just a little hidden from the sun that's all. She needs a dark environment to grow. She's not like the other flowers that lives by the sunlight. She doesn't need the light, just darkness. But not every darkness is a bad thing. She's special.

I moved a little further until I was able to see a faint glowing light at the end of a corner. I stopped right in front of it once I've received a full view of it. She was as beautiful as ever. A single silver flower that gives out a bright glow all around it. The pedal looked like it was made entirely out of the precious metal, the leaves were crystal white along with the stem. She's a very rare flower and we had the only one.

Plus, she was my mother's favourite. I took care of it ever since she died and everytime I look at it, I couldn't help but to think of my mother. A smile had appeared on my lips at the thought of her. Oh, how I miss her. I bend down a little and gave it a light kiss before leaving the greenhouse.

"Okay. Let's go," I pulled Stella by the hand and head our way towards the back door.



"You look beautiful, Raina," Stella said. My maids took a few steps back and admire their work. I stood in front of the mirror and inspected myself. I was wearing a sky blue full length strapless dress that was layered perfectly. "Come on. Give us a twirl," she clasped her hands together.

I gave them a smile and twirl a few times in front of them. The layers of the gown looked like they were dancing as I spun. I finally stopped and have Stella squealing over me. She moved forward and pulled me into a tight hug. "Aahhh. I can't believe that I would see the day that you would wear a dress. I think I'm gonna cry," she fan herself with her hands.

I let out a laugh and hug her again. "Aww. Don't cry. It's gonna ruin your make-up," I joked. She let out a laugh and held me by the hand. She smiled as she looked me straight in the eyes. "Happy birthday, Raina," she said. I nodded and mouthed a thank you.



"Do you, Princess Raina, solemnly promise to use your powers to protect and to watch over this land, to care and to nurture, to bring justice and balance for the sake of the kingdom as the new Guardian of Cazriel ?" the archbishop stood in front of me at the altar.

Tradition, I was supposely required to wear a crimson robe with the hood up and place my hand over my ancestor's grimoire. The very first grimoire, to be exact. This is necessary to make the initiation night official. At each of my side, the parlimens stood with their eyes bore straight through me. I must say, it doesn't really bother me that much. And stood behind the archbishop, was my father, with his head held high and a stern look on his face.

"I solemnly promise so to do," I said aloud so that the whole court could hear.

The archbishop step aside and I could finally see my father. He looked down at me and a smile curve on his lips. Even without him saying it, I could tell that he was proud of me. He moved forward and gaze the whole room. He lifted his hands in the air.

"Let the celebration begin," he said.




"Announcing, His royal Highness, King Arius," the crowd turn silence as the double door open and the King stride inside the ballroom. The people bowed as he made his way to the centre. He smile to the crowd and finally noticed a familiar face. He walked over to him held out his hand.

"Eric, my old friend. It's been too long," he shook his hand with the Alpha. "King Arius. Indeed it has," he bowed before the King. "Now now, Eric. There's no need for any formality between us. You are always welcome here in my palace," he patted him on the shoulder. Eric chuckled.

"Yes yes. Of course. We've never really been formal with each other before. I see no reason why we should be now," he laughed. "And of course, you do remember my son, Kai ?" he step aside as Kai moved forward. He stood in front of the King and bowed. "Your Majesty. It is an honor," he said.

"Ah, yes. My, how have you grown. You were much smaller the last time I saw you," the King chuckled. "Yes, well I couldn't let time from changing me," he said humbly. "Indeed. And these must be the new members of the famous EXO," he was pointing at the direction of the other 11 men behind them.

"Yes, Your Highness. It is a pleasure to meet you. We will serve you well in the future," Suho spoke on their behalf and they all bowed in unison. "Splendid. With physiques like yours, I feel safer already," the King joked. They all laughed and turned their attentions when the horns were blown and the announcer spoke up.




"You ready ?" Stella was standing next to me. "No. I'm nervous as hell. What if I trip on my dress and fall ? What if they don't like my dress ? What if I messed up the dance ? What if I make a fool of myself ?" I shook my head. Hell, of course I'm anxious. This is my first party, for Pete's sake. There's just so many things that could go wrong.

I was breathing rapidly and my heart won't stop pounding. I could feel my sweaty palms as I wiped it on my dress. So much for a sophisticated appearance. I could feel cold sweat trickling down my forehead. Stella quickly ask for a tissue from the maid and wiped the beads of it. I thanked her and continued with my fidgeting. I swear, I could feel my knees shaking and would buckle at any time soon.

"Relax. You'll do fine. Besides, you're the bravest girl I know. You'll do great," she patted me on the shoulder. I smiled at her and quickly turned my gaze to the doors when I heard the horns being blown. I gulped on my saliva and took deep breaths.

"Well, that's your cue. Knock them dead, sistah," she flashed a smile and left me alone in front of the double doors. I could hear the announcement. "Announcing, Her Majesty, Princess Raina, Guardian of Cazriel," the doors were opened. I straighten my posture, took a deep breath and walked in with my head held high.




"Announcing, Her Majesty, Princess Raina, Guardian of Cazriel," the double door open. She took a deep breath and walked through the doors. The crowd went silence and all eyes were on her. She gracefully walked over to the centre and finally stopped when she came face to face with her father.

He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Happy birthday, my darling," he whispers. Her lips curved upwards and she nodded her head. "Thank you, daddy," she replied. The music started and he extended his hand for her to take. It's tradition for them to have a father-daughter dance.

"May I have this dance ?" he says. She let out a small giggle and placed her hand in his. They sway in a circular motion in the middle of the room. Soon the rest of them started to step in. He looked down at his daughter with a smile on his face.

"You look so much like your mother," he mumbled. She arched her brows and stare at him. "This is how your mother and me first met. It was her 18th birthday. Just like this one. The moment I saw her entering through those double doors, I knew that she was the one for me," he said.

"I can still remember it like it was yesterday. She was breathtaking in her silver dress and all the men were practically drooling over her. Myself included. Believe me, I had to go through countless swaying before I got the chance to dance with her. But she was definitely worth it," he continued.

She hung her head low as she stared on his chest. They were still dancing but in her mind she just felt like time had suddenly stop. She tried to remember her mother. What she looked like. The way she talks. The way she held her in her arms at night before going to bed. The way she showed her tricks and simple spells in the garden. Oh, how she missed it.

"I wish she was here," she finally blurt it out. He glanced down and noticed the tear that threathens to fall. He instantly wrap his strong arms around her and hold her tight against him. "Me too, sweetheart. Me too," he breathed out.

He finally loosen his grip and cupped her face. He wiped her tears with his thumb before it could do any damage to her make-up. He looked her in the eyes and gave her an assuring smile. "Your mother would be so proud of what you have become. You've grown to be the beautiful daughter that we both could ever hope for," he said.

She cracked a smile and hugged him again. The music finally stopped and everyone turn their heads to the announcer on the stand next to the band.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now  time for our next dance. Everyone here is to dance with the person they did not come here with and must switch partners after every verse. Ladies and gentlemen, the waltz," he finished. She felt a tap on her shoulder and quickly turned to see who it is. "May I have the honor, Your Grace ?" Sehun smiled sweetly and held out his hand. She smile and placed her hand in his. "Of course," she said.

Like the man said, they had to switch partners from now and then. Some of them were great dancers. Others were, well to be frank, a bit over the top and a hint of weirdness. Perhaps even a little embarassing. She tried so hard to keep her smiling face but she was obviously blushing from all the stares.

"You are very light at your feet, Milady," she was now dancing with another random guy. He wasn't really that tall and he wasn't that young either. She could tell by the wrinkles that he has at the corner of his eyes. Not to mention that his stomach was a little distended and he kept bumping into her even at the slightest move. "You are too kind," she said.

She tried to smile as honestly as she could but the man was annoying her everytime he twirled her around. Her head was spinning and even if she wanted to vomit, she could't since she haven't eaten all day. She claimed it was because she was so nervous.

She kept praying to herself that they would switch partners soon. He twirled her one more time and she almost lost her balance until a hand had caught her by the waist. She looked up and sighed in relief, grateful that her prayers had been answered.

"Are you alright, Your Highness ?" it was Kris. She smiled and nodded her head. He helped her up and turned to look at the other man standing next to him. "I think it's time for a switch, my friend. Do you mind ?" he said to him. The man seemed unpleased at first but that only earned him a glare from Kris. Intimidated, he quickly excused himself and move out of the crowd.

"You're a life saver. Thank you," she said under her breath. He glanced down at her and smirk. "Don't mention it. Besides, you didn't look like you were having much fun with him anyway," he chuckles. He extended his hand which she gladly took. "Was it that obvious ?" she smiled nervously.

"Maybe a little," he said bluntly. She puffed out air and hung her head low. Feeling ashame of herself. "It's a good thing I was able to get to you in time. Wouldn't want to have you fall in the middle of the dance on your birthday, now do we ?" he said.

She laughed at his comment and couldn't help but to agree with him. It would be terrible to experienced such a thing especially since it's her first time. He had been watching and waiting for his chance to dance with her all night and now he finally got it. He was more than thrilled.

"So, how are you enjoying yourself so far ?" he asked. Trying to make conversations with her. She looked up and shrugged. "I'm getting there. I don't really know how I'm suppose to act in parties considering that I've never been to one before. But yeah, it seems nice enough. Although, the preparations were a bit exhausting," she said.

He smiled and nodded his head. "How about you ? Are you having any fun ?" she asked. He couldn't help but snicker at her question which earn him a frown from her. "I've been to a few events in my time but mostly it's always wolf-related. You know how wolves always stay in their packs. Usually we would either have an eating contest or go out for a hunt in the middle of the night. But still, mostly they are all wolf things," he said.

"Oh. So, does this mean that this isn't at all interesting to you ?" she tilted her head slightly. Curious of what his answer might be. He chuckled and shook his head. "Actually it just got interesting when I got to dance with the guest of honor," he said. She felt herself blushed. He just smiled at her, fully aware of what he'd just said but he has no regrets saying it at all.

"Excuse me," someone cleared their throat. They turned their attention to the person. He just looked at them with a poker face on. "Mind if I cut in ?" the guy gestured his hand. Kris looked at her then back to him. He heaved a sigh and shrugged.

"No, not at all," he said, stepping aside letting him take his turn. "Milady ?" he extended his hand. She glanced over at Kris then back. She hesitant to take his hand but she didn't want to be rude. She gave him a smile and followd his lead. He watched her left with him and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about him. He quickly shook the thought away.

"Pardon my sudden out burst, Your Grace, but you look very stunning," he compliment her. "Why, thank you. You're very kind," she smile shyly. She couldn't help but stare at him. He had these narrow eyes that would disappear if he smiles, his hair was black like a raven's, he had a small and yet solid nose and a thin pair of lips complete with dimples at each sides.

"Oh, forgive me. I didn't introduce myself. My name is L," he smiled, making his dimples visible. Handsome would be an understatement. He looked almost angelic. She couldn't stop herself from admiring his features. As if she was admiring a rare jewel or some sort.

"A-And I'm~" she was about to introduce herself. "Princess Raina. Yes. No need for introductions. Even the air knows who you are, Milady. It is quite impossible to not acknowledge a beautiful maiden such as yourself," she was flattered by his words. Charming. She shook her thoughts away.

"Ah. And I see that you have a way with words. Do you often use them to compliment people or do you use them only on rare occasions ?" she asked. With a face like his, he could've had every girl in the room drooling on his feet. Especially, when he opened up his mouth. He let out a chuckle. "Neither. But in this case, I'm willing to make an exception," he said. He smiled once again and his eyes disappeared.

The music had stopped and so did everyone else. There was an announcement about a feast in the dining hall. While everyone was moving, she looked around then finally fixed her gaze back to him. He took her hand and lifted it up to his lips.

"Thank you for the dance. Eventhough it couldn't last but it was very memorable," he said. There he goes again with his sweet and charming words. She felt his lips brushed at the back of her hand and it somehow sends chills down her spine.

He turned around and disappeared through the crowds. She stared at the direction that he had disappeared to until someone nudge her by her upper arm. She quickly snapped herself back to her senses and whisked her head to see who it was.

"He's cute. Did you get his name ?" Stella was smiling cheekyly. She rolled her eyes at the question. "It's L," she simply replied. Stella furrowed her brows and tilted her head to the side. "Just L ?" she asked again. "Yup. Just L," she replied half-heartedly.

"Well, it's better than nothing I guess," Stella shrugged. She linked her arms with her and exit the room. "Oh, wait. I forgot something," Stella handed her a small folded piece of paper to her. She raised an eyebrow and took the paper from her. "What's this ?" she asked.

"Your prince charming gave it to me earlier. He said to make sure to give this to you once you're alone," she replied. She took a glance around and noticed that it was only the two of them left along with the band but they were too busy packing up their instruments. She unfold the paper and frowned once she read the content.


Meet me outside. In the garden. And hurry.  -Kai-


She looked up and gave her a look. Stella just shrugged and told her to go.

She was already in the garden but she couldn't see him. She looked around but there was no sign of him. Plus, it was dark out which only made it harder for her to see anything. The dress and the high heels weren't really much of a help either. She took a seat on one of the benches and took the heels of.

She slump in her seat and let her hair down. She closed her eyes and let the wind blow against her skin. Then, all of a sudden, she felt like something was shining in front of her. She flickered her eyes open and stood up from her seat. She took a look around in amazement.

The garden was lit up with bright and shining lights. All of the trees and bushes were decorated with them. The pond was reflecting them, making it look like the stars were just in a reach of her hand. She couldn't help but let out a gasp at the scenary.

"You look beautiful," she turned around and saw Kai standing between two tall trees. She wasn't sure if it was the lights but he looked dazzling in his tuxedo. "I thought that I should make a little surprise for you on your birthday," he said as he approached her.

"Well, you have succeed. I am completely mezmerized," she said. He had finally stood in front of her. "Did you do all of this yourself ?" she asked. His lips curved into a smirk. "Actually, I had a little help from Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They always love lighting things up," he chuckles.

She laughed and nodded her head. "Well, then. Tell them that I said thanks. They did an amazing job," she said. "Will do," he nodded. He held out his hand in front of her. She furrowed her brows and gave him a questioning look. He knew that she would do that.

"I think I owe you a dance," he stated. She chuckled and placed her hands in his. He pulled her closer and they sway over the grass. She was barefoot but she didn't mind it. The grass felt soft against her sole. "So, is this a thing for us now ? Dancing without the company of music," she asked.

"If you want it to be. Then, sure. Why not," he twirl her before pulling her back in. She rolled her eyes and let out a giggle. She looked up to him and stared into his eyes. He brought his hand up and brushed the strand of hair that was covering her cheek. He smiled down at her and caress her cheeks.

"Come on. I want to show you something," he lead her through the trees that he came from before. "Where are we going ?" she asked. He looked back and respond to her question with a smirk. Then, he suddenly stopped. He walked behind her and covered her eyes with his hands.

"Do you trust me ?" he whispered into her ears. It made her feel goosebumps all over her skin. She slowly nodded her head. He lead her a little further and finally stopped. He slowly removed his hands from her eyes and told her to look up. She did as she was told and gasped when she did.

It was the full moon. It was at the peak of the night sky and it was shining to the fullest. With the dark blue background and the shimmering of the sparkling stars. It was breathtaking. "Oh, Kai. It's beautiful," she said under her breath.

"Yeah. And that's how beautiful and special you are to me," he said. She whisked her head to face him. She almost flinched when she realized how close he was standing to her. He came a little closer and she froze in her spot. He cupped her face with his hands and leaned in closer.

Instinctively, she closed her eyes and felt his lips brushed hers. Gently at first then it became deeper and more passionate. She curled her arms around his neck and brought him closer. She felt his hands snuck around her waist and with a strong pull, he closed the gap between them.

He nibble on her lower lip and she finally openned to let him in. He smirk between the kiss and slowly entered . Her mind went blank once she felt his tongue travelling every inch of . She felt like the whole world had come to a complete stop. If this was a dream, then she would never want to wake up from it.

They broke away from the kiss and their foreheads touched. "I love you, unconditionally," he said. His eyes were closed and his grip had loosen around her waist. "And I love you, without a doubt," she replied. She felt his grip tighten again as he pulled her in for another mind blowing kiss.





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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D