
Spells And Claws

Something was hovering over him. Something dark. Without conscience. Without a soul. It was watching him as he lay there, sleeping. Its teeth were razor sharp and its claws were blades. Its eyes were dark. As dark as the black hole. It let out a growl and then it disappeared.


Startled by the gush of wind entering the room, he jumped out of the bed with extended claws. Scanning the room for any sign of intrusion before realizing the widely opened window. He walked over to the window as he retracted his claws. Looking out suspisiously before closing it.

He turned around and noticed that the bed was empty. She wasn't there. He pulled on his shirt and walked out the room. Looking down the hall, he walked over to one end then suddenly stopped. He heard something. It was vague but he swore that he'd heard it.

It was coming from the other end of the hall. He looked over and saw the balcony. Slowly, he walked over as he tried to listen again. At first, he thought it was the sound of someone whispering but the closer he got the clearer it was. It wasn't the sound of whispering, but the sound of screaming.

He squinted his eyes, letting his wolf vision kicked in. Wandering from the mountains to the woods until he finally saw something. It was flashing bright red and orange and the smell of smoke was in the air. His eyes widen in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, he was already there. There were people running and screaming frantically. Fire everywhere. The whole place was blazing. Smoke had filled the air. He let out a howl for the aids of his brothers and received a respond in a matter of seconds.

In no time, his brothers had already jumped out of the woods. Breaking down doors from doors, searching for survivors. Two of the wolves had came to his side and they were literally made of water and ice. It was Suho and Xiumin in their full form.

"Xiumin and I will try to set the fire out. Search the perimeter. Make sure that everyone is out. Get them to safety. Go !" the alpha commanded. He nodded at Xiumin and they both headed towards the fire.

Doing as he was told, he crashed a door after the other until he heard someone screaming from inside a house that was about to collapse. It was a kid's voice. He transported himself inside, careful not to cause any fatal movement that could destroy the entire place.

"Help ! Somebody help !" the kid screamed. He was trapped underneath a cupboard that could crush him at any moment. Carefully, he approached the child and caused him to shiver in fright. He lifted the cupboard and set it aside.

"It's okay. I'm a friend," he said to calm him down. He had transformed back into his human form and extended his hand. The kid was stunned at what he had just saw.

"Come on. Let's get you outta here," he said. He nodded his head and grabbed on to him.

"Hold your breath," he said. He did as he was told and the next he knew they were already outside. He transformed back into his wolf form and lead the kid into the woods where the others were.

"Omma !" the boy shouted the second he saw his mother.

"My son," a woman ran at his direction. "Oh my sweet little boy. You're alright. Thank goodness," she took him into her arms. Holding him close to her.

He ran back towards the burning town and came back with the other survivors.



"That's the last of them," Sehun said after dropping off a few more. Suddenly, there was an explotion in the town square. Smoke was spread everywhere and the fire was getting bigger. They all choked from the thick smoke and turned to one another.

"What the hell was that !" Tao yelled. They rushed into town and found Suho laying unconscious in his human form. Lay runs over to his side and hovers his hand over his body.

"He'll be fine. But we have to get him out of here," he exclaimed. Tao rushes over and helped him carry their friend back into the woods.

"Wait. Where's Xiumin ? He was with him just now," Kai looked around as he recalled that Xiumin was with Suho the whole time but he was nowhere to be found. Until they heard another explotion from the other side of town.

By the time they got there, they saw Xiumin limping and he was covered in blood. He had a murderous look in his eyes and he was calling out to something.

"Come on ! Come and get me !" he growled. They looked over and were shocked out of their minds.

"What the hell is that ?" Baekhyun asked.


"Get outta there," Suho was half consciuos.

"Hang on a sec, hyung," Tao called out to Lay. He looked down on Suho and examine his face.

"Get them out," Suho mumbled.

"I think he's trying to say something," he said. They both stared at him waiting for him say it.

"Hyung. What is it ? What are you trying to say ?" he asked him.

"We can't stop it. It's too strong. Get them out of there," he said before falling back into unconsciousness. They both exchanged looks with one another.

"Tao. Go," Lay told him to get the rest. He nodded his head and head back into the town.


"Urgh !" he grunted, landing hard on his back with a long cut at his side. He rolled over to the other side and got back on his feet, shooting pain straight through him with every move that he made. The creature was as big as they are in their wolf form with a huge pair of wings on its back, sharp teeth and claws and worst of all, it's literally on fire.

"What is that thing ?" Chen yelled after he attempted to strike the creature with his lightning. He missed and the creature swoops in for another attack but missed. It lets out a roar as it flies above their heads.

"Whatever it is, I don't think we can stop it," D.O. exclaimed. He was rubbing his left arm after dodging from the beast.

"We have to try," Kris stepped in. He looked around and found a spear on the ground. He picked it up and called for Luhan to help him.

"Here. Me and Chanyeol are gonna distract it. And you're gonna shoot it down with this," he pointed at the spear. Luhan took the spear from him and nodded his head.

"Guys !" Tao yelled. He stopped in his track once he'd reached them.

"We have to go back. We can't stop it," he said, panting.

"I'm still willing to try," Kris exclaimed. He nudged Chanyeol on the shoulder and they both got up in the air. But something was pulling them back to the ground.

"Luhan ?!" he yelled. They all turned their attention to him.

"It's not me," he admitted.

"No. It's me," they heard someone from behind. They all turned their attention to the sound of the voice.

"L. What are you doing ? We have a plan," Kai was the first to speak. L walked over to them and took the spear away.

"Yes. A very dangerous one, I might add," he responded. Breaking the spear in half. He threw the spear away and step over to them.

"This is our job. We got it under control. So, why don't you just go back to wherever the hell you came from," Kris said. Sounded pissed. L glanced at him then back to Kai.

"Trust me. You don't want to do that," he said to Kai. He furrowed his brows in confusion. Before he could say anything, L was already walking over to the creature.

It was pacing while eyeing him. It growld as he got closer and closer and the blaze on its body was growing bigger. He held out his hand towards it and shot out a bright light from his palm towards the beast.

They shield their eyes from the brightnes. It let out a loud growl as the light hit its flesh and the growl soon turned into a scream. Soon, the light started to fade and so was the scream.

They looked around but the beast was gone. Instead, there was someone laying at the other side. They slowly took a few steps towards the person. They looked at L, he was just standing there watching from where he was standing. As if he wanted them to look for themselves.

"What was that thing ?" Kai asked him.

"I think you mean, 'who'" he responded without even looking at him. Kai walked over to the person and who he saw was unexpected. He knelt down and pulled her in his arms. To see her motionless figure, his heart was broken into millions of pieces.

"Raina ?" he whispered. She was laying unconscious in his embrace. They were all stunned. She was the beast. But how could she have done this ? How was this even possible ? Filled with rage, he put her down gently and stormed towards L. He took him by the collar with fire in his eyes.

"What did you do to her ? How was that possible ?" he said between his teeth. L was reluctless. He pushed him off and fixed his coat. Kai was glaring at him, waiting for an answer.

"I'm here for a reason and one reason only. Her. She needs me more than any of you might think," he said.

"Why ? What's wrong with her ?" Sehun was the one to step in. He looked from Kai then to the rest of them. They were all waiting for his respond. He looked at her and then finally spoke up.

"Let's just say she can't control herself," he replied.

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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D