
Spells And Claws



I was running but I wasn't sure why I was in the first place. I just felt like I needed to. Like my life was depending on it. I was in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing around me. Absolutely nothing. Emptiness. Quiet. It was quiet. Too quiet that it felt like it was deafening. I could hear my own heart beat and my rapid breathing. I didn't know where I was going or where I was suppose to go.

My heart was pumping hot blood through my veins. My adrenaline has exceeded its max. I was panting uncontrolably and my legs were getting tired. I swear that they were bleeding because I felt a stinging pain shot through me everytime my heels hit the ground. Just when I thought that it couldn't get any worse, I stopped.

I didn't want to stop but somehow I felt like my legs were stuck to the ground as if they were secured by invisible chains. I couldn't move. All of a sudden I felt paralyzed. I felt my muscles stiffen in the most uncomfortable way. I kept telling myself to move but my body was not responding.

Soon, I felt something icy cold lingering on my feet. Panicked. I looked down and in air when I saw my feet disappearing into darkness. Yes. Darkness. It was black. No. It was darker then black. It was pitch black. It made its way up till it reaches just above my waist.

I wanted to scream from the freezing oblivion but there was no sound coming out of my mouth. It was already reaching up to my chest when I saw a hand in front of me. I looked up but I couldn't see who it was. It was offering me salvation but I hesitated. I didn't understand why but I had a feeling that it was a trick.

I heard my instincts telling me that I shouldn't be reaching out to it. I felt like I would rather be engulfed by the darkness than to seek for its favour. Ignoring the aid of whoever that hand belongs to, I let myself drown into the dark icy hole. Leaving behind a scream that had finally made its way out of my throat along with a tear that had trickled down my cheek.



I woke up with a rough gasped that was forced by my lungs and almost choked on it. I was panting as if I had just ran a marathon. My eyes were wandering wild scanning my environment. I relaxed a little bit when I recognised the place as my chamber. I brought my hand up to my throbbing temple, giving pressure to it.

My hair was wet from all the sweating. I rubbed my fingers in circular motion on each side of my temples. Giving extra pressure on it from time to time. I kicked the covers off of me and headed towards my bathroom. I went over to the sink and splashed my face with the cooling water.

I lifted my face up to look at my reflection in the mirror. My face was pale, my hair was a complete mess and my eyes had dark cicles around it. Feeling a little disgusted, I looked down from the mirror. I closed my eyes and clutched my fist over my chest with my other hand giving a tight grip on the sink.

My heart was racing at an unnatural rate and my head was still throbbing. I've been having nightmares like that since the birthday party but I didn't want to tell anyone about it. At first I thought that I was just nervous about the whole protecting-the-land thing. But now I'm thinking otherwise since I've been waking up panting and sweating from the same dream almost everynight.

I'm still trying to figure out what it meant. Me, running from who knows what. Then, being into oblivion and a hand that offered me salvation. I don't know what it is but there was something about that hand that screams bad news. It seemed like any normal hand at first but the more I looked at it I just felt like something was wrong.

Like if I accepted it, it would only be worse than letting myself drown into the dark. It's been a week and a half since the party and that's how long I've been having sleepless nights. I just couldn't think of a way to think this through. I'm not sure what was wrong with me. I mean physically, I felt fine. Healthy even. But mentally, I just felt like I would collapse at any moment and not having the slightest chance of waking up. I just felt so drained.

I heaved a long sigh. I didn't even realized that I was holding my breath the entire time. I walked back into the room and climbed back into bed. I curled myself and pulled the covers up to my chin. Although I was sweating but I still felt so cold even with the layers covering me.

I was afraid to fall asleep again but I was so tired and I didn't have the strenght to stay awake for another second. Soon, I found myself slowly drifting away and I kept praying that I wouldn't be having that nightmare again. But not everything is in our grasp.



"Raina. You okay ?" Stella nudged me after seeing me yawned for the umpteenth time today. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine," I shook my head. "You sure ? We can cancel today's training if you want to get some rest," she eyed me suspiciously. I abruptly shook my head and waved my hand.

"No no. It's fine. I'm fine. I can still manage. What are we learning today anyway ?". We were standing in the middle of an open field. This was a first. Not that I mind or anything but it's still a little weird because I'm used to train in the hall back at the castle. This was a big change for me.

"We are learnig the four elements. Earth, air, fire and water. And I brought reinforcements for the occasion," she smiled. I furrowed my brows at her. "Reinforcements ? Since when do we have reinforcements ?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Since now," a deep and husky voice came from behind me. I jumped a little in surprise and turned to see who it was. "How do you do, Princess," Chanyeol bowed once he had stood in front of me. I looked behind him and saw them walking towards us.

"What a drama queen," Baekhyun . He finally straighten up and glared at his friend. "Well, excuse me for trying to be polite in the presence of Her Highness," he exclaimed. I held back a laugh when he said the 'Her Highness' part. I wasn't sure why but he made it sound so weird for some reason.

"Her Highness ? Really, Chanyeol ? Really ? You made it sound as if you were mocking her instead of praising her," Chen interupted. Chanyeol was about to protest but he was cut off. "Alright, guys. That's enough. We're not here to have an argument about who's the better joker," Suho said sternly.

Chanyeol raised his hands in the air in surrender while Chen and Baekhyun just rolled their eyes at him. I let out a little giggle at the scene and was startled when I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Hey," he whispered into my ears. I glanced over my shoulder and was greeted by Kai's smiling face. "Hey," I smiled back at him. But then his smile suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "What ?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You look tired," he simply replied. I could hear the concern in his tone. I quickly looked away and loosen his grip around my waist. He held me by the shoulder and gently spun me around so that he could see me better. I kept my head down, not wanting him to see me like this but he tucked his hand under my chin and lifted my face so that he could see me.

"Hey. What's wrong ? Are you sick ?" he asked. I chewed on the inside of my cheeks as I tried to come up with a lie. I wished I didn't have to but I didn't want him to know about the nightmares either. "I'm fine. I just happen to stayed up late last night looking through some grimoires. You know. Being the new Guardian and all. It's nothing really," I lied.

I felt so guilty that I had to do it and his gaze isn't making me feel any better either. I don't think you should know about it, Kai. This is something that I have to deal with on my own. I'm sorry, I thought to myself. I just hate lying to people. I hate the guilt.

He looked me in the eyes as if he was looking for confirmations with his hand caressing my cheek. Then, he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. "Don't overwork yourself," he said against my skin. I smiled and nodded my head. He kissed me on the forehead again before he took a step back.



"Okay. Raina. I need you to stand in the circle," she pointed at this big circle that she drew on the ground. I step in and waited for her next instructions. Then, she asked Chanyeol to stand on my right side, D.O. on my left, Suho infront of me and Sehun behind me.

"Now, since each of them have mastered the four elements, they will be perfect in teaching you on how to control it. We will start off with water. Suho ?" she gestured her hand for him to begin. He nodded his head in return.

"For water, you have to think flexibily. Picture the river flowing," he said. He brought his hands infront of him and form water in between them. I followed his actions and succeeded. Next, it was earth. Earth is about strenght. I almost cause the ground to rumble at that attempt but I was able to manage it.

Wind was fun. I just pictured the breeze that I felt when I went on a ride with Magnus. I like to go fast. Fire was a little tricky. However, it was by far my favourite. I've always love the bright and warm colour that it gives out. The perfect blend of red, orange and yellow. It gives out this lively feeling.

I was now juggling the four elements in my hands. "Good, Raina. You're doing great," she praised me. But I knew that I could do better. So I formed the elements into large discs that circulate around me. I felt myself hovering in mid air. They all took a few steps back and watched me in bewilderment.

I could tell that it was getting stronger because I could feel a rush of energy flowing inside of me. It was nothing that I had ever felt before. The discs were moving rapidly and I started to lose control of it. I tried to slow it down but I just couldn't. It was as if they had a mind of their own.

"Raina ! You need to stop !" Stella yelled out. The circulation was blowing a rough gush of wind at every direction. They brought their hands in front of them to shield themselves from the strong wind and bright light.

"I can't !" I yelled back. It was too loud. I couldn't even hear myself think. "What do you mean you can't ?! Raina ! Just turn it off !" she said. I was battling with myself trying to stop it but I just can't. Kai step in a little closer but at a safe distance.

"Raina ! Calm down ! Try to slow it down !" he yelled. "I'm trying. It won't budge !" I replied. I started to panic. This has never happened before. I never lost control of my powers. Something's wrong.

I could feel something growing inside of me. It was something powerful. But it wasn't mine. It wasn't my powers. It was dark. It felt evil. And it was fighting its way out. I tried to hold it back but it was stronger than I am. Afterwards, I felt myself paralyzed. It felt like the life had been out of me.

I couldn't move a muscle. I felt numb all over. I heard them screaming my name but I couldn't respond to them. The last thing I remembered was a pair of hands catching me before I could hit the hard ground. Then, I blackout. Letting the oblivion take over.






Are you guys at the edge of your seats ? This thing just keeps getting better and better.



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i'm going to be on hiatus for awhile so the updates will be delayed. sorry readers. but don't be too upset. i have great plots up ahead so anticipate it.


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Chapter 28: Pls updateeee is nice story!!!!!
exolover22345 #2
Chapter 24: For some reason I feel as l is planning something evil to use her from her magic or they are taking over her body so she gets isolated
Chapter 20: WOAHHHHH, finally an update :) Does it means that you are back from the hiatus author-nim? :)
I hope so;)
I really liked the update!!! At first I was so lost with the fire and that creature and everything.
So L is the only one who can turn Raina back. That's really interesting!
So that's mean more jealously from KaixDD
Thank you for the update:)
I can't wait for the next one:)
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 18: UWA! Exciting~~ :D Me want moreeee~~ Good job author-nim! :)
Chapter 18: I told you L is playing a big role in this!
exotics_aileean #6
seriously though.
Chapter 16: mind blowing kiss, that's all we ever want from Kai don't we? hahaha nice chapter as always ;) And why do I feel like L is going to play a big role in this? hmmm
Chapter 14: ohhhhh now Kris wants her? but yeahhh come to think of it, kris saw her first!
afiercesong #10
Really excited to read this!! :D