
Spells And Claws


Her eyes fluttered open but only to realize that she wasn't in her usual bed sheets. She turned her head slightly to scan and noticed that she wasn't in her room. She tried to get up but paused when she felt something on her waist. She looked down and found a hand hugging her tightly around the waist. Carefully, she shifted a little in her current position to see who it was. Her expression soften a little at the sight of him sleeping soundly.

He looks so peaceful, she thought with a smile appearing on her face. She slowly laid back down facing him. She gently his hair, careful not to wake him up. Her fingers slowly traced the outline of his cheek, over his nose and landed safely on his luscious lips. She was intensely staring at him. I never knew that I would feel this way for somebody, she said to herself.

She leaned in closer and peck him softly on the lips. She sighed in relief when his sleep wasn't disturbed with her kiss. She continued to watch him as she intertwined her fingers with his free hand.



They looked into each others eyes once they had broke away from the kiss. They were panting a little as they were still in each others embrace. He leaned in closer until their foreheads meet. He shut his eyes as he heaved a deep breath.

"I am yours, forever," he whispered to her. Her heart started to beat faster upon hearing his words. She felt her blood rushing through her veins. "I'll do whatever as you say," he continued, still leaning against her. She was over taken by the adrenaline that was flowing through her.

"Kiss me," she whispered back to him. She was well aware of what she had just said and she wanted it. With a smirk on his face, he brought her closer and his lips landed on hers. They kissed for the second time, passionately. Enjoying every moment of it. They felt as if the whole world had stopped and there were just the two of them, alone and together.

They were startled from the kiss when they heard a giggle. They turned to see who it was, only to find Sehun being stared down by the rest of the pack. They were giving him a series of death glares as he slump in his seat.

"Oops," escaped from his mouth, as he smile sheepishly. "Yah! Why did you do that ? You'd just ruin the moment," Luhan slapped the back of his head. He yelped in pain. "Yah! Sorry. You didn't have to hit so hard. My head is really sensitive," he exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head. "At least a part of you is," he replied mockingly. The rest of them just rolled their eyes.

She chuckled at the scene that was playing in front of her. She turned to see Kai looking down at her. He still had his arms wrapped around her. She felt herself drowning in his gaze. His stare was so deep. She snapped out of her trance. Her eyes wandered around when she heard someone calling him from behind.

"Kai!" they all stopped and turned to see the source. She looked over his shoulder and saw a tall young man walking towards them. Or running, to be precise. Kai had turned to see who it was and beamed at the sight of him. "Hyung!" he exclaimed as they both crashed into an aggresive hug. She watched them with a slightly widen eyes.

"It's good to have you back," the man patted him on the back. They had finally broke away from the hug. "What happened to you ? I was worried sick," he shook his shoulder. Kai just snickered at him. Suddenly, his eyes had landed on her who was standing behind him. Kai saw his gaze and turned to see what he was looking at. A smile appeared on his face as he held out his hand for her to grab. Without hesitation, she took it and stood beside him. She clung on him as she watched the man standing in front of her.

"Hyung, I'd like you to meet Raina. Raina, this is Kris. He's EXO's second in command," he introduced them to one another. "It's nice to meet you," she smiled nervously at him. To her surprise, he returned the smile. He bowed and took her hand. She stiffened by his action. "The pleasure is all mine, Raina," he kissed the back of her hand. She blushed a little. Kai felt himself tensed. He quickly pulled her back and hid her behind him. He looked at Kris and gave him a how-dare-you-touched-her look. Kris noticed it but couldn't help but just smirk at him.


They were in the dining tent, having dinner. It was quite loud since they were bickering and talking loudly with each other. Sehun was fighting with Tao on who should get the last chicken leg as Luhan and Chen tried to break them up.

"Yah! You've already eaten three. Let me have it," Tao yelled. "No way. I got it first," Sehun yelled back. "Yah! Enough already. Can't you see that we have a guest. Where's your manners ?" Chen snapped. "He started it," Sehun exclaimed. "No, you did," Tao fought back. They were getting louder until Kris finally stood up and took the chicken leg from their grasp. He finished the whole leg in one bite and placed the bone on his plate, satisfied.

"Yah! Hyung, that's not fair," Tao whined. "Well, maybe you should think about being fair once you two learn some manners," Kris shot death glares at both of them. They looked at each other and hung their head low in defeat. Kris leaned back in his chair, nodding his head in triumph.

The atmosphere had finally quiet down until someone broke the silence. "So, Raina. I hear that your father is throwing a birthday party along with your initiation night ?" Eric asked her as he took a sip from his wine goblet.

"Oh, yes. How did you know ?" she was surprised. She only found out about it from Stella earlier that day. "Rumours spread fast when it comes to this kind of occation. Plus, your father had already invited us along with a few other close friends of your family. I, for one, am looking forward to it," he said with a grin.

Well, that explains it, she thought to herself. She was actually really excited about it. Especially now that she knows that Kai is going to be there. I wonder what he would look like in a suit, she grin at the thought of him wearing a suit. She snapped out of the thought when she heard someone clearing his throat.

"Well, it's getting late. Why don't you stay here for the night. It gets a little dangerous out there at this time of hour. And after what had happened to Kai the other day, I won't take any risk," he said sternly as he grip Kai's shoulder. They all nodded their heads. He shifted his gaze to her. "Raina, since we don't have a spare tent for you, I suppose you could stay in Kai's," he said casually.

Tao and Sehun was already giggling like idiots, the rest of them had smirks plastered on their faces, Kris kept his expression neutral but Kai's expression was as calm as ever as he took a sip from his goblet.  She felt herself blushed a little at the thought of her sharing a tent with him. What am I going to do ? she mentally slapped herself. "O~Okay," she stuttered.


She was already in his tent which is next to his father's. She bid them goodnight before entering the tent. She sat on his bed, feeling nervous. Why would I feel nervous ? It's just a sleepover. It's not like I haven't slept on the same bed with him before. Besides, there's nothing wrong with it. Is there ? she thought to herself. She was practically mentally slapping herself, repeatedly. Kai wasn't there yet. He went into his father's tent to grab a few things. She was playing with her lockette and didn't even realize that he had walked in.

"What are you doing ?" he asked her. She jumped and almost shrieked. "You scared me," she exclaimed. He chuckled as he walked over. He brought in an extra pillow and a blanket in his hands. "Sorry. Whatcha got there ?" he asked her again as he set the pillow and the blanket down. She didn't answer him. She just raised the lockette a little for him to see.

"It's my lockette," she told him, still keeping her eyes on the lockette. "It's pretty," he said as he settled down next to her. "May I ?" he held out his hand. She shrugged and handed her lockette to him. He flicked it open and brought it closer to his face. "Is that you ?" he pointed at the little baby with his lips curved upwards into a grin.

"Yup. That's me and my parents," she smiled shyly. He chuckled at how cute she was when she was a baby. She felt herself blushed even more. Then, he noticed the writings that was carved on the side. "What does this say ?" he asked her. She leaned in closer to see it. "Love is forever," she said. "What does it mean ?" he was curious. She furrowed her brows and thought about it, but to be honest even she didn't understand what it means. "I'm not really sure yet. My mother gave it to me when I was still little. I didn't understand a lot of things back then," she admitted.

He turned to face her and almost flinched. She was sitting so close to him that he could feel her breath against him. She turned and felt the same thing. They were so close that their noses almost brushed each other. He was staring at her until his eyes had landed on her lips. His heart was beating fast. He leaned in closer as his hand slowly circled her waist. He pulled back when he felt her stiffened. He let out a sigh and hung his head low.

"It's late. You should get some sleep," he said to her. He handed her lockette back and stood up. He kissed her on the forehead and went over to sleep on the couch. She was disapointed with herself. Why did I do that ? she mentally facepalmed and cursed herself. She looked over her shoulder and saw that Kai was already laying on the couch with his eyes shut. How could he sleep there without having his back ache ? she asked herself.

"Kai ?" she called out to him. "Hmm ?" he hummed with his eyes still closed. She cleared before she continued. "You're going to wake up with a backache if you sleep there," she told him. He abruptly sat up and looked straight into her eyes. His face was unreadable.

He stood up and walked over to her. He bend down a little and leaned in closer to her. Almost instantly, she leaned herself back away from him with her hands behind her back for support. His face was so closed to hers. Her heart started pounding against her chest. "What do you have in mind ?" his voice had melted her. She gulped a few times when she saw a smirk curved on his lips. Oh, dear God, she thought. She prayed that he wasn't able to hear her heart beating faster.

"N~Nothing," she stuttered. He raised an eyebrow and the smirk had never left his lips. "I just thought that since the bed is big enough for the both of us and technically this is your tent, I thought we should just share it," she stated. She tried to keep her expression as calm as possible. He was still staring at her and her arms were getting numb from the support.

"Okay," he said as he straighten his posture. He walked over to the other side and casually laid down facing the other way. She let a sigh of relief as she followed him suit. She laid her head on the pillow gently as she pulled the blanket up to her chin. She, too, was facing the other way. Her heart was still pounding fast.

"Goodnight," she said to him in a low voice. "Goodnight, Raina," he replied. She finally felt herself relaxed and soon drifted off to sleep.





Oooooo... Kai is being a naughty wolf and Raina kept getting herself off guard. haha.... even i'm blushing right now. hehe...

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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D