Spells And Claws

She watched in horror as the demon came closer and closer. Letting out a growl from its throat. She tried to stay as calmed as possible, keeping her breathing steady and her mind focus on her next move.

She slowly backed away towards the exit hoping that she could make an escape. The demon eyes grew wide and launched towards her pinning her to the floor. Its face was inches from her making her gag on the stench of its breath.

“Where do you think you’re going?” it hissed between its fangs. It poked its tongue out and on her neck down to her collarbone. She bit down on her scream as she felt her skin burned from where it was . The pain didn’t last but she was sure that it had left a mark.

“What do you mean by that? Why would I want to be anywhere else than here having my skin blistered?” she said with a tight smile. It mirrored her smile and pinned her harder onto the floor. By the looks of it, if she was ever going to make it out of here alive she was definitely going to be scarred. Literally.

“I’m curious. Was your mother really bleeding to death or did you just made that up so that you could wrestle with me?” she added mockingly while thrashing from underneath it. I am so over getting pinned to the ground, she thought annoyingly.

“Wait. Do you even have a mother? I assume that creatures like you were created from the depths of Hell. So, it seems kinda weird, don’t you think? Besides, I doubt that you didn’t even snapped a twig while you’re here let alone killed a helpless woman in her tiny house. For the record, this island doesn’t have any residents except for the mansion on the other side. You really need to do your research thoroughly for future reference,” she went on.

The demon growled and held its tail with a blade tip to her neck. Oh great, more pointy limbs, she thought.

“You have a very witty mouth. I wonder if I can change that,” it ran the blade on her lower lip. She felt herself trembled when the blade touched her. She shut her eyes and caught her breath. She could still feel it running on her lips and it was given a slight pressure almost causing her skin to split.

“It would be such a waste for such a pretty face,” it hissed in her ear.

“Lucky for you,” it drew the blade away from me. “I am not allowed to harm you,” she made a sharp inhale and glared up at it. Not allowed to harm me? Meaning someone had sent it to find me. But who? And what for?

“Well, that is a pity indeed,” she said. “For one of us that is.”

She let out a blast from her hands before it could even react to her statement. It was sent flying all the way back and had hit a wall and dropped on all four. It raised its head and bared its fangs at her.

She pushed herself and quickly made a run for it. She had already gotten a good 50 feet away when she heard something chasing her from behind. For some irrational reason, she dared to look over her shoulder and sure enough the demon was catching up to her.

Extending her hands to her side, she casted for the vines and branches to tie it up. She knew that that wouldn’t stop it but it could slow it down. Just enough for her to come up with something. She heard the demon cutting its way through the little knot that she made. She quickly hid herself behind two large boulders.

She leaned against them panting and prayed for dear life. I swear, if this is L’s new strategy in training me then he is seriously going to regret it, she thought. Just then she heard rustling and running sound from behind along with series of snarling and cursing. She kept quiet and waited until it faded.

Cautiously, she took a peak to check if it was safe for her to come out of her hiding spot. Which was clearly a bad idea. The next thing she realized, she was lifted in mid-air and was knocked down with such a force that she saw dark spots at the back of her eyes.

“You know what, screw it. I am really going to enjoy ripping you into pieces,” her vision has cleared up and the demon was stalking its way towards her. Raising her palm, the demon had suddenly stopped in its tracks. It gripped the side of its head and letting out a piercing howl as it dropped and curled itself into a ball.

It let out another howl before sliding its head between its knees. It felt as if its brain was being scrambled, hammered and smashed repeatedly. It glared up at her with eyes so menacing. Little by little, it started to crawl in her direction. She backed away but was still fixed on her spell.

Then, it pushed itself to stand and her eyes grew wide. It started to stalk towards her with a disgusting snarl. The agony that it was feeling was clear on its expression. It was trying hard to fight back the pain. She forced onto it again and that made it paused for a moment but it continued to get closer and closer. She had her back against a tree trunk and was getting ready to make another run for it.

She eyed its talons and fangs and its penetrating eyes. It was clear to her that it was really going to shred her into bits and that the thought of it was very displeasing. The demon was now a good 6 feet away and was ready to pounce. Just when she was about to drop the spell and sprint for her life, something went past her line of vision and started attacking the demon.

It was all happening too fast that she wasn’t even sure what she was looking at. They were rolling, growling and she could have sworn there were also biting, scratching and stabbing. They both dragged each other away from her in the midst of the battle. She noticed a fur coat and thought that maybe it was an animal that was attacking the demon. A bear or even a mountain lion maybe.

All of a sudden, she couldn’t hear them anymore. Were they dead? She followed the disastrous path that they had caused and made an abrupt stop. She saw the demon lying sprawled on its back and covered in terrifying cuts and what she assumed as its own blood. She looked away from the demon and saw a trail of blood. Maybe it belongs to that animal, she thought.

Without thinking any further, she followed the trail and it had led her to a cave. She had no idea as to why she felt the oblige to check up on it. Narrowing her eyes, she could see something in the dark and it was leaning against the cave wall. Carefully she entered the cave and as soon as she had gotten close enough she realized that it wasn’t an animal at all. The figure slowly turned to face her and she caught on her breath and almost lost her footing.

“Kai?” she gasped.

She held onto the wall for support as tears started to well up in her eyes. He was all cuts and blood from the side of his face to all the way down to his legs. He was panting and heaving but his eyes were fixed on her.

“Raina, you need to come home.”



Tada. another update for my lovely readers. enjoy :D



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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D